International Seminar on Nuclear War and Planetary Emergencies, 42nd session: World energy crisis : "E. Majorana" Centre for Scientific Culture, Erice, Italy, 19-24 August 2009
In: Science and culture series. Nuclear strategy and peace technology
1. Opening session. Why science is needed for the culture of the third millennium - The motor for progress / Antonino Zichichi. Acceptance remarks on receiving the 2009 Gian Carlo Wick gold medal award / Nicholas P. Samios. Glacial retreat and its impact in Tibetan plateau under global warming / Honglie Sun. Climate stabilization on the basis of geo-engineering technologies / Yuri Antonovitch Izrael. Modeling forest ecosystems, their response to and interaction with global climate change / Herman H. Shugart. Forest policies, carbon sequestration and biodiversity protection / Jan Szyszko. Avoiding disaster : Book presentation / Henning Wegener and William Barletta -- 2. Information security focus : Cyber conflicts and cyber stability - finding a path to cyper peace. Cyber conflict vs. cyber stability : Finding a path to cyber peace / Henning Wegener. Advancing the global cybersecurity agenda and promoting cyberstability globally / Hamadoun I. Toure. Bridging the global gaps in cyber security / Mohd Noor Amin. Cyber war vs. cyber stability / Jody R. Westby. Cyber conflict vs. cyber security : Finding a path to peace / John. G. Grimes. Information security, ensembles of experts / Rick Wesson. Cyber conflict vs. cyber stability : EU and multi-national collaboration / Jacques Bus. Erice declaration on principles for cyber stability and cyber peace / Jody Westby and William Barletta -- 3. Pollution focus : Integrating environmental health research and chemical innovation. Fomenting new opportunities to protect human health / John Peterson Myers. Green chemistry : A necessary step to a sustainable future / John C. Warner. Health impact of environmental chemicals : Need for green chemistry / Jerrold J. Heindel. Moving the chemical enterprise toward sustainability : Key issues / Terry Collins -- 4. Energy & climate focus : Essential technologies for moderating climate change and improving energy security. Balancing perspectives on energy supply, economics, and the environment / Carl O. Bauer. The outlook for power plant CO[symbol] capture / Edward S. Rubin. Making rapid transition to an energy system centered on energy efficiency and renewables possible / Wolfgang Eichhammer. Beyond emerging low-carbon technologies to face climate change? / Giorgio Simbolotti. Institutions for developing new climate solutions / Lee Lane, W. David Montgomery and Anne E. Smith. Moderating climate change by limiting emissions of both short- and long-lived greenhouse gases / Michael C. MacCracken. Current status of technology for collection of uranium from seawater / Masao Tamada. An explanation of oil peaking / Roger W. Bentley. The future of global oil supply : Understanding the building blocks / Peter Jackson. The importance of technology - The constant wild card / Rodney F. Nelson. Recent scientific development in Taiwan in response to global climate change / Maw-Kuen Wu -- 5. Climate focus : Global warming and greenhouse gases. Exponential analysis in the problem of the assessment of the contribution of greenhouse gases in global warming / Mikhail J. Antonovsky -- 6. Energy, climate, pollution and limits of development focus : Advanced technologies and strategies in China for meeting the energy, environment and economy predicament in a greenhouse constrained society. Myths and realities about energy and energy-related CO[energy] emissions in China / Mark D. Levine. Technologies and policies for the transition to low carbon energy system in China / Zhang Xiliang. Assessment of CO[symbol] storage potential in oil/gas-bearing reservoirs in Songliao Basin of China / Mingyuan Li. Carbon cycle in Karst processes / Yuan Daoxian. Bioenergy in China : A grand challenge for economic and environmental sustainability / Jie Zhuang and Gui-Rui Yu. Screening for climate change adaptation : Water problem, impact and challenges in China / Jun Xia -- 7. Climate and data focus : Significant climate uncertainties addressed by satellites. NASA satellite observations for climate research and applications for public health / John A. Haynes. Climate insights from monitoring solar energy output / Judit M. Pap -- 8. Climate & clouds focus : Sensitivity of climate to additional CO[symbol] as indicated by water cycle feedback issues. A natural limit to anthropogenic global warming / William Kininmonth. On the observational determination of climate sensitivity and its implications / Richard S. Lindzen and Yong-Sang Choi. Two basic problems of simulating climate feedbacks / Garth W. Paltridge -- 9. Climate without computer simulation focus : Mathematics, physics, and climate. What is the climate change signal? / Kyle L. Swanson. A key open question of climate forecasting / Christopher Essex -- 10. Climate and health focus : Windblown dust. Medical geology : Dust exposure and potential health risks in the Middle East / Mark B. Lyles. Climate change and climate systems influence and control the atmospheric dispersion of desert dust : Implications for human health / Dale Griffin -- 11. Science & technology focus : WMD proliferation - energy of the future - mathematics & democracy. Remote detection with particle beams / Gregory Canavan. Exploring the Italian navigator's new world : Toward economic,full-scale, low-carbon, conveniently-available, proliferation - robust, renewable energy resources / Lowell Wood. The Mathematics of Democracy in South Asia / K. C. Sivaramakrishnan -- 12. WFS general meeting PMP reports - debate and conclusions. Permanent monitoring panel on motivations for terrorism / Lord John Alderdice. AIDS and infectious diseases PMP / Franco M. Buonaguro. Mother and child PMP / Nathalie Charpak. Permanent monitoring panel on limits of development / Christopher D. Ellis. Pollution permanent monitoring panel : Annual report / Lorne Everett. Multinational repositories : Recent developments and 2010 session and workshop proposals / Charles McCombie. Energy PMP report / William Fulkerson ... [et al.]. Report of the permanent monitoring panel for the mitigation of terrorist acts : PMP-MTA / Sally Leivesley. Permanent monitoring panel on climate activity report / William A. Sprigg. Permanent monitoring panel on information security report from the co-chairs / Henning Wegener and Jody R. Westby -- 13. Information security panel meeting. Erice declaration on principles for cyber stability and cyber peace / World Federation of Scientists : Permanent monitoring panel on information security. Top cyber security problems that need resolution to address communications / World Federation of Scientists : Permanent monitoring panel on information security. Quest for cyber peace / World Federation of Scientists : Permanent monitoring panel on information security -- 14. Limits of development panel meeting. About questions to be discussed on occasion of the 2009 Erice meeting of the PMP limits of development : The situation in Argentina / Juan Manuel Borthagaray and Andres Borthagaray. Sustainable development in Mexico : Facing the multi-headed hydra / Alberto Gonzalez-Pozo -- 15. Mitigation of terrorist attacks meeting. Permanent Monitoring Panel - Mitigation of Terrorist Acts (MPM-MTA) workshop agenda / Richard Wilson. Development of CBRN event mitigation / Friedrich Steinhausler. One science for CBRN mitigation / Annette L. Sobel. The need for a corps of radiation workers for immediate assignment / Richard Wilson. India's response to the prospect of WMD terrorism / Ramamurti Rajaraman. Politization in the process of international cooperation to mitigate nuclear terrorism : Some dubious results / Vasily Krivokhizha. Immediate communications in the CBRN environment / Robert V. Duncan. Immediate evaluation of radiological and nuclear attacks / Richard L. Garwin. Establishment of a scientifically-informed rapid response system / Richard Wilson -- 16. Energy panel meeting. Status of ITER broader approach activities / Akira Miyahara. Topics of energy research in Japan / Akira Miyahara.