Maturity dependent variation in composition and characteristics of potentially digestible tissues of leucena
In: Semina: revista cultural e científica da Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Ciências agrárias, Band 40, Heft 6Supl2, S. 3133
ISSN: 1679-0359
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of cutting age on the production, chemical composition, degradation kinetics and anatomy of Leucena (Leucaena leucocephala). The experimental design was a completely randomized design with a factorial arrangement 2x4 (two types of tissues and four cutting ages) for the production data of dry matter and 3x4 (three degrees of degrees of digestion of tissues and four cutting ages). Observed effect (P < 0.05) for the total production of DM of Leucena in function of different ages. The tissue types grain and non-grain showed maximum production at 70 days of age, with production of 2333,00 and 716.60 kg DM ha-1, respectively. The parameters of degradation of DM evaluated decreased significantly with the increase in the maturity of the plant, in the same way the chemical composition presented behavior inherent to the advance of age. The effective degradability DM also decreased with the increase in the rate of passage (2, 5, and 8% h-1). The highest rate of degradation (c) was obtained for 30 days. With the advance in plant maturity increases the proportion of vascular tissue lignificad influencing parameters of ruminal degradation of Leucena. The ages assessed influenced the chemical composition of the Leucena (P < 0.05), where the levels of dry matter, crude protein, acid detergent fiber and lignin and ash showed increasing linear behavior. The cutting age of 70 days offers an optimal point regarding the proportion of anatomical tissues correlated with the degradation and chemical composition of the Leucena.