
2953 Ergebnisse


Open Access#29262021

The essentials of marine biotechnology


Open Access#29272021

The essentials of marine biotechnology


Open Access#29282021

The essentials of marine biotechnology


Open Access#29292021

The essentials of marine biotechnology


Open Access#29302021

The essentials of marine biotechnology


Open Access#29312021

The essentials of marine biotechnology


Open Access#29322021

The Essentials of Marine Biotechnology


Open Access#29332021

The Essentials of Marine Biotechnology


Open Access#29342021

The Essentials of Marine Biotechnology


Open Access#29352019

Research activity and capability in the European reference network MetabERN

In: Heard , J-M , Bellettato , C , van Lingen , C , Scarpa , M , Debray , F-G , Nassogne , M-C C , van Coster , R , de Meirleir , L , Eyskens , F , Morava , E , Baric , I , Kozich , V , Lund , A M , Germain , D , Belmatoug , N , Guffon , N , Labrune , P , Gouya , L , de Lonlay , P , Schiff , M , Dobbelaere , D , Chabrol , B , Das , A M , Spiekerkoetter , U , Rutsch , F , Ploeckinger , U , Mohnike , K , Hahn , A , Kölker , S , Ullrich , K , Balogh , I , Bembi , B , Donati , M A , Gasperini , S , Parenti , G , Salviati , A , Vici , C-D , di Rocco , M , Cefalo , G , Burlina , A , Ceccarini , G , Federico , A , van der Ploeg , A , Rubio-Gozalbo , M-E , van Spronsen , F , Visser , G , Bosch , A , Tangeraas , T , Sanderberg , S , Kieć-Wilk , B , Gaspar , A-M S M , Martins , E , Silva , E-M F R , de Abreu Freire Diogo Matos , L-M , Azevedo , O , Tansek , M-Z , Couce-Pico , M-L , Cazorla , A G , Azuara , L A-E , del Toro-Riera , M , Lajic , S , Darin , N , Deegan , P , Vijaym , S , Chronopoulou , E , Jones , S , Chakrapani , A & Hiwot , T 2019 , ' Research activity and capability in the European reference network MetabERN ' , Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases , vol. 14 , no. 1 , 119 .


Open Access#29362021

Imatinib in patients with severe COVID-19:a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, clinical trial

In: Aman , J , Duijvelaar , E , Botros , L , Kianzad , A , Schippers , J R , Smeele , P J , Azhang , S , Bartelink , I H , Bayoumy , A A , Bet , P M , Boersma , W , Bonta , P I , Boomars , K A T , Bos , L D J , van Bragt , J J M H , Braunstahl , G-J , Celant , L R , Eger , K A B , Geelhoed , J J M , van Glabbeek , Y L E , Grotjohan , H P , Hagens , L A , Happe , C M , Hazes , B D , Heunks , L M A , van den Heuvel , M , Hoefsloot , W , Hoek , R J A , Hoekstra , R , Hofstee , H M A , Juffermans , N P , Kemper , E M , Kos , R , Kunst , P W A , Lammers , A , van der Lee , I , van der Lee , E L , Maitland-van der Zee , A-H , Mau Asam , P F M , Mieras , A , Muller , M , Neefjes , L , Nossent , E J , Oswald , L M A , Overbeek , M J , Pamplona , C , Paternotte , N , Pronk , N , de Raaf , M A , van Raaij , B F M , Reijrink , M , Schultz , M J , Serpa Neto , A , Slob , E M , Smeenk , F W J M , Smit , M R , Smits , A J , Stalenhoef , J E , Tuinman , P R , Vanhove , A L E M , Wessels , J N , van Wezenbeek , J C C , Vonk Noordegraaf , A , de Man , F S & Bogaard , H J 2021 , ' Imatinib in patients with severe COVID-19 : a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, clinical trial ' , Lancet respiratory medicine , vol. 9 , no. 9 , pp. 957-968 . ,


Open Access#29372021

Seasonality of the particle number concentration and size distribution: A global analysis retrieved from the network of Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) near-surface observatories


Open Access#29382020

The IPIN 2019 Indoor Localisation Competition-Description and Results



European Parliament Election Study 2009, Candidate Study (Europäische Kandidatenstudie 2009) - Vollversion

Popescu, Marina; Giebler, Heiko; Kritzinger, Silvia; Linek, Lukáš; Rozenberg, Olivier; Freire, André; Sanz Cazorla, Alberto; Marsh, Michael; Ikstens, Janis; Czesnik, Mikolaj; Schmitt, Hermann; Cholova, Blagovesta; Sudulich, Maria Laura; Haglund, Louise; Teperoglou, Eftichia; Molina, Ignacio; Enyedi, Zsolt; Raunio, Tapio; Rosema, Martin; Wüst, Andreas; Mattila, Mikko; Holmberg, Sören; Weßels, Bernhard; Saalfeld, Thomas; Chadjipandelis, Theodore; Dumont, Patrick; Gyarfasova, Olga; Papageorgiou, Bambos; Toplak, Cirila; Spreitzer, Astrid; Andretta, Massimiliano; Fenech, Dominic; Klemmensen, Robert; Krupavicius, Algis; de Winter, Lieven; Bardi, Luciano; Ehin, Piret; European University Cyprus, Cyprus; Göteborg University, Sweden; University of Louvain, Belgium; Trinity College Dublin, Ireland; Polish Academy of Science, Poland; University of Ljubljana, Slovenia; Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium (for Bulgarian data); University of Kent, United Kingdom; University of Malta, Malta; Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania; University of Helsinki, Finland; University of Tampere, Finland; Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain; Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Czech Republic; University of Tartu, Estonia; University of Pisa, Italy; Universität Mannheim; University of Twente, Netherlands; University of Latvia, Latvia; University of Southern Denmark, Denmark; Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece; University of Essex, United Kingdom (for Romanian data); Institute for Public Affairs (IVO), Slovakia; Central European University, Hungary; Sciences Po, France; University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg; Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB), Berlin; University of Vienna, Austria; Lisbon University Institute, Portugal



European Parliament Election Study 2009, Candidate Study (Europäische Kandidatenstudie 2009) - Reduzierte Version

de Winter, Lieven; Ikstens, Janis; Rozenberg, Olivier; Saalfeld, Thomas; Molina, Ignacio; Mattila, Mikko; Gyarfasova, Olga; Haglund, Louise; Klemmensen, Robert; Schmitt, Hermann; Freire, André; Czesnik, Mikolaj; Fenech, Dominic; Teperoglou, Eftichia; Marsh, Michael; Spreitzer, Astrid; Raunio, Tapio; Linek, Lukáš; Enyedi, Zsolt; Chadjipandelis, Theodore; Ehin, Piret; Giebler, Heiko; Kritzinger, Silvia; Papageorgiou, Bambos; Toplak, Cirila; Weßels, Bernhard; Popescu, Marina; Wüst, Andreas; Dumont, Patrick; Cholova, Blagovesta; Krupavicius, Algis; Sudulich, Maria Laura; Sanz Cazorla, Alberto; Andretta, Massimiliano; Rosema, Martin; Holmberg, Sören; Bardi, Luciano; University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg; University of Vienna, Austria; Polish Academy of Science, Poland; Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania; University of Malta, Malta; Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Czech Republic; University of Ljubljana, Slovenia; Lisbon University Institute, Portugal; Institute for Public Affairs (IVO), Slovakia; University of Tampere, Finland; Universität Mannheim; Central European University, Hungary; University of Essex, United Kingdom (for Romanian data); University of Latvia, Latvia; University of Louvain, Belgium; University of Pisa, Italy; European University Cyprus, Cyprus; Trinity College Dublin, Ireland; University of Helsinki, Finland; Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain; Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium (for Bulgarian data); Sciences Po, France; Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece; Göteborg University, Sweden; University of Twente, Netherlands; University of Tartu, Estonia; University of Southern Denmark, Denmark; University of Kent, United Kingdom; Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB), Berlin