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244 Ergebnisse
With entries from leading international scholars from around the world, this title provides a definitive, comprehensive picture o all aspects of political life, recognizing its theoretical foundations and including empirical findings from across the globe
In: Italian Political Science Review: Rivista italiana di scienza politica, Band 21, Heft 1, S. 91, 125, 1
ISSN: 0048-8402
In: Sección de obras de política y derecho
In: Pôle sud: revue de science politique, Band 24, Heft 1, S. 99-120
ISSN: 1960-6656
Résumé Cet article vise à examiner comment et dans quelle mesure le processus d'européanisation a affecté le remodelage de la représentation territoriale en Italie. Pour répondre à cette question de recherché, nous avons étudié de quelle manière la politique européenne de cohésion et les fonds structurels exercent une influence potentielle dans les dimensions clés de la représentation en fournissant aux régions l'opportunité de renforcer leurs rôles à la fois comme « acteurs » et « arènes » de représentation. La recherche empirique menée par entretien et analyse de documents dans les vingt régions que compte l'Italie a révélé comment chaque région a réagi aux fonds structurels d'une manière distincte en raison de différents facteurs internes, tels que le legs de styles de structures politiques préexistants et les attitudes des élites politico-administratives. L'article discutera ce point de manière détaillée en se concentrant sur les changements qui se sont ou non produits au niveau régional à la lumière des dimensions de la représentation susmentionnées.
Approaching the subject from a focussed international and pluralist perspective, this book provides advanced-level treatment of all the core areas to give postgraduate students a wide-ranging and dynamic introduction
In: Italian Political Science Review: Rivista italiana di scienza politica, Band 34, Heft 2, S. 277-298
ISSN: 0048-8402
In: Journal of democracy, Band 6, Heft 1, S. 173-180
ISSN: 1045-5736
In: International political science review: IPSR = Revue internationale de science politique : RISP, Band 43, Heft 5, S. 489-625
ISSN: 0192-5121
World Affairs Online
In: Oxford scholarship online
In: Political Science
A wide-ranging analysis of the impact on European freedom and equality of the Great Recession of 2008. A democratic regime is assumed to implement freedom and equality as the two critical and most important values. The question we intend to address here is: how and why has the actual implementation of freedom and equality been changing in the 1990–2020 period? Researching this topic, we cannot ignore the impact of the Great Recession since 2008. Thus, in this comparative research, we analyse France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain, and the United Kingdom to detect the changes. As expected, the six largest European democracies have been differently affected by the crisis, as they also had different background factors. We address an additional question: what is the impact of the European Union on the two democratic values? Accordingly, we analyse economic inequality, social inequality, and ethnic inequality with the related changing trends and explanations. We also detect and analyse the trend of freedoms, and especially personal dignity, civil rights, and political rights. Thus, the relative decline of equalities and freedoms in the six countries emerge in the different complex facets. We also explore the demand for equalities and freedoms by citizens and the political commitments of party leaders. The other issues we address include how and why, respectively, equalities and freedoms are affected by domestic aspects and the role of external factors, especially the European Union. By connecting equalities and freedoms and drawing the lines of entire research, we show how there are three different paths in the future of democracy: balanced democracy, protest democracy, and unaccountable democracy
Uses Arend Lijphart's (1984) empirical method for classifying political systems as "majoritarian" or "consensual" to analyze the democracies of Greece, Italy, Portugal, & Spain alongside other democratic systems to identify key characteristics of these four southern European democracies. Ways in which the analysis differs from Lijphart's practice are described. Special attention is given to continuities & changes since the emergence of democratic consolidation. It is concluded that these countries have all demonstrated a remarkable ability to evolve since consolidation; however, the manner in which they did so was dependent upon the individual structure of opportunities present in each country's historical development. They were all able to accommodate partial regimes without experiencing deconsolidation, & the consolidation spawned modern political systems far different than their predecessors. Changes in the structure of politics have brought them close to the political systems of advanced democracies in northern & western Europe, which supports Lijphart et al's (1988) conclusions about the absence of a "model" of democracy unique to southern Europe. 8 Tables. J. Lindroth
In: American behavioral scientist: ABS, Band 26, Heft 3, S. 311-331
ISSN: 1552-3381
World Affairs Online
In: Journal of democracy, Band 15, Heft 4, S. 20-110
ISSN: 1045-5736
Diamond, L ; Morlino, L.: An overview. - S. 20-31. O'Donnell, G.: Why the rule of law matters. - S. 32-46. Schnitter, P. C.: The ambiguous virtues of accountability. - S. 47-61. Beetham, D.: Freedom as the foundation. - S. 61-75. Rueschemeyer, D.: Addressing inequality. - S. 76-90. Powell, G. B. (jr.): The chain of responsiveness. - S. 91-105. Plattner, M. F.: A skeptical afterword. - S. 106-110
World Affairs Online
In: South European Society and Politics
World Affairs Online