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An organizational learning approach to the learning organization
In: European journal of work and organizational psychology: the official journal of The European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Band 9, Heft 2, S. 133-145
ISSN: 1464-0643
Is the School a Learning Organization?
In: Journal of education, society & multiculturalism: JESM, Band 5, Heft 1, S. 1-9
ISSN: 2734-4754
The concept of an organization that learns "learning organization" is one of the most mentioned ideas in management, representing a subject of great interest for theorists in the field and for those involved in the functioning of organizations. The actuality of the topic consists in the fact that today learning has an important role within organizations. Learning and teamwork are highly encouraged in order to achieve common goals and to achieve the results that the members of the organizations really want. In contemporary times, society is in a continuous process of change. Under these conditions, the school must develop its ability to change to the new in order to face the challenges so that its role as a factor in the development of society becomes more and more obvious. Thus, permanent learning appeared as a reaction to the rapid transformations taking place in society, representing at the same time a necessity and a solution. The school is part of the category of organizations that learn, it being different from the others due to the specificity of the dominant activity, namely the instructive-educational process. In this article, we addressed the main characteristics existing in the specialized literature that define the learning organization, the school as a learning organization, as well as the identification of the existence of a possible relationship between the personal factors of teachers and the strategies that make the school a learning organization. The results illustrate the necesity of a correlation factors, such as function, teaching degree, seniority at work, with the strategies that make the school a learning organisation. In the table below we can see that the education level of the teaching staff is the only variable that does not correlate with the strategies that make a school a learning organisation.
Moral Foundations of the Learning Organization
In: Human relations: towards the integration of the social sciences, Band 54, Heft 3, S. 319-342
ISSN: 1573-9716, 1741-282X
Characteristics of learning organizations (LOs) include free exchange across communities of practice, networked knowledge and experience, continual improvement, learning leadership, open dialogue, continual transformation and protean psychological contracts. I identify I 0 moral foundations of LOs. They would house communal business cultures, accountable to Aristotelian and Kantian ethics. Power blocs would allow space for quieter, less obtrusive contributions to be valued, rather than imposing exploitative or mercenary discourses of appropriation. LOs would strive to improve their records of meeting stakeholders' moral claims. They would respond humbly to stakeholder criticism. Leadership would be humble and virtue seeking. There would be civil liberties. LOs would build, debug and update their own moral traditions. They would treat employees with compassion. They would also give special help and support to those challenged by obsolescence. There would be transparent operations and decision-making, engendering critical trust. I suggest how aspiring LOs may try to overcome problems of human defensiveness, limited moral reasoning capacity and fragmented moral terrain, and build these 10 moral foundations.
The Presidency as a Learning Organization
In: Presidential studies quarterly, Band 29, Heft 1, S. 100
ISSN: 0360-4918
Ten steps to a learning organization
Bildungscontrolling in der lernenden Organisation
In: Sozialwissenschaften und Berufspraxis, Band 21, Heft 4, S. 342-354
Die Theorie der lernenden Organisation geht auf die Arbeiten der chilenischen Biologen Humberto Maturane und Francisci Varela zurück, die sich in den siebziger Jahren mit der Organisation lebender System beschäftigten. Niklas Luhman hat diese Ansätze auf soziale System übertragen. Die lernende Organisation zeichnet sich durch Flexibiliät und Anpassungsfähigkeit an Umweltveränderungen aus. Hier stellt sich die Frage, welche speziellen Aufgaben ein Bildungscontrolling wahrnehmen muß, um organisationales Lernen zu fördern. Lernprozesse laufen individuell und ungeplant ab. Die Aufgabe des Bildungscontrolling ist es, ein Umfeld zu schaffen, das diese Prozesse koordiniert und optimale Lernbedingungen schafft. (pra)
In: Polityka społeczna: miesie̜cznik poświe̜cony pracy i sprawom socjalnym, Band 19, Heft eng (1), S. 34-39
Economic research shows that a complex entity such as a household, may be sometimes reduced to individual transactional decisions. The same is true in this paper, since the learning capacity of a household is understood as the sum of the capacities of household members. It turns out that household members function just like members of an organization (employees of a company/organisation). The question arises: what characteristics of households and their members (taking into account the functions they perform) are conducive to the household learning process and the development of household ability to use the potential of their members to perform in the market better than others, i.e. to respond more effectively to the turbulences occurring in the market. The hypotheses proposed in the study are related to the authors' belief that: firstly, households can be treated as organizations; secondly, households have the ability to learn; thirdly, households can use their learning ability in order to adapt to changes occurring in the turbulent external environment. The objective was to: determine the characteristics of households which, when an interdisciplinary approach is applied, can be treated as organizations; define the features, which enable households to learn; define the requirements that have to be met to enable the households to apply their acquired knowledge and experience to make decisions leading to the planned changes in their behaviour;verify empirically the key determinants of the household learning process.The range of problems addressed by the paper belongs to the field of interdisciplinary studies dedicated to changes in households' market behaviour resulting from the pressures exerted by the turbulent environment. The paper employed methods of critical literature analysis regarding the following: organization and management, operations in the market, as well as the system and benchmarking analyses. Additionally, the authors applied a questionnaire survey to provide data for the statistical analysis of co-dependencies of qualitative characteristics.
A Choir as a Learning Organization
In: Social sciences: SM = Socialiniai mokslai, Band 71, Heft 1
The Learning Organization: Myth or Reality?
In: The international journal of knowledge, culture & change management, Band 8, Heft 7, S. 99-106
ISSN: 1447-9575
The 'learning organization' and emergent strategies
In: Strategic change, Band 7, Heft 7, S. 421-433
ISSN: 1099-1697
Public management and the learning organization
In: International public management journal, Band 1, Heft 1, S. 59-106
ISSN: 1559-3169
The Presidency as a Learning Organization
In: Presidential studies quarterly: official publication of the Center for the Study of the Presidency, Band 29, Heft 1, S. 100-114
ISSN: 1741-5705
Institutionalizing Learning Organizations in the Public Sector
In: Public Productivity & Management Review, Band 19, Heft 4, S. 407