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Working paper
Understanding Technical Approach to Productivity in Human Resource Planning
In: Journal of Management (JOM) Volume 3, Issue 1, January–December (2015), pp. 13–18
In: Research studies Anatolia journal: R&S, Band 7, Heft 4, S. 490-518
ISSN: 2630-6441
Changes in competitive conditions force businesses to develop new capabilities in order to sustain their existence and be successful. At this point, businesses have made an effort to change their management approach and gain a strategic perspective. This approach, called strategic management, involves the effective use of the resources that the business has in order to regulate the relations between the business and its environment and to gain superiority over competitors or to make a difference. The most important resource that businesses have is human resources. The most important key to the adoption and successful implementation of the strategic management approach is to have an effective manpower. With a strategic human resources planning, businesses will be able to ensure that employees are provided at the right time, with the desired qualifications and assigned to the right jobs in line with the business strategy. The purpose of this study is to create a conceptual framework for the role of human resource planning in the strategic management process. At this point, the studies on strategic management, human resource management and strategic human resource management in the literature were examined in detail. As a result of the research, it was concluded that strategic human resources planning is the process of creating comprehensive and long-term human resources strategies and developing the plans, programs and tactics necessary for the implementation of these strategies, and that businesses that manage this process in the best way can establish superiority over their competitors by identifying opportunities, threats, advantages and weaknesses.
Precursors to Human Resource Planning in the Public Sector
In: Review of public personnel administration, Band 19, Heft 2, S. 71-76
ISSN: 1552-759X
Human Resource Planning and Budgeting: The Dallas Perspective
In: Public administration review: PAR, Band 44, Heft 2, S. 174
ISSN: 1540-6210
A shotgun marriage: Employment equity and human resource planning
The current state of human resource planning in South Africa is that many companies conduct virtually no such planning or provide it only for senior managerial positions. Employment equity legislation will, however, force the hand of managers and human resource practitioners in the public and private sectors alike to engage in regular human resource planning. The Employment Equity Act (1998) seeks to address the existing discrepancies in the distribution of jobs, occupations and income amongst South Africans by not only eliminating unfair discrimination in employment, but also making provision for affirmative action measures to promote a diverse and representative workforce. The employment equity audit requires the preparation of a workforce profile and consequent employment equity plan to address discrepancies. The main purpose of human resource planning is to identify future human resource requirements (in terms of numbers, skills, and particular characteristics, inter alia gender, race and disability) and to develop action plans to eliminate any discrepancies between the demand and supply of labour that are forecast. The article presents a comprehensive model of human resource planning, incorporating the practical implications of the Employment Equity Act, as a workable guideline to assist managers in compiling thorough forecasts and action plans in fulfilment of organizational and employment equity requirements.
Human resources planning as a part of economic development planning
In: International labour review, Band 92, S. 184-207
ISSN: 0020-7780
World Affairs Online
Unemployment Rates and Their Implications for Human Resource Planning
In: Journal of economic and social measurement, Band 14, Heft 1, S. 1-18
ISSN: 1875-8932
The Effectiveness of Human Resource Planning on the Administration Staff
This research aimed to determine the planning arrangement, the implementation effectiveness and the efforts to overcome the obstacles in the planning and implementing human resource planning on the administration staff at the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh. Administration and human resource management are the capital of the development in which the purpose of it is to gain the improvement in all aspects. Human resources are very valuable that require a serious planning when adopted into an organization. Human resources are known as a crucial component, recognized as a universal element in the organization effectiveness and a key to a competitive profit source. Besides giving an excellent service to the society, the task of human resources is to complete all the programs or the activities related to the government policies that affect human welfare in positive ways. The research used the qualitative method with case study design because the focus of this research was the specific phenomenon, the human resource planning on the staff administration.
A compendium of human resources planning processes in the State of Washington
Vol. 3 by Puget Sound Governmental Conference, Human Resources Division. ; Errata slip inserted. ; v. 1. Human resources legislation, regulations, and guidelines summaries.--v. 2. Survey of state human resources planning processes.--v. 3. Survey of local human resources planning processes.--v. 4. An analysis of human resources planning processes in the State of Washington. ; Mode of access: Internet.