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6411882 Ergebnisse
In: Business analysis essential library
In: The skilled trainer series
In: Springer eBook Collection
This book provides an overview of soical science simulation as a tool for modelling and theory building. It is shown how simulation may be applied to the analysis of social and economic problems using techniques such as multi-agent simulation, cellular automata and multi-level modelling. Particular attention is paid to the sensitivity analysis of model parameters. The book also describes the architecture and user interfaces of several simulation tools. The book is based on an international conference that brought together social scientists and computer scientists engaged in a wide range of simulation approaches. It represents a report on the state of the art in social science simulation
In: International Journal of Engineering Research and Modern Education (IJERME), ISSN (Online): 2455 - 4200, Volume I, Issue I, 2016
In: The Handbook of Public Affairs, S. 109-122
In: Handbook of Research on Software Engineering and Productivity Technologies, S. 226-249
"This book provides a practical understanding of the tools and techniques for planning and controlling projects. It emphasizes the difference between various tools and techniques and determines how these can be applied during different phases of the project lifecycle. This book presents not only an understanding of necessary project management tools and techniques but also videos to demonstrate the concepts. If readers do not have the Microsoft Project software, they can still view the text and videos on the companion website known as the "Library" http://www.tech.uh.edu/projectnmotion/"--
The main objective of this paper is to provide support for the World Bank's task team leaders of PERs that would include a chapter on taxation. It seeks to provide broad guidance for the TTLs to: (a) Lead dialogues with client countries on the scope of the tax chapter in view of Government's on-going and planned reforms of tax policy and/or tax administration; (b) Evaluate the magnitude of data requirements and limitations in the country-specific context; and (c) Establish an appropriate team, particularly consider selection of technical staff or consultant and discuss with the team on scope of the chapter on taxation and suitable analytical tools and techniques to be applied. The paper may also serve as a helpful input on tax components in the preparation of lending operations, in this way supplementing other diagnostic tools. To serve these objectives, the paper aims to presents an overview of major taxes and respective list of data requirements as well as possible sources; tool and techniques in assessing the efficiency, effectiveness and equity in tax policy design (at both national and sub-national levels) and tax administration. In doing so, the authors acknowledge that this is not a straightforward task. No one-size-fits-all approach would exist to covering the revenue chapter, and this is driven by the complexities on the ground in terms of (1) the existing literature, and the mismatch between rigorous application of appropriate tools and techniques on the one hand and data available on the other; (2) existence of or immediate plan for parallel studies on tax revenues (including the IMF TA on tax policy and administration being provided); (3) the country's economic structure, including the factors such as country's abundance of extractive resources or aid dependence; and (4) the government's requests for further support in revenue mobilization (tax policy or administration or both). This paper consists of four parts. The first part discusses major taxes at the national or central level of government with a reference to generally accepted notion or principles of a 'good' tax system. Part two is focused on the major tools and techniques for analysis of the performance of a tax system and of tax expenditures. The discussion of revenue modeling covers different methods, such as GDP based, micro-simulation, national accounts/inputs-outputs tables based and regression analyses. Part three sheds light on subnational government taxation. It covers the revenue issues at both at the regional and local levels. In addition, it introduces a framework on measuring taxing powers at subnational level, with a view to ensure appropriate ground for the fiscal dialog across levels of government. Finally, part four points to potential questions to assist in assessing the strengths and weaknesses in tax administration, drawing on Jit Gill (2000) and the newly developed tax administration diagnostic tool TADAT (2016).
In: Social science computer review: SSCORE, Band 14, Heft 3, S. 269-279
ISSN: 1552-8286
This article reviews recent innovations in software for computer-supported content analysis, focusing on software designed to support quantitative analyses of texts and images. It also reviews recent developments in content analysis theory, recent research on the effectiveness of various coding protocols, and the proliferation of online databases.