In response to anthropogenic CO2 emissions, geological storage has emerged as a practical and scalable bridge technology while renewables and other environmentally friendly energy production methods mature. While an attractive solution, geological storage of CO2 has inherent risk. Two primary concerns are recognized: (1) leakage of CO2 through caprock imperfections, and (2) brine displacement resulting in contamination of drinking water sources. Three mechanisms for both CO2 and brine leakage have been identified: diffuse leakage through the caprock, leakage through faults and fractures in the caprock, and finally, leakage through man-made pathways such as abandoned wells from oil and gas exploration. While the first two leakage mechanisms are important, we emphasize the risks associated with the presence of abandoned wells. This is due to the large number and density of wells from a history of oil and gas exploration around the world, and the high degree of uncertainty surrounding the properties of these abandoned wells. With current proposed legislation in both the United States and Europe, a need is emerging for practical assessment of leakage risk. In order to accurately predict leakage of brine and CO2 from the injection layer, the geological information for the injection site and the location and makeup of the man-made leakage pathways previously alluded to must be taken into account. Unfortunately, both the geology and abandoned well metadata are typically high in uncertainty, which must be accounted for. With such a high number of random variables, the current state of the art is running many realizations of a system, using a Monte Carlo approach. This requires that the underlying solution algorithms be accurate, and efficient. In the past, many researchers in both academia and industry have turned to robust numerical analysis packages used in the oil industry. However, due to the large range of scales important to this problem (domains of tens of kilometers on a side affected by leakage pathways with diameters of tens of centimeters) such modeling techniques become computationally expensive for all but the most basic analysis. A computational model developed at Princeton University, and currently being commercialized by Geological Storage Consultants, LLC has been shown to be efficient with sufficient accuracy to allow for comprehensive risk assessment of CO2 injection projects. The model allows for mixing solution methods- using computationally expensive algorithms for formations of greater importance (e.g.- the injection formation) and more efficient, simplified algorithms in other areas of the domain. This ability to arbitrarily mix solution methods offers significant flexibility in the design and execution of models. This paper addresses the framework and algorithms used, and illustrates the importance of efficiency and parallelism using the case study of an injection site in Alberta, Canada. We show how the framework can be used for project planning, for risk mitigation (insurance), and for regulatory groups. Finally, the importance of flexible analysis tools that allow for efficient and effective management of computational resources is discussed. ; publishedVersion
Abstract. Ultra low frequency, kHz and MHz electromagnetic (EM) anomalies were recorded prior to the L'Aquila catastrophic earthquake that occurred on 6 April 2009. The main aims of this paper are threefold: (i) suggest a procedure for the designation of detected EM anomalies as seismogenic ones. We do not expect to be able to provide a succinct and solid definition of a pre-seismic EM emission. Instead, we aim, through a multidisciplinary analysis, to provide the elements of a definition. (ii) Link the detected MHz and kHz EM anomalies with equivalent last stages of the earthquake preparation process. (iii) Put forward physically meaningful arguments for quantifying the time to global failure and the identification of distinguishing features beyond which the evolution towards global failure becomes irreversible. We emphasize that we try to specify not only whether a single EM anomaly is pre-seismic in itself, but also whether a combination of kHz, MHz, and ULF EM anomalies can be characterized as pre-seismic. The entire procedure unfolds in two consecutive parts. Here in Part 1 we focus on the detected kHz EM anomaly, which play a crucial role in our approach to these challenges. We try to discriminate clearly this anomaly from background noise. For this purpose, we analyze the data successively in terms of various concepts of entropy and information theory including, Shannon n-block entropy, conditional entropy, entropy of the source, Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy, T-entropy, approximate entropy, fractal spectral analysis, R/S analysis and detrended fluctuation analysis. We argue that this analysis reliably distinguishes the candidate kHz EM precursor from the noise: the launch of anomalies from the normal state is combined by a simultaneous appearance of a significantly higher level of organization, and persistency. This finding indicates that the process in which the anomalies are rooted is governed by a positive feedback mechanism. This mechanism induces a non-equilibrium process, i.e., a catastrophic event. This conclusion is supported by the fact that the two crucial signatures included in the kHz EM precursor are also hidden in other quite different, complex catastrophic events as predicted by the theory of complex systems. However, our view is that such an analysis by itself cannot establish a kHz EM anomaly as a precursor. It likely offers necessary but not sufficient criteria in order to recognize an anomaly as pre-seismic. In Part 2 we aim to provide sufficient criteria: the fracture process is characterized by fundamental universally valid scaling relationships which should be reflected in a real fracto-electromagnetic activity. Moreover, we aim to answer the following two key questions: (i) How can we link an individual EM precursor with a distinctive stage of the EQ preparation process; and (ii) How can we identify precursory symptoms in EM observations that indicate that the occurrence of the EQ is unavoidable.
The urban planning field strongly structures the Texas capital's local political life. The actors confront each others on planning issues, ranging from the simple zoning case to the more complex elaboration of a comprehensive plan. The tense relationships between the actors in this domain are taking place against a backdrop of rapid demographic and economic growth, which sharpens urban development issues. While Austin's attractiveness is set as an exemplary model of the success of creative class theory, the goal of this work is to reveal the role of the various types of models in the structuring and evolution of Austin's planning culture.The first section specifies the research objects and develops an appropriate methodology. The study of the urban planning culture is based on the analysis of urban planning professionals and on the comparative analysis of urban planning cultures, adapting them to a larger variety of actors to take into account all the people involved through a spatial strategy. The different types of active models in the global discursive and comparative urban planning community are first defined, then considered in the light of the policy mobility studies.The second section traces the history of Austin's urbanization through the lens of the theoretical models used to study its development, while pointing out the prevailing urban models at each period. The construction of contemporary models is analyzed through their dialectical relationship with the case of Austin in order to emphasize the mechanisms of scientific modeling and the reciprocal influence between these theoretical models and the urban planning actors.The third section analyzes Austin's planning system, its governance and the conception of the urban planning held by the various groups of actors involved. It shows that beyond epistemic communities, real cultural communities are formed around policies imagined to overcome contemporary planning issues.The last section deepens the analysis of the actors' interplay and of preveiling urban models thanks to a planning tool: the comprehensive plan. It highlights the mechanisms of cultural evolution in the field of planning and reveals the actors' strategies to promote new urban models.The depth of the fractures revealed within the planning field explains the difficulties for its system to evolve. Its processes therefore remain very tense and litigious. The development of a common culture of planning could gradually restore a bond of trust and replace the mistrust that, for the moment, stalls the process of adaptation to the new urban realities of an emerging big large city. ; Le champ de l'aménagement urbain structure fortement la vie politique locale de la capitale du Texas. Les acteurs s'affrontent autour des enjeux d'aménagement, allant du simple cas de zonage à l'élaboration complexe du plan d'urbanisme. La crispation des relations actorielles dans ce domaine s'effectue sur fond de croissance démographique et économique rapide qui aiguise les enjeux d'aménagement. Alors que l'attractivité d'Austin est érigée en modèle exemplaire du succès de la théorie de la classe créative, l'objectif de ce travail est de révéler le rôle des différents types de modèle dans la structuration et l'évolution de la culture des acteurs de l'aménagement austinite. La première partie précise les objets de recherche et développe une méthodologie adaptée. L'étude de la culture de l'aménagement urbain s'appuie sur les analyses des professionnels de l'urbanisme et les travaux d'analyse comparative des cultures de l'urbanisme en les adaptant à un champ actoriel ouvert à tous les acteurs impliqués, porteurs d'une stratégie spatiale. Les différents types de modèles actifs dans la vaste communauté discursive et comparative de l'urbanisme à l'échelle mondiale sont définis avant d'être envisagés à la lumière des policy mobility studies.La deuxième partie retrace l'histoire de l'urbanisation d'Austin au miroir des modèles théoriques utilisés pour en étudier le développement, tout en pointant les modèles urbanistiques dominants à chaque époque. La construction des modèles contemporains est analysée dans leur relation dialectique avec le cas d'Austin afin de souligner les mécanismes de la modélisation scientifique et l'influence réciproque entre ces modèles théoriques et les acteurs de l'aménagement urbain.La troisième partie analyse le système actoriel de l'aménagement d'Austin, sa gouvernance et la conception de l'urbanisme des divers groupes d'acteurs impliqués. Elle montre qu'au-delà des communautés épistémiques, de véritables communautés culturelles se forment autour d'objectifs politiques afin de surmonter les enjeux contemporains.La dernière partie approfondit l'analyse des jeux d'acteurs et des modèles urbanistiques dominants à travers l'outil de planification. Elle souligne les mécanismes de l'évolution culturelle dans le champ de l'aménagement et révèle les stratégies des acteurs pour promouvoir de nouveaux modèles urbanistiques.La profondeur des fractures révélées au sein du champ actoriel explique les difficultés à faire évoluer le système aménagiste qui reste crispé et litigieux. Le développement d'une culture commune de l'aménagement permettrait de retisser progressivement un lien de confiance et remplacer la défiance qui bloque pour le moment les processus d'adaptation aux nouvelles réalités urbaines d'une grande ville en émergence.
Front Matter -- Physical Metallurgy of Steel. Influence of the Hot Rolling Process on the Mechanical Behaviour of Dual Phase Steel / Mehdi Asadi, Heinz Palkowski -- Continuous Casting Simulation of 2304 Duplex Stainless Steel Via Horizontal Directional Solidification Technique / Qingqing Sun, Honggang Zhong, Xiangru Chen, Qijie Zhai -- Influence of Cooling Rates on Nitrogen Precipitation Behaviors and the Ferrite Fraction in Cast 2507 Super Duplex Stainless Steel / Dong Liang, Honggang Zhong, Zhenxing Yin, Qijie Zhai -- Microstructure and Corrosion Behaviour of TiC Reinforced Duplex Stainless Steels Matrix Composites Synthesized by Laser Melt Injection / Babatunde Obadele, Peter Olubambi, Oluwagbenga Johnson -- Process Metallurgy of Metals. A Critical Review of the Modified Froude Number in Ladle Metallurgy / K Krishnapisharody, G A irons -- Inclusion Characteristics in Stainless Steel Ingots / Shufeng Yang, Lifeng Zhang, Yongfeng Chen, Jun Ge, Greg Dowling, George Shannon -- FEM Study of Centerline Defect Closure in Large Open-Die Forgings / Jie Zhou, Joshua Blackketter, Philip Nash -- Effect of Mould Taper and Wall Thickness on Steel Ingots Soundness by 3-D Solidification Simulation / Peng Lan, Yang Li, Jiaquan Zhang, Ruitian Zhang, Jingyuan Wang, Hengyi Zhang -- Hydrometallurgical Study of Purifying M-G Silicon Feedstock for Solar Cells Production / Yongqiang Liu, Jilai Xue, Jun Zhu -- The Effect of Fe Addition on the Activity of Si in Liquid Cu-Si Alloys / Yuichi Kato, Takeshi Yoshikawa, Kazuki Morita -- Thermodynamic Properties of the Silicon Binary Melts / Jafar Safarian, Leiv Kolbeinsen, Merete Tangstad -- Application of Microwave, Magnet, Laser and Plasma Technology. Non-Contact Measurements in Liquid Metal Free-Surface Flow Using Time-of-Flight Lorentz Force Velocimetry / Dandan Jian, Christian Karcher -- Modeling of Pulsed-Laser Superalloy Powder Deposition Using Moving Distributed Heat Source / M M Mahapatra, Leijun Li -- Heat Transfer Characteristics of Magnetite under Microwave Irradiation / Zhiwei Peng, Jiann-Yang Hwang, Matthew Andriese, Zheng Zhang, Xiaodi Huang -- Refinement Effect of Pulse Magneto-Oscillation on Solidification Structure of Medium Carbon Steel / Yufeng Cheng, Zhenxing Yin, Xin Cao, Yongyong Gong, Renxing Li, Qijie Zhai -- Solidification Structure Refinement of SUS430 Ferritic Stainless Steel by Electric Current Pulse / Xin Cao, Zhenxing Yin, Yufeng Cheng, Renxing Li, Yongyong Gong, Qijie Zhai -- Metallurgy of Non-Ferrous Metals. Annealing Effect and Tensile Interface Fracture Mechanism of Pure Silver Bonding Wires / Hao-Wen Hsueh, Fei-Yi Hung, Truan-Sheng Lui, Li-Hui Chen -- Horizontal Directional Solidification of Zn-Al Alloys / Marco Zurco, Carlos M Rodriguez, Carlos E Schvezov, Claudia M Mendez, Alicia E Ares -- Dynamic Recovery during Low Temperature Deformation in an Al-0.1 Mg Alloy / Y Huang, P B Prangnell -- Challenges in Compound Forging of Steel-Aluminum Parts / Klaus-Georg Kosch, Bernd-Arno Behrens -- Poster Session. Effect of Process Parameters on Powdering Characteristics of Galvannealed Materials / Khursid Alam Khan, R J Singh, Shantanu Chakrabarti -- Hot Deformation Behavior of Nb Microalloyed Coiled Tubing Steel / Zhendong Zhang, Haitao Zhou, Xianghua, Liu, Sijun Li, Guofei Si, Bingyu Zhang -- Study on Inclusions in 65Mn Thin Slabs Produced by a CSP Process / Tan Yi, Honggang Zhong, Zhao Dan, Xinping Mao, Qijie Zhai, Huigai Li -- A Way to Control Distortion of Metal Parts during Heat Treatment Process / Yuan Lu, Jinwu Kang, Haimin Long, Gang Nie, Tianyou Huang -- Investigation of the Relationship of the Melt Structures and Solidification Behaviors of Cu-Sb70 Alloy Explored by Electrical Resistivity Method / Yun Xi, Jin Yu, Li-Na Mao, Fang-Qiu Zu -- Microstructure of AlO/YAG/ZrO Eutectic Composite Prepared by Laser Floating Zone Melting / Kan Song, Jun Zhang, Xiaojiao Jia, Haijun Su, Lin Liu, Hengzhi Fu -- Net Shape Manufacturing of a Novel Cermet Using Self-Propagating High Temperature Synthesis / Atefeh Nabavi, Alexander Cappozi, Sam Goroshin, David Frost, Francois Barthelat -- Electronics. Control of Gas Emission during Pyrolysis of Waste Printed Wiring Boards / Alex Luyima, Lifeng Zhang, Jaan Kers, Thomas Schuman -- Leaching Studies for Metals Recovery from Waste Printed Wiring Boards (PWBs) / Alex Luyima, Honglan Shi, Lifeng Zhang, Yongqing Jiang -- Effects of Inoculums Volume on Metals Extraction from Printed Circuit Boards of Computers by Bacterial Leaching / Luciana Harue Yamane, Denise Crocce Romano Espinosa, Jorge Alberto Soares Tenorio -- Removal of Copper Cyanide Complexes from Solutions Formed in Silver/Gold-Cyanidation Recovery Process / Jose R Parga, Jesus L Valenzuela, Luciano E Ramirez -- Dissolution of Mixed Zinc-Carbon and Alkaline Battery Powders in Sulphuric Acid Using Ascorbic/Oxalic Acid as a Reductant / Muammer Kaya, Sait Kursunoglu -- Selective Recovery of Precious Metals by Selective Adsorption on Garlic Peel Gel / Kai Huang, Shuqiang Jiao, Hongmin Zhu -- Separation of Si/SiC Wiresaw Cutting Powder Through Sedimentation by Adjusting the Solution pHs / Kai Huang, Hao Deng, Jichao Li, Hongmin Zhu -- Metals. Advantages of Integrated and Long Term Aluminum Recycling Batch Planning in a Constrained Secondary Material Market / Tracey Brommer, Elsa Olivetti, Britt Elin Gihleengen, Randolph Kirchain -- Fabrication of Replicated Open-cell Aluminium Foams Using Recycled ADC12 Aluminium Alloy / Seksak Asavavisithchai, Natthida Jareankieathbovorn, Areeya Srichaiyaperk -- In-Process Separation of Mill Scale From Oil at Steel Hot Rolling Mills / Naiyang Ma -- Recycling of Electric Arc Furnace Dust: Evaluation of the Iron Metal Incorporation in Hot Metal Bath / Vicente de Paulo Ferreira Marques Sobrinho, Jose Roberto de Oliveira, Victor Bridi Teiles, Felipe Fardin Grillo, Jorge Alberto Soares Tenorio, Denise Crocce Romano Espinosa -- Recycling of Electric Arc Furnace Dust in Iron Ore Sintering / V B Teiles, D C R Espinosa, J A S Tenorio -- Extraction of Iron Oxide and Concentration of Titanium Compounds in Red Mud / Edilson Marques Magalh̃es, Emanuel Negr̃o Macedo, Danielly Da Silva Quaresma, Jose Antonio da Silva Souza, Jõo Nazareno Nonato Quaresma -- Heat Treatment of Black Dross for the Production of a Value Added Material-A Preliminary Study / Reza Beheshti, Shahid Akhtar, Ragnhild E Aune -- Addition of Electric Arc Furnace Dusts in Hot Metal / TMS, Msc Felipe Fardin Grillo, PhD Jose Roberto de Oliveira, PhD Denise Crocce Romano Espinosa, PhD Jorge Alberto Soares Tenorio -- Building Materials. Ecological Recovery Process for Textile Waste / Eftalea Carpus, Emilia Visileanu, Michaela Dina Stanescu -- Technical Tools for Increasing the Eco-Efficiency of Textile Products / Emilia Visileanu, Eftalea Carpus -- An Evaluation Study: Recent Developments and Processing of Glass Scrap Recycling / Burcu Ertug, Nectp Unlu
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Актуальность. Современные военные конфликты характеризуются увеличением доли полиструктурных повреждений конечностей относительно других анатомических участков. Так, согласно анализу структуры ранений в ходе АТО доля ранений конечностей достигает 64 %, в то время как ранения туловища составляют до 20 %. Одним из самых тяжелых патологических состояний, которые лежат в основе большинства осложнений огнестрельных ранений конечностей и могут приводить к стойкой инвалидизации, является компартмент-синдром (КС), или местный гипертонический ишемический синдром (МГИС). Цель исследования — изучение ошибок при диагностике и лечении МГИС на фоне огнестрельных повреждений нижних конечностей с целью профилактики развития осложнений. Материалы и методы. Нами проанализирован результат лечения 58 больных с МГИС на фоне огнестрельных ранений и переломов костей нижних конечностей при проведении АТО на Востоке Украины. Все пациенты были мужского пола в возрасте от 21 до 62 лет (средний возраст — 45,8 ± 3,3 года). По характеру повреждающего фактора в 34 (60,5 %) случаях МГИС развился на фоне огнестрельных пулевых переломов длинных трубчатых костей, в 15 (26,5 %) — после минно-взрывной травмы с переломом костей конечностей и в 9 (13 %) — на фоне множественных осколочных ранений мягких тканей нижних конечностей. В зависимости от локализации МГИС преобладало поражение голени — 31 (55 %), бедра — 23 (39 %), седалищной области — 2 (3,4%), стопы — 2 (3,4 %). Результаты. Развитие и прогрессирование МГИС при огнестрельных повреждениях нижних конечностей с высокой степенью достоверности связаны с неучитыванием этиопатогенетического механизма развития осложнения и нарушением выполнения техники фасциотомии футляров пораженного сегмента. Выводы. Анализ результатов лечения пациентов с МГИС при огнестрельных повреждениях нижних конечностей позволил выделить группу стратегических и тактических ошибок, которые статистически достоверно влияли на развитие КС. Определенная группа стратегических ошибок, связанных с неучитыванием этиопатогенетических механизмов развития МГИС, достоверно влияет на развитие необратимых ишемических изменений при МГИС в 22 (37,9 %) случаях (р < 0,05). Определенная группа тактических ошибок, связанных с нарушением техники фасциотомии, приводила к развитию необратимых изменений в мышцах пораженного сегмента при МГИС в 28 (48 %) случаях (p < 0,01). Полученные данные свидетельствуют о необходимости продолжения исследований данной проблемы, популяризации информации о рисках развития КС при огнестрельных повреждениях конечностей, технике фасциотомий и т.д. ; Актуальність. Сучасні військові конфлікти характеризуються збільшенням частки поліструктурних пошкоджень кінцівок щодо інших анатомічних ділянок. Так, згідно з аналізом структури поранень під час АТО кількість поранень кінцівок сягає до 64 %, тоді як поранення тулуба становлять до 20 %. Одним із найбільш тяжких патологічних станів, що лежать в основі більшості ускладнень вогнепальних поранень кінцівок та можуть призводити до стійкої інвалідизації, є компартмент-синдром (КС), або місцевий гіпертензивний ішемічний синдром (МГІС). Мета дослідження — вивчення помилок під час діагностики та лікування МГІС на фоні вогнепальних ушкоджень нижніх кінцівок із метою профілактики розвитку ускладнень. Матеріали та методи. Нами проаналізований результат лікування 58 хворих із МГІС на фоні вогнепальних поранень та переломів кісток нижніх кінцівок під час проведення АТО на Сході України. Усі пацієнти були чоловічої статі віком від 21 до 62 років (середній вік — 45,8 ± 3,3 року). За характером уражуючого фактора в 34 (60,5 %) випадках МГІС розвинувся на фоні вогнепальних кульових переломів довгих трубчастих кісток, в 15 (26,5 %) — після мінно-вибухової травми з переломом кісток кінцівок та в 9 (13 %) — на фоні множинних осколкових поранень м'яких тканин нижніх кінцівок. Залежно від локалізації МГІС переважало ураження гомілки — 31 (55 %), стегна — 23 (39 %), сідничної ділянки — 2 (3,4 %), стопи — 2 (3,4 %). Результати. Розвиток та прогресування МГІС при вогнепальних ушкодженнях нижніх кінцівок із високим ступенем вірогідності пов'язані із неврахуванням етіопатогенетичного механізму розвитку ускладнення та порушенням виконання техніки фасціотомії футлярів ураженого сегмента. Висновки. Аналіз результатів лікування пацієнтів із МГІС при вогнепальних ушкодженнях нижніх кінцівок дозволив виділити групу стратегічних та тактичних помилок, які статистично вірогідно впливали на розвиток КС. Визначена група стратегічних помилок, що пов'язані з неврахуванням етіопатогенетичних механізмів розвитку МГІС, вірогідно впливає на розвиток необоротних ішемічних змін при МГІС у 22 (37,9 %) випадках (р < 0,05). Визначена група тактичних помилок, що пов'язані з порушенням техніки фасціотомії, призводила до розвитку необоротних змін у м'язах ураженого сегмента при МГІС у 28 (48 %) випадках (p < 0,01). Отримані дані свідчать про потребу в продовженні досліджень даної проблеми, популяризації інформації щодо ризиків розвитку КС при вогнепальних пошкодженнях кінцівок, техніки фасціотомій тощо. ; Background. Modern military conflicts are characterized by an increase in the proportion of polystructural damage to the extremities compared to other anatomical sites. Thus, according to the analysis of the structure of wounds during the Anti-Terrorist Operation, the number of injuries to the limbs reaches 64 %, while of trunk injuries — 20 %. Compartment syndrome, or local hypertensive ischemic syndrome (LHIS), is one of the most severe pathological conditions that underlies most complications of gunshot wounds to the extremities and can lead to persistent disability. The objective is to study mistakes in the diagnosis and treatment of LHIS against gunshot injuries of the lower extremities in order to prevent the development of complications. Materials and methods. We analyzed treatment outcomes in 58 patients with LHIS on the background of gunshot wounds and fractures of the bones of the lower extremities during the Anti-Terrorist Operation in the Eastern Ukraine. All patients were males aged 21 to 62 years, with a mean age of 45.8 ± 3.3 years. According to the nature of the damaging factor, in 34 (60.5 %) cases LHIS developed against the background of gunshot fractures of long tubular bones, in 15 (26.5 %) — after a mine blast injury with limb fractures and in 9 (13 %) cases — following multiple fragment wounds to the soft tissues of the lower extremities. Depending on the localization of LHIS, following lesions predominated: of the shin — 31 (55 %), hips — 23 (39 %), buttocks — 2 (3.4 %), feet — 2 (3.4 %). Results. The development and progression of LHIS in gunshot injuries to the lower extremities with a high degree of certainty is associated with neglect of the etiopathogenetic mechanism of complication development and impaired performance of fasciotomy of the affected segment. Conclusions. Analysis of treatment outcomes in patients with LHIS at gunshot injuries to the lower extremities allowed us to identify a group of strategic and tactical mistakes that statistically significantly influenced the development of compartment syndrome. The identified group of strategic mistakes related to the neglect of the etiopathogenetic mechanisms of LHIS development significantly influenced the development of non-reversible ischemic changes in LHIS in 22 (37.9 %) cases (p < 0.05). The identified group of tactical mistakes related to violation of the fasciotomy technique led to the development of non-reversible changes in the muscles of the affected segment in LHIS in 28 (48 %) cases (p < 0.01). The data obtained indicate the need to continue research on this issue, to popularize information about the risk of developing compartment syndrome in inflammatory injuries of the extremities, the technique of fasciotomies, etc.
Актуальность. Современные военные конфликты характеризуются увеличением доли полиструктурных повреждений конечностей относительно других анатомических участков. Так, согласно анализу структуры ранений в ходе АТО доля ранений конечностей достигает 64 %, в то время как ранения туловища составляют до 20 %. Одним из самых тяжелых патологических состояний, которые лежат в основе большинства осложнений огнестрельных ранений конечностей и могут приводить к стойкой инвалидизации, является компартмент-синдром (КС), или местный гипертонический ишемический синдром (МГИС). Цель исследования — изучение ошибок при диагностике и лечении МГИС на фоне огнестрельных повреждений нижних конечностей с целью профилактики развития осложнений. Материалы и методы. Нами проанализирован результат лечения 58 больных с МГИС на фоне огнестрельных ранений и переломов костей нижних конечностей при проведении АТО на Востоке Украины. Все пациенты были мужского пола в возрасте от 21 до 62 лет (средний возраст — 45,8 ± 3,3 года). По характеру повреждающего фактора в 34 (60,5 %) случаях МГИС развился на фоне огнестрельных пулевых переломов длинных трубчатых костей, в 15 (26,5 %) — после минно-взрывной травмы с переломом костей конечностей и в 9 (13 %) — на фоне множественных осколочных ранений мягких тканей нижних конечностей. В зависимости от локализации МГИС преобладало поражение голени — 31 (55 %), бедра — 23 (39 %), седалищной области — 2 (3,4%), стопы — 2 (3,4 %). Результаты. Развитие и прогрессирование МГИС при огнестрельных повреждениях нижних конечностей с высокой степенью достоверности связаны с неучитыванием этиопатогенетического механизма развития осложнения и нарушением выполнения техники фасциотомии футляров пораженного сегмента. Выводы. Анализ результатов лечения пациентов с МГИС при огнестрельных повреждениях нижних конечностей позволил выделить группу стратегических и тактических ошибок, которые статистически достоверно влияли на развитие КС. Определенная группа стратегических ошибок, связанных с неучитыванием этиопатогенетических механизмов развития МГИС, достоверно влияет на развитие необратимых ишемических изменений при МГИС в 22 (37,9 %) случаях (р < 0,05). Определенная группа тактических ошибок, связанных с нарушением техники фасциотомии, приводила к развитию необратимых изменений в мышцах пораженного сегмента при МГИС в 28 (48 %) случаях (p < 0,01). Полученные данные свидетельствуют о необходимости продолжения исследований данной проблемы, популяризации информации о рисках развития КС при огнестрельных повреждениях конечностей, технике фасциотомий и т.д. ; Актуальність. Сучасні військові конфлікти характеризуються збільшенням частки поліструктурних пошкоджень кінцівок щодо інших анатомічних ділянок. Так, згідно з аналізом структури поранень під час АТО кількість поранень кінцівок сягає до 64 %, тоді як поранення тулуба становлять до 20 %. Одним із найбільш тяжких патологічних станів, що лежать в основі більшості ускладнень вогнепальних поранень кінцівок та можуть призводити до стійкої інвалідизації, є компартмент-синдром (КС), або місцевий гіпертензивний ішемічний синдром (МГІС). Мета дослідження — вивчення помилок під час діагностики та лікування МГІС на фоні вогнепальних ушкоджень нижніх кінцівок із метою профілактики розвитку ускладнень. Матеріали та методи. Нами проаналізований результат лікування 58 хворих із МГІС на фоні вогнепальних поранень та переломів кісток нижніх кінцівок під час проведення АТО на Сході України. Усі пацієнти були чоловічої статі віком від 21 до 62 років (середній вік — 45,8 ± 3,3 року). За характером уражуючого фактора в 34 (60,5 %) випадках МГІС розвинувся на фоні вогнепальних кульових переломів довгих трубчастих кісток, в 15 (26,5 %) — після мінно-вибухової травми з переломом кісток кінцівок та в 9 (13 %) — на фоні множинних осколкових поранень м'яких тканин нижніх кінцівок. Залежно від локалізації МГІС переважало ураження гомілки — 31 (55 %), стегна — 23 (39 %), сідничної ділянки — 2 (3,4 %), стопи — 2 (3,4 %). Результати. Розвиток та прогресування МГІС при вогнепальних ушкодженнях нижніх кінцівок із високим ступенем вірогідності пов'язані із неврахуванням етіопатогенетичного механізму розвитку ускладнення та порушенням виконання техніки фасціотомії футлярів ураженого сегмента. Висновки. Аналіз результатів лікування пацієнтів із МГІС при вогнепальних ушкодженнях нижніх кінцівок дозволив виділити групу стратегічних та тактичних помилок, які статистично вірогідно впливали на розвиток КС. Визначена група стратегічних помилок, що пов'язані з неврахуванням етіопатогенетичних механізмів розвитку МГІС, вірогідно впливає на розвиток необоротних ішемічних змін при МГІС у 22 (37,9 %) випадках (р < 0,05). Визначена група тактичних помилок, що пов'язані з порушенням техніки фасціотомії, призводила до розвитку необоротних змін у м'язах ураженого сегмента при МГІС у 28 (48 %) випадках (p < 0,01). Отримані дані свідчать про потребу в продовженні досліджень даної проблеми, популяризації інформації щодо ризиків розвитку КС при вогнепальних пошкодженнях кінцівок, техніки фасціотомій тощо. ; Background. Modern military conflicts are characterized by an increase in the proportion of polystructural damage to the extremities compared to other anatomical sites. Thus, according to the analysis of the structure of wounds during the Anti-Terrorist Operation, the number of injuries to the limbs reaches 64 %, while of trunk injuries — 20 %. Compartment syndrome, or local hypertensive ischemic syndrome (LHIS), is one of the most severe pathological conditions that underlies most complications of gunshot wounds to the extremities and can lead to persistent disability. The objective is to study mistakes in the diagnosis and treatment of LHIS against gunshot injuries of the lower extremities in order to prevent the development of complications. Materials and methods. We analyzed treatment outcomes in 58 patients with LHIS on the background of gunshot wounds and fractures of the bones of the lower extremities during the Anti-Terrorist Operation in the Eastern Ukraine. All patients were males aged 21 to 62 years, with a mean age of 45.8 ± 3.3 years. According to the nature of the damaging factor, in 34 (60.5 %) cases LHIS developed against the background of gunshot fractures of long tubular bones, in 15 (26.5 %) — after a mine blast injury with limb fractures and in 9 (13 %) cases — following multiple fragment wounds to the soft tissues of the lower extremities. Depending on the localization of LHIS, following lesions predominated: of the shin — 31 (55 %), hips — 23 (39 %), buttocks — 2 (3.4 %), feet — 2 (3.4 %). Results. The development and progression of LHIS in gunshot injuries to the lower extremities with a high degree of certainty is associated with neglect of the etiopathogenetic mechanism of complication development and impaired performance of fasciotomy of the affected segment. Conclusions. Analysis of treatment outcomes in patients with LHIS at gunshot injuries to the lower extremities allowed us to identify a group of strategic and tactical mistakes that statistically significantly influenced the development of compartment syndrome. The identified group of strategic mistakes related to the neglect of the etiopathogenetic mechanisms of LHIS development significantly influenced the development of non-reversible ischemic changes in LHIS in 22 (37.9 %) cases (p < 0.05). The identified group of tactical mistakes related to violation of the fasciotomy technique led to the development of non-reversible changes in the muscles of the affected segment in LHIS in 28 (48 %) cases (p < 0.01). The data obtained indicate the need to continue research on this issue, to popularize information about the risk of developing compartment syndrome in inflammatory injuries of the extremities, the technique of fasciotomies, etc.
The article presents the results of research aimed at establishing the mechanisms of formation of ultrafine-grained structure in samples of Supral Al-4.1 wt.% Cu-0.5 wt.% Zr, 1450 and 1460 alloys, containing dispersed particles of zirconium and scandium aluminides which are effective stabilizers of the microstructure as well as at establishing the peculiarities of its change during superplastic deformation. It is established that static recrystallization plays an important role in the formation of ultrafine-grained grain structure with an average grain size d =5 μm in samples of the alloy Al-4.1 wt.% Cu-0.5 wt.% Zr. It takes place during their heating in air to the test temperature T = 773 K. Finally, the formation of the grain structure in the samples is completed in the initial stages of their superplastic flow due to the passage of continuous dynamic recrystallization. It was found that the grain structure in the working parts of the samples of the alloy Al-4.1 wt.% Cu-0.5 wt.% Zr, superplastically deformed to fracture by hundreds of percent, is ultrafine-grained ( d ≈10 μm) and equiaxed. It is established that recrystallization annealing of 1450 alloy samples does not lead to the formation of a homogeneous fine-grained structure in them. It is shown that an almost homogeneous microstructure with an average grain size d =3÷6 μm is created directly during their superplastic deformation at temperatures of 753, 763, 773, 778K and flow stresses σ = 2,0 ¸ 8,0 MPа to degrees of relative deformation εrel, amounting to 20-50%, due to the implementation of continuous dynamic recrystallization. During the subsequent stages of the superplastic flow, the average grain size increases in the working part of the samples of alloy 1450. It is shown that in the samples of alloy 1450, which were deformed to failure under the optimal conditions, the grains retain an equiaxed shape, and their average size is 10 – 15 μm. It is established that the ultrafine-grained grain structure in the working parts of samples of alloy 1460 with an average grain size d =5 μm increases during their superplastic deformation, which is carried out at temperatures in the range T = 753÷853 K and at flow voltages σ equal to 3.0÷6.0 MPa. It is shown that in samples of alloy 1460, which were deformed to failure by 1000% at Т = 823 К and s = 3,5 MPa, average grain size d ≈15 μm.
Abstract. Paganico is a little village located in the southeastern portion of the Lucca Plain (northwestern Tuscany, Italy). Since the seventies, a few square kilometers' area around Paganico has been involved in the opening of small cavities (sinkhole-like) on the land surface. At the beginning they were very small and sporadic. Later on the phenomena were characterized by a significant extension, increasing in frequency and size (up to 2 m in diameter and depth), causing inconvenience to local people, agricultural operations and occasionally a little damage (cracks to buildings, fencing walls and outside floorings). The cavities prevalently occur at the end of the dry season, during or immediately after the first intense rainy events, that is, between the end of summer and early autumn. Even so, the predisposition and triggering causes at present are not completely clarified. Therefore this study is aimed at individuating the triggering and evolution mechanism of the Paganico sinkhole-like features, particularly referring to the stratigraphic, hydrogeological and geotechnical features of the involved materials. Another important issue made clear with this research is represented by the overexploitation of the local aquifer, characterized by particular hydro-structural conditions. In fact, the Paganico underground shows three horizons with different lithologic, hydrogeological and geotechnical properties: a superficial silty-sandy horizon (2–3 m thick), which is particularly involved in collapses; an intermediate silty-clayey horizon (2–4 m thick); and a lower and thick gravel-pebbly horizon, characterized by important water resources and heavy pumping. Since the seventies, such water pumping rose considerably due to the local demographic (well field), industrial (paper manufacture) and agricultural development. From a hydrogeological point of view, this area is consequently characterized by two water tables: a temporary one, housed in the superficial silty-sandy horizon (perched aquifer), and a second one, confined, associated with the lower gravel-pebbly horizon (aquifer). The perched aquifer and confined aquifer are separated by an impermeable silty-clayey horizon. According to the observations resulting from this study, the latter probably tends to fracture by desiccation during the dry season, originating water exchange between the two water tables during the first important autumnal rainfall, depending on the pumping conditions, which lower the piezometric surface of the confined aquifer. Cracking would also characterize the superficial horizon. Thus, the water exchange would produce erosional phenomena in the superficial material, with removal of the fine fraction and collapse. This process could be at the origin of the cavities opening.
Abstract.In recent years, several prominent political scientists have argued that quantitative and qualitative methodologies should be seen as united by a single logic of scientific inference. Just exactly how this reconciliation of quantitative and qualitative methodological approaches should be effected in practice, however, remains highly contentious. For all its promise, the project of uniting quantitative and qualitative methods in political science has thus reached something of an impasse. Participants on both sides of the quantitative/qualitative debate are convinced that this methodological divide should eventually be transcended, but few have abandoned the conviction that their preferred approach sets the standard by which progress in this endeavor should be judged. Evidently, we still lack consensus on precisely where the distinctive strengths of each methodological approach lie, and how these strengths can be combined effectively in systematic investigations of the political world. In this essay, we argue that a satisfactory synthesis of quantitative and qualitative methods for making causal inferences in comparative politics depends upon the resolution of a prior theoretical problem at the stage of research design: establishing a typology of political regimes and accounting for the mechanisms of their reproduction and diffusion over time and space.Résumé.Ces dernières années, plusieurs politologues éminents ont soutenu qu'il faudrait considérer les méthodologies quantitative et qualitative comme étant unies par une même logique de déduction scientifique. Comment réaliser cette réconciliation des approches quantitative et qualitative dans la pratique demeure cependant un sujet hautement contesté. Tout prometteur qu'il soit, le projet d'unifier les méthodes quantitative et qualitative en science politique se retrouve en fait dans une impasse. Les participants des deux côtés du débat quantitatif/qualitatif sont persuadés qu'il faudra un jour transcender cette fracture méthodologique, mais ils sont peu nombreux à avoir abandonné la conviction que l'approche qu'ils privilégient établit la norme qui permettra d'évaluer les progrès accomplis. Il est évident qu'il n'y a pas encore de consensus quant aux forces respectives précises de chaque méthode, ni sur la manière de les combiner efficacement pour procéder à des études systématiques du monde politique. Dans cet article, nous avançons qu'une synthèse satisfaisante des méthodes quantitative et qualitative pour arriver à des déductions causales en politique comparée exige qu'on s'emploie à résoudre d'abord un problème théorique à l'étape de la conception de la recherche, à savoir l'établissement d'une typologie des régimes politiques et l'inventaire des mécanismes de leur reproduction et de leur diffusion dans l'espace et dans le temps.
"The subject matter of international economics, then, consists of issues raised by the special problems of economic interaction between sovereign states." (Krugman et al., 2011)Institutional innovation fosters the development of these interactions. Thus, European states, on a social background, try to benefit from the cooperation leverage effect, to turn centuries of conflicts, into an economic asset. Such a construction and its pantagruelian twists and turns, as a fusion of history and empires, not far from Victor Hugo's utopia "the United-State of Europe", demonstrates the incredible ingenuity, national heterogeneities develop to refine the paradigm "Europe".In this thesis, we propose to shed some light on some of these challenges, with regard to the countries which, not half a century ago, marked the fracture of the continent, CEECs. These economies, from transition to developed economy, are an unprecedented case study, to understand international economic challenges. After explaining the general framework, in which this work takes place (Chapter 1), we investigate the impact of the ECB's monetary policy, on the peripheral countries of the euro zone, i.e., EU non-Euro members. In chapter 2, we construct two groups of countries, depending on their exchange rate regime (fixed or flexible). Drawn upon this construction, using monetary, price and output data, we measure the impact of a monetary shock, impulsed by the ECB, on the CEECs. We find that economic integration induces spillover effects, that influence domestic monetary decisions. As expected, pegged economies are more strongly affected, by the monetary policy of the ECB. However, in both groups of countries, we find that spillovers tend to have less impact, on the volatility of our variables (GDP and prices), over the last decade. We explain this, via a more efficient exchange rate channel, to absorb shocks (in flexible exchange) and an increased credibility of domestic monetary institutions.We highlighted that spillovers effects significantly influence the CEECs, with direct impact upon domestic monetary challenges. The first phase of the transition, during the 90's, has been hit by high level of both inflation and unemployment. Over the last years, inflation seems to be under control, and we observe relatively low unemployment rate, closed to its natural level. This could suggest that monetary credibility has been restored. However, in the process of accession to the Euro zone, monetary leeway is becoming increasingly restricted.Throughout Chapter 3, we use the well-known Phillips curve, to understand the relationship between the unemployment rate and price developments, as a proxy for the effectiveness of monetary policy. The Baltic States, Slovenia and Slovakia are perfect candidates to measure the impact of changes in exchange rate regimes, during accession to the EA. During the ERM-II, the relationship is negative and significant. However, the EA entry is prima facie evidence of a flattened Phillips curve. We explain this result by the fact that in a monetary union, "small" economies do not have sufficient power, to significantly influence monetary policy decisions.To be fully effective, the single policy of the ECB must confront, relatively homogeneous economies. This homogeneity transcends the monetary dimension and directly affects the real economy (evidenced by the Phillips curve). The impacts of asymmetric shocks are smoothed through the adjustment mechanisms in an optimal union. Among these mechanisms, we highlight the role of the labour market, which requires flexibility (of wages) and increased factor mobility. Chapter 4 analyses regional adjustment mechanisms, after an exogenous employment shock. Using regional NUTS-II data, we build a VAR panel, to understand these mechanisms. (.) ; "Le sujet de l'économie internationale consiste, donc, en des questions soulevées, par les problèmes particuliers, de l'interaction économique, entre États souverains." (Krugman et al., 2011)L'innovation institutionnelle se met au service de ces interactions. Ainsi les pays européens, sur fond social, tentent d'utiliser le levier de la coopération économique, pour permettre à des siècles de conflits, de se transformer en atout économique. Une telle construction, aux pantagruéliques rebondissements, fusion d'Histoire et d'empires, non loin de l'utopie États-Unis d'Europe de Victor Hugo, démontre l'incroyable ingéniosité, avec laquelle les hétérogénéités nationales semblent parfaire le paradigme Europe. Nous proposons, dans cette thèse, d'éclairer certains de ces défis, au regard des pays qui, il n'y a pas un demi-siècle, marquaient la fracture du continent, les PECO. Ces économies, passées du stade en transition à économie développée, sont un cas d'étude sans précédent pour la compréhension des challenges économiques internationaux. Après avoir explicité le cadre général, dans lequel s'inscrivent ces travaux (chapitre 1), nous tâchons d'éclairer l'impact, de la politique monétaire de la BCE, sur les pays périphériques de la zone Euro, cependant membre de l'UE. Dans ce chapitre 2, nous construisons deux groupes de pays, selon leur régime de change envers l'Euro (fixe ou flexible). A partir de là, en utilisant des données monétaires, de prix et de production, nous mesurons l'impact d'un choc monétaire, par la BCE, sur les PECO. Nous trouvons que l'intégration économique induit des effets de débordement qui viennent influencer les décisions monétaires domestiques. De manière cohérente, les pays en change fixe, subissent plus fortement la politique monétaire de la BCE. Cependant, dans les deux groupes de pays, nous trouvons que les débordements ont tendance, à avoir moins d'impact, sur la volatilité de nos variables, au cours de la dernière décennie. Nous l'expliquons, par un canal du taux de change, plus efficace, pour absorber les chocs (en change flexible) et une crédibilité accrue des institutions monétaires domestiques.Alors que nous venons de voir que des effets de débordement agissent dans les PECO, nous ne pouvons, nous empêcher, de relier cela, aux enjeux monétaires domestiques. La première phase de la transition, au cours des 90's, a été marquée par une forte inflation et par un taux de chômage très élevé. Ces dernières années sont sous le signe d'une inflation, qui semble maitrisée et d'un chômage relativement faible. Cela laisse à penser, que la crédibilité monétaire et que l'efficacité des banques centrales domestiques, ont été restaurées.Pourtant dans le processus d'accession à la zone Euro, les marges de manœuvre monétaires deviennent toujours plus restreintes. Tout au long du chapitre 3, nous utilisons la célèbre courbe de Phillips pour appréhender la relation, entre le taux de chômage et l'évolution des prix, comme proxy de l'efficacité de la politique monétaire. Les pays Baltes, la Slovénie et la Slovaquie nous permettent de mesurer l'impact des changements, de régimes de change, au cours de l'accession à la zone Euro. Dans le MCE-II, la relation est négative et significative. Néanmoins celle-ci disparait, au moment d'entrer dans l'union monétaire. Nous expliquons ce résultat par le fait que dans une union monétaire, les "petites" économies n'ont pas un poids suffisant pour influencer significativement les décisions de politiques monétaires.Si pour être pleinement efficace, la politique unique de la BCE doit se confronter, à des économies relativement homogènes, cette homogénéité transcende la sphère monétaire et touche directement l'économie réelle (en témoigne la courbe de Phillips). Les mécanismes d'ajustements, dans une union optimale, permettent de lisser l'impact des chocs asymétriques. Pour cela, le marché du travail nécessite une flexibilité (des salaires) et une mobilité des facteurs accrue. (.)
Through empirical, theoretical and documentary referents, this article analyzes the conflicts arising from the revitalization processes in the Historic Center of Mexico City, regarding the work of street musicians in the public space. In particular, emphasis is placed on the mechanisms of resistance that musicians carry out through routines and rituals of (re) appropriation in territories that I have cataloged as epicenters of revitalization; which represent urban nuclei of socialization where an authoritarian type of normativity has been imposed. It should be noted that the processes called by the local revitalization governments mask other types of transformations in which the co-optation of public spaces by government institutions, private companies (national and transnational) and powers of attorney has been encouraged. What has generated a series of disputes over the use of public space for certain purposes and, in turn, has caused fractures in the sense of place of musicians for their position as agents in a state of defenselessness. In this sense, the processes of revitalization - and possible gentrification by the characteristics that this process shows in terms of the displacement of popular sectors and social subjects in situations of social vulnerability - in the context of this historic Latin American center, have potentiated mechanisms of criminalization against the office of the street musician. All this is derived, to a large extent, from the invisibility of their work due to the lack of a normative framework that allows them to touch without being harassed, violated and displaced by various authorities (of the formal and informal scope) and by a series of stigmatization devices social derived from social imaginaries of the excluding type; what places them in an indefinite position of liminal subjects. ; A través de referentes empíricos, teóricos y documentales, en el presente artículo se analizan los conflictos derivados de los procesos de revitalización en el Centro Histórico de la Ciudad de México, en lo referente al trabajo de músicos callejeros en el espacio público. En particular, se hace énfasis en los mecanismos de resistencia que los músicos llevan a cabo mediante rutinas y rituales de (re)apropiación en territorios que he catalogado como epicentros de la revitalización; los cuales representan núcleos urbanos de socialización en donde se ha impuesto una normatividad de tipo autoritaria. Cabe destacar que los procesos llamados por los gobiernos locales de revitalización, enmascaran otro tipo de transformaciones en los que se ha incentivado la cooptación de espacios públicos por parte de instituciones gubernamentales, empresas privadas (nacionales y transnacionales) y poderes fácticos. Lo que ha generado una serie de disputas por el uso del espacio público para determinados fines y, a su vez, ha suscitado fracturas en el sentido de lugar de los músicos por su posición de agentes en estado de indefensión. En este sentido, los procesos de revitalización —y posible gentrificación por las características que muestra este proceso en lo referente al desplazamiento de sectores populares y de sujetos sociales en situación de vulnerabilidad social— en el contexto de este centro histórico latinoamericano, han potencializado mecanismos de criminalización en contra del oficio del músico callejero. Todo ello derivado, en gran medida, de la invisibilización de su quehacer por la falta de un marco normativo que les permita tocar sin ser acosados, violentados y desplazados por diversas autoridades (del ámbito formal e informal) y por una serie de dispositivos de estigmatización social derivado de imaginarios sociales de tipo excluyente; lo que los sitúa en una posición indefinida de sujetos liminales.
This study aims to specify the mechanisms by which sociolegal control affects group solidarity in two localities of urban marginality in Israel-Palestine: the Mahatta, a segregated Palestinian district in Lod, an Israeli "mixed" city, and the Jalazon refugee camp in the West Bank, only 20 miles from Lod. This research contrasts two distinct social morphologies: internal cohesion in the Jalazon camp and atomization in the Mahatta district. It also highlights the opposition between feelings of trust and pride in the camp and feelings of distrust and shame in the district. Both localities have internal lines of division. In the camp, there are divisions on the basis of place of origin, clan membership and political affiliation. In the urban district, there are divisions on the basis of ethnicity and oldtimer/newcomer status. Yet, Jalazon camp dwellers actively work to deactivate potentially paralyzing fractures, to develop and preserve internal solidarity, prevent or quench camp infighting, and purse collective actions while symbolically investing in the camp as a source of dignity and pride. By contrast, in the Mahatta district, residents experience social fragmentation, mutual distrust, and routine violence and blame one another for their failed attempts at collective organizing. I explain these different profiles of group solidarity, moral worldviews, violence, and politics as products of their distinct regimes of sociolegal control. By "sociolegal control," I mean the control exercised by the institutions of the ruling power and enshrined in its legal norms and dominant discourses. I argue that the Jalazon camp dwellers navigate a regime of sociolegal control that has (unintended) collectivizing effects while the Mahatta residents negotiate their existence against a regime of sociolegal control that has (mostly intended) divisive effects. There is a triadic structure of authority at work in the refugee camp, which includes the Israeli army, the United Nations Relief and Work Agency (UNRWA) and the Palestinian Authority (PA); camp dwellers are pushed by all three to valorize their group solidarity as a fundamental resource to both nourish from within and defend collectively against external threats. In contrast to the processes in play between Jalazon refugees and the authorities that influence their solidarity in the camp, the Israeli state's security apparatus is the only institutional actor at work in the Mahatta district, and I argue that it serves to create social fragmentation and mutual suspicion among the urban residents, thus pushing them towards strategies of individual exit.This study has a threefold relevance for theorizing mechanisms of group solidarity among marginalized populations in their connection to the role of the state as a "group maker." First, I propose that a given state can distribute different techniques of control towards different segments of a population cast or kept outside of the sphere of official or full membership. This focus on the state's distribution of forms of sociolegal control towards subcategories within an "unwanted" population helps us understand the formation of internal cleavages among people that otherwise recognize nationhood as a principle of membership. Second, by focusing on place-specific forms of sociolegal control, this study problematizes two distinctions: that between democratic and illiberal forms of state and that between the post-industrial Global North and the Global South. Using localities of urban marginality--refugee camps, squatter settlements, and urban districts of relegation--as a terrain for the theorization of group formation draws attention to how modern states, including democratic ones, might use illiberal practices and discourses driven by ethnoracial or ethnonational motivations towards segments of their citizenry. A third related theoretical point emerging from this study is that legal categorization, especially the opposition between the categories of refugees and citizens, does not have a fixed content in terms of its effects on group solidarity and political identities.
Recent seismicity in Alberta and north-east British Columbia has been attributed to ongoing oil and gas development in the area, due to its temporal and spatial correlation. Prior to such development, the area was seismically quiescent. Here, we show evidence that latent seismicity may occur in areas where previous operations have occurred, even during a shutdown in operations. The global COVID-19 pandemic furnished the unique opportunity to study seismicity during a long period of anthropogenic quiescence. Within the Kiskatinaw area of British Columbia, 389 events were detected from April to August 2020, which encompasses a period with very little hydraulic fracturing operations. This reduction in operations was the result of a government-imposed lockdown severely restricting the movement of people as well as a downturn in the economic market causing industry stock prices to collapse. Except for a reduction in the seismicity rate and a lack of temporal clustering that is often characteristic of hydraulic fracturing induced sequences, the general characteristics of the observed seismicity were similar to the preceding time period of active operations. During the period of relative quiescence, event magnitudes were observed between M L −0.7 and M L 1.2, which is consistent with previous event magnitudes in the area. Hypocentres occurred in a corridor orientated NW–SE, just as seismicity had done in previous years, and were located at depths associated with the target Montney formation or shallower ( <2.5 km). A maximum of 21 % of the detected events during lockdown may be attributable to natural seismicity, with a further 8 % potentially attributed to dynamic triggering of seismicity from teleseismic events and 6 % related to ongoing saltwater disposal and a single operational well pad. However, this leaves ∼65 % of the seismicity detected during lockdown being unattributable to primary activation mechanisms. This seismicity is unlikely to be the result of direct pore pressure increases (as very little direct injection of fluids was occurring at the time) and we see no patterns of temporal or spatial migration in the seismicity as would be expected from direct pore pressure increases. Instead, we suggest that this latent seismicity may be generated by aseismic slip as fluids (resulting from previous hydraulic fracturing injection) become trapped within permeable formations at depth, keeping pore pressures in the area elevated and consequently allowing the generation of seismicity. Alternatively, this seismicity may be the result of fault and fracture weakening in response to previous fluid injection. This is the first time that this latent seismicity has been observed in this area of British Columbia and, as such, this may now represent the new normal background seismicity rate within the Kiskatinaw area.
Recent seismicity in Alberta and north-east British Columbia has been attributed to ongoing oil and gas development in the area, due to its temporal and spatial correlation. Prior to such development, the area was seismically quiescent. Here, we show evidence that latent seismicity may occur in areas where previous operations have occurred, even during a shutdown in operations. The global COVID-19 pandemic furnished the unique opportunity to study seismicity during a long period of anthropogenic quiescence. Within the Kiskatinaw area of British Columbia, 389 events were detected from April to August 2020, which encompasses a period with very little hydraulic fracturing operations. This reduction in operations was the result of a government-imposed lockdown severely restricting the movement of people as well as a downturn in the economic market causing industry stock prices to collapse. Except for a reduction in the seismicity rate and a lack of temporal clustering that is often characteristic of hydraulic fracturing induced sequences, the general characteristics of the observed seismicity were similar to the preceding time period of active operations. During the period of relative quiescence, event magnitudes were observed between ML −0.7 and ML 1.2, which is consistent with previous event magnitudes in the area. Hypocentres occurred in a corridor orientated NW–SE, just as seismicity had done in previous years, and were located at depths associated with the target Montney formation or shallower (<2.5 km). A maximum of 21 % of the detected events during lockdown may be attributable to natural seismicity, with a further 8 % potentially attributed to dynamic triggering of seismicity from teleseismic events and 6 % related to ongoing saltwater disposal and a single operational well pad. However, this leaves ∼65 % of the seismicity detected during lockdown being unattributable to primary activation mechanisms. This seismicity is unlikely to be the result of direct pore pressure increases (as very little direct injection of fluids was occurring at the time) and we see no patterns of temporal or spatial migration in the seismicity as would be expected from direct pore pressure increases. Instead, we suggest that this latent seismicity may be generated by aseismic slip as fluids (resulting from previous hydraulic fracturing injection) become trapped within permeable formations at depth, keeping pore pressures in the area elevated and consequently allowing the generation of seismicity. Alternatively, this seismicity may be the result of fault and fracture weakening in response to previous fluid injection. This is the first time that this latent seismicity has been observed in this area of British Columbia and, as such, this may now represent the new normal background seismicity rate within the Kiskatinaw area.
Nowadays, strengthening and refurbishing of existing structures on urban areas has gained interest in order to reduce costs by avoiding both the use of construction raw materials and the disposal of construction and demolition waste on landfill. Usually, existing structures need to be locally demolished in order to replace either the existing corroded reinforcement or strengthen the existing structure. Among all the existing demolition methods, microwave and induction heating have been proven as a good alternative to generate a local damage with little noise and dust production, which is a desirable feature when structures are in urban areas. However, there is a lack of information about the behaviour of both damaging methods when steel fibre-reinforced concretes are involved. This paper studies the influence of the steel fibre addition on the damaging capacity of both microwave and induction heating demolition methods. For that purpose, mortars containing two different steel fibres (steel fibres used for concrete reinforcement and brass covered steel needles used for mortar reinforcement) were added in three different proportions (0%, 0.5% and 1% by unit volume of mortar) and exposed to up to 10 min of either microwave heating (0.003-0.03 W/mm3, 2.45 GHz) or induction heating (0.016-0.023 W/mm3, 18 kHz). With the aim of evaluating the damage caused by the heating methods, test specimens were visually checked, and mechanical properties were determined via flexural and compressive strength tests. According to the results, mortars exposed to either microwave or induction heating suffered a sudden, violent disintegration without noticing any previous damage on the mortar specimens. Results proved that pressure increment on water-saturated pores caused the failure no matter the fibre type used as a reinforcement. However, for microwave heating, the reflection of microwaves on the fibres tended to concentrate the heating effect on the specimen surface, resulting in higher surface temperatures, but lower damaging potential of the demolition method. Furthermore, similar failure mechanism was observed on oven-dried mortars exposed to microwave heating. Nevertheless, oven dried mortars exposed to induction heating suffered a highly variable, silent and controlled damage, presenting a highly varying quantity of fracture planes that decreased its flexural and compressive strengths by up to 38% and 31%, respectively. ; This work has been partly financed within the European Horizon 2020 Joint Technology Initiative Shift2Rail through contract no.730841 (IN2TRACK) and no. 826255 (IN2TRACK2). This work was also co-financed with the projects Elkartek 2018 ref. KK2018/00073 (GOLIAT) and Elkartek 2019 ref. KK-2019/00023 (GOLIAT2). The authors also wish to thank the Basque Government for financial assistance through IT919-16.