Abstract. In this article we try to disentangle the constraints between traditional lines of political polarization (left‐right placement) and newer distinctions (materialist/postmaterialist values) among mass publics. It is shown that voting or party preference is most clearly related to the left‐right placement of the respondents. However, this placement is directly and strongly dependent on the materialist/postmaterialist orientation, while background variables like education, income and age are linked to voting via this value orientation. The materialist/postmaterialist orientation appears to be the present‐day interpretation of the dominant political conflict in advanced industrial society. Although alignments and orientations count for a substantive part of the variance in voting, the power of these models to predict the actual vote of people turns out to be rather poor.
An examination of the constraints between traditional lines of political polarization (Left-Right placement) & newer distinctions (materialist/postmaterialist values) among mass publics. Analysis of Dutch national survey data covering 1976-1981 shows that voting or party preference is most clearly related to the Left-Right placement of respondents (Ns not specified). However, this placement is directly & strongly dependent on materialist/postmaterialist orientation, while background variables (eg, education, income, & age) are linked to voting via this value orientation. The materialist/postmaterialist orientation appears to be the present-day interpretation of the dominant political conflict in advanced industrial society. Although alignments & orientations count for a substantive part of the variance in voting, the power of these models to predict the actual vote of people turns out to be rather poor. 1 Table, 3 Figures, 23 References. HA
Introduction -- Introduction: definitions and history -- Research methods in industrial/organizational psychology -- Personnel issues -- Job analysis : understanding work and work tasks -- Employee recruitment, selection, and placement -- Methods for assessing and selecting employees -- Evaluating employee performance -- Employee training and development -- Worker issues -- Motivation -- Positive employee attitudes and behaviors -- Worker stress, negative employee attitudes and behaviors -- Work group and organizational issues -- Communication in the workplace -- Group processes in work organizations -- Leadership -- Influence, power, and politics -- Organizational structure, culture, and development
The U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Griggs v. Duke Power Company (1971) will have important effects on industrial personnel practices that in time will be felt in government, schools, colleges, and other institutions and eventually will touch almost all Americans. In its decision the court admitted that tests are useful but stipulated that they must be valid or job related. The decision will do much to make qualification the all important factor in hiring and selection, and will tend to make race, religion, nationality, and sex irrelevant factors.
Cover -- Series -- Title -- Copyright -- Contents -- Notes on the contributors -- Introduction: contemporary Anglo-German relations -- PART 1 Basics -- 1 Stereotypes in international relations -- 2 Stereotypes and projective mechanisms: forging links between psyche and culture -- PART 2 Popular expressions -- 3 Stereotypes, language and the media: plus ça change? -- 4 We will fight them on the beaches -- 5 Stereotypes and national identity in Euro 96 -- 6 Jürgen Klinsmann, EURO 96 and their impact on British perceptions of Germany and the Germans -- PART 3 Teaching and (un-)learning stereotypes -- 7 With literary texts against stereotypes: stereotypes in language teaching -- 8 Developing a culture assimilator: culture training for German exchange students -- PART 4 Stereotypes in business and politics -- 9 A view from a bridge: stereotypes of the German in business and higher education -- 10 'All Germans work hard' - myth or reality? The experience of British students on industrial placements in Germany -- 11 Between efficiency and 'Prussianism': stereotypes and the perception of the German Social Democrats by the British Labour Party, 1900-1920 -- PART 5 A philosophical perspective -- 12 Cosmopolitanism and (E)Urope: translating the other -- Index.
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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the impacts of private placement announcements by Australian Real Estate Investment Trusts (A-REITs) on existing shareholders. The study examines 96 A-REIT private placements from January 2000 to December 2012.
Design/methodology/approach – Utilising event study methodology the authors examine the impact on existing shareholders wealth by measuring the abnormal returns (AR) around the placement announcement. The authors extend the analysis to model the A-REITs ARs against a number of explanatory variables to investigate the possible drivers for the observed event study results.
Findings – The results support the information signalling hypothesis, in that existing investors in A-REITs earn negative and significant cumulative ARs of −1.3 per cent over the three-day event window [−1, +1]. This result is in contrast to prior studies conducted on industrial firms, for example; Hertzel and Smith (1993), Krishnamurthy et al. (2005) and Wruck and Wu (2009).
Practical implications – Regression analysis shows A-REITs trading at a premium to net tangible assets and A-REITs that use placement funds for their core business have a positive impact on announcement ARs.
Originality/value – This paper adds to the existing literature surrounding private placements and is the first paper, to the authors' knowledge, to examine the impact of Australian REITs.
This chapter reviews the current state of our knowledge about the role of institutional arrangements in stratification processes in industrial societies. The particular institutional arrangements considered are those of educational and labor force organizations. The review is organized around the Blau-Duncan basic model of status attainment and points to the need for a more elaborated conceptualization. Institutional arrangements structure the connections between social origin and educational attainment, between educational attainment and early labor force placements, and between early and later placements in the labor force. Industrial societies vary widely in the nature of these institutional arrangements, and that variation affects the patterns of movement from origins to destinations in the stratification system. Features of educational institutions considered include separation of students into specialized schools and ability groups (tracking), degree of central control, degree of autonomy, degree of stratification, and the number and specialized nature of credentials. Features of labor force institutions considered include occupational and firm specific job classifications, internal labor markets and vacancy chains, industrial sectors and career lines. Critical aspects of the societal variation are the form of the interface between education and labor force structures and the nature of the transition from school to work. A preliminary set of hypotheses linking institutional arrangements and stratification processes is derived from this review.
In high-maneuvering missile systems, with severe restrictions on actuator energy requirements, it is desirable to achieve the required performance with least actuation effort. Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) has been in literature for long and has proven it's mettle as an optimal controller in many benign aerospace applications and industrial applications where the response times of the plant, in most cases, are seen to be greater than 10 seconds. It can be observed in the literature that LQR control methodology has not been explored enough in the tactical missile applications where requirement of very fast airframe response times are desired, typically of the order of milliseconds. In the present research, the applicability of LQR method for one such agile missile control has been critically explored. In the present research work, longitudinal dynamic model of an agile missile flying at high angle of attack regime has been established and an optimal LQR control solution has been proposed to bring out the required performance demanding least control actuator energy. A novel scheme has been presented to further optimise the control effort, which is essential in this class of missile systems with space and energy constraints, by iteratively computing optimal magnitude state weighing matrix Q and control cost matrix R. Pole placement design techniques, though extensively used in aerospace industry because of ease of implementation and proven results, do not address optimality of the system performance. Hence, a comparative study has been carried out to verify the results of LQR against pole placement technique based controller. The efficacy of LQR based controller over pole placement design techniques is successfully established with minimum control energy requirement in this paper. Futuristic high maneuvering, agile missile control design with severe space and energy constraints stand to benefit incorporating the controller design scheme proposed in this paper.
Il presente elaborato è suddivisibile in tre fasi principali: una prima incentrata sull'analisi circa la pubblicità ingannevole e le sue fattispecie occulte; una seconda fondata su un esame approfondito in materia di product placement cinematografico; una terza nella quale si propone uno studio circa il rapporto tra media e minori e la tutela legislativa di cui godono gli stessi nel caso di operazioni di product placement . In primo luogo, l'analisi si prefigge, quindi, d'individuare una generale definizione di pubblicità e, più nello specifico, di pubblicità ingannevole. A tale proposito, è d'uopo evidenziare l'importanza del D.lgs. 25 gennaio 1992, n. 74, decreto che non solo propone una prima nozione legale di pubblicità all'articolo 2, (definendola come "qualsiasi forma di messaggio che sia diffuso, in qualsiasi modo, nell'esercizio di un'attività commerciale, industriale, artigianale o professionale allo scopo di promuovere la vendita di beni mobili o immobili, la costituzione o il trasferimento di diritti ed obblighi su di essi oppure la prestazione di opere o di servizi") ma che, sempre all'articolo 2, comma 1, lettera b), suggerisce anche un inquadramento della fattispecie ingannevole (definendola come "qualsiasi pubblicità che in qualunque modo, compresa la sua presentazione, induca in errore o possa indurre in errore le persone fisiche o giuridiche alle quali è rivolta o che essa raggiunge e che, a causa del suo carattere ingannevole, possa pregiudicare il loro comportamento economico ovvero che, per questo motivo, leda o possa ledere un concorrente"). Il presente elaborato, propone in seguito una definizione in merito al concetto di pubblicità occulta, procedendo poi a definirne le tre principali tipologie individuate dalla dottrina maggioritaria – ovvero, la pubblicità redazionale, la pubblicità subliminale e il product placement – indagando circa la loro natura e valutandone il profilo di liceità o illiceità delle fattispecie in esame. In secondo luogo, il presente lavoro – attraverso lo studio del D.lgs. 25 gennaio 1992, n. 74, (decreto che, secondo dottrina, avrebbe sancito l'illegalità del product placement) e del D.lgs. 22 gennaio 2004, n. 28, (c.d. Decreto Urbani, volto invece allo sdoganamento della pratica in esame) – mira ad analizzare, nello specifico, il product placement cinematografico (ovvero quella sofisticata tecnica di comunicazione aziendale che consiste nel posizionare un prodotto o un brand all'interno di un contesto narrativo precostituito, che può essere rappresentato da una pellicola cinematografica, televisiva, romanzo, video musicale, videogioco, riuscendo ad integrarsi in esso), esaminandone la definizione e la storia, riassumendone le tipologie principali e infine, approfondendone gli aspetti legali di regolamentazione. Infine, in terzo luogo, la qui presente analisi si propone d'individuare nella normativa vigente le dovute tutele nei confronti dei minori, rispetto alle possibili insidie e agli inganni che potrebbero scaturire in particolare dalla pratica del product placement, pratica che, a oggi, risulta essere particolarmente diffusa.
Summarization: A project for the establishment of a cooperative educational scheme for industrial work experience is being carried out by the Technological Educational Institute of Crete/Department of Electronics under the financial support of the European Union's Community Support Framework for Greece. Our main challenge was to incorporate a project- and/or problem-based methodology for the participating students. Furthermore, we enhanced and facilitated the cooperation between students, the industry mentor and the faculty mentor by electronic communications through an appropriately designed Web site. A description of our overall project is presented, with emphasis given to innovative actions, such as the tele-cooperation activities of all parties involved and the so-called "Industry Placement Days". Practical aspects of students' experience and the cultivation of their skills during their industrial placement are reported. In each case, the work students had to carry out, was highly related to subjects they were taught during their studies, i.e. electronics, automation technology and telematics ; Παρουσιάστηκε στο: Frontiers in Education Conference, 36th Annual
To create a compact system for scanning the beam along the conveyor, this paper considers the horizontal placement of the accelerator with a magnetic system with rotating the beam by 90◦ . A three-dimensional simulation of the magnetic system and the dynamics of electrons in it was performed. Dose distributions were also obtained in the near-surface region of the irradiated object, on the basis of which the optimal laws of change in the current and voltage of the scanning magnet were determined, which provide the required conditions for irradiating the product
From 1968–1971, sculptor Garth Evans participated in an artist placement with the British Steel Corporation. Evans' placement was associated with the Artist Placement Group, a coalition of artists that negotiated placements in government and industry throughout the UK and Western Europe during the 1970s. This essay utilizes archival photographs, feasibility studies and reports, to consider Evans' placement and his sculpture Breakdown (1971) within the context of British industrial politics of the late 1960s and 1970s, a time when many artists did not have experience in industry themselves, yet their identities were strongly tied to working class heritage. From Saint Martins' Sculpture Department to the British Steel Corporation's factory floor, this paper contextualizes and questions the shifting relationship between material, labour and class within Evans' placement, and subsequently, the contextual conditions for an artist making work within the framework of the corporation.
In: Biens symboliques: Revue de sciences sociales sur les arts, la culture et les idées = Symbolic goods : a social science journal on arts, culture and ideas, Band 6
This article analyses what is at stake when talent agents place actors in television dramas and series, the production and consumption of which have gained increased cultural legitimacy in France over the past ten years. I will examine the mechanisms of valorization used by agents to arrange these placements and to defend the interests of their clientele. Next, I will analyse the stakes and customs surrounding these placements in terms of professional socialization within the context of the industrial organization of work. Finally, I will look at how the competition created by movie actors' entry into the space of television redistributes symbolic and material profits within the job market for television series. Drawing on interviews with agents, I will explain how the television series genre has gained increased status in the job market for actors over the past decade.
Statement of Purpose The primary purpose of this field study was to create a model in the form of a comprehensive career planning and placement program for those individuals served by Kaskaskia Community College, District No. 501. Besides students cur rently enrolled, those who are temporary dropouts and return, early semester leavers, adults in the community and other individuals who could benefit from such services will be encouraged to make use of the facilities and personnel available. While there has always been some type of placement activities taking place in the public schools in·the past, for the most part they have not been directed toward the vocational or the community college student. Today educators are realizing that a more comprehensive school-based placement service is needed. Such a service would not curtail what is currently being done, but would provide service for the total student body and would involve the administrators, counselors, teachers, students, parents, and employers. Some educators have even gone so for as to state that a comprehensive placement center at the community college level would help to decrease the national and state unemployment rate by seeking part-time employment for needy students as well as for graduates in the area for which they were trained or in a related area. The territory to be served demonstrated an unemployment rate of eleven percent as late as August, 1983, according to U. S. Department of Labor Statistics. It is expected to remain at that level. Several small industries are expanding but even more are abandoning the area. Much employment has revolved around the railroad industry. That facet has become almost non-existent. Youth unemployment, specifically, has been extremely high. The most recent percentage is thirteen and eight-tenths. These figures are specifically higher than the national average. Thus, the study was deemed necessary, relevant, and appropriate. Procedure Because the researcher is a vocational counselor for Kaskaskia College, District No. 501, he has used the needs of his area for developing a model to help alleviate the unemployment of college-aged youth, former students, and other people in the community who avail themselves of this service. It can be adapted as a reference or guide for other geographical areas. Chapter I introduces the problem and explains its importance, defining the terms necessary for understanding and creating a career planning and placement center. The objective of adequate employment, backed by a community college with comprehensive career planning and a workable placement center, is realized. Chapter II overviews the literature. Laws, previous studies and governmental and industrial statistics have been considered. Current findings are vital to this project. Chapter III includes the initiation of a career center for planning and placement. Data have been collected and evaluated. A model was designed from the research. A guide has been created, accompanied by the writer's findings in three separate works: Directory of the Career Planning Center; Career Placement Handbook for Kaskaskia College; and Credentials for Career Placement. A brief review, summary, and recommendations conclude the paper in Chapter IV.