As borders go beyond the ideas received ; La frontière au-delà des idées reçues
brought to the forefront of the media scene in 2015, borders are paradoxical geopolitical objects which everyone believes can give a simple definition. Who knows that our country's longest border is the one it shares with Brazil (730 km)? It is therefore important to question the ideas received on the border, in order to grasp a few clearances to understand how these international boundaries have become essential elements of the redefinition of contemporary political relations at all levels. Perceived as dividing lines, borders are becoming complex devices for sorting globalisation flows rather than binary boundaries between the dewithin and outside the nation and/or the state. ; International audience ; brought to the forefront of the media scene in 2015, borders are paradoxical geopolitical objects which everyone believes can give a simple definition. Who knows that our country's longest border is the one it shares with Brazil (730 km)? It is therefore important to question the ideas received on the border, in order to grasp a few clearances to understand how these international boundaries have become essential elements of the redefinition of contemporary political relations at all levels. Perceived as dividing lines, borders are becoming complex devices for sorting globalisation flows rather than binary boundaries between the dewithin and outside the nation and/or the state. ; Portées au devant de la scène médiatique en 2015, les frontières constituent des objets géopolitiques paradoxaux dont tout un chacun pense pouvoir en donner une définition simple. Qui sait pourtant que la plus longue frontière de notre pays est celle qu'il partage avec le Brésil (730 km) ? Il importe donc de remettre en cause les idées reçues sur la frontière, afin d'appréhender quelques cléspermettant de comprendre en quoi ces limites internationales sont devenues des éléments essentiels de la redéfinition des rapports politiques contemporains, et ce, à toutes les échelles. Perçues comme des lignes de démarcation, les frontières sont ...