Young populations in young democracies: generational voting behaviour in sub-Saharan Africa
In: Democratization, Band 21, Heft 6, S. 1172-1194
ISSN: 1351-0347
4692 Ergebnisse
In: Democratization, Band 21, Heft 6, S. 1172-1194
ISSN: 1351-0347
World Affairs Online
In: Democratization, Band 21, Heft 6, S. 1172-1194
ISSN: 1743-890X
In: Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Journal 2023;16(2): 124-125,
In: The journal of development studies: JDS, Band 14, Heft 1, S. 116-117
ISSN: 0022-0388
In: Child Care in Practice, Band 8, Heft 4, S. 282-290
ISSN: 1476-489X
In: Izvestia of Saratov University. New Series. Series: Sociology. Politology, Band 11, Heft 1, S. 35-39
In: Stanovništvo: Population = Naselenie, Band 36, Heft 3-4, S. 73-88
ISSN: 2217-3986
A need for extensive investigation of the phenomenon of births in Kosovo and
Metohija arises from the fact that our knowledge is almost exclusively based
on the population census data (the last census for the whole territory of
the province was taken in 1981), vital statistics (reliable data are
available for years up to 1989) and two representative surveys (conducted in
1970 and 1976). A more comprehensive insight into fertility and population
reproduction is needed in order to formulate population policy measures for
which there has been an abject need for some time already. In February 1998,
a pilot survey was conducted on the sample of 116 women who had given birth
in three different types of maternity wards in Kosovo and Metohija. Despite
methodological limitations with regard to the size and manner of the sample
selection, its composition was satisfactory in terms of basic social and
demographic characteristics as shown by the comparison with vital statistics
for 1989 and 1994. This paper discusses behaviour and attitudes expressed by
women which are of relevance to the population policy. This should enable an
assessment of the elements of receptiveness or its dynamics following
application of measures that take into account the needs of women in terms
of reproductive behaviour of a certain population. The analysis of the
results points to both the dominant role and a process of transformation in
the traditional reproductive behaviour and attitudes of women. In terms of
value standards and desired situations, a higher level of modification and
dissolution of traditional barriers may be observed. However, even in the
domain of standards of social value, differences may be observed with regard
to the degree of openness to change, which is much more intense in terms of
general attitudes than in those closely affecting the lives of those
surveyed. This naturally causes certain inconsistencies and the ambivalence
in statements given by the women surveyed, which is very characteristic of
transitional stage and also inevitably reflects contradictions in behaviour.
However, numerous findings point to the formation of positive receptiveness,
which is an essential element of the population climate needed for
implementation of the family planning programs as well as for designing the
population policy measures. On one hand, this would facilitate the
satisfaction of current needs and, on the other, especially through further
education, accelerate the process of their transformation in the domain of
reproductive behaviour and the place of women in society. In other words, as
shown by the level of development of needs of the women surveyed,
implementation of the family planning program is most urgently required in
order to speed up transformation of the economic and psychological cost of
parenthood as a social role of women.
In: Izvestiâ Akademii nauk. Rossijskaâ akademiâ nauk. Seriâ biologičeskaâ, Heft 3, S. 336-345
Individual resoluteness during the resumption of feeding of nestlings was examined in tests involving the presentation of an unfamiliar object near the nests of the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) in a natural environment. Over the course of five breeding seasons, 229 individuals were tested, 41 of which were tested 2 to 4 times. Repeat testing of the same birds was conducted at different nests with intervals ranging from 3 to 1103 days (Med=367). We took into account the number and age of nestlings, nesting periods, the sex and age of the individual and its partner, the presence of molting, the intensity of nestling feeding, the behavior of the partner, as well as the presence of simultaneous bigamy in the male. We revealed a significant repeatability of test results over substantial time intervals (R=0.21), indicating the individual's stability over time in response (boldness) to changing conditions in the natural environment.
In: Ukrainian society, Band 20, Heft 3, S. 63-76
ISSN: 2518-735X
This study was supported by the Andalusian Regional Government (Nutrition, Diet and Risks Assessment: AGR255), FEDER-ISCIII PI14/01040 and Consejeria de Transformacion Economica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades, Junta de Andalucia P18-RT-4247. ; Introduction: In Spain, on 14 March 2020, a state of alarm is declared to face the health emergency situation caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus, limiting the freedom of movement of people. The Spanish population is confined. Objective: With this situation, "NUTRITIONAL HEALTH IS NOT CONFINED" arises a research project that seeks to promote nutritional education based on the pattern of the Mediterranean diet (MD) using new computer technologies. It is about providing the population with the information of general interest about the promotion of a healthy diet through social networks and analysing the impact of its dissemination, in the form of a longitudinal intervention study of the Spanish nutritional evolution during confinement, with a daily survey format, and it is intended to assess food consumption during the period of confinement. Materials and methods: In total, 936 participants were asked every day. Short publications were published every day based on the scientific evidence (FAO, WHO, AECOSAN) through social media such as Instagram, accompanied by a questionnaire of 11 questions (yes/no) where it was intended to assess the evolution of daily consumption. Results and Discussion: The diffusion through social media has allowed to have a greater reach of the population. We observed that mood throughout confinement generally improves. There are certain eating habits from the MD that are well established in the daily diet of our population, such as the consumption of fruits, vegetables, legumes, dairy products, and eggs. It seems that enjoying good health is a growing concern in pandemic situations, which is why inappropriate behaviours such as "snacking" between meals or the consumption of processed foods such as snacks, industrial pastries, soft drinks, and sweets are avoided, increasing the amount of healthy food such as meat and fish. This study opens up future avenues of research promoting MD and implements new cohort nutritional databases, especially about young adult people, who are adept at navigating digital spaces and therefore using social media. ; Andalusian Regional Government AGR255 Junta de Andalucia
In: Sociobiology: an international journal on social insects, Band 68, Heft 4, S. e7204
Weaver ants are known for their unique nest-building skills using leaves and larval-silk as a binding agent. The weaver ants, Oecophylla smaragdina are present in large numbers in the Ri-Bhoi district, Meghalaya. Ri-Bhoi district is a hot and humid place with 22 -30°C. This is the first study from this region to examine the nesting behavior along with the population of these ants from here. It was noted that they build nests in different types of trees but it is more abundant in needlewood trees (Schima wallichi) locally known as 'diengngan.' From the central trunk of the S. wallichi tree, the nearest distance of the nest is about 0.7 m and the farthest up to 3.4 m. The nests of O. smaragdina are somewhat round-oval and use leaves of different sizes ranging from 8-32 cm2. The nests are made at a height ranging from 4-25 m and their average nest size is about 9,483 cm3. They utilize about twenty leaves with a specific number of chambers to keep their broods, the queen, and food. The number of worker ants, pupae, and larvae are variable in different nests because of nest size, location/height of the nests, and the trees. When the nest population increases, they locate a new spot and build a satellite nest where they get the right amount of sunlight and shelter from predators and adverse environmental factors. These weaver ants are also used as medicine, food and fish bait by the indigenous people in Meghalaya.
In: Journal of social, behavioral and health sciences, Band 17, Heft 1
ISSN: 1948-3260
People have always struggled to find a lasting solution to the persistent problem of the management and segregation of waste. The amount and variety of waste produced globally has grown exponentially with the ongoing rise in human population. As a result, there have been several studies conducted in this field, some of which have been supported by private organizations, NGOs, and governments. To protect the environment while progressively achieving global sustainable development, Pro-Environmental Behavior (PEB) has been advocated as a universal endeavor for each individual. In affluent nations like the United States of America, the United Kingdom, and France, there is a lot of research on PEB. There is, however, a dearth of research on PEB in developing nations, the majority of which are found in Africa, where poor management and segregation of waste is a major problem. Our goal with this study was to better understand how students at the University of Health and Allied Sciences in Ghana, a developing country, acquire and share knowledge on management and segregation of waste. Our study would provide further details on the main channels by which the student body communicates information about the environment. A chi-square analysis was done to ascertain the association among gender, academic level, and the students' garbage sorting. Ultimately, we investigated how students' attitudes or behaviors change after receiving thorough instruction on the significance of acting in an environmentally friendly manner. The following conclusions were drawn from the study: The association between a student's characteristics, such as gender and academic level, and their propensity to act in an environmentally friendly manner appears to be weak or even nonexistent. Also, a subsequent examination on students' garbage-sorting behaviors in relation to their academic level produced outcomes that were comparable to those of gender. The benefit of practicing PEB has been made clear to pupils, and we determined that they were ready to accept these standards after receiving this information.
In: Communications in statistics. Theory and methods, Band 11, Heft 18, S. 2017-2043
ISSN: 1532-415X
In: TRF-D-24-01462
In: Most: economic policy in transitional economics
ISSN: 1120-7388
Gegenstand der vorliegenden Untersuchung sind langfristige Perspektiven der postkommunistischen Transformation. Im Mittelpunkt steht hierbei die Frage nach den Auswirkungen, die von Spar- und Investitionsverhalten, der Qualität des vorhandenen Humankapitals sowie von demographischen Faktoren auf Wirtschaftswachstum und Wohlfahrtsentwicklung ausgehen. Die Verfasser legen hierzu drei Simulationsrechnungen für die Entwicklung in Polen, Rußland und der Tschechischen Republik bis zum Jahr 2030 vor. Sie zeigen, daß nur mit einem langsamen Wachstum des Bruttoinlandprodukts (BIP) gerechnet werden kann, wobei vor allem die Jahre zwischen 2010 und 2020 eine problematische Phase darstellen werden. Die Entwicklung der Nettolöhne wird noch langsamer verlaufen als die des BIP. Darüberhinaus wird der bedeutende Wohlfahrtseffekt demographischer Determinanten und sozialpolitischer Entscheidungen im Bereich der Rentenversicherung deutlich. Als besonders problematisch erscheinen die EntwicklungsperspektivenRußlands. (BIOst-Wpt)
World Affairs Online