[ES] Esta tesis es un estudio sobre la clemencia ejercida por los soberanos durante el período omeya andalusí (ss.II/VIII-V/XI). Se trata del primer trabajo dedicado al estudio del perdón en un contexto arabo-islámico, desde una perspectiva no solo religiosa de este concepto, sino atendiendo a la dimensión política y social del mismo. El estudio se basa principalmente en el análisis de fuentes cronísticas árabes medievales relativas a este período, en las que se han localizado los episodios en los que se narran manifestaciones de perdón, tratando de comprender los procesos políticos, económicos, sociales o religiosos que subyacen a la narración de esos relatos. Hemos comprobado que el estudio del perdón es una herramienta válida para el análisis de los procesos políticos, religiosos y sociales de este período, como son las relaciones que se establecen entre los distintos grupos que se mueven en el entorno del gobernante, los mecanismos mediante los cuales se reestablecen los vínculos rotos durante el transcurso de rebeliones o tras muestras de desobediencia o el valor simbólico de determinados lugares o edificios. Asimismo, la clemencia juega un papel fundamental en la recreación de los acontecimientos y en la descripción de los soberanos, desde un punto de vista retórico. Hemos dedicado una extensa parte de este trabajo al análisis de la institución del amán o pacto de protección, tanto en su variante dirigida a un no musulmán - con carácter temporal o permanente ("pacto de la dhimma") - como en el dirigido a los individuos musulmanes que se rebelaban contra el poder establecido, a los que se les permite volver a la obediencia sin sufrir ningún daño, a cambio de su sumisión y el cumplimiento de ciertas condiciones. El análisis de este último caso, que hasta el momento no había recibido una atención exhaustiva, nos ha permitido determinar qué caracterizó a esta práctica y qué clases de condiciones estuvieron presentes en las negociaciones. Así, hemos visto que además del intercambio de mensajeros entre los rebeldes y el soberano para negociar la paz, se producía a menudo la estancia de los rebeldes sometidos en la capital cordobesa, la entrega de rehenes, así como la concesión por parte del soberano a los antiguos rebeldes de ciertos beneficios sociales y económicos, como la entrega de concesiones territoriales (iqta'), títulos de propiedad (tasyil), exenciones fiscales o la inscripción en el registro del ejército (diwan al-yund). Por otro lado, nos hemos centrado también en el estudio del perdón del soberano a los individuos de su entorno más cercano, tanto familiares como las élites de la corte cordobesa. Hemos visto que es fundamental prestar atención a los vínculos personales establecidos entre los distintos individuos y el soberano, ya que muchos de los miembros de esta elite pertenecían a las familias más influyentes de al-Andalus y, por tanto, los soberanos debían hacer un cuidadoso cálculo de ganancias y pérdidas a la hora de decidirse por el castigo o el perdón cuando alguno de estos individuos cometían una falta. También hemos prestado atención a las redes que servían de apoyo para los individuos, dentro de un contexto "faccional" como el de la corte. Gracias a estas redes de apoyo, lograban hacer frente a las intrigas palaciegas, así como la arbitrariedad de los soberanos a la hora de castigar o perdonar. En la tercera parte de esta tesis, nos hemos centrado en el contexto religioso del perdón. Después de dedicar un capítulo a la revisión de los conceptos religiosos asociados con el perdón, tales como el arrepentimiento, la intercesión o la distinción entre pecados mayores y menores (al-kaba'ir wa-l-saga'ir), y su tratamiento en las fuentes fundamentales del Islam (Corán, Sunna y escritos teológicos), hemos abordado el análisis de los ejemplos obtenidos en las fuentes sobre el perdón de conductas heterodoxas (apostasía, blasfemia o herejía, principalmente). Esto nos ha permitido ver hasta qué punto el contexto influyó en la definición en cada momento de lo que era considerado o no heterodoxo, haciendo que ciertos delitos fueran castigados con mayor o menor dureza según la época o incluso pasados por alto. Asimismo, se ha demostrado que los lazos personales y los contactos con los que contaba cada individuo influyeron también en el resultado de algunos de estos procesos sobre delitos religiosos. En la cuarta y última parte de esta Tesis, se ha prestado especial atención a la dimensión retórica de las prácticas clementes, puesta de manifiesto en los lugares y prácticas vinculadas con el perdón, así como con el castigo. Hemos revisado los principales lugares donde se llevaron a cabo las manifestaciones públicas de castigo y perdón, entre las cuales destaca la Puerta de al-Sudda y, en general, todo el entorno del alcázar cordobés, junto a la mezquita aljama. Las muestras de perdón que encontramos en las súplicas dirigidas a los soberanos, así como en sus propias manifestaciones orales y escritas han recibido también una especial atención en esta parte. Se ha analizado el modo en que las fuentes reflejan la puesta en marcha de las peticiones de perdón, tanto a través de poemas, cartas o gestos de súplica, lo que nos ha permitido ver hasta qué punto estas manifestaciones se insertan en los rituales islámicos de poder. Asimismo, los cronistas caracterizaron a los soberanos como gobernantes clementes a través del recurso historiográfico de poner en su boca ciertas palabras que reflejan sus propias intenciones, de modo que los gobernantes omeyas aparecen manifestando su preferencia por el perdón frente a la violencia y destacando la naturaleza clemente que habría caracterizado a los omeyas. Finalmente, se ha dedicado un capítulo a las prácticas violentas como contrapunto del perdón, viendo en ambos casos una concepción de las mismas de carácter "vertical", es decir, que tanto los castigos como el perdón de los soberanos en esta vida aparecen vinculados directamente con el perdón de Dios en el Más Allá. ; [EN] This thesis is a study of the clemency exercised by the sovereign during the Andalusian Umayyad period (ss.II / VIII-V / XI). This is the first work devoted to the study of forgiveness in Arab-Islamic context, not only from a religious perspective of this concept, but considering the political and social dimension of it. The study is based mainly on the analysis cronísticas medieval Arabic sources for this period, which have been located in episodes narrated demonstrations of forgiveness, trying to understand the political, economic, social or religious underlying the telling of those stories. We found that the study of forgiveness is a valid tool for the analysis of the political, religious and social of this period, as are the relationships that exist between the various groups that move in the vicinity of the ruler, the mechanisms by which broken links are re-established during the course of rebellion or disobedience or samples after the symbolic value of certain places or buildings. Also, forgiveness plays a role in the recreation of the events and the description of the sovereigns, from a rhetorical point of view. We have dedicated a large part of this work the analysis of the institution of aman or covenant of protection, both in its variant aimed at a non-Muslim - temporarily or permanently ("dhimma pact") - as in targeting the Muslim individuals who rebelled against the establishment, who are allowed to return to obedience unharmed in exchange for their submission and compliance with certain terms. The analysis of this case, which so far had not received extensive attention has allowed us to determine which characterized this practice and what kinds of conditions present at the negotiations. Thus, we have seen that besides the exchange of messengers between the rebels and the sovereign to negotiate peace, there was often subjected rebels stay in Cordoba, the delivery of hostages, and the grant by the sovereign former rebels of certain social and economic benefits, such as delivery of territorial concessions (iqta '), title (tasyil), tax exemptions or registration Army (Diwan al-Jund). On the other hand, we have also focused on the study of forgiveness of sovereign individuals from their immediate environment, both familiar and court elites Cordoba. We have seen that it is essential to pay attention to personal ties established between individuals and the sovereign, since many of the members of this elite belonged to the most influential families of al-Andalus and, therefore, the rulers should make a careful calculating gains and losses when deciding on the punishment or forgiveness when one of these individuals committed a foul. We have also paid attention to the networks that supported for individuals, within a context "factional" as the court. Thanks to these support networks, could not withstand the intrigues and the arbitrariness of rulers when punish or forgive. In the third part of this thesis, we have focused on the religious context of forgiveness. After devoting a chapter to a review of religious concepts associated with forgiveness, such as repentance, intercession or the distinction between major and minor sins (al-wa-l-kaba'ir saga'ir), and treatment on the fundamental sources of Islam (Quran, Sunna and theological writings), we have analyzed the examples obtained in the sources about forgiveness unorthodox behavior (apostasy, blasphemy or heresy, mainly). This allowed us to see how the context influenced the definition in every moment of what was considered unorthodox or not, so that certain crimes were punished with varying hardness depending on the time or even overlooked. It has also been shown that personal ties and contacts with which each individual had also influenced the outcome of some of these processes on religious offenses. In the fourth and last part of this thesis, special attention has been paid to the rhetorical dimension lenient practices, evidenced in places and practices associated with forgiveness, as well as punishment. We have reviewed the main places where performed public displays of punishment and forgiveness, among which is the Gate of al-Sudda and, in general, the whole environment of the palace of Cordoba, next to the mosque. Samples of forgiveness we find in the prayers addressed to the sovereign, as well as in their own spoken and written, have also received special attention in this part. We analyzed how the sources reflect the implementation of requests for forgiveness, both through poems, letters or gestures of supplication, which has allowed us to see how far these statements are inserted into Islamic rituals power. Also, the writers characterized the lenient ruling sovereign as through the use historiographical put in your mouth certain words that reflect their own intentions, so Umayyad rulers are expressing a preference for forgiveness from violence and highlighting the nature Clement would have characterized the Umayyads. Finally, a chapter is dedicated to the violent practices of forgiveness counterpoint, seeing both a conception of the same character "vertical", ie that both punishment and forgiveness of sovereign in this life are linked directly with God's forgiveness in the hereafter.
Before the reformation and the schism of the Catholic Church, it had always been the duty of the Church and not of the state, to undertake the seven corporal works of mercy; feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, welcome the stranger, clothe the naked, visit the sick, visit the prisoner, and bury the dead. By dissolving these institutions, Henry had unwittingly created what would become a social disaster of biblical proportions. In essence, this act was rendering thousands of the poor and elderly without a home or shelter, it denied the country of much of the medical aid that has been offered by the church, it denied future generations of thousands of volumes of books and scriptures from the monastic libraries, as well as denied many an education who would have otherwise never received one without the help of the Church. The ultimate goal of my thesis is to prove my hypothesis that the dissolution of the monasteries by King Henry VIII was not merely a contributory factor in the need for the creation of poor laws, but the deciding factor (in a myriad of societal issues) for their creation. ; 2011-05-01 ; B.A. ; Sciences, Dept. of Political Science ; Masters ; This record was generated from author submitted information.
Classified, with index of authors, subjects and titles. ; Includes: First supplement to the Catalogue . [London, Printed by the St. Clements press, ltd., 1925] ; "The London school of economics and political science has been selected as the place where this library is to be deposited." ; "Classification schedule": p. vi-viii. ; On cover: Edward Fry memorial library. Catalogue. ; Mode of access: Internet.
SOMMARIO: 1. Il nuovo clima socio–economico – 2. Gli interventi papali, fino alla svolta di Bonifacio VII e le decretali fino a Clemente V – 3. Usura ecclesiastica e usura commerciale – 4. L'usura nei decretisti: la connessione tra usura e mutuo – 5. Alcune eccezioni proposte dal Teutonico – 6. Alcuni contratti parausurari – 7. L'obbligo della restituzione della sors – 8. "Si quis usuram acceperit, rapinam facit vitam non vivit" (C. XIV, Q. IV, can. 10 Decretum Gratiani) – 9. Contrasto tra norme civili e canoniche in tema d'usura – 10. La condanna di Gregorio IX, Bonifacio VIII e Clemente V: Premessa – 10.1. L'obbligo di restituzione – 10.2. Norme penali e processuali – 10.3. I particolari rapporti con gli ebrei – 10.4. La presa di posizione del Liber Sextus – 10.5. L'istituto dell'usura nelle Clementinae.
En 2021 se conmemoró el VIII centenario del nacimiento de quien, andando el tiempo, sería el rey Alfonso X el Sabio, nacimiento que tuvo lugar en Toledo, en los llamados «palacios de Galiana intramuros» el día de San Clemente de Roma, papa, de la era de 1259. Pero también celebramos una efeméride que ha pasado prácticamente desapercibida, el VIII centenario de la consagración (reconsagración, en realidad) de la iglesia toledana de San Román, que tuvo lugar el día de San Metodio del mismo año por el primado Jiménez de Rada, una de las personas más importantes, tanto intelectualmente como jurídica, política y teológicamente del siglo XIII, que falleció cuando Alfonso X tenía ya veintidós años. Es un lugar excepcional para entender el contexto social, cultural, político y religioso no solo de los años de las «Vísperas Alfonsíes», sino el siglo de Alfonso el Sabio en su totalidad. In 2021, the VIII centenary of the birth of who, in time, would be King Alphonsus X the Wise, birth that took place in Toledo, in the so-called «intramural palaces of Galiana» on the day of Saint Clement of Rome, pope, from the era of 1259 But we also celebrate an event that has passed practically unnoticed, the VIII centenary of the consecration (reconsecration, actually) of the Toledo church de Saint Roman, which took place on the day of Saint Methodius of the same year by the primate Jiménez de Rada, one of the people most important, both intellectually and legally, politically and theologically from the thirteenth century, who died when Alfonso X was already twenty-two years old. It is an exceptional place to understand the social, cultural, political and religious context not only of the years of the Alphonsian Vespers, but the century of Alphonsus the Wise in its entirety.
Intro -- THE IMPERIAL CULT AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF CHURCH ORDER -- CONTENTS -- Abbreviations -- Plates -- Introduction -- I. Christian and Pagan Cultus by the Third Century -- A. Cyprianic Hierarchy and Decius Trajan -- B. Christian and Imperial Cult: Parallels Before Cyprian -- C. Church Order as Apologia: The Reactive Thesis -- D. Imperial and Christian Order: Contra-Cultural Relations -- II. The Foundations of the Imperial Cult -- A. Republican Antecedents of the Imperial Cult -- B. The Inauguration and Reception of the Imperial Cult -- III. Imperial Ideology and the Origins of Church Order -- A. Luke-Acts: Traditional Eschatology Transformed -- B. Luke-Acts in the Context of Imperial History -- C. Lukan Images of Contra Culture -- D. Church Order and Imperial Society -- E. In Conclusion: Theophilus and His Circle -- IV. Clement of Rome and Domitian's Empire -- A. Domitian and the Writing of Clement's Corinthians -- B. Clement: Church Order and Imperial Peace -- C. Clement's Construction of a Contra Culture -- V. The Apocalypse and Domitian's Iconography -- A. Domitian's Cult and the Date of the Apocalypse -- B. The Domitianic Backcloth to the Apocalypse -- C. In Conclusion: Apocalypse and the Imperial Cult -- VI. Ignatius of Antioch and the Martyr's Procession -- A. Ignatian Typology and Domitian's Iconography -- B. The Martyr Procession and Cultic Ambassadors -- C. Order in Clement, Ignatius and the Apocalypse -- VII. Pagan and Christian Monarchianism -- A. Antecedents of the Severan Reformation -- B. Pagan Ontologies: Gnosticism and Neoplatonism -- C. Social Order and the Doctrine of the Trinity -- VIII. The Emergence of Imperial and Catholic Order -- A. Elagabalus and Universal Monotheism -- B. Callistus, Monarch Bishops and Monarchianism -- C. In Conclusion: The Legacy for Decius and Cyprian -- Bibliography -- Indices
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En la construcción intelectual de la Monarquía Católica, para confirmar su pensamiento y fortalecer sus baluartes frente a las posiciones protestantes, la Iglesia de la Modernidad promovió la causa de algunos santos reformadores contemporáneos, como santa Teresa de Jesús o san Ignacio de Loyola, canonizados en 1622. La conformación del proyecto católico reclamó también algunos modelos de virtud heroica entre los soberanos del Medievo que iluminaran, con su ejemplo e intercesión, la realidad política de la España del Seiscientos. Entre estos monarcas, destacaba el santo rey Fernando III de Castilla y León (1201-1252), cuya fama se había mantendido casi inalterada desde mediados del siglo xiii. Este trabajo de investigación trata de situar el proceso canónico de la causa incoada en Sevilla a principios del siglo xvii. En particular, presenta el interrogatorio que se utilizó, según los decretos de Urbano VIII (1623-1644), para confirmar el culto inmemorial del monarca castellano. El proceso concluyó con el decreto de canonización equipolente del Papa Clemente X, en 1671. ; In the intellectual construction of the Catholic Monarchy, in order to confirm its theories and strengthen its defences against Protestant positions, the Church of Modernity promoted the cause of some contemporary reformers such as St. Teresa of Jesus and St. Ignatius of Loyola, canonized in 1622. The pursuit of the Catholic project also demanded some models of heroic virtue among the sovereigns of the Middle Ages who would illuminate, with their example and intercession, the political reality of sixteenth-century Spain. Among these monarchs was King Saint Ferdinand III of Castile and Leon (1201-1252), whose fame had remained almost unchanged since the middle of the thirteenth century. This research work tries to situate the canonical process of the cause initiated in Seville at the start of the seventeenth century. In particular, it presents the interrogation that was used, according to the decrees of Urban VIII (1623-1644), to confirm the immemorial devotion of the Castilian monarch. The process concluded with the decree of equipollent canonization by Pope Clement X in 1671. ; Derecho canónico
The Anglican schism, solemnized by the Act of Supremacy in 1534 emerged from the European Protestant Reformation that at its beginning was a movement of dissent against the Roman Church. It spread throughout Europe thanks to political and economic support of many princes who transformed it into State religion. Movement's success is strictly linked to the intention of individual States to claim their autonomy, unfettering themselves from external influences, such as the papacy, and thus creating State's territorial Churches. The Church of England's schism originates from this peculiar historical and religious scenario, and has its roots in a general process to claim sovereignty of the Kingdom against any external influence. Nevertheless, someone – especially English literature, still believes that the real reason behind Anglican schism is Pope Clement VII's refusal to declare null the marriage of Henry VIII with Catherine of Aragon and consequently preventing him from marrying Anne of Boleyn. We deemed it necessary a critical examination of the matter concerning the refusal to grant nullity to Henry VIII's marriage, in order to determine whether the underlying cause of the Act of Supremacy was a love story that turned out badly, or other more ordinary reasons. For this purpose, we have analysed an equally resounded, but lesser known trial. It regards the declaration of nullity of the marriage between Edward IV and Elizabeth Woodville, granted few decades earlier, as it represents a significant legal/matrimonial precedent of schismatic nature. We tried to evaluate the legal legitimacy, according to matrimonial canon law, in force at that time, to evaluate whether or not justice was done.
Preface. The new manufacturing of SHS / Dominique BOULLIER -- Introduction / Claire BROSSAUD & Bernard REBER -- PART I. CAN ICT TELL HISTORY?: 1. Elements for a digital historiography / Andrea IACOVELLA -- 2. "In search of real time" or Man facing the desire and duty of speed / Luc BONNEVILLE & Sylvie GROSJEAN -- 3. Narrativity against temporality : computerized handling of histories / Eddie SOULIER -- PART II. HOW TO LOCATE ONESELF IN THE AREA OF ICT?: 4. Are virtual maps used for orientation? / Alain MILON -- 5. From denial of the territory to geocyberspace: towards an integrated approach of the relationship between space and ICT / Henry BAKIS & Philippe VIDAL -- 6. Mapping of the public space on the Web using Issuecrawler / Richard ROGERS -- PART III. ICT: A WORLD OF NETWORKS?: 7. Metrology of Internet networks / Nicolas LARRIEU & Philippe OWEZARSKI -- 8. Networks of relations on the Internet: a research object for information technology and social sciences / Dominique CARDON & Christophe PRIEUR -- 9. Analysis of heterogeneous networks: the ReseauLu project / Alberto CAMBROSIO, Pascal COTTEREAU, Stefan POPOWYCZ, Andrei MOGOUTOV & Tania VICHNEVSKAIA -- PART IV. COMPUTERIZED PROCESSING OF SPEECHES AND -- Hyperdocuments: what are the methodological consequences?: 10. hypertext, an intellectual technology in the era of complexity / Jean CLEMENT -- 11. Short history of software resources at the service of qualitative sociology / Christophe LEJEUNE -- 12. Peuples des eaux, gens des iles (Water people, islanders): hypertext and people without writing / Pierre MARANDA -- PART V. ICT TO SUPPORT PLURALISM OF INTERPRETATIONS?: 13. Semantic Web and ontologies / Philippe LAUBLET -- 14. Interrelations between analysis types and interpretation types / Karl M. VAN METER -- 15. Pluralism and plurality of interpretations / Francois DAOUST & Jules DUCHASTEL -- PART VI. DISTANCE COOPERATION?: 16. A communicational and documentary theory of ICT / Manuel ZACKLAD -- 17. Knowledge distributed by ICT: how do communication networks modify epistemic networks? / Bernard CONEIN -- 18. Towards new links between HSS and Computer Science: the CoolDev project / Gregory BOURGUIN & Arnaud LEWANDOWSKI -- PART VII. TOWARDS RENEWED POLITICAL LIFE AND CITIZENSHIP: 19. Electronic voting and computer security / Stephan BRUNESSAUX -- 20. Politicization of sociotechnical spaces of collective cognition: the practice of public wikis / Serge PROULX & Anne GOLDENBERG -- 21. Liasing using a multi-agent system / Maxime MORGE -- PART VIII. IS " SOCIO-INFORMATICS " POSSIBLE?: 22. Elements for socio-informatics / William TURNER -- 23. Limitations of computerization of sciences of man and society/ Thierry FOUCART -- 24. Internet in the process of data collection and dissemination / Gael GUEGUEN and Said YAMI -- Conclusion / Bernard REBER and Claire BROSSAUD -- Postscript. Computer science and humanities / Roberto BUSA -- Index
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Dottorato di ricerca in Memoria e materia dell'opera d'arte attraverso i processi di produzione , storicizzazione, conservazione, musealizzazione ; Il progetto I codici e la cultura scientifica alla corte dei Papi tra fine XIII e primi decenni del XV secolo, con particolare attenzione ai manoscritti miniati della Biblioteca Papale di Avignone si articola in tre snodi principali, corrispondenti alle partizioni essenziali in cui è stato suddiviso il lavoro. Innanzitutto si è tratteggiata una panoramica della storia, delle caratteristiche e degli sviluppi degli inventari delle librariae pontificie tra 1295 e 1594, fonti e testimonianze essenziali da cui partire, per indagare la vastità degli interessi culturali, in particolare scientifici, della corte papale. Tale esame, oltre a permettere di delineare l'effettiva presenza e consistenza di codici scientifici alla corte dei pontefici tra XIII e XV secolo e di rintracciare e riconoscere un nucleo significativo di manoscritti, oggi conservati in diversi fondi di biblioteche europee (Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Biblioteca Alessandrina, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, British Library, Biblioteca capitular di Toledo), a seguito della parziale dispersione e frammentazione della biblioteca papale, ha permesso di sottolineare, seguendo la prospettiva di lunga durata, le palesi divergenze esistenti in tale campo del sapere con il canone quattrocentesco redatto da Tommaso Parentucelli per la costituzione di una teorica biblioteca umanistica. Per sostanziare tale confronto si è fatto riferimento alla presenza degli item di natura scientifica elencati nei diversi inventari, inseriti in appendice. Quindi si è proposta una disamina della fortuna del pensiero scientifico all'interno della corte pontificia tra seconda metà del XIII e XIV secolo, prendendo in esame lo Studium di Viterbo, maggiore centro culturale del tempo in tale campo, e il pontificato di Bonifacio VIII (1297-1304), per giungere ai due casi peculiari, durante il papato avignonese, di Giovanni XXII (1316-1334) e Clemente VI (1342-1352), scelti non solo per la personale tensione verso le scienze esatte, ma anche per i riflessi risultanti nella loro azione politica: significativa in tal senso la bolla Super illius specula, promulgata nel 1326 da Giovanni XXII, e altrettanto rilevante l'intenso dibattito inerente la Visione beatifica sviluppatosi sotto il medesimo pontefice oppure alla questione sulla determinazione della data della Pasqua. Infine si è affrontato il nucleo dei codici scientifici miniati della biblioteca papale di Avignone. Da tale lavoro, basato principalmente sull'istituzione, ove possibile, di confronti con la coeva produzione liturgico-giuridica propria della curia pontificia, sulla quale fino a oggi si sono concentrati gli studi inerenti la miniatura avignonese, è emerso che tale gruppo di manoscritti è costituito in prevalenza da codici di studio, appartenuti probabilmente a membri della curia, entrati solo successivamente a far parte della collezione libraria papale, in virtù dello ius spolii, come recentemente dimostrato per il Borgh. 353 (Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana). Solo alcuni manoscritti potrebbero ritenersi il frutto di una specifica commissione pontificia, come evidente dalle dediche presenti sia nel ms 81 della Biblioteca Alessandrina di Roma, contenente il Commento alla Physioniomia di Guglielmo di Myrica, sia nel ms lat. 7293 della Bibliothèque Nationale de France, copia acefala del De instrumento rivelatore di Levì Ben Gerson. Il carattere privato di tali manoscritti appare ancor più evidente qualora si passi all'analisi degli apparati decorativi, dove si constata in alcuni casi la totale o parziale assenza di pagine d'incipit riccamente miniate, di iniziali rubricate o filigranate quand'anche previste dall'ordinator. Accanto a considerazioni prettamente stilistiche si sono anche condotte riflessioni inerenti l'iconografia delle iniziali istoriate dal momento che spesso risultano essere caratterizzate da raffigurazioni del tutto estranee alla materia trattata all'interno delle opere di cui qualificano l'incipit. La presenza di soggetti quali ad esempio la Vergine in maestà, del Cristo in trono o della Sacra famiglia consueti in testi di contenuto religioso, si è legata alla volontà di rendere più appetibile a un pubblico non laico la materia profana trattata. Accanto a tale tesi, probabilmente risultato dell'esclusiva volontà del committente, non si può non proporre anche una lectio facilior di tale discrepanza tra testo ed immagine, che potrebbe forse trovare la sua ragion d'essere forse nel fatto che gli artisti, abituati a realizzare per la curia testi di carattere sacro, abbiano usato i medesimi modelli a loro disposizione anche nella decorazione di codici di natura del tutto profana, ricorrendo ad un repertorio di soggetti standardizzato, senza preoccuparsi di aggiornarlo a esigenze diverse e in particolare a quelle legate ai contenuti di opere quali la Physica o la Methapysica. Tale parte del lavoro è stata arricchita e supportata da schede catalografiche, composte da un'attenta analisi e descrizione codicologica, alla quale fa seguito una sezione storico-critica incentrata sulle vicende sia compositive sia collezionistiche di detti codici e sul loro attuale stato conservativo. ; The project Codes and Scientific Culture at the Court of the Popes in Late Thirteenth Century and in the Early Decades of the Fifteenth Century, with Particular Attention to the Illuminated Manuscripts of the Papal Library of Avignon is divided into three main parts, corresponding to the essential partitions in which is partitioned the researching work. The first one is dedicated to an overview of the history, the characteristics and the developments of papal libraries inventories between 1295 and 1594. Its matter of fact that these ones are essential sources and testimonies for investigate the cultural interests, particularly the scientific one in the papal court. This examination, as well as allowing you to outline the actual presence and consistency of scientific codes in the court of the popes between the thirteenth and fifteenth century, tracking and recognizing a significant core of manuscripts, now preserved in various collections of European libraries (Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, British Library, Toledo Capitular Library), following the partial dispersion and fragmentation of the papal library, allowed to point out, following the long-term perspective, the obvious differences that exist in this field of knowledge with the canon century written by Thomas Parentucelli for the establishment of a theoretical humanistic library. This point has been substantiated by comparison of the items listed in the various scientific inventories, included in the book's appendix. The second part of the volume concerned an examination of the fortune of scientific thought in the papal court in the second half of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, examining the Studium of Viterbo: the greater the cultural center of the time in this field; the pontificate of Boniface VIII (1297 -1304); and finally outlining two peculiar cases, during the Avignon papacy of John XXII (1316-1334) and Clement VI (1342-1352), chosen not only for the personal tension towards the exact sciences, but also for the reflections resulting in their political action: significant in this sense, the Super illius note, promulgated in 1326 by Pope John XXII, the intense debate regarding the Beatific Vision developed under the same pope or the question of determining the date of Easter. In the last section, we addressed the core of the scientific codes illuminated the papal library in Avignon. This work has based mainly on the establishment, where possible, comparisons with contemporary liturgical and legal production linked to the papal curia, on which up now it has focused studies. It was found that this group of manuscripts is mainly consisting of study codes, probably belonged to members of the Curia, which came only later to be part of the papal library collection, by virtue of jus spolii, as recently demonstrated, for example in the case of Borgh. 353 (Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana). Only few manuscripts may be considered the result of a specific pontifical commission, as evident from the dedications both the ms 81 of the Alessandrina Library of Rome, containing a commentary on the Physioniomia of William of Myrica, or the ms lat. 7293 of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, a Levi ben Gerson headless copy of the De instrumento rivelatore. The private nature of the manuscripts is even more evident when you analyze the decorative device. It is found in some cases the total or partial absence of pages of richly illuminated incipit, in other ones the absence of rubricated or pen worked initials even provided by ordinator. In addition to stylistic considerations it has also conducted reflections about historiated initials. They often turn out to be characterized by depictions completely unrelated to the topic within the works which qualify the opening words. The presence of subjects such as the Virgin in majesty, the enthroned Christ or the Holy Family usually present in texts of religious content, it is linked to the desire to make it more agreeable to a secular audience the profane matter treated in the books, so probably the exclusive will result of the client. However we can also propose a lectio facilior of this discrepancy between text and image. It could possible find its reason in the fact that artists, accustomed to achieve sacred texts for curia, they used the same models in the decoration of codes of secular nature, using a standardized repertoire of subjects, not bothering to upgrade it to the different needs of 3 operas like Physica and Metaphysica. This last section has been enriched and supported by catalog entries, consisting of careful analysis and description codex, which is followed by a historical-critical section focused on the compositional
Foreword /Peter H. Koehn --A Public Policy Approach to Governance in Africa: An Introduction /Gedion Onyango --Part I: Research, Theory and Teaching African Public Policy --The Social Science Foundations of Public Policy in Africa /Liisa Laakso --Researching and Teaching Public Policy and Governance in Africa /Chris Tapscott --Theorising Public Policy in Africa /Goran Hyden --Public Authority in Africa /Tom Kirk and Tim Allen --The Institutional Logics Perspective and Policymaking in Africa /James Hathaway --Pockets Of Effectiveness (POE) in Africa: A Solution to the Policy Paradox? /Anne Mette Kjær --Part II: Understanding Policy Framing in Africa --Policy Images in Africa /Eric E. Otenyo --Reflections on the Political Economy of Public Policy Analysis in Africa /Michael Kpessa-Whyte and Kafui Tsekpo --The Role and Impact of International Bureaucrats in Policymaking in Africa /Rosina Foli and Frank L.K. Ohemeng --Traditional Chiefs as Institutional Entrepreneurs in Policymaking and Implementation in Africa /Salomey K.G. Afrifa and Frank L.K. Ohemeng --Public Participation and Policymaking in Local Governance in Africa /Emmanuel Botlhale --Framing Political Policy Communications in Africa /Kobby Mensah, Joyce Manyo and Nnamdi O. Madichie --Policy Evaluation in Africa /E. Remi Aiyede and Maryam O. Quadri --Part III: Understanding Policymaking in Africa --Public Policymaking in Africa /Lukamba Muhiya Tshombe and Thekiso Molokwane --Historical Perspectives of Policymaking and Administration in Africa /Felix Kumah-Abiwu, James Korku Agbodzakey and Samuel Kofi Darkwa --The Media and Policymaking in Africa: A Comparative Study of Economic Development Policies in South Africa and Nigeria /TK Pooe and Sysman Motloung --Part IV: Understanding Policy Reforms in Africa --Public-Private Partnership and Public Policy in Africa /Joseph O. Obosi --Rationales for and Policy Implications of Implementing Semi-Autonomous Revenue Authorities in Sub-Saharan Africa /Matilde Jeppesen --Evolution and Change of Communication Policy in Postcolonial Africa: From Independence to the Present Day /Osée Kamga --Multiculturalism and Policymaking in Africa /John Sunday Ojo and Joanne Clarke --Part V: Understanding Politics And Public Policy In Africa --The Politics of Public Policy in Africa /Michael Kpessa-Whyte --Political Parties, Political Change and Public Policy in Africa: A Comparative Study of Kenya, Tanzania and Ghana /Adams Oloo --Political Transition, Policy Change and Implementation in Zambia /Musole Siachisa --Executive Policymaking During National Crisis: Policy Responses to Covid-19 Pandemic in Uganda /Roberts Kabeba Muriisa --Political Leadership and Public Policy in Africa: Thabo Mbeki, the Consummate Policy Entrepreneur /Ndangwa Noyoo --Public Policy and Election Administration in Africa: A Controlling or Innovative Environment /Michael Amoah --Part VI: Policy Implementation Outcomes in Africa: Country Studies --Democratizing Policy Implementation in Africa: Lessons from Ghana's National Health Insurance Scheme /Emmanuel Kofi Ayisi, Justice Nyigmah Bawole and Emmanuel Yeboah-Assiamah --Competing Interests and Lack of Policy Ownership of the Reform Agenda: A Barrier to Uganda's Reform Success /William Muhumuza --Public Policy in Cameroon: State-Building Programs under the Influence /Alphonse Bernard Amougou Mbarga --The Politics of Decentralisation: Policy Reform Design and Implementation in Malawi /Asiyati Lorraine Chiweza --Indigenization Policy in the Extractive Sector in Zimbabwe: A Critical Reflection /Kennedy Manduna and Davison Muchadenyika --Policy Learning and Policy Failure in Africa: The Case of Electricity Privatization in Ghana /Frank L.K. Ohemeng and Joshua J. Zaato --Part VII: Implementing Education Policies in Africa --Investing in the People? Analysis of Education Policies in Angola /Francisco Miguel Paulo --Public-Private Partnerships as Predictors of Success: Lessons from the Education Sector in Post-War Liberia /Samuel G. Toe --Policy Issues in the Harmonisation of Quality Assurance Systems for Higher Education in Africa /Ngepathimo Kadhila and Eugene Lizazi Libebe --Part VIII: Understanding Health Policies and Disease Control in Africa --Control Programmes for Africa's Parasites: Unrealistic Expectations, Ignored Evidence, and Troubling Outcomes /Tim Allen and Melissa Parker --Between Marketization and Public Interest Discourses in Health Policy Delivery: Debating Solidarity and Universal Health Care in South Africa /Lauren Ela Paremoer --Policy Responses to Ebola Virus Disease in West Africa: Experiences from Sierra Leone /Lawrence Sao Babawo, Ahmed Vandi and Tommy M. Hanson --Confronting Epidemics: The Art of not Knowing and Strategic Ignorance During Ebola Preparedness in Uganda /Grace Akello and Melissa Parker --Part IX: Understanding Food Security And Social Protection Policies --Food and Nutrition Security Policies in Africa /Anne Siebert and Julian May --Public Policy and Social Protection in Africa: The Rise of Cash Transfers /Nathanael Ojong and Logan Cochrane --A Genealogy of Policies on Poor and Vulnerable Children and Youth in Kenya /Elizabeth Ngutuku --Part X: Understanding Women, Gender and Public Policy in Africa --Women in Policymaking in Africa /Emmanuel Botlhale --Gender Mainstreaming in Africa: Local Translations and Institutional Challenges in Ghana, Malawi and South Africa /Diana Højlund Madsen, Amanda Gouws and Asiyati Lorraine Chiweza --Women and Social Policies in South Africa and Sierra Leone /Ina Conradie and Abioseh Bockarie --Women Legislators in Legislative Policymaking in Africa /Chiedo Nwankwor and Adedeji Adebayo --Part XI: Understanding Crisis Management, Migration and Regional Trade --Public Policy and Disaster Management: The Role of Law in International Disaster Assistance in Africa /María Mercedes Martínez Carrizo --Migration Frameworks in Africa: Nature, Dynamics, and Challenges /Alemu Asfaw Nigusie --Evolution of Trade Policy and Regional Integration in Africa /Stephen R. Karangizi and Haruperi R. Mumbengegwi --Part XII: Understanding Emerging Policy Issues And Challenges In Africa --Open Innovation Systems and Public Policy in Africa: Setting New Boundaries Against Wicked Problems /Yeboah-Assiamah Emmanuel, Clement Mensah Damoah and Justice Nyigmah Bawole --Africa's New Megacities: Sustainable Urbanism, Climate Urbanism or Megalopolises of Exclusionary Enclaves /John Sunday Ojo --Environmental Policies in Africa: The State of Regulating E-Waste Management /Japheth Otieno Ondiek and Gedion Onyango --Petroleum Extraction in Africa: A Review of the Local Content Policies for the Oil Industry in Selected Countries /Austin Dziwornu Ablo and William Otchere-Darko --The Unintended Industrial Policy Benefits of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Africa /Julius Kiiza.
Foliación moderna en lápiz y algunos números de la época salteadas y sin un ordengeneral. En la hoja de guarda delantera y en el fol. 1 hay indice ; caja de escritura 25-28 x 15-18 cm ; 25 a 50 lin. por p. ; Contiene también los siguientes impresos: 1) Memorial Historico, Juridico, Politico de la S. Iglesia Catedral de la Puebla de los Angeles en la Nueva-España sobre restituirla las armas reales de Castilla, León, Aragón y Navarra que puso en la Capilla Mayor de su Iglesia de que ha sido despojada injustamente, al Rey N. S. Escribiale el Doctor Don Juan Alonso Calderon. (S.l.: S. n., S. a.). FoIs. 2-97. 2) Relacion cierta y verdadera de la feliz vitoria . que en la India Oriental han conseguido los portugueses contra . Olanda y Persia . este año de 1624 . Madrid: Bernardino de Guzman, 1625. Fols. 124-125. 3) Relacion de la batalla que Nuño̜ Albarez Botello, General de la Armada Portuguesa . tuvo con las Armadas de Olanda y Ingalaterra en el Estrecho de Ormuz . (S. l. : S. n., S. a.). FoIs. 126-127. 4) Relacion de la solenidad con que el Insigne Colegio de Corpus Christi hizo la presentacion del rotulo de su . Fundador, el Señor Don Ivan de Ribera, Patriarca deAntioquía y Arçobispo de Valencia. Valencia: Juan Bautista Maisal, 1630. Fols. 130-133. 5) Sangrienta batalla de Norlinguen y rompimiento del exercito de Gustavo de Oras, Veimar y Crati . en seis de Setiembre dc 1634 (s. l.: S.I., s. a.). Fols. 134-137. 6) Relacion de la muerte de Don Rodrigo Calderon, Marques que fue de Sieteyglesias, etc. Por Fernanda Manoio de la Corte. Madrid: Viuda de Fernanda Correa deMontenegro, (S. a.). Fols. 148-151. 7) Vida y muerte de Don Rodrigo Calderon, por un Cavallero desta Corte a un su amigo (S.l. : S. n., S. a.). Fols. 152-153. 8) Relacion . de la feliz entrada del Exercito Catolico en la Velva, Pais de Holandeses . Cuenca: Julian de la Iglesia, 1629. FoIs. 154-155. 9) Relacion de Andres de Mendoza, Capitulaciones de los Señores Marqueses deToral, y boda del Señor Condestable de Castilla . Madrid : Bernardino de Guzman, (S. a.). Fols. 156-159. 10) Relacion de la partida del Señor Duque de Neosburque y copia de una carta de su confessor a un Padre de la Compaįa de Jesus de Alcala. -Madrid: Bernardino deGuzman, 1625. FoIs. 160-161. 11) [Sobre diversos asuntos de gobierno en el año̜ 1626]. (S. l. : S. n., S. a.). Fols. 164-165. 12) Relacion de la Institucion en Roma de la Orden Militar de la Inmaculada Concepcion . por. Urbano VIII (S. l. : S.n., S. a.). Fols. 176-177. 13) Discurso en que se prueba que el dar Procurador Romano y hospicio en Roma y Vicario General a los Padres Descalços de los Reynos de España y de Indias, de la Orden de N. P. San Francisco, dividiendolos de las demas Provincias ., no es conveniente . (S. l. : S. n., S. a.). Fols. 313-320. 14) [Discursos sobre] . que en ambos estados Eclesiastico y Secular . las elecciones se hazen con menores inconvenientes ., por votos de los superiores que de los inferiores [y] Summa Petitionis. (S.l. : S. n., S. a.). Fols. 321-323. ; 1.Jornada que el Duque de Pastrana hizo a Francia a las Capitulaciones de la Reina de Francia y Princessa de España: ; 2.Tocante a la poblacion del Reyno de España [y muchachos desam parados y huérfanos], en 1625: ; 3.Tocante a la averiguacion de las merzeces que el Rey Nrº Sr. yço al Duque de Lerma: ; 4.Tocante a las cosas del Reyno del Piru: Relación del estado y cosas del Piru hecha por Don Luis de Quiñones Osorio. dirigida. [al] Duque de Lerma) ; 5.Lo que se ofreze de nuevo en la Corte hasta 1º de Henero 1629 ; 6.Relacion de lo que ha passado en el levantamiento de don Antonio desde 18 hasta XXVII de Junio, 1580: ; 7.Nuevo y verdadero pronostico embiado al Summo Pontifice. (sobre varios acontecimientos que han de suceder) año de 1628 : ; 8.Relacion de un terremoto sucedido en la Villa de la Playa . en 24 de mayo deste presente año de 1614: ; 9.Relacion del suceso que tubo el principe de España Phelipe Segundo desde los 12 de Julio de 1554 que partio della a Inglaterra a se casar : ; 10.Aviso de D. Rodrigo Calderon al Conde Duque. Copia de una satira . ; 13.Capitulaci̇on entre los Reies don Fernando y doña Isabel: ; 14.Relacion de las cosas que ay en una galera. y nombres que cada una tiene y para lo que sirve y del lenguaje y manera de ablar que ay en el . de las faenas : ; 15.Tocante a la monarquia de España y de su gobierno y poder. Relacion que hiço a la Republica de Benezia Simon Contareni el año de 1605 de la enbaxada que havia hecho en España y de todo lo que entendia de las cosasde ella : ; 16.Tocante a la absolucion que la santidad de Clemente 8º yço a Enrique Borbon, Rey de Francia quando se redujo a la Iglesia : ; 17.Las leyes nuevamente hechas en el Parlamento de Inglaterra este año̜ de MDCVI contra los catolicos ingleses . : ; 18.Tocante al Reyno de Valencia que pretende . despues de Aragón y antes de Cataluña y tener el 2º lugar : ; 19.Lo que el Parlamento general de Sicilia en el año 1549, suplico al emperador nuestro Señor . en materia . de prelados: ; 21.Juramento fecho al principe D. Fernando primogenito del Rey D. Phelipe 2º y de la Reyna Dª Ana por el Reyno junto en las Cortes : ; 22.Juramento fecho al principe D. Diego hijo del Rey D. Phelipe 2º y de la Reyna Dª Ana por el Reyno junto en Cortes: ; 23.Del Rey Felipe II al Duque de Bejar sobre ciertos desordenes y excesos de algunos oficiales y soldados: ; 24.1627 años. Aviso de Roma en tiempo del Rey D. Phelipe el IIII [sobre ciertos sucesos en que estaban mezclados algunos españoles : ; 25.En Roma. Relación de avisos desde 19 de henero hasta 2 de marzo de 1625: