The Japanese high seas salmon mothership fishery in the North Pacific Ocean: The economic implications of a loss of INPFC constraints
In: Technical Memorandum, NMFS F/AKR-1
41 Ergebnisse
In: Technical Memorandum, NMFS F/AKR-1
World Affairs Online
Introduction Sexting has attracted the interest of researchers, media, and public opinion, but its definition still does not reach consensus. This gap may lead to diverging prevention messages. This study investigated the opinions of adolescents on a set of sexting-related preventive measures. Methods In 2018, 48 adolescents (27 females) aged 13 to 18 years participated in the study. To assess opinions of adolescents on sexting-related prevention, we conducted a Q-methodology study, a mixed methods research, in Lausanne (Canton of Vaud, Switzerland). The final Q-set constituted 58 statements reflecting a wide range of key messages, key actors, and materials. Each participant was asked to rank-order the 58 cards using a grid ranging from - 5 (completely disagree) to + 5 (completely agree). Results Five different profiles of considering sexting-related prevention were identified: Focus on consequences, sex education, and testimonies, focus on guidelines, focus on training/information, and peer prevention. The typical scenario used in many prevention campaigns illustrating a girl who is victim of a non-consensual sharing perpetrated by a boy was not appreciated. The topic of the Internet was not considered an appropriate gateway to discuss sexting. Pressure and bullying issues as topics to discuss in a sexting-related prevention were the most consensual statements. Conclusions This study highlighted the need to offer a multi-disciplinary, multi-resource and multi-concept approach in sexting-related prevention. Broader values such as respect and consent must be integrated. Consensual sexting must be clearly differentiated from non-consensual dissemination. Policy implications and future directions, including prevention strategies, are discussed.
In order to assess the risk of malaria transmission to which populations are exposed in a time of war in besieged areas, studies were conducted between April and June, 2008, in a district of Bouaké, a town in the humid savannah of the central Ivory Coast. This study's objective was to describe the malaria situation in an urban environment during a period of military crisis. Data were gathered from personal interviews with heads of households and direct observations. Analysis of our results has made it possible to assess the various sources of mosquito proliferation, especially anopheles malaria vectors. The presence of anopheles is associated with two factors: kennedy's natural environment; and the deterioration of the surroundings caused by war. Indeed, the principal breeding sites encountered in kennedy are mainly comprised of vegetable and rice plots in the low land; puddles of water in the cracks resulting from damaged roads; and ruined or abandoned dwellings. The wide array of anopheles breeding sites and the deterioration of the environment are all factors which increase the risk of malaria transmission in Kennedy, where most inhabitants do not protect themselves against mosquito bites.
In: The Journal of sex research, Band 57, Heft 2, S. 166-176
ISSN: 1559-8519
In: Tidsskrift for psykisk helsearbeid, Band 12, Heft 3, S. 261-264
ISSN: 1504-3010
In: Aktuelle Dermatologie: Organ der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dermatologische Onkologie ; Organ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Lichtforschung, Band 49, Heft 6, S. 265-267
ISSN: 1438-938X
ZusammenfassungDas primär kutane periphere T-Zell-Lymphom, nicht weiter spezifiziert (pcPTCL-NOS), ist eine seltene, zügig fortschreitende, maligne Erkrankung, die sich in schnell wachsenden Plaques oder Knoten manifestiert. Hier berichten wir über den Fall einer 42-jährigen Patientin, bei der nach histologischem Nachweis des pcPTCL-NOS trotz relativ niedriger prozentualer Expression von CD30-Antigen ein erfolgreicher therapeutischer Einsatz von Brentuximab Vedotin erfolgte. Nach 6 Wochen gab es eine rasche Besserung des Hautbefundes. Neben einer therapiebedingten Grad-1-Neuropathie an den Akren war Brentuximab Vedotin sehr gut verträglich.
In: The international journal of social psychiatry, Band 70, Heft 3, S. 415-423
ISSN: 1741-2854
Background: Suicidal attempt is a significant risk factor for future attempts, with the highest risk during the first-year post-suicide. Telepsychiatry has shown promise by providing easy access to evidence-based interventions during mental health crises. Aims: investigation the effectiveness of telehealth interventions in suicide prevention Methods: Four electronic databases (PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Ovid) were systematically searched for studies on patients undergoing telepsychiatry intervention (TPI) up to June 2022. Following PRISMA guidelines, a systematic review and meta-analysis were conducted to investigate the effectiveness of telehealth interventions in suicide prevention. Continuous data were pooled as standardised mean difference (SMD), and dichotomous data were pooled as risk ratio using the random effects model with the corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CI). Results: Sixteen studies were included in the review. Most studies were case-control and randomised controlled trials conducted in Europe and North America. The findings of the studies generally showed that TPIs are effective in reducing suicide rates (odds ratio = 0.68; 95% CI [−0.47, 0.98], p = .04) and suicidal reattempts. The interventions were also found to be well-accepted, with high retention rates. Conclusion: Our results suggest that TPIs are well-accepted and effective in reducing suicide rates and reattempts. It is recommended to maintain telephone follow-ups for at least 12 months. Further research is needed to understand the potential of telepsychiatry in suicide prevention fully.
Background: In Australia, higher rates of chronic hepatitis B (HBsAg) have been reported among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (Indigenous) compared with non-Indigenous people. In 2000, the Australian government implemented a universal infant/adolescent hepatitis B vaccination program. We undertook a systematic review and meta-analysis to assess the disparity of HBsAg prevalence between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people, particularly since 2000.Methods: We searched Medline, Embase and public health bulletins up to March 2011. We used meta-analysis methods to estimate HBsAg prevalence by Indigenous status and time period (before and since 2000).Results: There were 15 HBsAg prevalence estimates (from 12 studies) among Indigenous and non-Indigenous people; adults and pregnant women (n = 9), adolescents (n = 3), prisoners (n = 2), and infants (n = 1). Of these, only one subgroup (adults/pregnant women) involved studies before and since 2000 and formed the basis of the meta-analysis. Before 2000, the pooled HBsAg prevalence estimate was 6.47% (95% CI: 4.56-8.39); 16.72% (95%CI: 7.38-26.06) among Indigenous and 0.36% (95%CI:-0.14-0.86) in non-Indigenous adults/pregnant women. Since 2000, the pooled HBsAg prevalence was 2.25% (95% CI: 1.26-3.23); 3.96% (95%CI: 3.15-4.77) among Indigenous and 0.90% (95% CI: 0.53-1.28) in non-Indigenous adults/pregnant women.Conclusions: The disparity of HBsAg prevalence between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people has decreased over time; particularly since the HBV vaccination program in 2000. However HBsAg prevalence remains four times higher among Indigenous compared with non-Indigenous people. The findings highlight the need for opportunistic HBV screening of Indigenous people to identify people who would benefit from vaccination or treatment. © 2013 Graham et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
In: Aktuelle Dermatologie: Organ der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dermatologische Onkologie ; Organ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Lichtforschung, Band 45, Heft 8/09, S. 373-376
ISSN: 1438-938X
ZusammenfassungEin Patient wurde unter der Diagnose einer Paronychie und Onychomykose des Mittelfingers rechts ohne mykologischen Pilznachweis langfristig topisch und systemisch antimykotisch behandelt. Bei Therapieresistenz erfolgte nach Vorstellung bei einem anderen Hautarzt eine Hautbiopsie, die ein akrolentiginöses malignes Melanom ergab, das unter Teilamputation des Fingers operativ versorgt werden musste. Nach Facharztstandard war die Verzögerung der letztlich zielführenden Diagnostik als Behandlungsfehler zu bewerten. Unklare entzündliche Veränderungen oder Tumoren an den Akren sollten immer zur Differenzialdiagnose eines akrolentiginösen malignen Melanoms veranlassen, auch wenn prima vista viel häufigere Erkrankungen wie eine Onychomykose oder Verrucae vulgares wahrscheinlicher sind. Spätestens bei Nichtansprechen einer eingeleiteten Therapie sollte die Diagnose kritisch überprüft und ggf. eine dermatohistologische Befundsicherung durchgeführt werden.
Introduction Youths are particularly at risk of experiencing sexual victimization but research tends to focus on the most violent forms (i.e. rape or child sexual abuse) and on female cases. This study aimed at identifying factors associated to different types of unwanted sexual experiences (USE) among young females and males as well as estimating probabilities of experiencing sexual victimization among gender. Methods Data were drawn from a cross-sectional survey on sexual health and behaviors using a nationally representative sample of youths aged 24–26 living in Switzerland. Respondents (N = 5290) were divided in three categories of reported USE, ordered by conceptualized severity. The fourth group was constituted of those never having experienced any. Weighted bivariate and multivariate analyses were performed using demographic characteristics and risk behavior indicators. Results At the multivariate level, the higher the severity of USE, the higher the number of associated factors, revealing the complexity of this issue. Females had a higher probability of experiencing sexual victimization than of never experiencing any, with a probability of two out of three. They faced higher probabilities of sexual victimization than males, although males' probability of USE were not as marginal as expected, further considering that they are found to face higher rates of non-disclosure than females. Conclusion USE is a complex issue, and the level of complexity increases in parallel with its severity. Although it is much more frequent among females, males report highers rates than expected.
Freshwater, aquaculture, fisheries, biodiversity, forests, and agricultural land have high economic and social value throughout the Africa, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) region; but they can also be over‐exploited, with damaging consequences for local economies, long term stability and for the Earth system as a whole – especially the climate system. The ACP's fast growing population puts growing pressure on the environment to provide food, water and fibre, on the regions' urban centres and transport networks, and on energy sources. Information on the location, condition and evolution of resources is an important step towards sustainability, but unfortunately such information can be hard to get. Earth observing satellite technology combined with geographical information management can help fill the information gap. In this objective, and because of its unique position to support the implementation of advanced interoperable geospatial technologies, the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission (EC) is setting‐up of an "Observatory for sustainable development" as single portal to support decision‐making for development in the fields of natural resource and food security. The African Union and European Union recognise the importance of this service and are beginning to develop this capacity as part of the AU EU joint strategic partnership. This paper describes the needs, and presents the first steps taken by the JRC and by the joint partnership in harnessing space technologies to help meet Millennium Development Goals, in particular eradication of poverty, and environmental sustainability. Santrauka Gėlasis vanduo, akvakultūra, žuvininkystė, biologinė įvairovė, miškų ir žemės ūkio paskirties žemė turi didėlę ekonominę ir socialinę vertę visoje Afrikoje, Karibų ir Ramiojo vandenyno (AKR) valstybių regione, bet šie veiksniai gali būti per daug eksploatuojami ir tureti žalingų padarinių vietinei ekonomikai, ilgalaikiam stabilumui ir visai Žemės sistemai, ypač klimato sistemai. Dėl greitai augančio AKR gyventojų skaičiaus regionų miestų centruose transporto tinklų ir energijos šaltinių vietose dideja aplinkos naudojimo mastas, siekiant gyventojus aprūpinti maistu, vandeniu ir lasteliena. Informacija apie vietoves išteklius, išteklių būklę ir raidą yra svarbus žingsnis siekiant darnos, bet, dėja, tokia informacija sunku surinkti. Žemės stebejimo palydovais technologija, sujungta su geografines informacijos valdymu, gali padėti užpildyti šios informacijos spragą. Dėl šio tikslo ir dėl unikalios padėties, siekiant diegti pažangias tarpusavyje saveikaujančias geoerdvines technologijas, Europos Komisijos (EK) jungtinis tyrimu centras (JTC) yra įkūręs Darnaus vystymosi observatorijas kaip viena portalą, kad palaikytų sprendimų priemimo plėtote gamtinių išteklių ir maisto saugumo srityse. Afrikos Sąjunga (AS) ir Europos Sąjunga (ES) pripažįsta šios paslaugos svarbą ir pradėjo plėtoti šiuos pajėgumus kaip dali strateginės AS ir ES partnerystės. Straipsnyje pristatomi pirmieji žingsniai, žengti AKR valstybių, plėtojant jungtinę partnerystę kosminių technologijų srityje, siekiant spręsti tūkstantmečio tikslus – mažinti skurdą ir tobulinti darnų aplinkos vystymą. First published online: 10 Feb 2011 Reikšminiai žodžiai:gamtos išteklių valdymas,nuotolinis stebėjimas,kosminis,stebėjimas,žemės stebėjimas,geografines informacijos valdymas,darnus vystymasis,Afrika,AKR
Freshwater, aquaculture, fisheries, biodiversity, forests, and agricultural land have high economic and social value throughout the Africa, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) region; but they can also be over‐exploited, with damaging consequences for local economies, long term stability and for the Earth system as a whole – especially the climate system. The ACP's fast growing population puts growing pressure on the environment to provide food, water and fibre, on the regions' urban centres and transport networks, and on energy sources. Information on the location, condition and evolution of resources is an important step towards sustainability, but unfortunately such information can be hard to get. Earth observing satellite technology combined with geographical information management can help fill the information gap. In this objective, and because of its unique position to support the implementation of advanced interoperable geospatial technologies, the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission (EC) is setting‐up of an "Observatory for sustainable development" as single portal to support decision‐making for development in the fields of natural resource and food security. The African Union and European Union recognise the importance of this service and are beginning to develop this capacity as part of the AU EU joint strategic partnership. This paper describes the needs, and presents the first steps taken by the JRC and by the joint partnership in harnessing space technologies to help meet Millennium Development Goals, in particular eradication of poverty, and environmental sustainability. Article in English. Darnus vystymasis besivystančiose šalyse: Afrikos, Karibų ir Ramiojo vandenyno valstybių apžvalga Santrauka.Gėlasis vanduo, akvakultūra, žuvininkystė, biologinė įvairovė, miškų ir žemės ūkio paskirties žemė turi didėlę ekonominę ir socialinę vertę visoje Afrikoje, Karibų ir Ramiojo vandenyno (AKR) valstybių regione, bet šie veiksniai gali būti per daug eksploatuojami ir tureti žalingų padarinių vietinei ekonomikai, ilgalaikiam stabilumui ir visai Žemės sistemai, ypač klimato sistemai. Dėl greitai augančio AKR gyventojų skaičiaus regionų miestų centruose transporto tinklų ir energijos šaltinių vietose dideja aplinkos naudojimo mastas, siekiant gyventojus aprūpinti maistu, vandeniu ir lasteliena. Informacija apie vietoves išteklius, išteklių būklę ir raidą yra svarbus žingsnis siekiant darnos, bet, dėja, tokia informacija sunku surinkti. Žemės stebejimo palydovais technologija, sujungta su geografines informacijos valdymu, gali padėti užpildyti šios informacijos spragą. Dėl šio tikslo ir dėl unikalios padėties, siekiant diegti pažangias tarpusavyje saveikaujančias geoerdvines technologijas, Europos Komisijos (EK) jungtinis tyrimu centras (JTC) yra įkūręs Darnaus vystymosi observatorijas kaip viena portalą, kad palaikytų sprendimų priemimo plėtote gamtinių išteklių ir maisto saugumo srityse. Afrikos Sąjunga (AS) ir Europos Sąjunga (ES) pripažįsta šios paslaugos svarbą ir pradėjo plėtoti šiuos pajėgumus kaip dali strateginės AS ir ES partnerystės. Straipsnyje pristatomi pirmieji žingsniai, žengti AKR valstybių, plėtojant jungtinę partnerystę kosminių technologijų srityje, siekiant spręsti tūkstantmečio tikslus – mažinti skurdą ir tobulinti darnų aplinkos vystymą. Reikšminiai žodžiai:gamtos išteklių valdymas,nuotolinis stebėjimas,kosminis,stebėjimas,žemės stebėjimas,geografines informacijos valdymas,darnus vystymasis,Afrika,AKR. First published online: 10 Feb 2011
Abstract Background In Australia, higher rates of chronic hepatitis B (HBsAg) have been reported among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (Indigenous) compared with non-Indigenous people. In 2000, the Australian government implemented a universal infant/adolescent hepatitis B vaccination program. We undertook a systematic review and meta-analysis to assess the disparity of HBsAg prevalence between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people, particularly since 2000. Methods We searched Medline, Embase and public health bulletins up to March 2011. We used meta-analysis methods to estimate HBsAg prevalence by Indigenous status and time period (before and since 2000). Results There were 15 HBsAg prevalence estimates (from 12 studies) among Indigenous and non-Indigenous people; adults and pregnant women (n = 9), adolescents (n = 3), prisoners (n = 2), and infants (n = 1). Of these, only one subgroup (adults/pregnant women) involved studies before and since 2000 and formed the basis of the meta-analysis. Before 2000, the pooled HBsAg prevalence estimate was 6.47% (95% CI: 4.56-8.39); 16.72% (95%CI: 7.38-26.06) among Indigenous and 0.36% (95%CI:-0.14-0.86) in non-Indigenous adults/pregnant women. Since 2000, the pooled HBsAg prevalence was 2.25% (95% CI: 1.26-3.23); 3.96% (95%CI: 3.15-4.77) among Indigenous and 0.90% (95% CI: 0.53-1.28) in non-Indigenous adults/pregnant women. Conclusions The disparity of HBsAg prevalence between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people has decreased over time; particularly since the HBV vaccination program in 2000. However HBsAg prevalence remains four times higher among Indigenous compared with non-Indigenous people. The findings highlight the need for opportunistic HBV screening of Indigenous people to identify people who would benefit from vaccination or treatment.
In: Springer eBook Collection
I. Die Entwicklung 1990 im Überblick -- Beziehungen Bundesrepublik Deutschland — Nahost 1990 -- Die politische Entwicklung 1990 im Überblick -- Die ökonomische Entwicklung 1990 im Überblick -- Gesamtchronologie Nahost 1990 -- II. Landerbeiträge/Organisationen -- Ägypten -- Afghanistan -- Algerien -- Golfstaaten (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, VAE) -- Irak -- Iran -- Israel -- Jemen -- Jordanien -- Libanon -- Libyen -- Marokko -- Mauretanien -- Pakistan -- Saudi-Arabien -- Sudan -- Syrien -- Türkei -- Tunesien -- Westsahara -- PLO -- Regionalorganisationen (AL, AKR, AMU, GKR, OIK, OPEC) -- III. Konflikte und gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen -- Die Krise um Kuwait -- Aspekte der Proliferation von Massenvernichtungswaffen -- Außenpolitische Aspekte der jemenitischen Vereinigung -- Pluralisierung von Interessengruppen im Maghreb -- Parlamentarismus und Wahlen im Nahen Osten -- Dokumente/Dokumentennachweise -- Auswahlbibliographie.
This study examines organic rice contract farming inCambodiaand its impact on farmers' livelihood. The study's objective is to gain a better insight of the terms and conditions of rice contract farming scheme inCambodia, and determine under what conditions contract farming could bring improvements to farmers' livelihoods. This study contributes new research findings on contract farming practices and farmers' livelihood due to organic-rice contract farming with a case study in Kampong Speu province,Cambodia.Rice contract farming is not widespread inCambodiaat present, but is expected to expand significantly in the near future. Contract farming can increase investment into agricultural and infrastructure in rural areas. Contract farming can also enable farmers to access credit, inputs, technical advice and information about market condition and pricing trends. Yet, the disadvantages of contract farming include loss of farmer bargaining power and a potential reduction in profit margins, increased emphasis on improving production quality, land consolidation in favor of participating contract farmers, and less secure livelihoods.In this study, the contract farming arrangements of Angkor Kasekam Rongroeung (AKR) Company is studied. A survey of 16 contract farmers and 20 non-contract farmers in Kampong Speu province has been undertaken to examine the AKR contract farming scheme arrangements and to identify farmer's motivations to participate in contract farming and its impact on farmers' livelihood.AKR rice contract farming improves farmers' livelihood because they get a higher income and rice yields. Higher price, good rice seed, and access to market are the main reasons for farmers to participate in AKR contract farming. However, strict requirements, heavy penalties, poor extension services, and lack of information about the contract terms and conditions reduce farmers' long-term participation in contract farming. In addition, contract farmers have less bargaining power to negotiate with the company due to the absence of a farmer association.Overall, the status of contract farming inCambodiaclearly points to the great potential for its expansion in the future. However, for this to be realized and for the benefits to be shared fairly between companies and the farmers themselves, the study concludes that issues about the role of the government, the regulatory framework, contract enforcement, and the formation of small-scale farmer organizations must all be addressed.