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291739 Ergebnisse
Understanding international development
This unit introduces and explores International development by considering the three themes referred to as PASH - Power and agency, Scale and History, and programmes to promote livelihoods.
Culture in International Development
In: Development: the journal of the Society of International Development, Heft 1, S. 17
ISSN: 0020-6555, 1011-6370
International development in transition
In: International affairs
ISSN: 0020-5850
International development is in a period of transition. While the outcome of this is still unclear, this article argues that there are at least four areas in which the project of international development is changing. First, there is a debate, especially within the World Bank, about development strategy and how we think about development, particularly in terms of the balance between states and markets. This is evident in the debate over state failure and the new structural economics. Second, there is increasing evidence of a shift in lending, away from projects of 'small' human development, perhaps best encapsulated by the United Nations Millennium Development Goals, towards more transformative 'big' development projects such as infrastructure. Third, 'non-traditional' aid donors and new forms of private philanthropy are playing a more significant role in development financing and this, in turn, offers developing countries a new range of choices about what kinds of development assistance they receive. Fourth, aid relations are changing as a result of the renewed agency of developing states, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, and shifts towards increased South-South cooperation are growing as evidenced by increased funding from regional development banks and increased trade flows. The article reviews these changes and suggests a series of questions and challenges that arise from them for analysts of international development, developing countries and traditional aid donors. (International Affairs (Oxford) / SWP)
World Affairs Online
Development: journal of the Society for International Development (SID)
ISSN: 1461-7072
Behinderung und internationale Entwicklung: Zeitschrift des Forums Behinderung und Internationale Entwicklung = Disability and international development
ISSN: 2191-6888
International developments in shipping
Looking back at the 5th session, at the spirit of its debates and negotiations and at its results, one could indeed conclude that it reflected more cooperation than the preceding ones. Some of the reasons why this happened may be found in the general development. However, to a great extent it was owed to the personality of the President, Mr. Quartley, the Shipping Commissioner in the Government of Ghana. He had proved his ability to chairing international meetings already in IMCO and elsewhere. He has encouraged cooperation by the members of all groups with the effect that no decision was taken under pressure. The 5th session has therefore been that with the least number of resolutions adopted but one of the most successful.
In: Environmental policy and law, Band 43, Heft 6, S. 298-320
ISSN: 1878-5395
GEF Council-45 - Further Development of Plans, Strategies and Procedures 298 IOC - Banning the Use of Lead Shot "Options for the International Olympic Committee" (Vernon G. Thomas and David A. Anderson) 300
In: Environmental policy and law, Band 42, Heft 6, S. 330-350
ISSN: 1878-5395
Elizabeth Haub Prize - 2011 Prize for Environmental Law 330 Climate Change and International Law - A Post-Kyoto Perspective (Alan Boyle) 333 Resource and Energy Recovery from Wastes - Perspectives for a Green Economy (Katharina Kummer Peiry, Rita Khanna and Veena Sahajwalla) 344 IUFRO - European Forests: Legal Aspects of Sustainable Development (Peter Herbst and Vitalie Gulca) 349
In: Environmental policy and law, Band 39, Heft 6, S. 290-301
ISSN: 1878-5395
Elizabeth Haub Prize - 2008 Prize for Environmental Law 290 G-20 Summit - Dismantling Fossil Fuel Subsidies? (Soledad Aguilar) 299 IPBES - Efforts for an International Science-Policy Interface (Rebecca Paveley) 300