Resocialization of "desplazados" in small Pentecostal congregations in Bogotá, Colombia
In: Refugee survey quarterly: reports, documentation, literature survey, Band 26, Heft 2, S. 36-47
ISSN: 1020-4067
3397 Ergebnisse
In: Refugee survey quarterly: reports, documentation, literature survey, Band 26, Heft 2, S. 36-47
ISSN: 1020-4067
In: Journal of urban affairs, Band 44, Heft 1, S. 38-56
ISSN: 1467-9906
The study was funded by Fundación Éxito and Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá. ; Background. According to the 2015 National Survey of the Nutritional Situation in Colombia the prevalence of stunting in children under 5 years of age was 10.8%. In terms of region, Bogotá, presented the highest prevalence rate (13%), a figure that exceeded national records. With the collaboration of local and national government, and nongovernmental it was decided to develop a pilot study involving a public health intervention with residents of Bogotá under 1 year of age with nutritional classification by anthropometry compatible with stunting risk or stunting. Methods. Pre-experimental, before and after study that sought to determine the magnitude of the change in nutritional status through a 10 months public health nutrition intervention in children under one-year-old residing in 3 prioritized territories of Bogotá. Results. The intervention comprised 1126 children living in the following territories in Bogotá: Kennedy, San Cristóbal, and Engativá. A total of 43.3% children presented delay in height for age, and 56.7% presented risk of short stature. In the final measurement, data were obtained from 686 children, identifying that 17% of the children progressed from stunting to a stunting risk and that 4.5% recovered their growth trajectory, achieving an adequate length for their age. Conclusion. That children classified as at risk or stunting at the beginning of the intervention showed an increased probability of approaching or being in the appropriate growth trajectory according to the length-for-age indicator after the intervention.
BACKGROUND: According to the 2015 National Survey of the Nutritional Situation in Colombia the prevalence of stunting in children under 5 years of age was 10.8%. In terms of region, Bogotá, presented the highest prevalence rate (13%), a figure that exceeded national records. With the collaboration of local and national government, and nongovernmental it was decided to develop a pilot study involving a public health intervention with residents of Bogotá under 1 year of age with nutritional classification by anthropometry compatible with stunting risk or stunting. METHODS: Pre-experimental, before and after study that sought to determine the magnitude of the change in nutritional status through a 10 months public health nutrition intervention in children under one-year-old residing in 3 prioritized territories of Bogotá. RESULTS: The intervention comprised 1126 children living in the following territories in Bogotá: Kennedy, San Cristóbal, and Engativá. A total of 43.3% children presented delay in height for age, and 56.7% presented risk of short stature. In the final measurement, data were obtained from 686 children, identifying that 17% of the children progressed from stunting to a stunting risk and that 4.5% recovered their growth trajectory, achieving an adequate length for their age. CONCLUSION: That children classified as at risk or stunting at the beginning of the intervention showed an increased probability of approaching or being in the appropriate growth trajectory according to the length-for-age indicator after the intervention. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s12889-021-10620-3.
BACKGROUND: The incidence of invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) varies depending on a number of factors, including vaccine uptake, in both children and adults, the geographic location, and local serotype prevalence. There are limited data about the burden of Streptococcus pneumoniae (Spn), serotype distribution, and clinical characteristics of adults hospitalized due to IPD in Colombia. The objectives of this study included assessment of Spn serotype distribution, clinical characteristics, mortality, ICU admission, and the need for mechanical ventilation. METHODS: This was an observational, retrospective, a citywide study conducted between 2012 and 2019 in Bogotá, Colombia. We analyzed reported positive cases of IPD from 55 hospitals in a governmental pneumococcal surveillance program. Pneumococcal strains were isolated in each hospital and typified in a centralized laboratory. This is a descriptive study stratified by age and subtypes of IPD obtained through the analysis of medical records. RESULTS: A total of 310 patients with IPD were included, of whom 45.5% were female. The leading cause of IPD was pneumonia (60%, 186/310), followed by meningitis. The most frequent serotypes isolated were 19A (13.87%, 43/310) and 3 (11.94%, 37/310). The overall hospital mortality rate was 30.3% (94/310). Moreover, 52.6% (163/310 patients) were admitted to the ICU, 45.5% (141/310) required invasive mechanical ventilation and 5.1% (16/310) non-invasive mechanical ventilation. CONCLUSION: Pneumococcal pneumonia is the most prevalent cause of IPD, with serotypes 19A and 3 being the leading cause of IPD in Colombian adults. Mortality due to IPD in adults continues to be very high. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s12879-021-06769-2.
In: Working with older people: community care policy & practice, Band 26, Heft 2, S. 109-119
ISSN: 2042-8790
This paper aims to identify psychosocial, demographic and health risk factors associated with depression in older people.
A correlational study with 281 independent and autonomous persons of the community over 60 years old from Bogotá was conducted. The three instruments used to measure the variables included in the data analyses were Demographic and Health Data Questionnaire, Short version of 15 items of Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) and Montreal Cognitive Assessment Test (MoCA).
Fifteen percent of the participants presented depression. Depression was associated with different demographic, low social support and health factors in this population group and was particularly high in women. Being a woman with poor social support networks and a previous history of depressive episodes should be considered as determining factors within a clinical risk profile for depression in older adulthood. It is essential to design prevention strategies focused on women and on the development of better social support in old age.
Depression is a prevalent and highly disabling disease, when it is suffered by an older person it is associated with higher mortality, functional dependence, poor physical health, worse quality of life indicators and psychological well-being. In the elderly, the clinical diagnosis of depression is difficult, as it has a high comorbidity and is often confused with other health conditions prevalent during older adulthood.
El concepto de infancia ha tomado fuerza desde la promulgación de los derechos del niño, a partir de lo cual los infantes pasaron de ser considerados objeto de tutela del Estado a ser sujetos de derechos. En Colombia, la Constitución Política de 1991, en su artículo 44, además de reconocer los derechos de los niños les da el estatus de prevalencia sobre los demás. Transcurridas ya dos décadas, y aún desde antes, son numerosas las políticas y acciones en general promovidas en el país para el debido cumplimiento de este precepto constitucional. Bogotá, dada su condición de capital política y económica del país, se ha convertido en la principal receptora de las migraciones asociadas al desplazamiento producto del conflicto armado interno. A su vez, este proceso migratorio ha estado fuertemente asociado con la aparición de asentamientos informales en donde las acciones para la atención de la infancia denotan desencuentros con el hábitat. ¿Qué ha sucedido con los niños y las niñasque habitan allí? ¿Inciden las condiciones de su hábitat en el acceso efectivo a sus derechos? ¿Qué se hace desde el planeamiento territorial y las políticas de vivienda para garantizar los derechos de la infancia? Esa es la reflexión que se propone en el presente artículo. ; The concept of childhood has gained strength since the enactment of the rights of children. Infants went from being considered subjects to protection of the State to be subjects of rights. In Colombia, the 1991 Constitution, in the Article 44, in addition to recognizing the rights of children, they are given the status of prevalence over others. With two decades passed, and even earlier, there are numerous policies and actions promoted in the country. In this context, it is particularly important to analyze what happened in Bogotá, a city that is the political capital. It receives the impact of migration associated with displacement, product of the internal armed conflict, and it significantlypresents the phenomenon of informal settlements. What has happened to the children who live there? Are the conditions of their habitat related to their effective access to their rights? What is done from the territorial planning and housing policies to guarantee the rights of children? That is the reflection proposed in this article.
In: Revista CS: en ciencias sociales = CS Journal, Heft 33, S. 141-170
ISSN: 2665-4814
Since the Spanish colonization, the inhabitants of Bogotá have bid farewell to their loved ones following the instructions of the Catholic Church and are guided by the beliefs and customs of popular Catholicism. However, since the mid-twentieth century, funerary rites have been transformed among Bogotá's Catholics. This change is analyzed in this article with the help of the concept of Secularization; understood as a multidimensional, longterm process. Thanks to socio-historical analysis, this paper identifies several factors that have engendered the secularization of the funeral rite: its progressive liberation from the control and regulation of the Catholic Church. Three fundamental processes stand out in this regard: 1) the regulation of the rite by the State; 2) the rise of funeral companies; 3) the globalization of communications, particularly the massification of the so-called social networks that are connected thanks to the internet.
In: Social currents: official journal of the Southern Sociological Society, Band 7, Heft 4, S. 310-330
ISSN: 2329-4973
In a context of debilitated formal political institutions, a period of high levels of collective contention, and a protest culture in which road blockades are commonly used, this article argues that the implementation of a novel easy-to-block bus-based mass transit system, Transmilenio (TM), changed the repertoire of contention in Bogotá. To support this argument, panel data that register all protest events that took place in Bogotá between 2001 and 2010 are used in the context of a research design akin to a natural experiment. Results suggest that TM infrastructure did act as a magnet, pulling traditional street protest tactics that used to take place on regular streets and redirecting them toward TM lanes. In addition, following rationalist approaches regarding the emergence of tactical innovations, the article provides preliminary population-based attitudinal evidence suggesting that activists' perceived effectiveness of TM shutdowns might be one likely mechanism connecting TM infrastructure to activists' decision to mobilize in Bogotá.
Las experiencias callejeras se asumen de manera diferenciada por quienes viven en la calle, espacio donde se ejerce una lectura violenta de lo femenino. Desde un enfoque de género, este artículo pretende visibilizar las construcciones de los cuerpos femeninos y feminizados en Bogotá, situadas en un grupo de niñas y jóvenes entre 14 y 28 años, con quienes se trabajó a partir de una etnografía institucional realizada entre 2012 y 2014, apoyada por talleres con enfoque biográfico, usando la escritura, el sonido y la fotografía, así como las cartografías corporales. Los aportes de esta investigación permiten ubicar nuevas discusiones frente a las experiencias generizadas en la calle, y reflexionar sobre apuestas metodológicas cuando se promueven investigaciones con población en situación de calle como un acto de politización de las cotidianidades de los cuerpos callejeros. ; Street experiences are assumed in a different way by those who live on the streets, a space where a violent reading of the feminine is practiced. From a gender perspective, this article aims to make visible the constructions of the feminine and feminized bodies in Bogotá, recognizing the experiences of a group of girls and young women between 14 and 28 years old, with whom we worked based on an institutional ethnography carried out between 2012 and 2014, based on workshops focusing on their biographies through writing, sound and photography, as well as body mapping. The contributions of this research allow us to locate new discussions in the face of the experiences generated on the streets, and to reflect on methodological bets when promoting research with the ones living on the streets to vindicate their rights as political subjects in their daily lives. ; As experiências de rua são assumidas de maneira diferente por aqueles que moram nela, um espaço onde há uma leitura violenta do feminino. A partir de uma perspectiva de gênero, este artigo busca visibilizar as construções de corpos femininos e feminizados em Bogotá, situadas num grupo de meninas e jovens entre 14 e 28 anos, com quem trabalhamos com base numa etnografia institucional realizada entre 2012 e 2014, apoiada por oficinas com uma abordagem biográfica, utilizando escrita, som e fotografia, além das cartografias corporais. As contribuições desta pesquisa permitem localizar novas discussões diante das experiências de gênero na rua e refletir sobre as apostas metodológicas quando se propõem pesquisas com população em situação de rua como um ato de politização do cotidiano dos corpos de rua.
In: European journal of international law, Band 28, Heft 4, S. 1283-1286
ISSN: 1464-3596
In: The developing economies: the journal of the Institute of Developing Economies, Tokyo, Japan, Band 34, Heft 4, S. 497-519
ISSN: 1746-1049
The informal sector causes controversy in countries, especially in developing countries where there is no efficient control. This sector of the economy is characterized by avoiding paying taxes and operating under the radar. Tax evasion generates deficits in countries' budgets, but it is undeniable that this sector offers other opportunities for a part of the population and boosts the national economy. In Colombia, rural-urban migrations generated a surplus population with low educational levels. The migrating population faced labour pressures and were forced to look for other economic alternatives. Hence, street sales became more and more notorious in the cities. Initially, the government tried to prohibit these activities. But after, they noticed that these new activities were contributing to fighting poverty and unemployment. The cities grew massively and therefore, governments attempted to implement policies to regulate street vendors. Regulations are difficult to implement because street-vending is accepted as a form of work, but they are occupying public space and exploiting it for personal benefit. Furthermore, street vendors foment congestion and the deterioration of cities and have been linked to mafias and illegal activities. For the purpose of controlling these activities, governments have ineffectively implemented relocation and training policies. This is why the current administration has a big challenge and changed its approach. The Institute for Social Economy included street vendors in the designing phase to understand the dynamics of the streets and be able to implement costeffective activities that meet beneficiaries' demands. In light of the above, these policies seek not only to reclaim public space but also to offer an improvement in their living conditions. Therefore, the objective of the thesis was to assess the relocation programs and determine success or failure factors according to the perceptions of the participants. From a sample of 116 participants, it was identified that programs that offer added value performed better. Additionally, results show that an increase in income does not represent an improvement in the general welfare. Consequently, non-economic factors should be applied in future programmes. ; submittedVersion ; M-DS
In: Cuadernos latinoamericanos de administración, Band 19, Heft 37
ISSN: 2248-6011
Este artículo tiene por objetivo identificar las prácticas de consumo colaborativo de servicios de hospedaje ofrecidos por hostales de la localidad de la Candelaria, en la ciudad de Bogotá. Para tal fin se analizó una muestra de 57 hostales mediante encuestas. Se usó una metodología descriptiva y exploratoria con enfoque mixto, en la que se aplicó la triangulación metodológica para cotejar los hallazgos de las encuestas y las entrevistas a cuatro expertos en el tema. Los principales hallazgos muestran que los hostales se caracterizan por no tener más de diez años de actividades comerciales, por emplear a un bajo número de empleados, y tener administradores empíricos en la alta dirección. Además, se encontró que los hostales sí ofrecen servicios de consumo colaborativo.
In: Journal of Interamerican studies and world affairs, Band 24, Heft 1, S. 59-80
ISSN: 2162-2736
Women's participation in the industrial labor force seems to have followed a universal pattern across nations and across historical periods. Available evidence suggests that in the early stages of industrialization young, single women are readily employed in industries manufacturing food, clothing, and other nondurable products. As industrialization progresses and more advanced technologies are introduced, women are replaced by men as the preferred industrial workers (Baker, 1964; Boserup, 1970; Safa, 1977; Scott and Tilly, 1975).