
1450 Ergebnisse


Buch(elektronisch)#1620154 Versionen verfügbar

Eurostat-OECD Methodological Guide for Developing Producer Price Indices for Services



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Open Access#172009

Socialinė ekonomika ir pilietinė visuomenė ; Social economy and civil society : methodological guide


Open Access#182009

Socialinė ekonomika ir pilietinė visuomenė ; Social economy and civil society : methodological guide


Open Access#192009

Socialinė ekonomika ir pilietinė visuomenė ; Social economy and civil society : methodological guide


Buch(elektronisch)#2020152 Versionen verfügbar

Reconstruction of China's low-carbon city evaluation indicator system: a methodological guide for applications

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Aufsatz(elektronisch)#222. März 2023

Pioneering Virtual Body Mapping: A Methodological Guide for Researchers Using a Health-Affected Population as an Example

In: American journal of qualitative research: AJQR, Band 7, Heft 2, S. 73-88

ISSN: 2576-2141

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Open Access#252009

How to approach the role of small ruminant production in poverty reduction and livelihood- Proposal of a methodological guide : [Preprint]


Aufsatz(elektronisch)#271. November 1989

Statistical Analysis of Spatial Data in the Presence of Missing Observations: A Methodological Guide and an Application to Urban Census Data

In: Environment and planning. A, Band 21, Heft 11, S. 1511-1523

ISSN: 1472-3409

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Open Access#282019

Guía metodológica para el manejo y aprovechamiento de biosólidos en Colombia ; Methodological guide for biosolids management and its beneficial use in Colombia


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Aufsatz(elektronisch)#307. November 2015

Fostering Hope for a More Socially Just World: A Review of Corey Johnson and Diana Parry's Fostering Social Justice Through Qualitative Inquiry: A Methodological Guide

In: Qualitative report: an online journal dedicated to qualitative research and critical inquiry

ISSN: 1052-0147

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