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44900 Ergebnisse
In: The round table: the Commonwealth journal of international affairs, Band 110, Heft 4, S. 520-521
ISSN: 1474-029X
In: Politics and Development of Contemporary China
World Affairs Online
In: Political analysis: PA ; the official journal of the Society for Political Methodology and the Political Methodology Section of the American Political Science Association, Band 23, Heft 1, S. 59-75
ISSN: 1476-4989
Self-reported measures of media exposure are plagued with error and questions about validity. Since they are essential to studying media effects, a substantial literature has explored the shortcomings of these measures, tested proxies, and proposed refinements. But lacking an objective baseline, such investigations can only make relative comparisons. By focusing specifically on recent Internet activity stored by Web browsers, this article's methodology captures individuals' actual consumption of political media. Using experiments embedded within an online survey, I test three different measures of media exposure and compare them to the actual exposure. I find that open-ended survey prompts reduce overreporting and generate an accurate picture of the overall audience for online news. I also show that they predict news recall at least as well as general knowledge. Together, these results demonstrate that some ways of asking questions about media use are better than others. I conclude with a discussion of survey-based exposure measures for online political information and the applicability of this article's direct method of exposure measurement for future studies.
In: The journal of politics: JOP
ISSN: 1468-2508
In: Interpretation: a journal of political philosophy, Band 29, Heft 2, S. 153-170
ISSN: 0020-9635
In: Political analysis: official journal of the Society for Political Methodology, the Political Methodology Section of the American Political Science Association, Band 23, Heft 1, S. 59-75
ISSN: 1047-1987
Italian history at the beginning of WWI was well harmonised with other events in the Old Continent, while the domestic picture featured a delicate set of links, between Triplicist, neutralist, and nationalist environments, parties and movements, with "nationalism" acting as a shaping factor in Italy's public scene. But different elements emerged in Italian nationalism that would grow into the interventionist policy of an aspiring "great power", interpreted by some as a line of continuity between liberal and fascist foreign policy. The period of neutrality and the events that led to Italy's intervention were in the spotlight of historiographical analysis in the post-war years, with both focus on fascist Italy's non-belligerance at the surge of WWII and special attention to documentation and the strategies of protagonists (e.g. Giolitti, Salandra, di San Giuliano, Sonnino, D'Annunzio, etc.), as well as to careful reconstruction of events the growing consensus for intervention, the personalisation of stances for and against intervention, the many elements at play within and outside the country and the clever combination of popular mobilisation and parliamentary strategy by supporters of intervention in the weeks between the Treaty of London and war. The goal of the paper is to present the evolution of the Italian position from neutrality to the intervention in the war alongside the Entente, with a particular attention to international context, to the protagonist of the neutrality period in Italy through the memories and the main historiography on the subject. DOI:10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n6s2p737
In: European Integration Realities and Perspectives, 2012, pp. 343-346
In: Foreign affairs, Band 63, Heft 3, S. 581-601
ISSN: 0015-7120
Der Nahostkonflikt und die Krisenzone am persischen Golf bilden zwei Tangenten internationaler Politikentwicklung, die für die USA von besonderer Bedeutung sind. Nach dem Abzug der amerikanischen Truppen aus dem Libanon und mit der Intensivierung des Golfkriegs hat sich die Lage in dieser Region fundamental geändert. Vor allem gewinnen jetzt regionale Mächte ,wie z.B.Ägyten , Jordanien und Syrien wieder einen höheren Einfluß auf die Entwicklung. Eine neue Form der "Arabiesierung" der Konflikte wird entdeckt, ebenso neue Ansätze zur Konfliktregulation. Abschließend wird auf die beiden engsten amerikanischen Verbündeten Israel und die Türkei eingegangen, die beide im Jahr 1984 neue Phasen in ihrer innerstaatlichen und ökonomischen Entwicklung vollzogen haben. (SWP-Shn)
World Affairs Online
In: Religions ; Volume 10 ; Issue 1
Although Peter Lake and Debora Shuger have argued that Measure for Measure is hostile to Calvinist theology, I argue that the play&rsquo ; s world presents a Reformed theo-political sensibility, not in order to criticize Calvinism, but to reveal limitations in dominant political theories. Reformed theology informs the world of the play, especially with regards to the corruption of the human will through original sin. Politically, the sinfulness of the human will raises concerns about governments&mdash ; despite Biblical commands to obey leaders, how can they be trusted if subject to the same corruption of will as citizens? Close analysis of key passages reveals that while individual characters in Measure suggest solutions that account in part for the corruption of the will, none of their political theories manage to contain the radical effects of sin in Angelo&rsquo ; s will. Despite this failure, restorative justice occurs in Act 5, indicating forces outside of human authority and will account for the comedic ending. This gestures towards the dependence of governments in a post-Reformation world on providential protection and reveals why the Reformed belief in the limitations of the human will point towards the collapse of the theory of the King&rsquo ; s two bodies.
Published also as thesis (Ph.D.) Columbia University, 1916. ; Bibliography: p. 223-233. ; Mode of access: Internet.
In: http://hdl.handle.net/2027/coo1.ark:/13960/t2v41xn5z
Pub. also as Studies in history, economics and public law, ed. by the Faculty of Political Science of Columbia University. vol. 66, no. 3; whole no. 160. ; Vita. ; Bibliography: p. 223-233. ; Mode of access: Internet.