
111 Ergebnisse


Open Access#162017

Manganese molybdate nanoflakes on silicon microchannel plates as novel nano energetic material


Open Access#172016

As borders go beyond the ideas received ; La frontière au-delà des idées reçues


Open Access#182015

Biological and structural factors of the invading vine Merremia peltata in forested habitats in Mayotte ; Facteurs biologiques et structuraux de l'invasion de la liane Merremia peltata dans les habitats forestiers de Mayotte


Open Access#192015

Open access - the rise and fall of a community-driven model of scientific communication


Open Access#202013

Open data, big data: ¿hacia dónde nos dirigimos?


Open Access#212020

The role of associations in the &DING of cycling in Ile-de-France ; Le rôle des associations dans le "retour du vélo" en Ile-de-France


Open Access#222019

Matías Oviedo Pastor, a Honduran in maderism and his long ties with Mexico ; Matías Oviedo Pastor, un hondureño en el maderismo y su larga vinculación con México


Open Access#232010

Ozone-induced reductions in below-ground biomass: an anatomical approach in potato


Open Access#242008

Strategies and policies of inclusion (assimilation?) of gangster groups in Ecuador: two city models, two visions about the potential of young gangsters ; Estrategias y políticas de inclusión (¿asimilación?) de pandillas en Ecuador: dos modelos de ciudades, dos visiones sobre las potencialidades de l...


Open Access#25

Who takes care of those who care for? Psychosocial risks at work in private health establishments ; ¿Quién cuida a los que cuidan? : Los riesgos psicosociales en el trabajo en los establecimientos privados de salud


Open Access#262016

Briefwechsel auf der Probe der Zeit. Walter Benjamin als Briefsammler Ziel ; Correspondences in the process of time. Walter Benjamin as a letter collector ; Les correspondances à l'épreuve du temps. Walter Benjamin collectionneur de lettres


Open Access#272015

Friendship between Jews and Christians at the time of the Enlightenment: Between poetic sensitivity and political calculation ; Amitié entre juifs et chrétiens à l'époque des Lumières: Entre sensibilité poétique et calcul politique


Open Access#282022

"Living across borders": vulnerability and transformation of identity in the era of globalisation ; "Vivir entre fronteras": vulnerabilidad y transformación de la identidad en la era de la globalización


Open Access#292021

'Race law'. Learning anti-Semitism at the Faculty of Law in Paris (1940-1944) ; Le « droit de la race ». Apprendre l'antisémitisme à la faculté de droit de Paris (1940-1944)


Open Access#302020

Female foundations in the capital of New Galicia. Historical outline (following XVI-XVIII) ; Fundaciones conventuales femeninas en la capital de la Nueva Galicia. Esbozo histórico (ss. XVI-XVIII)