The Religious Left and Church-State Relations
In: Political theology, Band 12, Heft 6, S. 923-925
ISSN: 1462-317X
312661 Ergebnisse
In: Political theology, Band 12, Heft 6, S. 923-925
ISSN: 1462-317X
In: Issues & studies: a social science quarterly on China, Taiwan, and East Asian affairs, Band 49, Heft 1, S. 1-38
ISSN: 1013-2511
The history of state-religion relations in Taiwan from 1945 to the present can be divided into three stages. The first stage lasted from 1945 to 1987 during which the Leninist state, for the first time in Chinese history, effectively exercised tight control over religion. In the second stage, from 1987 to 2000, the democratizing state gradually withdrew its control over religion while most religious groups tended to refrain from involvement in politics. From 2000 to the present, the democratic state and various religions have developed constructive relations involving checks and balances, and this has maximized religious freedom, helped eradicate religious discrimination, and expanded the democratic participation of religious groups in politics. This paper combines theories of the state in political economy and religious market theory to explain these changes in religion-state relations and their impact on religious freedom. In conclusion, state-religion relations in Taiwan may provide an alternative model for appropriate state intervention in religion and the involvement of religion in politics in transitional democracies. (Issues Stud/GIGA)
World Affairs Online
In: Ukrainian policymaker, Band 7
ISSN: 2617-2208
The first annual Community Relations Forum was held on July 22, 2004 and was designed to create a pathway to improving community relations among the citizens of South Carolina. The Commission proposed seven key areas of the South Carolina human relations identified as: business/work environment, law enforcement, government, religion, education, media and neighborhoods.
The general articulation of the issue and its connection with the important research and practice tasks. One of the main tasks in the development of Ukraine as a multi-confessional country with a high level of religious tolerance is to ensure the partnership and harmonic interaction between members of different religious groups and state bodies. The implementation of this task requires the creation of necessary economic, political, ideological and spiritual and cultural tools, and also the existence of effective management institution and its vertical, that would provide effective regulation of state-religious relations in Ukraine. Ukrainian experience shows that the loss of the ability to control the state-religious relations by the state results in interreligious and interfaith conflicts and weakens the national security. These make the study of the tendencies of development of state-religious relations in Ukraine actual. The analysis of the recent publications regarding the issues this article deals with. The problems of state-confessional relations are studied by such scholars as: V. Yelenskii, L. Fylypovych, Y. Khavarivskii, S. Reshetnikov, S. Onyshchuk and others. The collective monographies, published by the National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine and by Ukrainian Association of Researchers of Religion have unified character. The purpose (the objective) of this article. The objectives of the study – to analyze the institutional development of state-church relations in Ukraine and define the interrelation between the improvement of interreligious dialogue, work of interreligious and interchurch organizations and the institutional development of state bodies in this area, to work out proposals to enhance the effectiveness of a state body in the sphere of state-church relations. Define and substantiate priority tasks for the State Service of Ukraine for Ethno-Politics and Freedom of Conscience in the sphere of state-church relations. The key results and the background. There is no state-administrative analysis of the effectiveness of work of the state bodies responsible for the state-religious relations in the process of setting up state-church relations, depending on the status of the body and its subordination. Organizational and operational structure of public administration of state-religious processes is one of the types of management institutions, peculiar to states with a multi-confessional composition of the population. This structure is a set of state bodies in unity of the subjects of jurisdiction and competences, and also relevant organizational interrelations that provides integral public management influence on state-religious relations. Conclusions and the prospects of the further research. One of the problems in the work of state bodies in the sphere of state church relations was constant transfer of competencies between the central bodies of executive power, and also instability of the very body, responsible for this area. Organizational and functional structure of such bodies was created only with central office but without regional offices. There is no religious community that constitutes the majority in the regions of Ukraine, so the absence of local regional offices leads to the abuse of power by local executive bodies that exercise registration mandate. Religious organizations are becoming more active participants in the establishment of civil society in Ukraine and it requires more active monitoring of the work of religious organizations. Also in addition to the monitoring, the body in the sphere of state-religious relations has to overcome that lack of communication between national communities, religious organizations, and state bodies that was in the previous years. Keywords: civil society; church; religion; politics; state; society; state-religious relations. ; У статті систематизовано інституційний розвиток державного управління у сфері державно-релігійних відносин, прослідковано історичні передумови та практичну необхідність в інституційному упорядкуванні цих відносин в Україні і їхній вплив на регіональний рівень. Розглянуто безперервний розвиток інституційних механізмів регулювання державно-релігійних відносин у різноманітних формах та статусах упродовж незалежності України. Визначено та охарактеризовано фактори, що впливали на державно-релігійні відносини. Проаналізовано проблемидержавного управління у сфері державно-релігійних відносин та надано пропозиції щодо їх розв'язання. Визначено та обґрунтовано зв'язок між державною політикою у сфері державно-релігійних відносин та розвитком екуменічних рухів і створенням міжрелігійних об'єднань. Доведено визначальне значення управлінської діяльності інститутів держави, що регулюють державно-релігійні відносини, у процесі зміцнення релігійного плюралізму, охорони прав релігійних меншин та зменшенні міжрелігійних конфліктів. У статті також досліджено вплив релігійного чинника на забезпечення національної безпеки України в умовах нових викликів і гібридних загроз. Показано вплив політичних чинників на діяльність та обсяг повноважень центральних органів виконавчої влади, до відання яких належали державно-релігійні відносини. Ключові слова: громадянське суспільство; церква; релігія; політика, держава; суспільство; державно-релігійні відносини.
The general articulation of the issue and its connection with the important research and practice tasks. One of the main tasks in the development of Ukraine as a multi-confessional country with a high level of religious tolerance is to ensure the partnership and harmonic interaction between members of different religious groups and state bodies. The implementation of this task requires the creation of necessary economic, political, ideological and spiritual and cultural tools, and also the existence of effective management institution and its vertical, that would provide effective regulation of state-religious relations in Ukraine. Ukrainian experience shows that the loss of the ability to control the state-religious relations by the state results in interreligious and interfaith conflicts and weakens the national security. These make the study of the tendencies of development of state-religious relations in Ukraine actual. The analysis of the recent publications regarding the issues this article deals with. The problems of state-confessional relations are studied by such scholars as: V. Yelenskii, L. Fylypovych, Y. Khavarivskii, S. Reshetnikov, S. Onyshchuk and others. The collective monographies, published by the National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine and by Ukrainian Association of Researchers of Religion have unified character. The purpose (the objective) of this article. The objectives of the study – to analyze the institutional development of state-church relations in Ukraine and define the interrelation between the improvement of interreligious dialogue, work of interreligious and interchurch organizations and the institutional development of state bodies in this area, to work out proposals to enhance the effectiveness of a state body in the sphere of state-church relations. Define and substantiate priority tasks for the State Service of Ukraine for Ethno-Politics and Freedom of Conscience in the sphere of state-church relations. The key results and the background. There is no state-administrative analysis of the effectiveness of work of the state bodies responsible for the state-religious relations in the process of setting up state-church relations, depending on the status of the body and its subordination. Organizational and operational structure of public administration of state-religious processes is one of the types of management institutions, peculiar to states with a multi-confessional composition of the population. This structure is a set of state bodies in unity of the subjects of jurisdiction and competences, and also relevant organizational interrelations that provides integral public management influence on state-religious relations. Conclusions and the prospects of the further research. One of the problems in the work of state bodies in the sphere of state church relations was constant transfer of competencies between the central bodies of executive power, and also instability of the very body, responsible for this area. Organizational and functional structure of such bodies was created only with central office but without regional offices. There is no religious community that constitutes the majority in the regions of Ukraine, so the absence of local regional offices leads to the abuse of power by local executive bodies that exercise registration mandate. Religious organizations are becoming more active participants in the establishment of civil society in Ukraine and it requires more active monitoring of the work of religious organizations. Also in addition to the monitoring, the body in the sphere of state-religious relations has to overcome that lack of communication between national communities, religious organizations, and state bodies that was in the previous years. Keywords: civil society; church; religion; politics; state; society; state-religious relations. ; У статті систематизовано інституційний розвиток державного управління у сфері державно-релігійних відносин, прослідковано історичні передумови та практичну необхідність в інституційному упорядкуванні цих відносин в Україні і їхній вплив на регіональний рівень. Розглянуто безперервний розвиток інституційних механізмів регулювання державно-релігійних відносин у різноманітних формах та статусах упродовж незалежності України. Визначено та охарактеризовано фактори, що впливали на державно-релігійні відносини. Проаналізовано проблемидержавного управління у сфері державно-релігійних відносин та надано пропозиції щодо їх розв'язання. Визначено та обґрунтовано зв'язок між державною політикою у сфері державно-релігійних відносин та розвитком екуменічних рухів і створенням міжрелігійних об'єднань. Доведено визначальне значення управлінської діяльності інститутів держави, що регулюють державно-релігійні відносини, у процесі зміцнення релігійного плюралізму, охорони прав релігійних меншин та зменшенні міжрелігійних конфліктів. У статті також досліджено вплив релігійного чинника на забезпечення національної безпеки України в умовах нових викликів і гібридних загроз. Показано вплив політичних чинників на діяльність та обсяг повноважень центральних органів виконавчої влади, до відання яких належали державно-релігійні відносини. Ключові слова: громадянське суспільство; церква; релігія; політика, держава; суспільство; державно-релігійні відносини.
In: Politėks: političeskaja ėkspertiza = Politex : political expertise, Band 19, Heft 3, S. 383-401
The University is a European institution par excellence. Having emerged in the era of the mature Middle Ages, it remains to this day the most important type of educational institution that sets the patterns of western higher education development. Over the past centuries, the university, whose fate at the formation stage was closely related to the Christian tradition, has undergone significant transformations. In the context of the institutionalization of nation states, the role of the Catholic Church in university life has decreased. The European educational space began to acquire secular features. If in the Middle Ages Catholic universalism created favorable conditions for international cooperation of educational institutions, then in the XVIII-XIX centuries, universities were subject to nationalization. It was only after the Second World War that the idea of European reunification, embodied in the European integration project, marked the need for cooperation between both secular and religious educational institutions. At the same time, it actualized the problems of harmonious interaction between the church and the state, including educational policy issues. The article examines the main milestones in the history and current status of relations between European universities and Catholicism. The article analyzes the documents of the Holy See and modern classifications reflecting the variability of Catholic universities. Particular attention is paid to secularization as a long-term and predominantly European process of separation of religious and political spheres, which was accompanied by the removal of religion from the public space, and theology from the curriculum. The authors conclude that secularization is a key factor in changing the university identity from a religious corporatism to an academic community.
Das Bild Europas in Japan.
Themen: Bekanntheitsgrad von ASEAN, EG und UN; Charakterisierung der
Europäischen Gemeinschaft als politische, ökonomische Vereinigung oder
Handelsunion; Vergleich der Größe der Population der EG mit den USA;
Vergleich des Lebensstandards der EG-Bürger mit dem der Japaner;
Vergleich des japanischen Handelsvolumens mit der EG und den
Vereinigten Staaten; Kenntnis der EG-Mitgliedsländer; Kenntnis des
Projekts ´Europa 92´; erwartete Auswirkungen dieses Projekts auf die
Beziehungen zwischen Japan und Westeuropa; Begrüßung einer engeren
Kooperation zwischen der EG und Japan in den Bereichen Kultur,
technische Forschung, Energie, politische Kooperation, Umwelt und
Handel; präferierte Medien (Fernsehnachrichten, Seminare,
Veröffentlichungen usw.) über Europa; wichtigste Themen für eine
vermehrte Information über Vorgänge in der EG; wichtigste
Informationsquellen über die Europäische Gemeinschaft; Beurteilung der
Vereinigten Staaten, der Europäischen Gemeinschaft und der
ASEAN-Mitglieder als faire Handelspartner.
Demographie: Alter; Geschlecht; Schulbildung; Berufstätigkeit;
Haushaltseinkommen; Ortsgröße.
In: The journal of conflict resolution: journal of the Peace Science Society (International), Band 63, Heft 1, S. 112-138
ISSN: 1552-8766
Despite a robust literature on general forms of state repression, the determinants of religious repression remain unclear. This article argues that a regime's experience with religious conflict will lead it to be more repressive of religious groups within its territory for three primary reasons. Religious conflict increases the behavioral threat posed by religious groups, lowers the cost of repressing these communities, and evokes vivid memories of past religious violence that underscore the role of the state in taming religion to maintain social order. New, cross-national data on religious conflict and repression from 1990 to 2009 show that religious conflict has a significant and positive effect on the level of religious repression for the time period under investigation, expanding the types and severity of government restrictions on religion in a country. Our findings point to the importance of studying the causes and nature of negative sanctions against religious communities, specifically.
World Affairs Online
In: Third world quarterly, Band 33, Heft 1, S. 109-124
ISSN: 1360-2241
Religion is one of the most important social regulators influencing the relations in the society and the choice (action) of an individual in the concrete situation, sacralize definite behaviour and standards, or quite vice versa – disavow them (sin), regulate the relations among people and the relations between human and the highest power (God), in separate cases allowing to overcome legal and ethical dilemmas, to act or refrain from action. Each religion exists in a definite community (society), therefore, the religious norms affect the life of community members and thus also the state, culture, and rights. Nowadays the impact of rights on religion, religious organizations as communities of believing persons, their organization, administration and activity is impossible to deny. This study is an attempt to offer a review on the regulation of the relations betweens state and religious organizations in international and European legal acts. Analysis of the legal aspects of the relations between state and religious organizations allow the conclusion that the freedom of religion has a fundamental basis which today determines the relations/attitude of the state with/to religion and religious organizations. The principle of freedom of religion as an integral part of human rights is respected and implemented in states where the church is fully or partly separated (segregated) from the state as well as in states where there is state church. This principle has been acknowledged also by the European Union and the European Council leaving the implementation details to the Member States themselves. The principle of freedom of religion comprises two principal aspects: person's individual choice to not/belong to some religion and to not/participate in religious activities, and state's responsibility is to respect, within the framework of the law, the freedom of activities of religious organizations. Implementation of the principle of freedom of religion is burdened by manifold interpretation of the notions "religion" and "belief"; by the necessity to consider this principle commensurate with other human rights and freedoms; by the vagueness of the limits of this principle. In this context, the practice of the European Court of Human Rights is essential, in interpreting correspondingly the principle of freedom of religion provided for in Article 9 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, particularizing the understanding of this principle in the relations between the state and religious organizations. Present-day practice, at least in the public sphere, facilitate a tolerant attitude and observance of the specific character of religious belonging in various social relations (work, contacts with state administration, military service) etc. Nevertheless, disregarding several implementation problems of the principle of freedom of religion, equality should be observed in the relations between the state and religious organizations, establishing precise limits of cooperation and supervision, which is a precondition for the existence of a legal secular state.
In: The Atlantic community quarterly, Band 25, Heft 3, S. 367-376
ISSN: 0004-6760
World Affairs Online
In: Obščestvo: filosofija, istorija, kulʹtura = Society : philosophy, history, culture, Heft 5
ISSN: 2223-6449
This article delves into considerations regarding the disintegrative role of specific segments within the modern religious field in relation to the transformation of sacred values under the influence of social innovations. Based on interdisciplinary terms, the phenomenon of "fandom micro-cult" is characterized and defined. The structure of the microcult, its hierarchy and management methods are analyzed. Using an interdisciplinary approach, religious communities are characterized from the point of view of psychology, cultural studies, sociology and religious studies. The hierarchical structure of the micro-cult and its management mechanisms are scrutinized. The regulatory function of religion is investigated, highlighting its influence on societal behavioral mechanisms. The phenomenon of the dominance of the existential aspect in modern sacred schemes is described, since the taboo of a number of everyday objects that do not initially have mystical significance becomes the main tool in the spiritual process. The conclusion is made about the deviation of religious, social, and moral norms under the influence of these processes.
In: International organization, Band 17, Heft 3, S. 610-627
ISSN: 1531-5088
Before considering evolving relations between the United States and the Atlantic Community, it is useful to examine briefly the meaning of the words "Atlantic Community," a term that means different things to different people. It has no agreed definition because it is still a concept and not yet an institution. It purports to be geographically descriptive. However, when one considers the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), which is generally regarded as the most important institutional reflection of a community of interests between the European and North American countries bordering the Atlantic basin, one finds Italy, Greece, and Turkey are members while Spain and Eire, both Atlantic countries, are absent. Similarly, if one looks at the membership of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), which is another institution generally regarded as reflecting common interests of the "Atlantic Community," one finds that all the NATO members belong as well as Eire, Austria, Switzerland, Sweden, Finland, and Spain. Although there are political reasons to account for all this confusion, at the present time the term "Atlantic Community" connotes neither an agreed geographic area nor a specific group of countries.