Дослідження присвячено обґрунтуванню заходів щодо вдосконалення державної фінансової політики й ухвалення адміністративних рішень, спрямованих на покращення фінансово-кредитного забезпечення розвитку ринку зерна.Здійснення модернізації інфраструктури ринку зерна потребує великих фінансових ресурсів. Їхню мобілізацію в сучасних умовах може реалізувати лише держава, котра здатна залучити всі важелі впливу державного управління. Наукові результати проведеного дослідження дали змогу обґрунтувати адекватні сучасним умовам відповідні заходи щодо вдосконалення фінансової політики й ухвалення адміністративних рішень, спрямованих на покращення фінансово-кредитного забезпечення розвитку ринку зерна і стимулювання соціально-економічного розвитку країни в цілому. Пропозиції рекомендовані до здійснення грошово-кредитної, бюджетної, податкової, інвестиційної, страхової політики та орієнтовані на утворення інститутів розвитку в рамках реалізації програмно-цільового методу і характеризуються раціональним поєднанням заходів державного впливу й ринкового саморегулювання.На сьогодні виникає гостра потреба щодо забезпечення агропромислового комплексу достатнім обсягом дешевих кредитних ресурсів. Важливим чинником цього в контексті здійснення грошово-кредитної політики є взаємодія Національного банку України і Уряду під час узгодження застосування інструментів грошово-кредитної політики і, перш за все, процентних ставок, обсягів та цільового призначення рефінансування, операцій на відкритому ринку. Одним із заходів стимулювання кредитної пропозиції для сільгоспвиробника з боку банківської системи передбачалося утворення державного земельного банку. Важливим чинником розвитку ринку зерна у країні могло би стати утворення також державного банку розвитку України, котрий став би внутрішнім кредитним емітентом і фінансовим агентом держави.З огляду на те, що інвестиції на селі мають і соціальну значимість, у галузь потрібні як державні, так і приватні капіталовкладення. Однією зі складових державної інвестиційної політики є сприяння зростанню обсягів приватних інвестицій. Від потоку приватних інвестицій у виробничу, транспортну, складську, переробну інфраструктуру також залежать перспективи розвитку ринку зерна. Стимулювати приплив приватних інвестицій, може державно-приватне партнерство як одна з найбільш розповсюджених серед економічно розвинутих країн система взаємодії держави та бізнесу.Важливим постає питання підвищення ефективності використання фінансових ресурсів, що виділяються державою на підтримку сільгоспвиробників. Для цього потрібно провести вдосконалення певних складових процесу страхування в сільському господарстві України. ; The research is devoted to substantiation of measures for improvement of state financial policies and administrative decision-making aimed at enhancement of financial and credit provision of the grain market development.Realizing modernization of the grain market infrastructure requires substantial financial resources. Their mobilization under the modern conditions can be fulfilled exclusively by the state which is capable of leveraging the influence of public administration. The scientific results of the conducted research made it possible to give reasons for the measures, adequate in the current context, to improve financial policy and administrative decision-making designed to optimize the financial and credit provision of the grain market and stimulation of the socio-economic development of the country on the whole. The proposals are recommended for implementation of the monetary, budget, tax, investment, insurance policies; they are oriented to create institutions of development within the framework of application of the program-target method, and are characterized by a rational combination of the state impact and market self-regulation measures.Presently, a pressing need arises for provision of the agro-industrial complex with a sufficient amount of inexpensive credit resources. An important factor of this, with reference to monetary policy implementation, is interaction of the National bank of Ukraine with the government in the course of coordination of monetary tools application, in the first place, interest rates, volumes of target purposes of refinancing, and open-market transactions. One of the measures for stimulation of credit proposals for agricultural producers on behalf of the bank system was supposed to be creation of the State land bank. A significant development factor for the country's grain market could also be establishment of the State development bank of Ukraine which would become an internal credit issuer and a financial agent of the state.Taking into account that rural investments are of social significance as well, it is necessary to invest both public and private funds. One of state investment policy components is encouragement of private investment growth. The flow of private investments into production, transport, storage, and processing infrastructure also affects the prospects of grain market development. Creating incentives for attraction of private investments can be realized through public-private partnership as one of the systems of interaction between the state and business most common in the economically advanced countries.The issue of raising the efficiency of financial resources allocated by the state for the support of agricultural producers is coming to the forefront. For this purpose, it is essential to carry on improvement of certain components of the insurance process in the agriculture of Ukraine. ; Представлено обоснование необходимых мероприятий по совершенствованию государственной финансовой политики и административных решений, направленных на улучшение финансово-кредитного обеспечения развития рынка зерна. Предложения рекомендованы к осуществлению денежно-кредитной, бюджетной, налоговой, инвестиционной, страховой политики и ориентированы на образование институтов развития в рамках реализации программно-целевого метода, а также характеризуются оптимальным сочетанием мер государственного воздействия и рыночного саморегулирования.
The theoretical construct and empirical category of a way of life in the measurement of classical and modern sociological theories are considered in the article. For post-Soviet states, the religious complex is important and affects the transformation of the value-normative system of societies, which for a long time were not only secular, but also atheistic. The modern era of social transformations is characterized by the process of desegling, the return of religion not only to the plane of individual, private life, but also to the public sphere, reproducing the social system, which in sociological science became known as «post-secular society». And the processes of globalization, multicultural dialogue, openness of societies, increase of social mobility, free access to information, democratization and liberalization of relations «state-church» give rise to the phenomenon of religious pluralism, which today has a significant influence on the formation of social practices of different groups of the population, and therefore creates conditions for diversification of the style differentiation of society. Therefore, we can say that the religious preferences of modern youth influence the formation of different types of life styles.It is determined that the research of modern sociologists disclose various aspects of behavioral manifestations of the life style as a complex system. It is concluded that the style of life can be understood as complex, more or less consistent patterns of behavior and values that manifest themselves in social interaction, reflect the attitude of the individual to himself, other people and the world, and represent a valuable and actively-active extrapolation of the future. The main determinants of the way of life are value orientations that are formed in accordance with life priorities aimed at achieving them, that is, values, value priorities and orientations act as a component of the way of life of modern youth, determining its essential content. It is substantiated that the religious preferences of modern youth influence the formation of various types of life styles. A sociological analysis of the value dimension of the lifestyle of modern youth in the context of its religious affiliation is carried out. According to the results of the study, it is revealed that for traditional believers the traditional way of life is typical, reflecting the values of the Ukrainian mentality and Christian tradition; for the atheistic is inherent in the style of life of an industrial society with the dominance of postmaterialistic motivation; for young people, has not defined its religious affiliation, its characteristic materially oriented style of life, with a significant manifestation of a hedonistic orientation. ; Рассмотрены теоретический конструкт и эмпирическая категория образа жизни в измерении классических и современных социологических теорий. Определено, что исследования современных социологов раскрывают различные аспекты поведенческих проявлений жизненного стиля как сложной системы. Сделан вывод, что под стилем жизни можно понимать комплексные, более или менее консистентные образцы поведения и ценностных установок, которые проявляются в социальном взаимодействии, отражают отношение индивида к себе, другим людям и миру и представляют ценностную и активно-деятельную экстраполяцию будущего. Основными детерминантами образа жизни выступают ценностные ориентации, которые формируются в соответствии с жизненными приоритетами, направленные на их достижение – то есть ценности, ценностные приоритеты и ориентации выступают как составляющая образа жизни современной молодежи, определяя его сущностное содержание. Обосновано, что религиозные предпочтения современной молодежи влияют на формирование различных типов жизненных стилей. Осуществлен социологический анализ ценностного измерения стиля жизни современной молодежи в контексте ее религиозной принадлежности. По результатам исследования выявлено, что для верующей молодежи характерен традиционный образ жизни, отражающий ценности украинской ментальности и христианской традиции; для атеистической присущ стиль жизни индустриального общества с доминированием постматериалистичной мотивации; для молодежи, которая не определила свою религиозную принадлежность, характерный материально ориентированный стиль жизни со значительным проявлением гедонистической направленности. ; Розглянуто теоретичний конструкт і емпіричну категорію стилю життя у вимірі класичних і сучасних соціологічних теорій. Визначено, що дослідження сучасних соціологів розкривають різні аспекти поведінкових проявів життєвого стилю як складної системи. Зроблено висновок, що під стилем життя можна розуміти комплексні, більш-менш консистентні зразки поведінки і ціннісних установок, які проявляються в соціальній взаємодії, відображають ставлення індивіда до себе, інших людей і світу та представляють ціннісну й активно-діяльну екстраполяцію майбутнього. Основними детермінантами стилю життя виступають ціннісні орієнтації, які формуються відповідно до життєвих пріоритетів, направлені на їх досягнення – тобто цінності, ціннісні пріоритети та орієнтації виступають як складова стилю життя сучасної молоді, визначаючи його сутнісний зміст. Обґрунтовано, що релігійні уподобання сучасної молоді впливають на формування різних типів життєвих стилів. Здійснено соціологічний аналіз ціннісного виміру стилю життя сучасної молоді в контексті її релігійної приналежності. За результатами дослідження виявлено, що для віруючої молоді характерний традиційний стиль життя, що відображає цінності української ментальності і християнської традиції; для атеїстичної притаманний стиль життя індустріального суспільства з домінуванням постматеріалістичної мотивації; для молоді, яка не визначила свою релігійну приналежність, характерний матеріально орієнтований стиль життя із значним проявом гедоністичної спрямованості.
Anaerobic digestion technologies have been utilized in Vietnam for more than 30 years with thousands of domestic small scale plants, mostly for agricultural and livestock wastes. For municipal solid waste (MSW) the development of biogas plants is far below the current high waste generation rates. The aim of this paper is to present the results of a feasibility assessment of implementing AD to treat the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) in Vietnam. For this purpose, an environmental analysis was performed comparing three treatment scenarios: two hypothetical AD technologies (a wet and a dry fermentation system) and the existing industrial composting facility at Nam Binh Duong Waste Treatment Complex in South Vietnam. This study sought for the technology to recover the most possible resources and energy from the OFMSW, and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The results were then combined with a policy review to support a holistic approach on the feasibility of these technologies in Vietnam. The outcome indicates that by implementing the dry AD system, up to 16.7 GWh of power and 14.4 GWh of heat energy can be generated annually and it can potentially save up to 5,400 Mg of CO2 equivalent per year, presenting the highest resource/energy benefits. The performance of the wet system and composting facility present some advantages particularly if there is a previous segregation of the organic material from the rest of the household wastes. Moreover, current reforms in Vietnam demonstrate the government's interest in AD technologies, translated into the development of fiscal and financial revenues which incentivize participation from the public and private sector. Finally, these technologies are constantly under development and have the potential to be further improved, which gives hopes that waste treatment systems can be optimized to meet the waste and energy challenges of the future generations. ; Phương pháp lên men kị khí đã được áp dụng tại Việt Nam từ hơn 30 năm nay với hàng nghìn các công trình nhỏ chủ yếu xử lý chất thải nông nghiệp và chăn nuôi. Sự phát triển hiện nay của các nhà máy sinh khí biogas còn quá ít cho xử lý lượng phát thải cao rác thải đô thị. Bài báo này trình bày các kết quả việc đánh giá tính khả thi khi áp dụng công nghệ lên men kị khí xử lý phần hữu cơ của chất thải rắn đô thị tại Việt Nam. Với mục đích này, phân tích môi trường được thực hiện để so sánh ba kịch bản xử lý: hai công nghệ lên men kị khí giả định (một cho công nghệ lên men ướt và một cho công nghệ lên men khô) và nhà máy hiện hữu lên men hiếu khí làm phân bón compost tại khu liên hợp xử lý chất thải Nam Bình Dương ở miền Nam Việt Nam. Nghiên cứu này tìm kiếm giải pháp công nghệ để thu hồi nhiều nhất có thể các tài nguyên và năng lượng từ rác thải đô thị và và giảm phát thải khí nhà kính. Các kết quả sau đó được kết hợp với đánh giá chính sách để hỗ trợ cách tiếp cận toàn diện về tính khả thi của các công nghệ này vào Việt Nam. Kết quả cho thấy áp dụng công nghệ lên men kị khí khô có thể tạo ra đến 16,7 GWh điện năng và 14,4 GWh nhiệt năng hàng năm và có khả năng làm giảm đến 8,000 Mg CO2 tương đương mỗi năm, thể hiện lợi ích cao nhất giữa tài nguyên và năng lượng. Hiệu suất của hệ thống lên men kị khí ướt và lên men hiếu khí thể hiện một số lợi thế đặc biệt khi nguyên liệu hữu cơ cho quá trình lên men được tiền phân loại ra khỏi hỗn hợp rác sinh hoạt. Hơn nữa, các đổi mới hiện nay ở Việt Nam thể hiện sự quan tâm của Chính phủ đến các công nghệ lên men kị khí, thể hiện qua sự tăng trưởng tài chính và doanh thu để khuyến khích sự tham gia của khu vực công và tư nhân. Chắc chắn rằng các công nghệ sẽ liên tục được phát triển và có khả năng được cải tiến tốt hơn, mang đến cho chúng ta những hy vọng rằng các hệ thống xử lý chất thải được tối ưu hóa để đáp ứng được các thách thức về chất thải và năng lượng của các thế hệ tương lai.
Der Konjunkturaufschwung in Deutschland setzte sich bis Ende des Jahres 2015 fort, wenn auch mit etwas abnehmendem Tempo. Treibende Kraft blieb die Inlandsnachfrage, während der Außenhandel per saldo den Anstieg des BIP dämpfte. Infolgedessen ist die Entwicklung zweigeteilt: Für die Industrie deuten die Indikatoren auf ein alles in allem verhaltenes Wachstum hin, während die Dienstleistungssektoren wohl weiterhin kräftig zulegen. Daran dürfte sich im Prognosezeitraum wenig ändern. Für 2016 erwarten wir eine Zunahme des BIP um 1,4%. Es erhöht sich damit in einem Maße, das in etwa der Zunahme des Produktionspotenzials entspricht. Getragen wird die Expansion voraussichtlich allein von der Inlandsnachfrage, während der Wachstumsbeitrag des Außenhandels wohl negativ bleibt, weil die Einfuhren bedeutend stärker zunehmen als die Ausfuhren. Angesichts der ungünstigen Perspektiven auf den Auslandsmärkten dürften die Unternehmensinvestitionen eher moderat zunehmen. Kräftig expandieren hingegen die privaten Konsumausgaben, die Lohnungsbauinvestitionen und der Staatsverbrauch. Eine Ursache sind die durch die Flüchtlingsmigration induzierten Transfers, die Konsumausgaben des Staates und die Aktivitäten zur Verbesserung des Wohnungsangebots; eine andere Ursache ist die Zinspolitik der EZB. Die geringen Kapitalmarktrenditen erhöhen die Attraktivität von Investitionen in Immobilien und Käufen langlebiger Konsumgüter. Stimulierend wirken zudem die expansiv ausgerichtete Finanzpolitik und die in diesem Jahr ungewöhnlich kräftige Anhebung der Altersrenten. Im kommenden Jahr dürfte die Expansion an Kraft gewinnen, da die dämpfenden Effekte seitens der Außenwirtschaft wegfallen. Zusätzliche staatliche Mittel für den sozialen Wohnungsbau und Sonderabschreibungen lassen ebhaftere Wohnungsbauinvestitionen erwarten. Zugleich dürften die Realeinkommenswirkungen der gesunkenen Ölpreise auslaufen und die durch die Migration bedingten Konsumausgaben des Staates wohl geringer werden. Daher wird die Inländische Verwendung etwas schwächer, im längerfristigen Vergleich aber immer noch kräftig steigen. Die Zunahme des BIP schätzen wir vor diesem Hintergrund auf 1,6% im Jahresdurchschnitt. Augenblicklich wird die Teuerung wesentlich durch den Rückgang des Rohölpreises bestimmt, er wird im Prognosezeitraum an Wirkung verlieren. Angesichts der erwarteten kräftigen Steigerungen der Inlandsnachfrage wird sich der inländisch determinierte Preisanstieg voraussichtlich etwas beschleunigen. Alles in allem erwarten wir eine Inflationsrate von 0,4% in diesem und von 1,5% im kommenden Jahr. Die Beschäftigung dürfte im Prognosezeitraum weiter steigen, auch weil die Expansion vom personalintensiveren Dienstleistungssektor getragen wird. Da aber die nach Deutschland gekommenen Asylbewerber in zunehmendem Maße auf den Arbeitsmarkt treten, und deren Beschäftigungschancen gering sind, zeichnet sich für den Verlauf des Prognosezeitraums eine Zunahme der Arbeitslosigkeit ab; die Arbeitslosenquote dürfte 6,3% in diesem und 6,5% im kommenden Jahr betragen. Angesichts der expansiv ausgerichteten Finanzpolitik und der staatlichen Aufwendungen im Zusammenhang mit der Flüchtlingsmigration dürfte der Budgetüberschuss des Staates von 19 Mrd. € im Vorjahr auf knapp 4 Mrd. € in diesem Jahr sinken. Für 2017 ist zwar mit weiteren Haushaltsbelastungen aus der Flüchtlingsmigration und einer expansiven Ausrichtung der Finanzpolitik zu rechnen, der Überschuss dürfte aber auf 8 Mrd. € zunehmen, weil Erlöse aus der Versteigerung der Funkfrequenzen im Höhe von 3,8 Mrd. € zu Buche schlagen. Allerdings bewegt sich die deutsche Wirtschaft in einem schwierigen Fahrwasser. Risiken resultieren vor allem aus dem internationalen Umfeld. Die Dynamik des Welthandels hat sich in den vergangenen Jahren deutlich verlangsamt, und aufgrund der Flüchtlingsmigration wurden in der EU wieder Personenkontrollen an den Grenzen eingeführt. Sollten sich diese Tendenzen fortsetzen, wäre das 'Geschäftsmodell' einer offenen, auf einen intensiven internationalen Warenaustausch ausgerichteten Volkswirtschaft gefährdet. Die Folge wären strukturelle Anpassungsprozesse, die einen Teil des deutschen Kapitalstocks entwerten würden und mit einem Abbau von Arbeitsplätzen verbunden wären. ; The economic upswing in Germany continued - at decelerating rates - until the end of 2015. Domestic demand remained the main driver of economic growth, while external trade negatively affected the rise of GDP. Indicators suggest that industrial production will only moderately expand, however services sectors are likely to keep growing strongly over the forecast horizon. For 2016 we expect GDP to grow by 1.4 percent, which roughly equals the rise of potential output. Domestic demand will be the driving force of economic expansion, while contribution to growth by external trade is likely to remain negative, because imports increase faster than exports. Due to unfavourable conditions on foreign markets corporate investments are expected to expand only moderately. Private consumption, investments in residential construction and public consumption will however rise strongly because of social benefits resulting from refugee migration, government expenditures and measures to enhance housing supply. In addition, the policy of the ECB contributes to favourable financing conditions which stimulate investment in real estate and the purchase of durable consumer goods. Further, fiscal policy is expansionary and the increase of pensions will be extraordinarily high this year. In 2017 economic expansion is expected to accelerate because of a diminishing negative contribution of external trade. Investments in residential construction will further benefit from additional public funds for social housing and special deprecation rules. However, the beneficial effects of decreased oil prices on real income will fade and public consumption induced by refugee migration will decline. Thus, the increase in domestic demand will slow down. Accordingly, we expect GDP to rise by 1.6 percent next year. Currently, inflation is mainly determined by the decrease of the price of crude oil. Over the forecast horizon this effect is likely to diminish. Due to the expected expansion of domestic demand, domestic price increases will accelerate. We expect the inflation rate to increase by 0.4 percent in 2016 and by 1.5 percent in 2017. Employment is likely to rise further over the forecast horizon. However, refugees seeking asylum in Germany will increasingly enter the labour market. Because their employment opportunities will remain low in the short run, unemployment will gradually rise. The unemployment rate will be 6.3 percent this year and 6.5 percent next year. Due to expansionary fiscal policy and public expenditures resulting from refugee migration, the budget surplus will amount to EUR 4 bn this year, after EUR 19 bn last year. While budgets in 2017 will remain affected by refugee migration and an expansionary fiscal policy, the surplus will rise to EUR 8 bn because of revenues resulting from the auctioning of radio frequencies. However, there are risks to the German economy, especially from the international environment. Global trade has slowed down during the recent years. Moreover, the EU has re-introduced checks on persons at Schengen borders as a result of refugee migration. If these developments continue, the concept of an open, internationally oriented economy would be jeopardized. This would result in structural adjustment processes which would devaluate the German capital stock and lead to a reduction in employment.
Anaerobic digestion technologies have been utilized in Vietnam for more than 30 years with thousands of domestic small scale plants, mostly for agricultural and livestock wastes. For municipal solid waste (MSW) the development of biogas plants is far below the current high waste generation rates. The aim of this paper is to present the results of a feasibility assessment of implementing AD to treat the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) in Vietnam. For this purpose, an environmental analysis was performed comparing three treatment scenarios: two hypothetical AD technologies (a wet and a dry fermentation system) and the existing industrial composting facility at Nam Binh Duong Waste Treatment Complex in South Vietnam. This study sought for the technology to recover the most possible resources and energy from the OFMSW, and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The results were then combined with a policy review to support a holistic approach on the feasibility of these technologies in Vietnam. The outcome indicates that by implementing the dry AD system, up to 16.7 GWh of power and 14.4 GWh of heat energy can be generated annually and it can potentially save up to 5,400 Mg of CO2 equivalent per year, presenting the highest resource/energy benefits. The performance of the wet system and composting facility present some advantages particularly if there is a previous segregation of the organic material from the rest of the household wastes. Moreover, current reforms in Vietnam demonstrate the government's interest in AD technologies, translated into the development of fiscal and financial revenues which incentivize participation from the public and private sector. Finally, these technologies are constantly under development and have the potential to be further improved, which gives hopes that waste treatment systems can be optimized to meet the waste and energy challenges of the future generations. Phương pháp lên men kị khí đã được áp dụng tại Việt Nam từ hơn 30 năm nay với hàng nghìn các công trình nhỏ chủ yếu xử lý chất thải nông nghiệp và chăn nuôi. Sự phát triển hiện nay của các nhà máy sinh khí biogas còn quá ít cho xử lý lượng phát thải cao rác thải đô thị. Bài báo này trình bày các kết quả việc đánh giá tính khả thi khi áp dụng công nghệ lên men kị khí xử lý phần hữu cơ của chất thải rắn đô thị tại Việt Nam. Với mục đích này, phân tích môi trường được thực hiện để so sánh ba kịch bản xử lý: hai công nghệ lên men kị khí giả định (một cho công nghệ lên men ướt và một cho công nghệ lên men khô) và nhà máy hiện hữu lên men hiếu khí làm phân bón compost tại khu liên hợp xử lý chất thải Nam Bình Dương ở miền Nam Việt Nam. Nghiên cứu này tìm kiếm giải pháp công nghệ để thu hồi nhiều nhất có thể các tài nguyên và năng lượng từ rác thải đô thị và và giảm phát thải khí nhà kính. Các kết quả sau đó được kết hợp với đánh giá chính sách để hỗ trợ cách tiếp cận toàn diện về tính khả thi của các công nghệ này vào Việt Nam. Kết quả cho thấy áp dụng công nghệ lên men kị khí khô có thể tạo ra đến 16,7 GWh điện năng và 14,4 GWh nhiệt năng hàng năm và có khả năng làm giảm đến 8,000 Mg CO2 tương đương mỗi năm, thể hiện lợi ích cao nhất giữa tài nguyên và năng lượng. Hiệu suất của hệ thống lên men kị khí ướt và lên men hiếu khí thể hiện một số lợi thế đặc biệt khi nguyên liệu hữu cơ cho quá trình lên men được tiền phân loại ra khỏi hỗn hợp rác sinh hoạt. Hơn nữa, các đổi mới hiện nay ở Việt Nam thể hiện sự quan tâm của Chính phủ đến các công nghệ lên men kị khí, thể hiện qua sự tăng trưởng tài chính và doanh thu để khuyến khích sự tham gia của khu vực công và tư nhân. Chắc chắn rằng các công nghệ sẽ liên tục được phát triển và có khả năng được cải tiến tốt hơn, mang đến cho chúng ta những hy vọng rằng các hệ thống xử lý chất thải được tối ưu hóa để đáp ứng được các thách thức về chất thải và năng lượng của các thế hệ tương lai.
Пожуєва Т.О. Інноваційний розвиток підприємства в конкурентному середовищі.На сучасному етапі трансформації велике значення для української економіки має впровадження нових знань та ідей. Зараз, як ніколи раніше, підприємства мають реальну потребу в системах наукових дослідженнях, які б стали основою для розбудови програм, заснованих на інноваційній ідеології, економічних розрахунках і сучасному інструментарії досягнення цілей. Недосконалість ринкової інфраструктури, брак маркетингових досліджень, застаріла галузева структура, дефіцит фінансових ресурсів та іноді суперечливе законодавство свідчать про наявність проблем стратегічного управління на макро- й мікрорівнях і виступають головними чинниками гальмування інноваційного розвитку. Метою статті є узагальнення та подальший розвиток теоретичних положень і науково-практичного інструментарію управління інноваційним розвитком підприємств. Після чергового етапу перманентної системної кризи, спричиненої як зовнішніми факторами – загальною світовою фінансовою кризою, так і внутрішніми факторами – нереалізованістю державних програмних документів стратегічного значення, вітчизняний менеджмент виробничих підприємств все більше переконується у необхідності залучення інноваційних чинників для свого виживання та подолання деструктивних наслідків. В умовах невизначеності перспектив розвитку підприємство має висувати більш жорсткі вимоги до обґрунтування прийняття рішень, що призводить до необхідності правильного поєднання усіх чинників, які впливають на впровадження інновацій. На зламі тисячоліть процес глобалізації й жорсткість конкуренції сприяли зміні традиційних стратегічних парадигм. Сьогодні, поряд з існуванням концепції конкурентоспроможності на основі оцінки ринкової позиції окремої компанії та концепції стратегічного управління економічними системами різного рівня, усе більшого значення набуває концепція інноваційного розвитку підприємств і відповідно включення в загальну стратегію компаній інноваційного спрямування бізнесу.Пожуева Т.А. Инновационное развитие предприятия в конкурентной среде. На современном этапе трансформации большое значение для украинской экономики имеет внедрение новых знаний и идей. Сейчас, как никогда ранее, предприятия имеют реальную необходимость в системных научных исследованиях, которые стали бы основной для расширения программ, основанных на инновационной идеологии, экономических расчетах и современном инструментарии достижения целей. Несовершенство рыночной инфраструктуры, маркетинговых исследований, устаревшая отраслевая структура, дефицит финансовых ресурсов и в ряде случаев нестыковки в законодательстве свидетельствуют о наличии проблем стратегического управления на макро- и микро-уровнях и выступают главными факторами торможения инновационного развития отечественных предприятий. Целью статьи является обобщение и дальнейшее развитие теоретических положений и научно-практического инструментария управления инновационным развитием предприятий. После очередного этапа перманентного системного кризиса, вызванного как внешними факторами – мировым финансовым кризисом, так и внутренними – нереализованностью государственных программных документов стратегического значения, отечественный менеджмент производственных предприятий все более убеждается в необходимости привлечения инновационных факторов для своего выживания и преодоления деструктивных последствий. В условиях неопределенности перспектив развития предприятие должно выдвигать более жесткие требования к обоснованию принятия решений, что приводит к необходимости правильного соединения всех факторов, влияющих на внедрение инноваций. На стыке тысячелетий процесс глобализации и жесткость конкуренции способствовали изменению традиционных стратегических парадигм. Сегодня, наряду с существованием концепции конкурентоспособности на основании оценки рыночной позиции отдельно взятой компании и концепции стратегического управления экономическими системами различного уровня, все большее значение приобретает концепция инновационного развития предприятий и соответственно включение в общую стратегию компаний инновационной направленности бизнеса.Pozhueva T. Enterprise innovative development in a competitive environment.At the present stage of transformation the introduction of new knowledge and ideas have the great importance for the Ukrainian economy. Now, more than ever, companies have a real need for a system of scientific research, which would become the basis for the expansion of programs that are based on the innovative ideology, economic calculations and modern tools to achieve goals. Imperfections of the market infrastructure, market research, outdated industrial structure, a lack of financial resources and in some cases inconsistencies in the legislation are problems of strategic management at the macro and micro levels, and are the main factors in the development of innovative braking domestic enterprises. The purpose of this paper is a synthesis and further development of theory, research and practical tools for managing innovative way of companies development. After the next phase of the system of permanent crisis caused by both external factors - the global financial crisis, and internal - lack of implementation of government policy documents of strategic importance, the domestic management of manufacturing companies have become increasingly aware of the need to attract innovators to survive and overcome the destructive effects. In the uncertain prospects of the enterprise should put forward more stringent requirements to support decision-making, which leads to the need for the right mix of all the factors that affect innovation. At the turn of the millennium and the globalization of the competition helped change traditional strategic paradigms. Today, along with the existence of the concept of competitiveness based on an assessment of market position of a company, and the concept of strategic management of economic systems at various levels, is increasingly important to the concept of enterprise and innovation, respectively, included in the overall strategy of the company innovative line of business.
Mehr als 90% aller deutschen Unternehmungen sind Familienbetriebe und in etwa einem Fünftel davon vollzieht sich derzeit ein Generationswechsel. Trotz vielfältiger beruflicher Möglichkeiten in einer Multioptionsgesellschaft übernimmt fast die Hälfte der Kinder den Betrieb. Auf der Basis von acht narrativen Interviews wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit eine biographietheoretische Analyseperspektive auf dieses soziale Phänomen gewählt: In welchen biographischen (Selektions-) Prozess ist die Entscheidung für oder gegen eine Übernahme des Familienbetriebes eingebettet? In fünf Fällen zeigt sich, dass die Position des Nachfolgers, die einem der Kinder von klein auf zugewiesen wurde, besonders strukturwirksam für die Betriebsnachfolge und die Beteiligten ist. Der Generationswechsel in diesen Familienbetrieben lässt sich als Übernahme einer Position charakterisieren. In drei weiteren Fällen zeigt sich, dass die jahrelange Konkurrenz um die Betriebsnachfolge für den Übernahmeprozess und die NachfolgerInnen eine wesentliche Rolle spielt. Der Generationswechsel in diesen Familienbetrieben lässt sich als gewonnener Wettkampf charakterisieren. Die vorgestellten Fallrekonstruktionen zeigen, dass das Thema Gerechtigkeit im Generationswechsel in kleinen Familienbetrieben ein strukturrelevanter Aspekt ist, der in einen lebenslangen Prozess eingeflochten ist und in Form eines Wettbewerbs oder durch das Einnehmen einer Position biographisch bearbeitet wird. Es wird auch deutlich, dass die lange Zeit in weiten Teilen Deutschlands vorherrschende, traditionelle Erbregelung Geschlecht und Altersrang in der Geschwisterfolge dienten als Gerechtigkeitskonzept in Auflösung begriffen ist. Ein Fazit der vorliegenden Untersuchung lautet aber, dass die beiden alternativen Gerechtigkeitskonzepte Interesse oder Leistung , die zunehmend zur Legitimation von Berufswahl und damit ebenso im Zuge der Betriebsübernahmeentscheidung herangezogen werden, auch Gefahren bergen. Daher wird abschließend die These vertreten, dass sowohl der positionale, als auch der wettbewerbsorientierte Generationswechsel in Familienbetrieben veränderte Anerkennungsverhältnisse benötigt, um die Wirksamkeit demokratischer Gerechtigkeitsprinzipien zu ermöglichen: Gegenseitige Wertschätzung der Generationen, Geschlechter und Geschwister für ihr So Sein , ebenso wie für ihre Leistungen und Interessen in jeder Lebensphase. Die Betriebsführung und die Ausrichtung des Betriebes nach der Übernahme sind Ausdruck der biographischen Arbeit der NachfolgerInnen. Durch ihre langjährige, alltägliche Erfahrung mit der Entgrenzung von Familienleben und Arbeitsleben, die nach der industriellen Moderne auch in anderen Arbeitsfelder wieder stärker Einzug hält, lassen sie sich als eine Art gesellschaftlicher Avantgarde beschreiben. Damit eng zusammenhängend können ihre Lebensgeschichten gleichzeitig als Seismographen für die Probleme in der Arbeitswelt gelten: Auf der einen Seite fördert die Erfahrung früher Konkurrenz in allen Lebensbereichen die Entwicklung psychischer Krisen, wie sie auch sonst im Arbeitsleben zu beobachten ist. Auf der anderen Seite fördert die frühe Erfahrung einer positionalen Zuweisung eine eher unflexible, wenig marktorientierte Haltung, die schlecht vorbereitet ist auf den Abbau des Anspruches auf Statuserhalt, wie er derzeit politisch forciert wird. Vor dem Hintergrund der vorgelegten Ergebnisse erscheinen vor allem solche systemisch orientierten, langfristigen Beratungs- und Begleitungsprozesse vorteilhaft, die vom bisher dominierenden Beratungsziel Erhaltung des Betriebes Abstand nehmen und stattdessen in einer dialogischen Zusammenarbeit mit den Akteuren eine neue Balancierung der Anerkennungsverhältnisse unterstützen. ; More than 90% of all German companies are family businesses and in one-fifth of them an alternation of generations is taking place at present. In spite of varied career possibilities in a multi-option society, almost half the children take over the company. Based on eight narrative interviews, a biography-theoretical analysis perspective on this social phenomenon has been selected in this thesis: In which biographical (selection-) process is the decision for or against a takeover of the family business embedded? In five cases it turned out that the position of the successor, assigned to one of the children from an early age, is particularly structural effective for the business succession and the persons concerned. The alternation of generations in this family businesses can be characterized as takeover of a position . Three further cases show that years of competition in the business succession play an essential role for the takeover process and the successors. The alternation of generations in this family businesses can be characterized as won contest . The introduced case reconstructions demonstrate that the theme justice in alternation of generations in small family businesses is a structure-relevant aspect interlaced in a lifelong process and biographical treated in terms of competition or by taking a position. It also becomes apparent that the traditional rule of succession gender and rank by age in birth order served as justice concept prevailing in wide parts of Germany for a long time is in the process of dissolution. A result of this research says that the two alternative justice concepts interest or achievement increasingly pulled up for legitimation of career choice, and so as well in the course of the business succession decision, also hold risks. Therefore, the concluding thesis is held that both positional and competition-oriented alternations of generations in family businesses need changed relations of acceptance to enable the effectiveness of democratic principles of justice: Mutual esteem among generations, gender and siblings for there so being , just as for their efforts and interests in every stage of life. The management and the orientation of the business after the takeover are an expression of the successor s biographical work. By long everyday experience with the dissolution of boundaries between family life and working life, which are entering increasingly into other fields of work after the industrial modernity, they can be described as a kind of social avant-garde. Closely connected with this, their life stories can be classified as seismographs for the problems in the working world: On the one hand the experience of early competition in all areas of life promotes the development of mental crises; observable in the working life as well. On the other hand the early experience with an assignment of a position promotes a more inflexible, less market-oriented attitude which is badly prepared for the reduction of the claim to status maintaining; as it is politically forced at present. Against the background of the presented results, mainly such systemic oriented, long-term processes of advice and assistance appear to be advantageous which are refraining from the prevailing purpose of advice preservation of the business . Instead of that they support a new balancing in the relations of acceptance by a dialogic cooperation with the actors.
International audience ; The evolution of the legislation concerning hazardous waste landfilling has induced many laboratory studies on the stabilization and the solidification of these waste. Thus a lot of processes have been developed; many are based on stabilization/solidification by hydraulic binders and are exploited by manufacturers. The development of these processes requires a phase of evaluation. In this context, Ademe has asked Polden-Insavalor to define a protocol of evaluation of stabilization/solidification processes using hydraulic binders. One treatment process based on hydraulic binder has been developed, applied on two industrial wastes, a used catalyst and an activated charcoal and tested. This study is devoted to the evaluation of this process, by tests inspired of the Ademe's protocol. First, we propose theoretical and practical modifications to the Ademe's protocol especially the points considering the water absorption capability of treated waste, their sensitivity to external agents and the study of their average-term behavior during leaching.Second, over the critical analysis, the study proposes a concrete and simple methodology of evaluation of the stabilization of a waste in four steps. The first provides a method to realize a material balance of the treatment. It is thus possible to verify if chemical elements of reagents are fully found in the treated waste and to conclude as for the absence of pollution transfer during the treatment. The second step is about the solidification, it concerns the determination the water absorption capability of the treated waste and the hydration rate of the binder informing on the evolution of the mechanical resistance of the treated waste. The third consists in characterizing the efficiency of the process to stabilize chemical elements. It is evaluated by a rapid test determining the waste solubility level versus pH, before and after treatment. The last step concerns the physical stabilization. After successive operation of treated waste leaching, the dynamics of extraction and the extracted fraction allow for each element to evaluate their physical retention within the binder. A best evaluation of the long-term behavior of a stabilized/ solidified waste allows to envisage on the one hand conditions of the improvement of stabilization/ solidification processes and on the other hand the possible future for stabilized materials. ; L'évolution de la législation en matière de stockage de déchets ultimes a induit de nombreuses études de laboratoire sur la stabilisation et la solidification de ces déchets. Ainsi beaucoup de procédés ont vu le jour, notamment des procédés de stabilisation/solidification à base de liant hydraulique qui sont exploités à l'échelle industrielle. Leur développement doit nécessairement s'accompagner d'une phase d'évaluation. Dans ce contexte, l'Ademe a chargé Polden-lnsavalor d'établir une procédure d'évaluation approfondie des procédés de stabilisation/solidification utilisant des liants hydrauliques.L'étude présentée consiste à évaluer, par des tests inspirés de cette procédure, un procédé de traitement par liant hydraulique appliqué à deux déchets industriels, un catalyseur usé et un charbon actif. Dans un premier temps, elle a permis de proposer des modifications théoriques et pratiques à la procédure de l'Ademe notamment les étapes concernant la capacité d'absorption en eau des déchets traités, leur sensibilité aux agents extérieurs et l'étude de leur comportement à la lixiviation à moyen terme.Dans un second temps, au-delà de l'analyse critique, l'étude propose une méthodologie simple et concrète d'évaluation de la stabilisation d'un déchet en quatre parties. La première fournit une méthode d'établissement du bilan matière du traitement. Il est ainsi possible de vérifier si les éléments chimiques des réactifs se retrouvent intégralement dans le déchet traité et de conclure quant à l'absence de transfert de pollution au cours du traitement. La deuxième étape concerne la solidification, il s'agit de déterminer la capacité d'absorption en eau du déchet traité et le taux d'hydratation du liant renseignant sur l'évolution de la résistance mécanique du déchet traité. La troisième consiste à caractériser l'efficacité du procédé à stabiliser les éléments considérés. Elle est évaluée par un test rapide de solubilisation en fonction du pH, pratiqué sur le déchet à traiter et sur le déchet traité. La dernière étape concerne la stabilisation physique. Après des lixiviations successives du déchet traité, la dynamique d'extraction et la fraction extraite permettent pour chaque élément d'évaluer leur rétention physique au sein de la matrice liante. Une meilleure évaluation du comportement d'un déchet stabilisé/solidifié dans le temps permet d'envisager les conditions de l'amélioration des procédés de stabilisation/solidification. Dans le cas du catalyseur usé, nous avons ainsi mis au point un procédé au cours duquel la stabilisation chimique du polluant par intégration dans les hydrates du liant est avérée. En ce qui concerne le charbon actif, nous avons démontré qu'un traitement par liant hydraulique n'autorise qu'une rétention physique des polluants. La méthodologie proposée peut également constituer une base d'étude de la réutilisation des déchets auxquels les procédés de stabilisation/solidification donnent naissance.
This research is concerned with changes in organization methods. Why do some organizations have to radically revise their structures and their working methods ? How does general process of change take place ? What are the results and the complete change problems incurred ? These are the main questions asked. The approach taken is empirical. Longitudinal studies have been carried out in four domains : of French electronic group, the subsidiary company of a British chemical group and two establishments of an oil company one industrial, the other commercial. The observations recorded show the complexity of a process of change. The decision to start up such a process is linked to a significant modification in the working environment as well as the existence of problems of integration. In the space or three to four years, structures evolve, new information systems and decision processes are enforced new personnel policies are defined. These changes are accompanied by a new way of seeing things and notably the elaboration of a business project. The latter is intended to ensure that the various functions of a real strategy of change, defined and orchestrated by a small group of individuals. What are the results noted ? The in-house indicators as well as surveys introduced on a wide-ranging sample of people show that the changes has had a considerable impact of these samples as well as on the attitudes and behavior of the personnel. However, a great number of problems cropped up during the period of change : at one stage a need for stability arose, mix-ups occurred, certain modifications were regarded as contradictory and the hierarchy was not always as solid as it should have been. Furthermore it can be remarked that some of these problems are aggravated due to the size of the organization. Resorting to a corporate charter (and to other strategies such as the presentation of trophies) can prove to be a very delicate operation. Finally, differing opinions may develop and are sometimes the root of internal unease. Beyond the organization, a global entity, there are some individuals who have had different experiences and who, on the one hand will not witness develop their position within the firm in the same way and on the other had will experience the evolutions which affect them in different way ; Cette recherche s'intéresse au problème du changement organisationnel, pourquoi certaines organisations sont-elles conduites à revoir de manière radicale leurs structures et leurs modes de fonctionnement ? Comment se déroule un processus de changement global ? Quels sont les résultats observés et les limites rencontrées ? Telles sont les principales questions posées. L'approche retenue est empirique. Des études longitudinales ont été conduites dans quatre unités : le département d'un groupe électronique français, la filiale d'un groupe chimique britannique et deux établissements, l'un industriel, l'autre commercial, d'une compagnie pétrolière. Les observations effectuées montrent la complexité d'une démarche de changement la décision d'initier un tel processus est liée a une importante modification de l'environnement ainsi qu'à l'existence de problèmes d'intégration. En l'espace de trois ou quatre ans, les structures évoluent, de nouveaux systèmes d'information et de décision se mettent en place, de nouvelles politiques du personnel sont définies. Ces changements s'accompagnent de la production d'un discours et notamment de l'élaboration d'un projet d'entreprise. Ce dernier est destiné à assurer de multiples fonctions lors de l'opération de changement. Il est en effet possible de parler d'une véritable stratégie de changement, définie et orchestrée par un groupe restreint d'individus. Quels sont les résultats enregistrés ? L'étude des indicateurs internes ainsi que les enquêtes ayant pu être conduites auprès d'échantillons représentatifs de la population de chaque entité, montrent que les changements introduits ont eu un impact important sur les représentations, les attitudes et les comportements du personnel. Cependant, de nombreuses difficultés sont apparues tout au long de la phase de changement : un besoin de stabilité se manifeste à un moment donné, des téléscopages se produisent, certaines modifications sont perçues comme contradictoires, le relai hiérarchique n'est pas toujours assuré. On constate par ailleurs que certains de ces problèmes sont susceptibles d'être aggravés par la taille de l'organisation. Le recours à un projet d'entreprise (et à des actions telles la remise de trophées, .) peut s'avérer fort délicat. Enfin les attitudes différenciées se développent et sont parfois à l'origine de scissions internes. Au-delà de l'organisation, entité globale, il y a des individus porteurs de vécus différents qui, d'une part ne verront pas leur position dans l'entreprise évoluer de la même façon et d'autre part, vivront les évolutions qui les affectent de manière variée
La presenza di residui chimici negli alimenti, costituiti sia da composti farmaceutici che da contaminati ambientali, è un argomento di crescente interesse e preoccupazione per la sanità pubblica. L'Unione Europea periodicamente sancisce leggi e rapporti aggiornati, con lo scopo di condurre piani di monitoraggio e linee guida sull' impiego di tali composti a livello industriale, agricolo e terapeutico e livelli massimi residuali (LMR e ML) negli alimenti, al fine di prevenire il rischio per il consumatore. Sulla base di queste considerazioni, il presente elaborato ha lo scopo di studiare la presenza di residui chimici in diversi alimenti di origine animale, al fine di caratterizzare il rischio per il consumatore. In primo luogo, ci siamo focalizzati sullo studio di alimenti provenienti dal settore ittico, che è un'ottima fonte di nutrienti, con importanti benefici per la salute umana. Ci siamo concentrati su cozze e vongole, animali filtratori e bioindicatori adatti per le loro caratteristiche a bioaccumulare un'ampia gamma di inquinanti ambientali. Lo scopo del primo elaborato è stato quello di valutare il rischio per il consumatore dei principali metalli (Hg, Cd, Pb, Ni, Cre As), attraverso il consumo di molluschi sulla base dei limiti massimi dichiarati dall'Unione Europea o, ove disponibili, sulla base dei valori soglia dichiarati dall'EFSA. Dal primo lavoro è emerso che vi è un basso rischio per il consumatore medio; tuttavia, i consumatori ai percentili superiori, possono essere soggetti a lesioni cutane e/o neoplasie polmonari, cutanee e vescicali per l'elevata assunzione di As. Soggetti Ni sensibili, possono invece essere soggetti a dermatiti allergiche. Il secondo lavoro di ricerca si è invece concentrato sulla ricerca dei medesimi metalli nel tonno, il cui consumo è in aumento secondo i dati della commissione europea, per le sue capacità di bioaccumulo. Sono stati, così, analizzati 131 campioni provenienti da diverse zone FAO. Dai risultati, è emerso che solo un tonno rosso, proveniente dal mare Adriatico e 11 tonni gialli hanno superato i livelli massimi residuali di Pb; tre tonni rossi provenienti da diverse sottozone del 7 Mediterraneo hanno superato i livelli massimi consentiti per il mercurio. La valutazione degli effetti tossicologici cumulativi ha indicato un rischio trascurabile sia per i medi che alti consumatori. L'obiettivo del terzo studio è stato quello di studiare la presenza di inquinanti organici persistenti e di antimicrobici nei salmoni selvatici e di allevamento di diverse aree geografiche. I salmoni d'allevamento hanno mostrato una presenza di contaminanti ambientali superiore a quelli selvatici, probabilmente a causa di un maggiore impatto demografico. Il rischio legato ai composti organofosforati, agli idrocarburi policiclici aromatici, ai policlorobifenili e ai pesticidi organoclorurati derivanti dall'assunzione di salmone si è rilevato molto basso, mentre la presenza di polobromodifenilietere congenere 99 (PBDE99) e acido perfluoroottanoico (PFOA) suscita maggiore preoccupazione. Gli antibiotici sono stati riscontrati con bassa frequenza solo nel salmone allevato. Da questi lavori, sulla base dei dati ottenuti, possiamo confermare che vi è basso rischio per il consumatore medio Il consumo regolare di carne e prodotti a base di carne fornisce un significativo apporto di proteine e micronutrienti essenziali. La carne suina, ad esempio, è impiegata in molti paesi per produrre prodotti derivati (prosciutti e salumi) ad alto valore qualitativo. Anche il consumo di carne di selvaggina, pur essendo un prodotto di nicchia, è in costante aumento e i cacciatori, le loro famiglie e le persone a loro strettamente legate possono essere considerati una sottopopolazione ad alto consumo. Nel quarto lavoro abbiamo cosi studiato la presenza di polibromodifenilietere e sostanze perfluoroalchiliche provenienti da otto Stati membri dell'UE (Austria, Danimarca, Francia, Germania, Olanda, Italia, Polonia e Spagna). La commissione Europea non ha definito limiti massimi per tali composti e dai nostri risultati non sono state rilevate sostanze perfluoroalchiliche ad eccezione dell'acido perfluoroottanoico in un solo campione austriaco. I polibromodifenilietere sono stati rilevati solo in 3 dei 77 campioni investigati. I risultati mostrano che i campioni analizzati non rappresentano un rischio per il consumatore. Recentemente una successiva relazione EFSA ha richiesto di porre maggiore attenzione sulla presenza dei perfluoroalchilici, i cui valori soglia sono stati ridotti drasticamente per il loro rischio tossicologico. Nel quinto lavoro ci siamo focalizzati su quattro diverse specie selvatiche (camoscio, capriolo, capriolo, cervo e cinghiale) con abitudini alimentari differenti. Gli animali selvatici sono considerati 8 specie sentinelle e quindi ottimi indicatori ambientali. Campioni muscolari di settantanove animali sono stati raccolti durante la stagione venatoria in una zona montana dell'Italia settentrionale. Nei campioni non sono stati trovati polibromodifenilieteri. Al contrario i pesticidi organoclorurati e organofosforati e i policlorobifenili sono stati rilevati in quasi tutti i campioni a diversi intervalli di concentrazione, mostrando una frequenza maggiore nelle specie di ungulati rispetto al cinghiale. I PFA ,invece, sono stati riscontrati solo nei cinghiali. Tra gli idrocarburi, antracene e benzopirene, sono stati trovati solo nel camoscio a basse concentrazioni. Possiamo nuovamente concludere che per il frequente ritrovamento a basse concentrazioni dei contaminati, ad eccezione di singoli composti riscontrati ad alte concentrazioni, e del basso consumo di carne di selvaggina rapportata ad altre tipologie di carne, vi è un basso rischio per il consumatore italiano. Un ulteriore tema di crescente interesse per la sanità pubblica è stato lo studio dei contaminati ambientali persistenti nel miele, in particolare il miele biologico. Infatti, nonostante l'apicoltura biologica escluda (o consenta in modo restrittivo) l'impiego di farmaci o pesticidi, molti inquinanti possono contaminare api, miele e polline. Pertanto, l'attenzione si è concentrata sullo studio di un ampio spettro di analiti quali, pesticidi, inquinanti organici persistenti e antibiotici in mieli organici raccolti in diverse aree produttive con diverso impatto agricolo, zootecnico o antropico per verificare il potenziale trasferimento di xenobiotici nella catena di approvvigionamento da fonti diverse rispetto alle pratiche apistiche. È stata confermata la presenza di diversi composti, come policlorobifenili, i polibromodifenilietere e gli idrocarburi policiclici aromatici non solo nelle arnie in prossimità di centri altamente urbanizzati, dove le concentrazioni erano più elevate, ma in tutti i contesti ambientali, confermando la possibilità di trasferimento da fonti ambientali e l'ubiquità di tali composti. Il mancato ritrovamento di antibiotici nei campioni analizzati esclude la possibilità di trasferimento accidentale delle molecole dall'ambiente in cui sono posizionate le arnie. Per ottenere una così ampia e diversificata ricerca, ogni lavoro è stato approciato in modo differente per il pretrattamento dei campioni, l'ottimizzazione del metodo analitico, l'estrazione degli analiti e il loro successivo clean up prima dell'analisi con cromatografia liquida in spettrometria di massa tandem (LC-MS/MS) o gas spettrometria (GC-MS/MS). L'approccio di natura analitico-strumentale ha richiesto per ogni ricerca un'accurata e ampia ricerca per ottenere l'ottimizzazione delle prestazioni strumentali e delle fasi di pretrattamento dei campioni, al fine di raggiungere buoni livelli di sensibilità, specificità e robustezza dei metodi analitici impiegati per poi fare 9 considerazioni di natura qualitativa, quantitativa e statistica. La pianificazione delle prove, l'ottimizzazione e la convalida dei metodi sono state eseguite secondo la Commissione SANTE/10553/2018 (SANTE 2018). I risultati di questo lavoro suggeriscono che il rischio per la salute media dei consumatori è basso. Le concentrazioni ambientali dei composti organoclorurati persistenti sembrano diminuite negli ultimi due decenni, probabilmente grazie ai progressi nella rilevazione analitica e al miglioramento dei controlli europei. I PCB sono ancora presenti nell'ambiente a causa del loro ampio impiego a livello industriale nel secolo scorso e delle loro peculiarità chimico fisiche, anche se il loro uso, oggi, è stato vietato in molte applicazioni. Per quanto riguarda i composti emergenti, i PFAs destano preoccupazione a causa del loro ampio uso e del loro possibile ruolo tossicologico. Recentemente la Commissione Europea ha infatti drasticamente diminuito i livelli soglia per queste classi per salvaguardare la salute umana. Gli antibiotici sono ancora motivo di preoccupazione e necessitano di uno stretto controllo per garantire la sicurezza umana e ridurre le resistenze, tema tuttora più che attuale. ; The presence of xenobiotic residues, both drugs and environmental contaminants, in food is a cause for concern and therefore the European Authorities issue reports or laws in order to propose monitoring plans, Health-based Guidance Values (HBGV) and maximum residue levels or maximum levels (MRLs and MLs). Based on these considerations, this doctoral thesis studies the presence of residues in different foods of animal origin, aimed at a characterization of the risk for the consumer. Firstly, we studied seafood, which is an excellent source of nutrients, with important human health benefits. We focused on mussels and clams, filter feeders animals, suitable bio indicator organisms due to their bioaccumulation ability of a wide range of environmental pollutants. In the first research study, we evaluated the Italian consumer risk related to metal exposition through molluscs, on the basis on the MLs stated by the European Union, where available, or, otherwise, based on the HBGV stated by EFSA. About our results, regarding the human metal exposure, we conclude that there is a low risk for the average consumer; however, high percentile consumers, may be subjected to skin lesions, and lung, skin and bladder cancer due to high intake of As, while Ni sensitive individuals can undergo allergic dermatitis due to constant Ni presence in the studied molluscs. Subsequently, we focused on most consumed fish like salmon, tuna which consumption has consistently risen. In the second study about salmon, the aim was to investigate the presence of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and antimicrobials in wild and farmed salmons from different geographic areas. Farmed salmons showed slightly higher presence of environmental contaminants than wild ones, likely due to the decreased possibility of a constant exposition. Antibiotics were seldom found only in farmed salmon. Risk related to organophosphate compounds (Ops), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs) and organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) deriving from salmon intake were of is very low concern, while the presence of polybromodiphenyl ether (PBDE99) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), is a cause for a bit higher concern. The substantial lack of data about the detected antibiotics in salmon did not allow an extrapolation from MRLs of terrestrial animals and a risk characterization In the third work on tuna, a long-living fish with high biomagnification ability, we studied the presence of metals with high toxicological importance for public health (Hg, Pb, Cd, As, Cr, Ni). One hundred thirty-one samples were analysed. One red tuna from the Adriatic Sea and 11 yellow tunas exceeded Pb maximum levels (MLs); three red tunas from different Mediterranean sub-areas exceeded Hg MLs. The evaluation of cumulative effects indicated that only a negligible health hazard could derive from the ingestion of tuna, for both average and high consumers. The risk of carcinogenicity from Cr is still under debate at the concentrations detectable in food. In these two works, we confirm a low risk, related to the studied compounds, for average consumer health due to fish consumption. The regular consumption of meat and meat products provides a significant intake of proteins and essential micronutrients. Pork meat, for example, is used in many countries to produce derivative products (hams and cured meats) with high qualitative value. Also, game animal meat consumption, though being a niche product, is constantly increasing and hunters, their families and persons closely associated with them can be regarded as a high consumption subpopulation. Furthermore, game animals are a suitable indicator about environmental pollutant such as PCBs, PBDEs, PAHs and brominated flame retardants (BFRs). In the fourth work we studied the occurrence of PBDEs and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) from eight EU Member States (Austria, Denmark, French, Germany, Holland, Italy, Poland and Spain). The European Commission has not stated maximum limits (MLs) for some environmental pollutants such as polybrominated diphenyl ether PBDEs and PFASs; no perfluoroalkyl substances were detected, except PFOA, in only one Austrian sample. PBDEs were detected in three out of 77 samples: the one coming from Germany showed the presence of all congeners analyzed the ones from Netherland and Italy, respectively PBDE 153 and PBDE 100. The results show that the analyzed samples do not pose a risk for human beings about PFASs and PBDEs. A following report from EFSA, requires a new attention on PFAS, with HBGV being drastically reduced. In the fifth work we studied four different animal species (chamois, roe deer, red deer and wild boar) that have different nutrition habits. Game animals are a suitable sentinel species to have a picture of the environment. Muscle samples from seventy-nine animals were collected during the hunting season in a Northern Italy mountain area. No PBDEs were found in the samples. OCPs, OPs and PCBs were detected in almost all samples at different concentration ranges, showing higher frequency in ungulate species than in wild boar. PFAs were found only in wild boar. Anthracene and benzopyrene, among PAHs, were found only in chamois at low concentrations. A low risk for consumers can be indicated due to the frequent detection of contaminants at trace levels, to the scarce prevalence of high concentrations of some contaminants and to the low consumption of game animal meat. An important topic in the researches carried out in my doctorate was the investigation of POPs in organic honey. However, even if organic beekeeping excludes (or restrictively allows) the use drugs or pesticides many pollutants may contaminate bee matrices, comprising bee, honey and pollen. Therefore, the focus was the investigation of a broad spectrum of analytes, pesticides, persistent organic pollutants and antibiotics in organic honeys collected in different productive areas with different agricultural, zootechnical or anthropic impact to verify the potential transfer of xenobiotics into supply chain from different sources than beekeeping practices. The presence of several compounds, such as PCBs, PBDE and PAHs was confirmed, not only in proximity to highly urbanised centres, where the concentrations were higher, but in all environment contexts, confirming the theory that these are ubiquitous contaminants. No antibiotics were found in samples analysed suggesting that presence of antibiotics is from beekeeping practices. The analytes in the different matrices required different approaches for sample pretreatment, extraction, clean up and fractionation before the analysis with liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) or – gas mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS). The approach of analytical-instrumental nature has provided for the optimisation of instrumental performances as well as of the steps of sample pretreatment, in order to achieve good levels of sensitivity, specificity and robustness of the method to then make considerations of qualitative, quantitative and statistical nature. The trials planning, optimisation and validation of the methods were performed according to Commission SANTE/10553/2018 (SANTE 2018). The results of this manuscript suggest that there is a low risk for the average consumer health. Environmental concentrations of persistent organochlorine compounds have been decreasing over the past two decades, and this correlates with remarkable advances in the detection of exceedingly low levels of these compounds in human populations and the improvement of European control. PCBs still are present in environment due to their industrial source even if their use was banned in many industries application. Regarding emerging compounds, PFAs still need to be concern due to their wide use and their possible toxicological role. Recently European commission decreased the HBGVs for these classes to safeguard human health. Antibiotics still are a matter of concern and need a close control to ensure human safety and decrease antimicrobial resistance.
TO THE QUESTION OF LEGAL REGULATION OF OPERATIONAL RISKS IN THE FIELD OF GENETIC ENGINEERINGI. V. HORISLAVSKA, Candidate of Law, Assistant ProfessorNational University of Life and Environmental Sciences of UkraineA. I. KLYMENKO, 3rd year student of Law FacultyNational University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine Executive state function, the content of which is the management of society as a whole, is also in the management of certain areas and sectors of public life, including the risks in the field of genetic engineering.Current status of administrative and civil law is characterized by increased interest of society and the state (including jurisprudence, law-making and judicial practice) to scientific studies on the search for new conceptual solutions that are aimed at solving urgent problems of individual sectors in particular, and the right to general.According to some scientists, promising areas are called to play an important part in study of the principle of moderation between the constraints and the objectives and purpose of law, legal risk in various areas of law, because the category of «risk» inherent in every sphere of human activity and the enforcement of law and related trusts' its associated property management agreement of other alternative legal structures in which there are «variations in structure, content rights, the nature of the legal relationship, other elements» relations. One of the factors of legal basis for the existence of legal anomalies is a category of legal risk, risky transactions and risk obligations. Thus, a legal anomaly is defined as «deviation from the general pattern of normal development of social relations due to various factors – objective and subjective».Legal risk is included in the conditions of civil liability or professional possibility of legal fact which may come or not come, the result of which will be three economic outcomes: negative, zero and positive.Modern trends in legal risk are reflected in risky transaction, which is the basis of risk, which includes the obligation of innovation risk, including the risk of activities in the field of genetic engineering. These innovative risks are defined as the probability of failure to obtain certain results during execution using only the organizational, technical and scientific potential of.An activity in the field of genetic engineering, such as the use of biotechnology in agriculture is a set of relations of production by genetic engineering and application of biotechnological origin of products in this area. The legal basis for the formation mechanisms of legal regulation of relations in the field of biotechnology in agriculture, especially a provision of the Convention on Biological Diversity in 1992, which defines the sovereign right of each country to access to genetic resources on the basis of national legislation.Activity in the field of genetic engineering is a risky, while the literature draws attention to the lack of a unified approach to the basic criteria for risk analysis of agricultural biotechnology activities.The main obstacle in this and in the coordination of international standards in the field of biotechnology lies in the complexity of coordination opposite positions and domestic legislative practices of the two most influential subjects of international law – the U.S. and the EU – such key issues as the concept of reasonable equivalence and the principle of precaution, the introduction of compulsory or voluntary labeling of genetically modified organisms (hereinafter – GMO), determination of the legal status of the human embryo, the introduction of «focused» or «multilateral» approach to human cloning and identification of forms of the genetic material , which ment to be protected by means of intellectual property rights.International legal regulation of agricultural biotechnology is based on the following principles: conducting scientifically sound and consistent risk analysis, that these biotechnologies can cause to human health and the environment, establishing State responsibility regarding transboundary movements of GMOs, enforcement of fair and non-discriminatory trade in transgenic products, consideration of the interests of the indigenous population of the least developed countries on the use of the world's genetic resources.Nowdays, Ukraine creates biosafety system, which aims to provide safe proceeding of genetic engineering and genetically modified organisms, and prevents their unauthorized and uncontrolled spread.According to the State Environmental Policy Strategy of Ukraine till 2020 (hereinafter – the Strategy), to control the importation of genetically modified organisms into the territory of Ukraine, preventing their uncontrolled spread and improvement in 2015 permitting system in the treatment of genetically modified organisms, including their cross-border movements and coordination of genetic engineering relies on the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine, which is the central body of executive power in the formulation and implementation of national policy in the field of environmental protection, including genetic safety.The first phase of the Strategy includes: development of legal acts on state regulation and control in the management of genetically modified organisms, genetic engineering activities, improvement of the licensing system in the treatment of genetically modified organisms, including their cross-border movements and coordination of genetic engineering.The State Intellectual Property protects international and national patents and other intellectual property rights in the treatment of GMOs, and genetic engineering; Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine defines the criteria of safety of GMOs and genetic engineering in closed systems, develops and improves the monitoring system of genetically engineering activities safety and implements other authorities, the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine carries out state ecological expertise of GMOs intended for use in an open system, the state registration of plant protection obtained using GMOs, permits the release of GMOs into the open system and is based on the principles of necessity, non-discrimination, proportionality and objectivity.
Privatization in Eastern European countries and Newly Independent States that have been established after USSR collapse is proceeding at a high speed. It has caused dramatic changes in social life, strong effect on the whole economy. Privatization can serve a variety of purposes, from reducing budget deficits to restructuring industries to compete in the European Common Market. Privatization deals with the distribution of property rights, which strongly affect to profitability of enterprises, physical capital and public sector restructuring. However, if developed countries usually use only one privatization method, the former socialist countries are demonstrating the most extensive privatization programs and adopting almost every privatization methods available. Privatization is not a panacea for all economic problems as in developed as in transitional countries, but it can be big push for creating a new relationship between private and public sector. Privatization itself is not a competition, but it leads to create regulatory framework, which ends goal is free market, based on competitive origins. The privatization process in Republic of Armenia and in the Russian Federation is the central point of the research. In order to address the central point properly by studying and analyzing the privatization process in focal countries, its problems and benefits, analyze of the above mentioned process in both countries based on the case study, empirical and statistical studies. The problems in former socialist world are connected with changes and development of the property right, frame of work motives and also private sector creation, which will dominate in economics. Launching conditions of the given country also important. In a number of countries with transient economics privatization can be more actual than in others. This study leads to better understanding of the advantages and pitfalls of privatization process and its impact on enterprise efficiency, help to find the issues-subject for new research into case understanding of the processes in focal countries. This study was conducted to understand when and how privatization works. This question is actual because many developing countries only began to undertake large-scale privatization in the 1990s. The results of this study should, therefore, will be of interest to investors, government policy makers as well as officials of international agencies, such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, by providing insights on the way privatization works. This thesis focuses on the effectiveness and economic impacts of various forms of privatization, their political impacts including their perceived fairness, their political legitimacy, the extent to which they create new decentralized centers of political power, and their contribution toward creating a class of property owners who favor and support continued liberalization and reforms. The purpose of this thesis is also to contribute to understanding of the impact of the Russian and Armenian privatization process through an empirical investigation of its effects on the performance of industrial enterprises. Small scale privatization in both countries had the best positive result and creates the middle class owners that produce vast majority of countries GDP. The final result in both countries spikes for itself. Mass privatization became a very important step, but only the first step towards efficient ownership and production. Despite this overnight change of ownership of thousands of enterprises, little has changed in terms of governance, management or efficiency, clearly not as much as was expected. Massive abuses, running down assets, tax evasion, non payments crisis, corruption and personal enrichment of management at the expense of their companies well-being largely offset any efficiency gains that could have happened due to freeing of the private initiative, releasing market incentives and hardening budget constraints. The mentality of the management remained the same. Being accustomed to soft budget constraints, they continued their lax financial practices, preferring to credit each other through mutual arrears and save on tax arrears and salaries to employees instead of trying to raise efficiency and productivity. Both Russia and Armenia have made profound progress in their privatization programs, with both positive and negative results. The final conclusion on which country has done better in its transition efforts is left to the population of these countries, and they will use their own criteria for comparison. This study tries to provide some arguments and objective information on which to base these conclusions. Privatization in focal countries shows that the role of the government is important in the transition process. A weak government that cannot or does not bother to control the process only provides the chances of opportunistic behavior. Markets do not guide the process towards Pareto optimality because a functioning market does not exist yet. When the legal framework is vague, informal rules become more important. Legal rules were largely ignored and social networks counted more. Russian and Armenian privatization did not lead to an efficient result. Insider groups were able to secure their positions and financial conglomerates, led by a few oligarchs, took over the earlier state monopoly in the economy. Privatization strengthened the role of informal institutions at the cost of formal legal rules. Privatization made clear that informal social networks among the new elite are powerful, while the formal rules are weak and not respected. It was also a process that rather weakened than strengthened the development towards the rule of law. It proved that the political and economic elite does not show respect to the developing legal system as long as good relations among the elite can supersede the law. ; Privatization in Eastern European countries and Newly Independent States that have been established after USSR collapse is proceeding at a high speed. It has caused dramatic changes in social life, strong effect on the whole economy. Privatization can serve a variety of purposes, from reducing budget deficits to restructuring industries to compete in the European Common Market. Privatization deals with the distribution of property rights, which strongly affect to profitability of enterprises, physical capital and public sector restructuring. However, if developed countries usually use only one privatization method, the former socialist countries are demonstrating the most extensive privatization programs and adopting almost every privatization methods available. Privatization is not a panacea for all economic problems as in developed as in transitional countries, but it can be big push for creating a new relationship between private and public sector. Privatization itself is not a competition, but it leads to create regulatory framework, which ends goal is free market, based on competitive origins. The privatization process in Republic of Armenia and in the Russian Federation is the central point of the research. In order to address the central point properly by studying and analyzing the privatization process in focal countries, its problems and benefits, analyze of the above mentioned process in both countries based on the case study, empirical and statistical studies. The problems in former socialist world are connected with changes and development of the property right, frame of work motives and also private sector creation, which will dominate in economics. Launching conditions of the given country also important. In a number of countries with transient economics privatization can be more actual than in others. This study leads to better understanding of the advantages and pitfalls of privatization process and its impact on enterprise efficiency, help to find the issues-subject for new research into case understanding of the processes in focal countries. This study was conducted to understand when and how privatization works. This question is actual because many developing countries only began to undertake large-scale privatization in the 1990s. The results of this study should, therefore, will be of interest to investors, government policy makers as well as officials of international agencies, such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, by providing insights on the way privatization works. This thesis focuses on the effectiveness and economic impacts of various forms of privatization, their political impacts including their perceived fairness, their political legitimacy, the extent to which they create new decentralized centers of political power, and their contribution toward creating a class of property owners who favor and support continued liberalization and reforms. The purpose of this thesis is also to contribute to understanding of the impact of the Russian and Armenian privatization process through an empirical investigation of its effects on the performance of industrial enterprises. Small scale privatization in both countries had the best positive result and creates the middle class owners that produce vast majority of countries GDP. The final result in both countries spikes for itself. Mass privatization became a very important step, but only the first step towards efficient ownership and production. Despite this overnight change of ownership of thousands of enterprises, little has changed in terms of governance, management or efficiency, clearly not as much as was expected. Massive abuses, running down assets, tax evasion, non payments crisis, corruption and personal enrichment of management at the expense of their companies well-being largely offset any efficiency gains that could have happened due to freeing of the private initiative, releasing market incentives and hardening budget constraints. The mentality of the management remained the same. Being accustomed to soft budget constraints, they continued their lax financial practices, preferring to credit each other through mutual arrears and save on tax arrears and salaries to employees instead of trying to raise efficiency and productivity. Both Russia and Armenia have made profound progress in their privatization programs, with both positive and negative results. The final conclusion on which country has done better in its transition efforts is left to the population of these countries, and they will use their own criteria for comparison. This study tries to provide some arguments and objective information on which to base these conclusions. Privatization in focal countries shows that the role of the government is important in the transition process. A weak government that cannot or does not bother to control the process only provides the chances of opportunistic behavior. Markets do not guide the process towards Pareto optimality because a functioning market does not exist yet. When the legal framework is vague, informal rules become more important. Legal rules were largely ignored and social networks counted more. Russian and Armenian privatization did not lead to an efficient result. Insider groups were able to secure their positions and financial conglomerates, led by a few oligarchs, took over the earlier state monopoly in the economy. Privatization strengthened the role of informal institutions at the cost of formal legal rules. Privatization made clear that informal social networks among the new elite are powerful, while the formal rules are weak and not respected. It was also a process that rather weakened than strengthened the development towards the rule of law. It proved that the political and economic elite does not show respect to the developing legal system as long as good relations among the elite can supersede the law.
This study examined advertising, exhibiting multilingual structures to reach the Nigerian audience. Halliday's mood system and morphological processes served as the theoretical configurations for analyzing textual elements of advertisements. These contextual terminologies permitted quantitative and qualitative approaches to thrive in order to culminate the investigation. Thus, the analysis showed political motifs, religious spheres, royal domains, musical settings, and friendship environment, as the fascinating panaceas to motivate readers. English, Yorùbá, and Hausa languages were functional facilities to mesmerize consumers. However, the advertisements displayed textual interruptions: FEBUHARI, FELABRATION, OBIdiently, and ATIKUlating, being strong prerequisites in persuasive designs. Creativity indicates the logically-minded behavior of publicists in blending grammatical structures of different languages together, yielding a unified whole, generating novel semantic values for regurgitation. It seems indisputable that such textual constructs have the capability to influence lexicographers, increase word-stock(s) of languages, and projecting the advertising industry as possessing cerebral proficiencies in linguistics' advancement. ; tdalamu@aul.edu.ng ; Taofeek O. Dalamu earned a PhD from the University of Lagos, Nigeria, under a methodical supervision of Prof. Adeyemi Daramola, with specialization in Systemic Functional Linguistics, Discourse Analysis, and Digital Humanities in relation, mostly, to advertising communications. Currently, Dr. Dalamu is a member of International Systemic Functional Linguistics Association, and teaches English courses at Anchor University, Lagos, Nigeria. This scholar has a variety of 32 publications in reputable international journals across the globe. See: www.hq.ssrn.com/taofeekdalamu/papers, www.researchgate.net.cdn/taofeekdalamu, www.academia.com/taofeekdalamuuniversityoflagos. ; Anchor University, Lagos, Nigeria ; Akinnaso, N. N. 2015. The politics of language planning in education in Nigeria. Word 41 (3): 337-367. Retrieved on 12 June 12 2018 from https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00437956.1990.11435827?src=recsys. ; Alt, F., Evers, C. & Schmidt, A. 2009. Pervasive computing group users' view on context-sensitive car advertisements. Pervasive Computing 9-16. ; Ang, I. 1991. Desperately Seeking the Audience. London: Routledge. ; Arora, N., Dreze, X., Ghose, A., Hess, J., Iyengar, R., Jing, B., Joshi, Y., Kumar, V., Lurie, N., Neslin, S., Sajeesh, S., Su, M., Syam, N., Thomas, J. & Zhang J. 2008. Putting one-to-one marketing to work: Personalization, customization, and choice. 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Das International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) ist ein länderübergreifendes, fortlaufendes Umfrageprogramm, das jährlich Erhebungen zu Themen durchführt, die für die Sozialwissenschaften wichtig sind. Das Programm begann 1984 mit vier Gründungsmitgliedern - Australien, Deutschland, Großbritannien und den Vereinigten Staaten - und ist inzwischen auf fast 50 Mitgliedsländer aus aller Welt angewachsen. Da die Umfragen auf Replikationen ausgelegt sind, können die Daten sowohl für länder- als auch für zeitübergreifende Vergleiche genutzt werden. Jedes ISSP-Modul konzentriert sich auf ein bestimmtes Thema, das in regelmäßigen Zeitabständen wiederholt wird. Details zur Durchführung der nationalen ISSP-Umfragen entnehmen Sie bitte der Dokumentation. Die vorliegende Studie konzentriert sich auf Fragen zu Umwelt, Klimawandel und Umweltschutz.
caused by the integration of the domestic education system into the European space, so it is important to study and analyze the experience of formation and change of previous, pre-Soviet educational systems in Ukraine.The purpose of the study is to analyze the process of the formation of commercial education in the Right Bank of Ukraine in the post-reform period and to determine the factors that influenced its development.The research methodology is based on the application of the principles of scientificity, objectivity, historicism, and systematicity. The use of historical-systemic, functional, and historical-comparative methods allowed to study the process of establishment and functioning of the first commercial schools.The genesis of the historiography of the problem had the following stages: 1) the work of pre-revolutionary authors (second half of the XIX century - 1917), which depended on censorship restrictions and in which moderately complementary guidelines prevailed; 2) research of representatives of Soviet historiography (1917 - 1991) years), which operated in conditions of ideological constraints dominated by the relevant critical paradigm; 3) works of modern authors (since 1991 - till now), in which attempts are made to develop a balanced position taking into account both positive and negative trends in the development of secondary education in the Russian Empire in the relevant period. However, the field of research of scientists left the facts that contributed to the development of commercial education as a holistic system of training entrepreneurs for the country in the second half of the nineteenth - early twentieth century.Results. The reforms of the Russian Emperor Alexander II in the second half of the XIX century led to the rapid industrialization of the country, as well as gave a powerful impetus to the development of industry, trade, banking, and exchange. All this raised the need for new qualified personnel and gave impetus to the solution of a long-overdue educational issue.In the 1860s and 1990s, the development of commercial education on the Right Bank was carried out on the initiative and at the expense of the region's industrial and merchant circles. In an effort to remove Poles and Jews from power in the province and to limit their influence on the population, the imperial authorities were reluctant to support initiatives to establish commercial schools. Even with permission to open a school, various bans were imposed on the content and organization of education.At the turn of the century, the situation changed somewhat. Polish influence in the right-bank provinces weakened, which allowed the introduction of zemstvos and a revision of educational policy. The government is now more willing to establish commercial institutions, although quotas for Polish and Jewish children remain. Zemstvos provided significant financial support to schools and their low-income students.Conclusions. Under the influence of qualitative state-building changes and active activity of the new elite, which sought further financial prosperity through professional education and establishment of educational institutions at its own expense, a network of commercial educational institutions was formed in the Right Bank Ukraine in the post-reform period. The effectiveness of this process was greatly influenced by the state, exercising its own legislative, supervisory, and regulatory functions in order to limit the political ambitions and influences of the Polish and Jewish minorities. ; Artykuł dotyczy rozwoju edukacji komercyjnej na Ukrainie Prawobrzeżnej w okresie po reformie w warunkach modernizacji społeczno-ekonomicznej. Zwrócono uwagę na rolę tworzonych komercyjnych instytucji edukacyjnych w kształceniu specjalistów gospodarki. Stwierdzono, że powstanie pod wpływem jakościowych zmian państwotwórczych nowej elity, która dążyła do dalszego dobrobytu poprzez upowszechnianie edukacji komercyjnej i tworzenie instytucji edukacyjnych na własny koszt. Metodologia badań opiera się na zastosowaniu zasad naukowości, obiektywizmu, historyzmu, systematyki. Zastosowanie metod historyczno-systemowych, historyczno-porównawczych i funkcjonalnych pozwoliło na zbadanie procesu powstawania i funkcjonowania szkół komercyjnych, ukazanie elastyczności sytuacyjnej władzy najwyższej w zaspokajaniu potrzeb elity miejscowej. ; Вступ На сучасному етапі в Україні тривають реформи, спричинені інтеграцією вітчизняної системи освіти в європейський простір, тому важливо вивчити та проаналізувати досвід формування та зміни попередніх, дорадянських систем освіти в Україні. Метою дослідження є аналіз процесу формування комерційної освіти на Правобережній Україні в пореформений період та визначення факторів, що вплинули на її розвиток. У статті розглянуто розвиток комерційної освіти на Правобережній Україні пореформеного періоду в умовах соціально-економічної модернізації. Звернено увагу на роль створюваних комерційних навчальних закладів у підготовці спеціалістів для економіки. Зроблено висновок про формування під впливом якісних державотворчих змін нової еліти, яка прагнула до подальшого процвітання через поширення комерційної освіти і заснування навчальних закладів власним коштом. Методологія дослідження базується на застосуванні принципів науковості, об'єктивності, історизму, системності. Використання історико-системного, історико-порівняльного та функціонального методів дозволило дослідити процес заснування та функціонування комерційних училищ, показати ситуаційну гнучкість верховної влади у задоволенні запитів місцевої еліти. Висновки. Характерною особливістю розвитку Правобережної України в пореформений період стала поява навчальних закладів, які створювались за власні кошти представниками нової еліти, що усвідомила важливість розвитку професійної освіти. Ці процеси відбувались під впливом якісних державотворчих змін та стимулювались прагненням подальшого фінансового процвітання. Державні інституції Російської імперії відігравали помітну роль, виконуючи законодавчі, наглядові та регуляторні функції з метою обмеження політичних амбіцій та впливу польської та єврейської громад на Правобережжі.