YOLO-based detection of Halyomorpha halys in orchards using RGB cameras and drones
In: Computers and electronics in agriculture: COMPAG online ; an international journal, Band 213, S. 108228
214 Ergebnisse
In: Computers and electronics in agriculture: COMPAG online ; an international journal, Band 213, S. 108228
In: Revue d'économie politique, Band 133, Heft 4, S. 525-540
ISSN: 2105-2883
Nous évaluons l'impact du pouvoir de négociation des syndicats sur l'inflation et l'emploi dans le cadre d'un modèle de contrat optimal à la Mac Donald & Solow [1981]. Nous considérons un jeu à la Stackelberg entre la banque centrale et les partenaires sociaux (entreprises et syndicats). Les entreprises et les syndicats négocient l'emploi et le salaire nominal, tandis que la banque centrale, qui joue le rôle de leader , fixe le taux d'inflation. Nous montrons qu'une diminution du pouvoir de négociation des syndicats tend à réduire le salaire nominal et l'emploi. Dans un tel contexte de banque centrale leader , la politique monétaire optimale consiste à augmenter le taux d'inflation optimal afin d'éviter une hausse du chômage. De plus, nous démontrons que l'augmentation du taux d'inflation optimal a des effets plus importants lorsque la banque centrale est faiblement conservatrice. Ces résultats plaident en faveur d'une réduction du conservatisme de la banque centrale pour compenser l'impact macroéconomique de la baisse du pouvoir de négociation des syndicats. Classification JEL : E02, E24, E52, E58, J51
In: Social development issues: alternative approaches to global human needs, Band 45, Heft 1
ISSN: 2372-014X
Regions are likely to face health care and aging problems (as well as other socioeconomic challenges) by adopting different measures and strategies that may lead to further differentiation in health care provision in the long run. In the short term, the essential levels of assistance/care (livelli essenziali di assistenza [LEA]) assessment grid shows how regional performance in three areas of the health care sector (prevention, community health services, and hospital assistance) proceed at different speeds. Contrary to expectations, the north-south divide is not the only territorial divide that exists. Strong differences exist even among regions in the north-east, north-west, and center of Italy. The results depict a four-speed ranking in LEA performance.
In: Diaspora Studies: journal of the Organisation for Diaspora Initiatives (ODI), Band 15, Heft 2, S. 184-208
ISSN: 0976-3457
The paper discusses the global network for Indonesian diaspora scholars who work in Malaysian tertiary education, an emerging Asian education hub. The study is based on documents, text reviews, interviews, and reflections from Indonesian diaspora scholars. Our analysis identified three main themes: building academic success, brain circulation, and contributing to development in the country of origin. The analysis indicates that the interplay between the quality of human diaspora capital and Malaysian policies on higher education has shaped the academic success stories of Indonesian diaspora scholars in Malaysia. Although the Indonesian diaspora scholars in Malaysia have generated brain drain debates, the findings show that while Indonesian scholars continue to work in Malaysia, they also exercise their global networks as sources of human capital and knowledge to assist their home country.
In: Euricse Working Papers No. 119|22
In: Múltunk: politikatörténeti folyóirat, Band 67, Heft 4, S. 41-82
ABSTRACTOvercoming a variety of health problems for the elderly, the government has made various health care policies for elderly people, one of them is the posyandu for the elderly. Facts on the ground, few elderly people use the elderly posyandu and there are still many elderly people who do not visit for various reasons. The purpose of this study was to analyze qualitatively the influence of elderly visits in posyandu activities. This type of research is qualitative research. The research was conducted in the Work Area of Pintu Langit Health Center in Padangsidimpuan Sub-District, Angkola Julu, Padangsidimpuan City. Research informants were 10 people. Qualitative data analysis with stages of data reduction, data display, and conclusion or verification. The results showed that the elderly were members of the elderly posyandu in the last 2-3 years, but all were not routine or were not active. The reason is not routine because he is lazy, while working in a garden / field, does not remember the schedule of the elderly posyandu. Many elderly people do not know about the elderly posyandu related to the benefits and objectives. The attitude of ordinary elderly people has an impact on enthusiasm or interest in the posyandu is low. The distance between the house and the elderly posyandu is not too far away but there are also those who need transportation equipment to reach it. Some elderly people get support from their families (children / grandchildren) by telling the elderly posyandu schedules, delivering them to the elderly posyandu, but there are also those who do not get support. Elderly considers that the visit to the elderly posyandu is not a necessity if it is not sick. It is recommended that health workers improve the activities of the elderly program by providing counseling to increase knowledge, change negative attitudes, change perceptions about needs. Extension also to elderly families. Keywords : Elderly Visits, Elderly Posyandu
In: Sustainability, Band 11, Heft 1, S. 1-13
The main scope of the paper is to adopt a fuzzy sets approach for the measurement of multidimensional poverty over a period of eight years, from 2007 to 2015, which takes into account the effect of the 2008 economic and financial crisis. In particular, the focus is on the financial dimension of poverty, and its effects on citizens in the EU Mediterranean Area. The empirical analysis, based on the European Union - Statistics on Income and Living Conditions survey (EU-SILC), covers eight Mediterranean Countries.
The article presents the structure of the evaluation design – and main results – used in the project of international cooperation between Europe and Latin America called Alfa III – TRALL (Transatlantic Lifelong Learning. Rebalancing Relations) and the experience of one project partner, the Universidad Católica Boliviana, has been adopted as an example. The design implemented meets the need to evaluate the quality of lifelong learning courses promoted by 15 Latin American universities, partners of the project, and aims to trigger virtuous circles of progressive improvement in the efficiency and effectiveness of the training offer. This evaluation design has been defined as a «systemic model» based on analysis of the methodological framework that currently characterizes the field of educational evaluation research, connecting – from an ecological perspective – multiple indicators of the quality: input, in context, in the process, output. Furthermore, the evaluation design has been proposed, since its beginnings, participation and discussion among all partners to be as a system of quality training and transactional – where the analysis of gathered information is an opportunity to achieve collective moments of intersubjective interpretation of data – to facilitate a democratic made decision in order to improve and redesign the courses. According to the main results and the meta-evaluative reflection on the implementation of the quality system to 22 courses there are positive evidences, recognized by all partners, as some critical elements that, to improve the lifelong learning processes, will be assumed to redesign the quality system.
The article presents the structure of the evaluation design – and main results – used in the project of international cooperation between Europe and Latin America called Alfa III – TRALL (Transatlantic Lifelong Learning. Rebalancing Relations) and the experience of one project partner, the Universidad Católica Boliviana, has been adopted as an example. The design implemented meets the need to evaluate the quality of lifelong learning courses promoted by 15 Latin American universities, partners of the project, and aims to trigger virtuous circles of progressive improvement in the efficiency and effectiveness of the training offer. This evaluation design has been defined as a «systemic model» based on analysis of the methodological framework that currently characterizes the field of educational evaluation research, connecting – from an ecological perspective – multiple indicators of the quality: input, in context, in the process, output. Furthermore, the evaluation design has been proposed, since its beginnings, participation and discussion among all partners to be as a system of quality training and transactional – where the analysis of gathered information is an opportunity to achieve collective moments of intersubjective interpretation of data – to facilitate a democratic made decision in order to improve and redesign the courses. According to the main results and the meta-evaluative reflection on the implementation of the quality system to 22 courses there are positive evidences, recognized by all partners, as some critical elements that, to improve the lifelong learning processes, will be assumed to redesign the quality system.
In: Synthese: an international journal for epistemology, methodology and philosophy of science, Band 183, Heft 1, S. 1-5
ISSN: 1573-0964
In: Fuzzy Set Approach to Multidimensional Poverty Measurement; Economic Studies in Inequality, Social Exclusion and Well-Being, S. 115-137
In: Tejedora: revista científica y arbitrada de ciencias sociales y trabajo social, Band 7, Heft 15ep, S. 1-17
ISSN: 2697-3626
La presente investigación expone la situación actual de la violencia de género por la cual atraviesan las mujeres kichwas de la comunidad la Calera. Dicha problemática social cuenta con una larga trayectoria que se ajusta a las demandas y cambios de la época en bienestar de la mujer. Sin embargo, aún existen casos pendientes por resolver en manos de las autoridades locales. El objetivo de la investigación es analizar la violencia de género en las mujeres kichwas y sus efectos en los hogares de la comunidad. Para ello, el estudio utilizó el diseño metodológico mixto de tipo correlacional, no experimental. Se aplicó: los relatos de vida a las lideresas del comité, entrevistas a las participantes y el cuestionario orientado a las autoridades locales. La información fue analizada por medio de la herramienta estadística y la prueba del Chi cuadrado para determinar si existe una diferencia significativa entre los resultados esperados y los observados en una o más categorías. Respecto a los resultados, se muestra una disminución de la violencia en las mujeres, presentado una estabilidad emocional y económica en los hogares. En conclusión, la violencia de género contra las mujeres, es un problema estructural y sistémico con fuertes raíces patriarcales que requiere del compromiso ético, político y moral del Estado con políticas públicas funcionales, autoridades locales, lideres/lideresas comunitarias, dispuestos actuar con responsabilidad y firmeza frente a las normativas nacionales e internacionales en pos de erradicar el problema de la violencia en la ruralidad y sociedad en general.
In: Tejedora: revista científica y arbitrada de ciencias sociales y trabajo social, Band 7, Heft 15ep, S. 71-95
ISSN: 2697-3626
En Ecuador, la violencia de género es un problema grave que afecta los derechos y oportunidades de las mujeres, esta realidad también se presenta en el cantón Sigchos, lo que ha llevado a la implementación de medidas de protección para garantizar la seguridad de las mujeres víctimas de violencia de género, el presente estudio evalúa la efectividad de las medidas de protección aplicadas por la Junta Cantonal de Protección de Derechos del Cantón Sigchos durante el año en 2023, enfocándose en cómo contribuyen a la restitución de derechos de las mujeres afectadas, para lo cual se utilizó una metodología mixta que incluyó visitas domiciliarias y entrevistas en profundidad con cuestionarios específicos para recopilar datos sobre las experiencias y percepciones de las mujeres respecto a la efectividad de estas medidas, los resultados muestran que la Junta Cantonal de Protección de Derechos del Cantón Sigchos , ha logrado una alta visibilidad a través de los medios de comunicación, facilitando que las mujeres víctimas se informen sobre sus servicios, además se identificó que las principales necesidades de las mujeres son asesoría legal y protección inmediata para enfrentar la violencia, además las medidas administrativas de protección emitidas por la JCPD-S han sido efectivas para muchas mujeres, proporcionando un entorno más seguro y protegiéndolas de nuevas agresiones, no obstante, se identificaron áreas de mejora, especialmente en la comunicación y coordinación entre las instituciones encargadas de atender la violencia de género, para asegurar una respuesta integral y oportuna a las necesidades de las víctimas