The Trihelix family of transcription factors plays an important role in the plant's response to various abiotic stress types. In this work in apple Golden Delicious genome we identified apple gene MD13G1109800 as a member of Triheilx family in silico. Analysis of chromosomal localization showed that it is located on chromosome 13 and has four introns. The hypothetical protein encoded by it has a length of 365 amino acid residues, a molecular weight of 42097.23 Da, an isoelectric point pI = 6.21 and located in the nucleus. Analysis of the promoter region of the MD13G1109800 gene indicates that its product is a member of many signaling pathways triggered by both external and internal factors. The expression level of the MD13G1109800 gene increases under drought, low and high temperatures, as well as salinity in the MM-106 apple rootstock.
11 páginas, 10 figuras, 2 tablas. ; The members of the Snail family of zinc-finger transcription factors have been implicated in the formation of distinct tissues within the developing vertebrate and invertebrate embryo. Two members of this family have been described in higher vertebrates, Snail (Sna) and Slug (Slu), where they have been implicated in the formation of tissues such as the mesoderm and the neural crest. We have isolated the mouse homologue of the Slu gene enabling us to analyse and compare the amino acid sequences and the patterns of expression of both Sna and Slu in the chick and mouse. We have detected features in the sequences that allow the unequivocal ascription of any family member to the Sna or Slu subfamilies and we have observed that, during early stages of development, many of the sites of Slu and Sna expression in the mouse and chick embryo are swapped. Later in development, the sites of expression of Slu and Sna are conserved between these two species. These data, together with the data available in other species, lead us to propose that Slu and Sna arose as a duplication of an ancestor gene and that an extra duplication in the fish lineage has given rise to two Sna genes. Furthermore, several early sites of Slu and Sna expression have been swapped in the avian lineage. Our analysis of the Snail family may also shed new light on the origin of the neural crest. ; This work was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Culture (DGICYT-PM95-0024), the Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid (08.1/0020/97) and the European Union (FMRX-CT96-0065) to M. A. N.; M. S. was also the recipient of a Wellcome Trust Travel fellowship and S. S. is the recipient of a predoctoral fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Culture. ; Peer reviewed
10 páginas.-- 5 figuras.-- 1 tablas.-- referencias.-- The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at: ; A transcriptional synergism between HaHSFA9 (A9) and HaHSFA4a (A4a) contributes to determining longevity and desiccation tolerance of sunflower (Helianthus annuus, L.) seeds. Potential lysine SUMOylation sites were identified in A9 and A4a and mutated to arginine. We show that A9 is SUMOylated in planta at K38. Although we did not directly detect SUMOylated A4a in planta, we provide indirect evidence from transient expression experiments indicating that A4a is SUMOylated at K172. Different combinations of wild type and SUMOylation site mutants of A9 and A4a were analyzed by transient expression in sunflower embryos and leaves. Although most of the precedents in literature link SUMOylation with repression, the A9 and A4a synergism was fully abolished when the mutant forms for both factors were combined. However, the combination of mutant forms of A9 and A4a did not affect the nuclear retention of A4a by A9; therefore, the analyzed mutations would affect the synergism after the mutual interaction and nuclear co-localization of A9 and A4a. Our results suggest a role for HSF SUMOylation during late, zygotic, embryogenesis. The SUMOylation of A9 (or A4a) would allow a crucial, synergic, transcriptional effect that occurs in maturing sunflower seeds ; This work was supported by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) and the Spanish Secretary of Research, Development and Innovation (Grants BIO2011-23440 and BIO2014- 52303-R). Some additional funds came from the Andalusian Regional Government (Grant BIO148). We acknowledge support of the publication fee by the CSIC Open Access Publication Support Initiative through its Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI) ; Peer reviewed
11 páginas, 8 figuras.-- et al. ; Complex genomes utilize insulators andboundary elements to help define spatial and temporal gene expression patterns. We report that a genome-wide B1 SINE (Short Interspersed Nuclear Element) retrotransposon (B1-X35S) has potent intrinsic insulator activity in cultured cells and live animals. This insulation is mediated by binding of the transcription factors dioxin receptor (AHR) and SLUG (SNAI2) to consensus elements present in the SINE. Transcription of B1-X35S is required for insulation. While basal insulator activity is maintained by RNA polymerase (Pol) III transcription, AHRinduced insulation involves release of Pol III and engagement of Pol II transcription on the same strand. B1-X35S insulation is also associated with enrichment of heterochromatin marks H3K9me3 and H3K27me3 downstream of B1-X35S, an effect that varies with cell type. B1-X35S binds parylated CTCF and, consistent with a chromatin barrier activity, its positioning between two adjacent genes correlates with their differential expression in mouse tissues. Hence, B1 SINE retrotransposons represent genome-wide insulators activated by transcription factors that respond to developmental, oncogenic, or toxicological stimuli. ; This work was supported by grants to P.M.F-S. from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) (SAF2008-00462), the Junta de Extremadura (GRU09001), and the Red Temática de Investigación Cooperativa en Cáncer (RTICC) [RD06/0020/1016, Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (FIS), Carlos III Institute, Spanish Ministry of Health]; by Grants to L.M. from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (BFU2006-12185) and MICINN (BIO2009-1297); and by Grants to J.L.G.-S. from the Spanish and Andalusian Governments (BFU2007-60042/BMC, Petri PET2007_0158, Proyecto de Excelencia CVI-3488 and CSD2007-00008). A.C.R. and F.J.G.-R. were supported by the MICINN, and E.M. was supported by CIBERER (ISCIII). All Spanish funding is co-sponsored by the European Union FEDER program. J.V.-A. and R.J.W. were funded by the Wellcome Trust and Cancer Research UK. ; Peer reviewed
Here, we determined the relative importance of different transcriptional mechanisms in the genome-reduced bacterium Mycoplasma pneumoniae, by employing an array of experimental techniques under multiple genetic and environmental perturbations. Of the 143 genes tested (21% of the bacterium's annotated proteins), only 55% showed an altered phenotype, highlighting the robustness of biological systems. We identified nine transcription factors (TFs) and their targets, representing 43% of the genome, and 16 regulators that indirectly affect transcription. Only 20% of transcriptional regulation is mediated by canonical TFs when responding to perturbations. Using a Random Forest, we quantified the non-redundant contribution of different mechanisms such as supercoiling, metabolic control, RNA degradation, and chromosome topology to transcriptional changes. Model-predicted gene changes correlate well with experimental data in 95% of the tested perturbations, explaining up to 70% of the total variance when also considering noise. This analysis highlights the importance of considering non-TF-mediated regulation when engineering bacteria. ; The project was supported by funds from the Fundación Marcelino Botín and the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (BIO2007-61762). This project was financed by Instituto de Salud Carlos III and co-financed by Federación Española de Enfermedades Raras under grant agreement PI10/01702 and the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program, under grant agreements no 634942 (MycoSynVac) and 670216 (MYCOCHASSIS). We acknowledge support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness to the EMBL partnership, Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa.
Тhe mechanisms of differentiation of mesenchimal stem cells into the somatic cells of organs and tissues underlying embryogenesis and natural reparation processes and providing the structural and functional homeostasis of cells are considered. The data on adipogenic, osteogenic, chondrogenic, miogenic, and endothelial differentiations are given, which results in the formation of the cells of mesodermal origin in organism. The problem is discussed, how the transcription factors control each type of differentiation and participatе in them using various regulatory biomolecules, transcription factors, cytokines, and chimokins being in complicate permanent interactions and forming the integrity regulatory network. The participation in differentiation processes of a number of transcription factors (Runx2, Sox9, PPARγ, MyoD, GATA4 и GATA6) is discussed, the expression of which is under a permanent chemical control within the cellular regulatory network.
This work was supported by grants from the Spanish Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias-Fondos FEDER European Union (FIS-06/0214), and Red de Investigación Renal-REDINREN (RD06/0016)
7 páginas, 5 figuras, 2 tablas ; Surface plasmon resonance monitoring of the binding of transcription factors cAMP receptor protein (CRP) and nitrogen control factor of cyanobacteria (NtcA) from Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 to promoter fragments of glnA, glnN (NtcA regulon) and cccS (CRP regulon), revealed exclusive CRP binding to cccS, whereas NtcA was bound to all three promoters with different affinities, which were strongly increased by the NtcA activator 2-oxoglutarate. Effective NtcA affinity for 2-oxoglutarate varied with the promoter. High-affinity promoters and the NtcA-coactivating protein PII-interacting protein X (PipX) increased NtcA affinity towards 2-oxoglutarate, suggesting PipX-stabilization of the 2-oxoglutarate-bound NtcA conformation. PipX binding to NtcA required 2-oxoglutarate and was much tighter (Kd≈85 nM) than to the PipX-sequestering PII protein. NtcA appears to require more strongly PipX and 2-oxoglutarate (2OG) for estimulating gene expression at promoters having "imperfect" NtcA binding sites. ; This work was supported by Grants from the Valencian and Spanish Governments Prometeo 2009/051 and BFU2011- 30407, respectively, to V.R., and the German Science Foundation (DFG) for grant FO195/9-1 to K.F. A.F.-N. was a FPI fellow of the Spanish Government ; Peer reviewed
C-repeat/dehydration-responsive element binding factors (CBF/DREB) are transcription factors which play a role in improving plant cold stress resistance and recognize the DRE/CRT element in the promoter of a set of cold regulated genes. Dehydrins (DHNs) are proteins that accumulate in plants in response to cold stress, which present, in some cases, CBF/DREB recognition sequences in their promoters and are activated by members of this transcription factor family. The application of a 3-day gaseous treatment with 20 kPa CO2 at 0∘C to table grapes cv. Autumn Royal maintained the quality of the bunches during postharvest storage at 0∘C, reducing weight loss and rachis browning. In order to determine the role of CBF/DREB genes in the beneficial effect of the gaseous treatment by regulating DHNs, we have analyzed the gene expression pattern of three VviDREBA1s (VviDREBA1-1, VviDREBA1-6, and VviDREBA1-7) as well as three VviDHNs (VviDHN1a, VviDHN2, and VviDHN4), in both alternative splicing forms. Results showed that the differences in VviDREBA1s expression were tissue and atmosphere composition dependent, although the application of high levels of CO2 caused a greater increase of VviDREBA1-1 in the skin, VviDREBA1-6 in the pulp and VviDREBA1-7 in the skin and pulp. Likewise, the application of high levels of CO2 regulated the retention of introns in the transcripts of the dehydrins studied in the different tissues analyzed. The DHNs promoter analysis showed that VviDHN2 presented the cis-acting DRE and CRT elements, whereas VviDHN1a presented only the DRE motif. Our electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSA) showed that VviDREBA1-1 was the only transcription factor that had in vitro binding capacity to the CRT element of the VviDHN2 promoter region, indicating that the transcriptional regulation of VviDHN1a and VviDHN4 would be carried out by activating other independent routes of these transcription factors. Our results suggest that the application of high CO2 levels to maintain table grape quality during storage at 0∘C, leads to an activation of CBF/DREBs transcription factors. Among these factors, VviDREBA1-1 seems to participate in the transcriptional activation of VviDHN2 via CRT binding, with the unspliced form of this DHN being activated by high CO2 levels in all the tissues analyzed. ; This work was supported by the European Union under the 7th Framework Programme FP7-PEOPLE-2012-CIG no. 321694 and by CICYT projects AGL2011-26742 and AGL2014-53081-R. MV-H was supported by a predoctoral contract from the MEC. ; USD 1,822.53 APC fee funded by the EC FP7 Post-Grant Open Access Pilot ; Peer reviewed