In: Organization studies: an international multidisciplinary journal devoted to the study of organizations, organizing, and the organized in and between societies, Band 8, Heft 3, S. 201-221
The critical current in organization analysis has not only called into question the conservative assumptions of more orthodox organization theory, but also the purely cosmetic nature of what often passes for worklife reform. However, it has chosen to mount these attacks from essentialist starting points - the 'division of labour' and 'bureaucracy' - which circumscribe its theoretical critique of organizations in capitalist society. Consequently, it is difficult to couple critical organization theory to a political project which generates a confrontation with capitalism based on criteria of socio-economic re-organization, in which mutually dependent criteria of democracy and efficiency are operative. By default, it ends up endorsing functionalist fatalism.
For the past half-century, the study of organizations has been an active area within sociology. I provide an overview of the emergence of this specialty during the second half of the twentieth century, its relation to the larger field of organization studies, and the important theoretical advances associated with the adoption of an open system framework during the 1960s. Among the recent trends I describe are changes in our conceptions of organization boundaries, strategies, and controls, and the beginning of a shift from an entity-based to a process-based view of organization. Evidence of success—the number of sociologists now employed in professional schools—simultaneously raises concerns about the source of future organizational sociologists.
Cover -- Half Title -- Series Page -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Dedication -- Table of Contents -- Preface -- Forewords -- Acknowledgment -- List of Figures -- List of Tables -- List of Abbreviations -- Chapter 1: The Major Theories of Sociology, and Contemporary Development of Organizational Perspectives in Social Sciences -- Outline -- Introduction -- Founders of Sociology - Theory and Perspectives -- First Section -- The Founding Writers of Western Sociology -- Karl Marx -- Emile Durkheim -- Max Weber -- Second Section -- The Development of Organizational Theory and the Emergence of Challenges to the Traditional Rational Approaches to Understanding the Organization -- Classical Theorists -- Third Section -- Contemporary Theories and Perspectives -- Fourth Section -- The Feminist Approach to Organizational Analysis -- Conclusion -- Endnotes -- References -- Chapter 2: The Debates Between the Quantitative and Qualitative Methods: An Ontology and Epistemology of the Qualitative Method -- Outline -- Introduction -- Section 1 -- Debates on Quantitative Versus Qualitative Historical Perspective -- The Distinction Between Qualitative and Quantitative -- Durkheimian Notion -- Ontological Assumptions -- Max Weber -- The Chicago School -- The Positivist Research Paradigms -- Bronislaw Malinowski -- Robert E. Park -- The Qualitative Inquiry Accepts the Notion of Social Variation -- Qualitative Ontology and Epistemology -- Qualitative and Quantitative Debate is Still There -- The Paradigms of Qualitative Methods -- Theories and Approaches of Qualitative Method -- Phenomenology -- Hermeneutical Phenomenology -- Symbolic Interaction -- Bridging the Gap Between the Two Methods -- Section 2 -- Features of Successful Qualitative-based Work by Discussing Three Exemplary Texts -- Three Successful Examples of Qualitative Research -- 1: William Foote Whyte.
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In: Organization studies: an international multidisciplinary journal devoted to the study of organizations, organizing, and the organized in and between societies, Band 2, Heft 3, S. 267-286
'Sociology of organizations' is often considered to be just a name for the general social-scientific approach to the study of organizations. However, a case can be made for a one-sided, purely sociological analysis of organizations and interorganizational trans actions on the grounds that such a sociological speciality forms an essential part of sociology at large and, in addition, contributes to various other sociological specialities. As a distinct subdiscipline organizational sociology developed in the 1960s as a 'horizon tal' approach, claimed to be more theoretical, more fruitful, and more economical than the 'vertical' study of organizations. With the aid of a fourfold classification of its 'outputs' it is argued that organizational sociology has produced a wide variety of fruitful theories and findings which justify the claim that there remains a definite need for such a speciality closely tied to its 'mother discipline'. In a sequel — to appear in OS 2/4 — the contributions of organizational sociology to practical and societal concerns will be dealt with.
In: Organization studies: an international multidisciplinary journal devoted to the study of organizations, organizing, and the organized in and between societies, Band 2, Heft 4, S. 361-376
A case is made for the stance that sociologists who study organizations have been and are rendering more valuable services to organizational theory and practice by maintain ing the sociology of organization as a more or less distinct speciality than by simply joining hands with others in an interdisciplinary approach to the field. Some typical features of the sociological 'touch' in organizational analysis are singled out, namely (1) the view that organizations are recalcitrant tools, (2) the view that organizations form part and parcel of society, (3) the interest in cultural aspects and cultural determinants of organizational forms and processes, and (4) a specific ethos: problem orientation. Finally, the contributions of organizational sociology to practical and societal concerns are discussed. It is concluded that these contributions are of an indirect rather than of a direct kind.
Kutai Kartanegara Regency is one of regencies in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. The capital city is located in Tenggarong Sub-district. Kutai Kartanegara Regency has an area of 27,263.10 km², with sea area of approximately 4,097 km², which is divided into 18 sub-districts and 225 villages with a population of 626,286 (2010 census). Geographically, Kutai Kartanegara Regency is located between 115° 26'28" East Longitude - 117 ° 36'43" East Longitude and 1° 28'21" North Latitude - 1° 08'06" South Latitude.
Highlighting changes in education and organizational theorizing since the 1950s, this review integrates three perspectives for an organizational sociology of education. The structural perspective focuses on how the formal organization of resources, relationships, and information can influence student outcomes and inequalities through opportunities to learn. The network perspective highlights the role of informal interactions and interpretation as well as social and cultural capital to bring about changes. The ecological perspective illustrates how schools are affected by other schools (horizontal dimension), the educational bureaucracy (vertical dimension), and organizations outside schools (community dimension). An organizational perspective can concretize often abstract sociological topics on stratification, social reproduction, and socialization. The perspective can also reconceptualize often individualistic views on contemporary education issues like student well‐being, teacher shortage, racial inequalities, and school politics. The review ends with a discussion on how to incorporate these organizational perspectives and how they can complement current studies in education, sociology, and public policy.
AbstractStudying the inclusion of civil society in international organizations has grown in the last decade. This article repatriates the ongoing scholarly discussions of this inclusion within organizational sociology to answer what the nature of civil society is as an organization at the United Nations. With "temporary organizations" it proposes a relational perspective whereby civil society's temporariness induces mechanisms of exclusion and vice-versa. In practice civil society actors counter exclusion mechanisms by holding on to their autonomy.
Recent works see organizational sociology at the brink of irrelevance. Against this backdrop, in this article the authors want to explore the current state of organizational sociology empirically. They employ a variety of manual, automated and semi-automated content analyses to examine research articles published in generalist sociology journals since the 1950s. Contrary to contemporary pessimistic assessments, the results indicate that organizational sociology has not significantly declined over time. However, the study finds an increasing concentration on quantitative research designs, business-related topics, and only two dominant theory perspectives – neo-institutionalism and the network approach. A multifaceted decrease in variety rather than an absolute decline could be the right diagnosis.
AbstractBureaucratic competency arises from an approach combining a concept from organizational sociology (functional competency by Crozier) and a research in political science on individual competency in international organization (IO). The article shows that IO agents must master areas of uncertainty inherent in the career in IOs. To deal with this, they develop a multi-form bureaucratic skill. The analysis of this competency reveals individual strategies, far from a vision of competency as a collective resource for IOs.
In: Zeszyty naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Finansów i Prawa w Bielsku-BIałej: kwartalnik = Scientific journal of Bielsko-Biala School of Finance and Law : academic quarterly publication, Band 23, Heft 3, S. 6-10
This paper provides an overview of how international organizations were formed, for what purposes and how their structure has been changed. The distinction between formal organizational studies and studies of international organizations is minimal, because both help to widen the idea of creating an original position for better combinations of favorable circumstances or situations in human affairs. The chapter will explain, the origin of the term international organization (OR); historical roots of or studies; and define or; analyze the types of ORs in the contemporary world; reveals the relationship between the international relation (IR) and regime theories application in the OR's studies; and the impact of the globalization. The chapter also unveils the relationships between organizational sociology and OR and finally it gives a general outline on the application institution theory in the study of OR following a brief summary. Organizations have the ability of inspiring and bringing people in concert to achieve combined goals. They are accountable for determining the intelligence needed to meet their goals. This chapter provides a glimmer of international organizations theory, origin, historical account, definitions and utilization of contemporary academic world intertwined with the international relations, regime and globalization as well as the organizational sociological theories and perspectives can be utilized to study of international organizations. This chapter will help to understand the historical account of international organization, pedagogical development and contemporary theories and practices of international organizations and organizational sociology.