Настоящая статья посвящена вопросам развития упаковочного производства и его роли в формировании структуры национальной экономики России. Исследуемые проблемы развития обрабатывающих отраслей в российской экономике связаны с обоснованием необходимости восстановления плановых начал в экономике на индикативной основе, нахождения оптимальной комбинации предпринимательских инноваций и государственного регулирования производства товаров конечного потребительского спроса. ; Structural reforms in Russia require efficient devices to regulate processing industry, including packaging production. Russian and foreign economic researches show four approaches to the development of packaging production. The first approach focuses on higher production quality and increased competitiveness. The key problem within the second approach is low quality of Russian packaging materials, which makes customers choose foreign production. The authors of the third approach focus on implementation of new financial and credit schemes into the production process. The fourth approach contains analysis of Russian pre-reform and foreign experience of the planned and programmed control of structural adjustment by the state. Thus, we come to the conclusion that approaches to the problem under discussion are specific for certain countries, while forms and methods of the control depend on the conditions in the country where they are used. Though these forms are determined by financial, economic and legal peculiarities of the national economic model, they have a common basis, which is the following. As the development of processing industry becomes more urgent, the countries of South-East Asia experience an increased need in state control of this process. In Russia these processes are reduced to political rent, while in foreign countries they develop efficient methods of fiscal, credit, external economic policy aimed at supporting national producers. The need in structural alterations of Russian packaging producers is triggered by quality competition on the part of western producers on the one hand and price competition on the part of southeast companies. The integration of Russian producers into the world market means equal competition with foreign producers not only in the external, but also in the domestic market. Thus, to accelerate adaptation of Russian producers to the world quality standards it is necessary to activate innovation mechanisms in packaging production. Thus, the use of packaging materials promotes efficient goods circulation, including production, transportation, storage and sales. Cost-beneficial packaging makes it possible to produce and sell the packed goods with the highest benefit. In other words, due to innovations in packaging producers can achieve the quality of production corresponding to customers' demand. So, what matters is not only the cost of packaging, but also its influence on product promotion in the market. The statistics of modern period of economic system development show the Russian packaging market to be one of the most dynamic in the world. Modern packaging production in Russia consists of four segments: metal, glass, polymers, and cardboard. According to independent experts in 2004-2005 the average of packaging production consumption fluctuated from 80 to 250 kg/year per person, or 18-23 bln. US dollars. PRADO MARKETING predicted 57-58 mln.tn (25-26 bln. US dollars) in 2006. In 2008 the consumption increased to 70 mln.tn (30 bln. US dollars). The market has been growing within the period of 2005-2009 mainly in value terms. This process will continue despite minor fluctuations in Russian macroeconomics. Thus, we come to a conclusion that the demand for packaging material in Russia is not satisfied. Development of packaging production has a great impact on the economic structure, beginning with industrial structures and goods circulation, promoting cutting-edge technologies, and finishing with the development of customers' preferences.