An intercomparison of seven gridded rainfall products incorporating satellite data (ARC, CHIRPS, CMORPH, PERSIANN, TAPEER, TARCAT, TMPA) is carried out over Central Africa, by evaluating them against three observed datasets: (a) the WaTFor database, consisting of 293 (monthly records) and 154 (daily records) rain-gauge stations collected from global datasets, national meteorological services and monitoring projects, (b) the WorldClim v2 gridded database, and (c) a set of stations expanded from the FAOCLIM network, these two latter sets describing climate normals. All products fairly well reproduce the mean rainfall regimes and the spatial patterns of mean annual rainfall, although with some discrepancies in the east–west gradient. A systematic positive bias is found in the CMORPH product. Despite its lower spatial resolution, TAPEER shows reasonable skills.When considering daily rainfall amounts, TMPA shows best skills, followed by CMORPH, but over the central part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, TARCAT is amongst the best products. Skills ranking is however different at the interannual time-scale, with CHIRPS and TMPAperforming best, though PERSIANN has comparable skills when only fully independent stations are used as reference. A preliminary study of Southern Hemisphere dry season variability, from the example of Kinshasa, shows that it is a difficult variable to capture with satellite-based rainfall products. Users should still be careful when using any product in the most data-sparse regions, especially for trend assessment. ; Peer reviewed
The empirical and scientifically documents prove that misuse of natural resource causes
degradation in it. So natural resources conservation is important in approaching sustainable
development aims. In current study, Landsat Thematic Mapper images and grazing gradient
method have been used to map the extent and degree of rangeland degradation. In during
ground-based data measuring, factors such as vegetation cover, litter, plant diversity, bare soil,
and stone & gravels were estimated as biophysical indicators of degradation. The next stage,
after geometric correction and doing some necessary pre-processing practices on the study
area's images; the best and suitable vegetation index has been selected to map rangeland
degradation among the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Soil Adjusted
Vegetation Index (SAVI), and Perpendicular Vegetation Index (PVI). Then using suitable
vegetation index and distance parameter was produced the rangelands degradation map. The
results of ground-based data analysis reveal that there is a significant relation between
increasing distance from critical points and plant diversity and also percentage of litter. Also
there is significant relation between vegetation cover percent and distance from village, i.e.
the vegetation cover percent increases by increasing distance from villages, while it wasn't the
same around the stock watering points. The result of analysis about bare soil and distance
from critical point was the same to vegetation cover changes manner. Also there wasn't
significant relation between stones & gravels index and distance from critical points. The
results of image processing show that, NDVI appears to be sensitive to vegetation changes
along the grazing gradient and it can be suitable vegetation index to map rangeland
degradation. The degradation map shows that there is high degradation around the critical
points. These areas need urgent attention for soil conservation. Generally, it shows that the
most parts of rangelands in studying area have been degraded. So conservation priorities on
degraded rangelands have been recognized based on current degradation.
Abstract. Solar radiation reflected by the Earth's surface to satellite sensors is modified by its interaction with the atmosphere. The objective of applying an atmospheric correction is to determine true surface reflectance values and to retrieve physical parameters of the Earth's surface, including surface reflectance, by removing atmospheric effects from satellite images. Atmospheric correction is arguably the most important part of the pre-processing of satellite remotely sensed data. Such a correction is especially important in cases where multi-temporal images are to be compared and analyzed. For agricultural applications, in which several vegetation indices are applied for monitoring purposes, multi-temporal images are used. The integration of vegetation indices from remotely sensed images with other hydro-meteorological data is widely used for monitoring natural hazards such as droughts. Indeed, the most important task is to retrieve the true values of the vegetation status from the satellite-remotely sensed data. Any omission of considering the effects of the atmosphere when vegetation indices from satellite images are used, may lead to major discrepancies in the final outcomes. This paper highlights the importance of considering atmospheric effects when vegetation indices, such as DVI, NDVI, SAVI, MSAVI and SARVI, are used (or considered) and presents the results obtained by applying the darkest-pixel atmospheric correction method on ten Landsat TM/ETM+ images of Cyprus acquired from July to December 2008. Finally, in this analysis, an attempt is made to determine evapotranspiration and to examine its dependence on the consideration of atmospheric effects when multi-temporal image data are used. It was found that, without applying any atmospheric correction, the real daily evapotranspiration was less than the one found after applying the darkest pixel atmospheric correction method.
In: ISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing: official publication of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS), Band 122, S. 97-115
This paper introduces two archaeological sites documented during the MULINEM (The Medieval Urban Landscape in Northeastern Mesopotamia) project. This project investigates the Late Sasanian and Islamic urban network in the land of Erbil, a historic province of Hidyab (Adiabene) that is located in northern Iraq. The investigated sites are the two deserted cities of Makhmúr al-Quadíma and Al-Hadítha. It is assumed that these two sites used to form large cities with high business and cultural importance in the medieval period. The archaeological locations are endangered by various threats.The Al-Hadítha site seems to be under the control of the "Islamic state" at the moment and Makhmúr al-Quadíma is located just next to the town of new Makhmúr that expands rapidly and without complex urban plans. Documentation of the archaeological sites has been done by using remotely sensed methods together with in-situ measurements (where available). FORMOSAT-2 data that has been gained through a research announcement: Free FORMOSAT-2 satellite imagery and when combined with other sources (recent and historical data) it provides a powerful documentation tool. In-situ RPAS measurements and a DTM creation furnish a new source of highly valuable information. Influence of the political and security situation in Al-Hadítha will be analysed.
This paper introduces two archaeological sites documented during the MULINEM (The Medieval Urban Landscape in Northeastern Mesopotamia) project. This project investigates the Late Sasanian and Islamic urban network in the land of Erbil, a historic province of Hidyab (Adiabene) that is located in northern Iraq. The investigated sites are the two deserted cities of Makhmúr al-Quadíma and Al-Hadítha. It is assumed that these two sites used to form large cities with high business and cultural importance in the medieval period. The archaeological locations are endangered by various threats.The Al-Hadítha site seems to be under the control of the "Islamic state" at the moment and Makhmúr al-Quadíma is located just next to the town of new Makhmúr that expands rapidly and without complex urban plans. Documentation of the archaeological sites has been done by using remotely sensed methods together with in-situ measurements (where available). FORMOSAT-2 data that has been gained through a research announcement: Free FORMOSAT-2 satellite imagery and when combined with other sources (recent and historical data) it provides a powerful documentation tool. In-situ RPAS measurements and a DTM creation furnish a new source of highly valuable information. Influence of the political and security situation in Al-Hadítha will be analysed.
Combining nightlight data as a proxy for economic activity with remote sensing data typically used for natural hazard modeling, this paper constructs novel damage indices at the district level for Indonesia, for different disaster events such as floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and the 2004 Christmas Tsunami. Ex ante, prior to the incidence of a disaster, district-level damage indices could be used to determine the size of the annual fiscal transfers from the central government to the subnational governments. Ex post, or after the incidence of a natural disaster, damage indices are useful for quickly assessing and estimating the damages caused and are especially useful for central and local governments, emergency services, and aid workers so that they can respond efficiently and deploy resources where they are most needed.
LiDAR technology has become one of the major remote sensing methods in the last few years. There are several areas, where the scanned 3D point clouds can be used very efficiently. In our study we review the potential applications of LiDAR data in military historical reconstruction. Obviously, the base of this kind of investigation must be the archive data, but it is an interesting challenge to integrate a cutting edge method into such tasks. The LiDAR technology can be very useful, especially in vegetation covered areas, where the conventional remote sensing technologies are mostly inefficient. We review two typical sample projects where we integrated LiDAR data in military historical GIS reconstruction. Finally, we summarize, how laser scanned data can support the different parts of reconstruction work and define the technological steps of LiDAR data processing.
LiDAR technology has become one of the major remote sensing methods in the last few years. There are several areas, where the scanned 3D point clouds can be used very efficiently. In our study we review the potential applications of LiDAR data in military historical reconstruction. Obviously, the base of this kind of investigation must be the archive data, but it is an interesting challenge to integrate a cutting edge method into such tasks. The LiDAR technology can be very useful, especially in vegetation covered areas, where the conventional remote sensing technologies are mostly inefficient. We review two typical sample projects where we integrated LiDAR data in military historical GIS reconstruction. Finally, we summarize, how laser scanned data can support the different parts of reconstruction work and define the technological steps of LiDAR data processing.
Forest ecosystem services such as clean water, wildlife habitat, and timber supplies are increasingly threatened by drought and disturbances (e.g., harvesting, fires and conversion to other uses), which can have great impacts on stand development and water balance. Improved understanding of the hydrologic response of forested systems to drought and disturbance at spatiotemporal resolutions commensurate with these impacts is important for effective forest management. Evapotranspiration (ET) is a key hydrologic variable in assessing forest functioning and health, but it remains a challenge to accurately quantify ET at landscape scales with the spatial and temporal detail required for effective decision-making. In this study, we apply a multi-sensor satellite data fusion approach to study the response of forest ET to drought and disturbance over a 7-year period. This approach combines Landsat and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) ET product time series retrieved using a surface energy balance model to generate a multi-year ET datacube at 30-m resolution and daily timesteps. The study area (similar to 900 km(2)) contains natural and managed forest as well as croplands in the humid lower coastal plains in North Carolina, USA, and the simulation period from 2006 to 2012 includes both normal and severe drought conditions. The model results were evaluated at two AmeriFlux sites (US-NC2 and US-NC1) dominated by a mature and a recently clearcut pine plantation, respectively, and showed good agreement with observed fluxes, with 813% relative errors at monthly timesteps. Changes in water use patterns in response to drought and disturbance as well as forest stand aging were assessed using the remotely sensed time series describing total evapotranspiration, the transpiration (T) component of ET, and a moisture stress metric given by the actual-to-reference ET ratio (f(RET)). Analyses demonstrate differential response to drought by land cover type and stand age, with larger impacts on total ET observed in young pine stands than in mature stands which have substantially deeper rooting systems. Transpiration flux shows a clear ascending trend with the growth of young pine plantations, while stand thinning within the plantation leads to decreases in both remotely sensed leaf area index and T, as expected. Time series maps of f(RET) anomalies at 30-m resolution capture signals of drought, disturbance and the subsequent recovery after clearcut at the stand scale and may be an effective indicator for water use change detection and monitoring in forested landscapes. ; National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationNational Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA) [NNH14AX36I] ; This work was funded in part by a grant from National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NNH14AX36I). We thank the Weyerhaeuser Company for providing stand age data. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.