Die Corona-Pandemie wird den Schulbetrieb wahrscheinlich auch noch im Schuljahr 2020/2021 erheblich einschränken. Dabei stellen sich jenseits der Fragen zum Gesundheitsschutz zunehmend auch solche, die den Kern der Schule als Bildungsinstitution betreffen. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit muss dabei bildungsbenachteiligten Schüler*innen und solchen mit speziellen Förderbedarfen zu Teil werden, denn vieles spricht dafür, dass die Schere zwischen Kindern aus sozial privilegierten und benachteiligten Familien in Folge der Schulschließungen weiter aufgegangen ist. Diese Entwicklung wird sich im Zuge einer schrittweisen Öffnung der Schule fortsetzen, wenn nicht bewusst gegengesteuert wird. Notwendig ist deshalb eine breite bildungswissenschaftliche Diskussion über Ansätze und Maßnahmen, die zum Abbau der neu entstandenen und der schon bestehenden Bildungsungleichheiten beitragen. Im ersten Teil dieses Bandes werden Ergebnisse aus Erhebungen im Frühjahr 2020 vorgestellt, die Aufschluss darüber geben, wie Schüler*innen, Eltern und pädagogisches Personal die mit dem Fernunterricht verbundenen Herausforderungen erlebt haben. Die Beiträge des zweiten Teils widmen sich schulischen Problemfeldern. Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Ungleichheitsthematik fassen sie kurz den Forschungsstand zu rechtlichen, pädagogischen, didaktischen und anderen Fragen zusammen und leiten daraus Vorschläge ab, wie Schule, Unterricht und Lernen unter den voraussichtlich noch länger andauernden Einschränkungen und darüber hinaus gestaltet werden könnten. Das Beiheft richtet sich an eine bildungspolitisch interessierte Öffentlichkeit und insbesondere an diejenigen, die in der Bildungspolitik, der Bildungsadministration und natürlich in den Schulen Verantwortung für die Gestaltung des Unterrichts und für schulisches Lernen tragen. (DIPF/Orig.)
This background paper was prepared for the East Asia Pacific aging report. The East Asia and Pacific region grew at an unparalleled rate in the past 50 years. This economic boom is partly attributable to unprecedented demographic changes in East Asia during this period. But demographics are only part of the story. The size of the economic bonus or burden which results from population aging depends on how policy influences labor force participation, savings, human capital accumulation and total factor productivity.
Rangelands sind weltweit Lebensgrundlage für hunderte von Millionen Bauern. Eine weithin akzeptierte Definition stammt von der American Society for Range Management (zitiert nach McGuire 1978): Rangelands are "…lands on which the native vegetation is predominantly grasses, grass like plants, forbs or shrubs suitable for grazing or browsing use which includes lands revegetated naturally or artificially to provide a forage cover that is managed like native vegetation….". Vorrangig sind Rangelands in semi-ariden Gebieten zu finden – dort sind aufgrund von zu geringen oder ungleich im Jahresgang verteilten Niederschlägen zumeist andere agrarwirtschaftliche Nutzungen als Weide, wenn überhaupt, nur nachrangig zu finden. Im Iran sind die semi-ariden Rangelands die flächenmäßig größten terrestrischen Ökosysteme. Die in der Literatur genannten Schätzungen variieren – mit Badripour et al. (2006) kann man von knapp 55 % der Landoberfläche des Iran ausgehen. Rangelands sind für den Iran von herausragender gesellschaftlicher Bedeutung (mehr als 2,5 Mill. Menschen leben als Semi-Nomaden in verschiedensten Form von der Weidenutzung der Rangelands) und von großer ökonomischer Bedeutung (rund 6 % des inländischen Bruttosozialprodukts werden in den Rangelands erwirtschaftet, insbesondere durch Produkte wie Fleisch, medizinische Pflanzen und Kräuter sowie Honig). Darüber hinaus kommt den Rangelands hohe ökologische Bedeutung zu (Schutzfunktionen, Biodiversität). Seit vielen Jahrzehnten wird in der Literatur von dramatischen Degradationen der Rangelands berichtet, verursacht durch Fehl- und Übernutzungen (Weide zur Unzeit, jahreszeitlich zu lange Weide, Überbesatz an Vieh usw.). Staatliche Programme wie der "Rangeland Management Plan" (RMP) und "Grazing Licences" (GL) haben diese Zerstörungen der Rangelands durch Fehl- und Übernutzung nur partiell aufhalten können. Offensichtlich ist die tatsächliche Nutzung der Rangelands maßgeblich durch informale (nichtstaatliche, lokale) Regeln und nicht durch staatliche Regulierung geprägt. Fragestellungen der Arbeit Zentrale Anliegen vorliegender Arbeit sind • die Beschreibung der Nutzungssysteme der Rangelands im Iran, wie sie in der Praxis tatsächlich vorzufinden sind und • die Erklärung der Prozesse der dramatischen Degradationen der Rangelands als Auswirkungen des Handelns der Semi-Nomaden im Spannungsfeld von staatlichen Programmen und informalen Institutionen vor Ort. Zur Grobgliederung Die Arbeit ist in drei große Hauptkapitel gegliedert. Basierend auf den Theorien der Neuen Institutionenökonomik, besonders auf den Arbeiten von Ostrom, wird in Kapitel B eine sozioökonomische Analyse der Landnutzung in Iran durchgeführt. Diese bildet den theoretischen Rahmen für die nachfolgenden empirischen Studien. Die Übernutzung des Weidelands wird erklärt als Auswirkung des Handelns der lokalen Nutzer, die nicht die Möglichkeit haben, die sozialen Bedingungen wie die Eigenschaften der Ressourcen oder die kulturellen Traditionen direkt zu beeinflussen. In Kapitel C werden die Ergebnisse der empirischen Fallstudie präsentiert sowie die verschiedenen identifizierten Landnutzungssysteme der Untersuchungsregion Semnan vorgestellt. In Kapitel D werden die Ergebnisse der sozioökonomischen Analyse, die hauptsächlich auf Literaturrecherchen basieren, in Verbindung gebracht mit den Ergebnissen der empirischen Studie. Abschließend werden Schlussfolgerungen zur Rangeland-Nutzung im Iran gezogen und offene Forschungsfragen angesprochen. Literaturüberblick: Probleme des Managements der Rangelands im Iran (Kapitel B I) Kapitel B I dient der ausführlichen Information zu der o. g. Problemstellung. Es wird ein Überblick gegeben über die ökologischen Eigenschaften der Rangelands des Iran, ihre Produktivität für Viehwirtschaft sowie ihre Vielgestaltigkeit aus Sicht der Nutzung durch Nomaden und Bauern. In einem umfänglichen historischen Rückblick werden die staatlichen Bemühungen um Steuerung der nachhaltigen Nutzung der Rangelands seit der islamischen Revolution 1978 erläutert. Theoretischer Bezugsrahmen: Management von Common Pool Ressourcen aus Sicht der Neuen Institutionenökonomik (NIE) (Kapitel B II) Theoretische Grundlegung für die Arbeit sind die Theorien der NIE, insbesondere die Arbeit von Ostrom. In Abgrenzung vor allem zur neoklassischen Ökonomik wird zunächst dargelegt, worin der wissenschaftliche Fortschritt mit der zusätzlichen Betrachtung von informalen und formalen Institutionen zur Erklärung von Nutzungssytemen von Common Pool Ressourcen besteht. Die diesbezüglichen Grundlagen der NIE werden ausführlich dargelegt und dienen schließlich (in enger Anlehnung an die Arbeiten von Ostrom) zur Entwicklung eines Modells der Nutzung von Rangelands im Iran. "Property in Use Systeme" (PUR) werden strukturiert durch die so genannte "action arena", umschrieben als alle das jeweilige lokale Handeln bestimmenden formalen und informalen Institutionen. Dieses Nutzungshandeln hat ökologische, ökonomische und soziale Gegebenheiten zur Folge (die so genannten "outcomes"). Die empirisch feststellbaren Unterschiede lokaler PURs werden erklärt mit unterschiedlich vorzufindenden Eigenschaften der Ressource Rangeland, der lokalen Gruppenzugehörigkeit, des Dorfes/der Stadt und der vorgebenen Märkte. Dieses Modell dient als theoretischer Bezugsrahmen für die folgenden empirischen Studien. Gründe für die Auswahl der Untersuchungsregion Semnan Die Hauptkriterien für die Auswahl der Untersuchungsregion waren: • Zugang und ausreichende Daten und Informationen zu den ökologischen Bedingungen der Rangelands • Die Vergleichbarkeit der eigenen Daten mit anderen Forschungsprojekten und Studien über Rangeland-Nutzung in Iran Zugang zu ausreichenden Daten und Informationen über die ökologischen Bedingungen der Rangelands des Iran zu bekommen ist keine triviale Angelegenheit aufgrund der großen räumlichen Ausdehnung der Ranglands. Daher war der Zugang zu ausreichenden Informationen zu den ökologischen Bedingungen eines der Hauptkriterien für die Auswahl der Untersuchungsregion. Für nahezu alle Rangelands der Untersuchungsregion waren Informationen zu der Futtermittel-Produktivität der Weiden mit Bezug zu den Rangeland Management Plänen (RMP) oder den Weide-Lizenzen (GL) zugänglich. Die Vergleichbarkeit der Daten mit anderen Forschungsprojekten und Studien über Weideland-Nutzung in Iran war das zweite Auswahlkriterium. Die Auswahl der Kriterien erfolgte mit Hilfe der staatlichen "Forest, Range and Watershed Management Organization" im Iran. Die Ziele der empirischen Studie Die Ziele waren • den Diffusionsprozess und die Diffusionsgeschwindigkeit des "Rangeland Management Plans" in der Region Semnan zu analysieren, • die Landparzellen in der Region Semnan zu beschreiben sowie die Wahrnehmung der Nutzer in Bezug auf die Rangeland-Bedingungen and den Zweck der Landnutzung zu untersuchen, • die Reaktion der Nomaden bzw. Halb-Nomaden auf die staatlichen Regulationsversuche zu analysieren, • die Typen der informellen Institutionen, die aktuell in Semnan angewendet werden, zu identifizieren, • die Typen der informellen Institutionen in Bezug auf das jeweils angewendete Nutzungsregime zu klassifizieren, • Faktoren zu identifizieren, die das jeweils angewendete Nutzungsregime beeinflussen, • die Wahrscheinlichkeit der Umsetzung des "Rangeland Management Plans" in der Region Semnan aus Sicht der Nutzer mit Hilfe der identifizierten Faktoren abzuschätzen. Methoden An den Fragestellungen pragmatisch orientiert kamen verschiedenste Methoden zur Anwendung: Dokumentenanalysen (v. a. offizielle Statistiken und Dokumente), Literaturanalysen (wissenschaftliche Arbeiten verschiedenster Disziplinen zur Nutzung der Rangelands in Semnan, darüber hinaus für Vergleichszecke aber auch mit Bezug zu anderen Regionen im Iran und weltweit) sowie Methoden der quantitativen empirischen Sozialforschung (Interviews, Datenauswertung mittels beschreibender und schließender Statistik) und der qualitativen empirischen Sozialforschung. Ergebnisse Teilstudie 1: Der Diffusionsprozess der staatlichen Poltikinstrumente "Rangeland Management Plans"(RMP) und "Grazing Lizence"(GL) (Kapitel C IV) Dieses Kapitel beginnt mit einer Beschreibung des Diffusionsprozesses des "Rangeland Management Plans" in der Untersuchungsregion. Auf die Analyse der regionalen Unterschiede folgt eine Einführung in das so genannte "Bass Modell" (nach Bass (1969); siehe auch Kapitel B II 4.1). In dem "Bass Modell" werden die Koeffizienten geschätzt, die den Diffusionsprozess der RMP und GL in Semnan beschreiben. Das Modell liefert u. a. Hinweise zur Diffusionsgeschwindigkeit, mit der die lokalen Nutzer die Innovation umsetzen. Die Geschwindigkeit wird mit den folgenden Koeffizienten geschätzt: • Koeffizient p schätzt die individuelle Tendenz die Innovation anzuwenden • Koeffizient q schätzt den Einfluss von vorherigen Nutzern auf potentielle Nutzer Ergebnisse Teilstudie 2: Einstellungen der lokalen Nutzer der Rangelands zu den staatlichen Programmen RMP und GL (Kapitel C V) Dieses Kapitel beginnt mit einer Beschreibung der Landparzellen in Semnan, die für die Analyse der Perspektive der Nutzer im Hinblick auf RMP und GL genutzt werden. Die Stichprobe wird zunächst hinsichtlich soziodemographischer Charakteristika der Befragten beschrieben (n = 70). Die Nutzer wurden zu ihren Wahrnehmungen bezüglich der Bedingungen der Rangelands sowie bezüglich der Zwecke der Landnutzung befragt. U. a. werden folgende Aspekte von den Nutzern herausgestellt: • Vorteile wie die Bestimmung der Landgrenzen • Nachteile wie fehlender Zugang, hohe Anpassungskosten und reduziertes Einkommen • Kompatibilität der "Rangeland Management Plans" mit den Traditionen • Problem der "Sichtbarkeit" der Auswirkungen des RMP • Trockenheit als (vermeintlicher) Hauptgrund für Degradationen • Mißtrauen in das staatliche Regulierungssystem • Eigentumsverhältnisse und Privatisierung Das Kapitel endet mit einer Diskussion zu den wichtigsten Ergebnissen. Ergebnisse Teilstudie 3: Aktuelle informelle Institutionen (Kapitel C VI) Zunächst wird ein historischer Überblick zum Rangland-Management in der Untersuchungsregion gegeben. Staatliche Programme und die Reaktion der Nomaden auf diese Programme werden literaturgestützt beschrieben. Anhand der Analyse der derzeitigen informellen Institutionen werden Gründe für die Etablierung von Nutzungsregeln (Strategien) identifiziert sowie die Existenz von Sanktionen erklärt. Ergebnisse Teilstudie 4: Aktuelle "Property in Use Systeme" (PUR) (Kapitel C VII) Dieses Kapitel knüpft an die vorherigen Teilstudien mit einer Klassifikation der identifizierten informellen Strategien an. Es werden "Property in Use Strategien" (in Bezug auf Eigentumsrechte), "Production in Use Strategien" (in Bezug auf Produktion) und "Exclusion in Use Strategien" (in Bezug auf Ausschluss-Optionen) identifiziert. Jede dieser Strategie wird detailliert in Beziehung gesetzt zu den jeweils vorgefundenen Eigentumsrechten im Untersuchungsgebiet. Der Begriff "Property in Use Regimes" (PUR) dient zur Klassifizierung von typischen "Mustern" der kombinierten Nutzung von oben genannten Strategien. Es wurden vier Nutzungsregime identifiziert: • unregulated common property regime (UCPR) ("nicht reguliertes Nutzungsregime") • common property regime with rotational access (CR) ("Nutzungsregime mit turnusmäßigem Zugang") • common property regime with a unique decision maker (CU) ("Nutzungsregime mit einem einzigen Entscheidungsträger") • Mini common property regime (Mini) ("Mini-Nutzungsregime") Diese Nutzungsregime unterscheiden sich deutlich bezüglich wesentlicher Einflussfaktoren wie "resource characteristics" (Eigenschaften der Ressourcen), "village characteristics" (Eigenschaften der untersuchten Gemeinden) und "group characteristics" (Eigenschaften der Gruppen bzw. Gruppenzugehörigkeit"). Um die jeweils zentralen Einflussfaktoren für die verschiedenen Nutzungsregime zu bestimmen, kamen die statistischen Modelle der Faktorenanalyse, der Varianzanalyse und der multinomialen logistischen Regression zur Anwendung. Als wesentliche Größen werden bezüglich "resource characteristics" die Faktoren Winter-, Sommer- und Frühlings- Weideland), bezüglich der "village characteristics" die Faktoren Bevölkerungsdichte und "Dorf-Typ" sowie bezüglich der "group characteristics" die Faktoren Alter, Beruf, Bildung, Einkommen, Wohnort und Größe der Herde in die Analyse einbezogen. Mittels der multinomialen logistischen Regression kann einerseits die Wahrscheinlichkeit bestimmt werden, mit der das jeweilige Nutzungsregime tatsächlich zur Anwendung gelangt. Zum anderen kann gezeigt werden, dass die verschiedenen Nutzungsregime in unterschiedlichem Maße zur Degradation der Rangelands beitragen. Schlussfolgerung Die empirischen Ergebnisse zur Nutzung der Rangelands in Semnan zeigen, dass die Nutzer unabhängig von den staatlichen Regulierungsversuchen ihre eigenen Regeln entwickelt haben. Ein großer Teil der lokalen Institutionen, die mit dem Rangeland-Management verknüpft sind, haben den Status von "Strategien" und sind nicht als Normen internalisiert. Daher kann geschlussfolgert werden, dass die lokalen Institutionen noch in der Entwicklung sind. Dies kann als große Chance der Gestaltung gesehen werden. Es scheint Möglichkeiten zu geben, die existierenden Institutionen des Rangeland-Managements zu verbessern oder gar neue institutionelle Regeln zu entwickeln. Die Befragungen haben verschiedene Gründe für die Nicht-Umsetzung des RMP aufgedeckt: • Die "Nicht-Sichtbarakeit der oben definierten "outcomes" und der Nutzenstiftungen, die mit dem Plan verbunden sind • Fehlendes Wissen über den RMP • Fehlendes Vertrauen in den Staat und die Besitzverhältnisse • Einschätzungen zum Problem der Trockenheit . Ein Lösungsvorschlag zur "Nicht-Sichtbarkeit" der Wirkungen der RMP ist die Bereitstellung von Informationen, z.B. durch Informationskampagnen. Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Zugang der lokalen Bevölkerung zu derartigen Informationen sollte sichergestellt werden. Workshops, Fernsehen und Radio sowie symbolische Zeremonien für die kooperativen Gruppen sind Vorschläge aus der ausgewerteten Literatur (siehe hierzu Hejazi 2007). Ein Lösungsvorschlag für das fehlende Vertrauen in den Staat sowie in die Besitzverhältnisse könnte die Privatisierung sein. Zwar hatten die Nutzer kein besonderes Interesse an der Privatisierung der Rangelands. Die Ergebnisse haben aber gezeigt, dass Sommer-Weiden im Gegensatz zu Winter-Weiden bevorzugt wurden. Allerdings konnten keine Gründe für diese Präferenzen in der vorliegenden Untersuchung identifiziert werden. Für das Problem der Einschätzungen zur Bedeutung von Trockenheit für die Degradationen wird empfohlen, ein ausführliches Monitoring von Trockenheitsperioden bzw. -zyklen mit ihren Langzeitwirkungen auf die Nutzungsregime zu etablieren. Im Hinblick auf die Equilibrium-Theorie (Gleichgewichtstheorie) sollte beispielsweise untersucht werden, ob und inwiefern Rangelands im Iran die Bedingungen des Gleichgewichts überhaupt erfüllen. Ein derartiges Monitoring könnte positiven Einfluss auf den Erfolg von staatlichen Programmen wie RMP haben. Ein weiterer Lösungsvorschlag wäre die Folgen von Trockenperioden mit entsprechenden Managementmaßnahmen zu begegnen - z. B. die Fütterung während der Weide-Pausen sicherzustellen und Pläne hierfür weiter zu entwickeln. Eine Alternative zu den staatlichen Regulierungen könnten schließlich selbstregulierte Systeme sein. Ohne Zweifel würde die Entwicklung von selbstregulierten Systemen der gemeinsamen Nutzung der Rangeland insbesondere wegen der Vielfalt und der Vielschichtigkeit der Interessen der lokalen Nutzer sowie der Transaktionskosten für Vereinbarungen bzw. Verhandlungen große Anstrengungen erfordern (Houtte 2001, Macadam and Drinan 2004, McAdams and Rasmusen 2007), Derartige Systeme böten aber immerhin eine Option, die derzeitige Situation im Hinblick auf die Bedürfnisse der lokalen Nutzer zu verändern bzw. eventuell zu verbessern – z. B. zu veränderter Einkommenssituation beizutragen. Die Weitergabe von für das Rangeland-Management wichtigen Informationen könnten innerhalb eines selbstregulierten Systems - unabhängig von staatlichen Regulierungen - eine Lösungsstrategie für das fehlende Wissen sein. Ein selbstreguliertes Systems würde schließlich dem Problem des fehlenden Vertrauens in die staatlichen Regulierungen entgegen wirken. ; Rangelands are the livelihood for hundreds of millions of farmers-. An widely accepted definition from the American Society for Range Management (cited after McGuire 1978) is: Rangelands are "…lands on which the native vegetation is predominantly grasses, grass like plants, forbs or shrubs suitable for grazing or browsing use which includes lands revegetated naturally or artificially to provide a forage cover that is managed like native vegetation….". Rangelands can be found previously in semi-arid areas – due to this fact other agricultural uses than pasture can be found rarely. In Iran, the semi-arid rangelands cover the majority of the terrestrial areas. Regarding the area of rangeland in Iran, different figures can be find in the literature, due to using various definitions. Badripou et al. (2006) estimate that 55% of the Iranian land is occupied by rangelands. Rangelands have a great importance for the society - more than 2.5 million people live as semi-nomads in different regions. The rangelands are also of great economic importance, 6% of the gross national product are meat, medical plants, herbs, and honey. Moreover, the rangelands fulfil important ecological functions such as the provision of biodiversity and the maintenance and preservation of biotic cycles. Since several decades there has been reported dramatic degradation of the rangelands, mainly affected by overuse (untimely grazing, overexploitation and overstocking). Governmental plans as the rangeland management plan and grazing licences rarely contributed to the problem of overgrazing. Obviously the informal institutions play the most important role in extracting the rangeland resources. The central aims of the thesis are • to describe the practical systems of rangeland management in Iran (the case study of Semnan) • To find explanations of the processes of the dramatic degradation of the rangelands as effects of acting of the semi-nomads in the face of governmental programs and informal institutions applied in Semnan Province Structure of the thesis The thesis is structure in three main parts. The following two research approaches are used to answer these central objectives: • Based on the theories of New Institutional Economics, especially Elenor Ostrom 's literature on the common property management and an extensive socio-economic analysis of land use in Iran, the theoretical framework for the empirical study is developed in chapter B. This framework presents the overuse of rangelands as effect of local institutions that were rarely influenced by the cultural traditions, instead the "resource characteristics", "group characteristics", "village characteristics" and "market. • Based on this theoretical framework, chapter C presents the empirical case study to describe and explain the different rangeland use regimes in Semnan Province. • In chapter D, the results from the predominantly literature based analysis of socio-economic conditions in Semnan Province are connected with results from the empirical case study. Conclusions for rangeland management in Iran are drawn and questions for further research are recommended. Literature overview: Problems of the management of the rangelands in Iran (Chapter BI) Chapter BI gives detailed information on the stated problem. An overview is being given in terms of ecological characteristics of the rangelands in Iran, the productivity of livestock, diversity in terms of usage by nomads and farmers. A historical outline of the governmental programs to regulate sustainable use of rangelands since the Islamic revolution in 1978 is given. Theoretical frame: management of common pool resources from the perspective of New Institutional Economics (NIE) (Chapter BII) The theoretical frame of the thesis are the findings of New Institutional Economics (NIE), especially Ostrom. Against the background of neoclassical economics the scientific progress of the view of informal and formal institutions in terms of explanation of using systems of common pool resources is presented. The background of NIE is described in detail (mainly referring to Ostrom) and serve for the development of a model of rangeland management in Iran. Property in-use regimes (PURs) are being structured by the so-called "action arena", and are referred to the informal institutions associated with property rights. Empirically observable differences of local PURs are explained in terms of characteristics of the rangeland resources, the characteristics of the users' groups, characteristics of the study villages and the given markets. The model serves as theoretical background for the following empirical studies. Reasons for choosing Semnan Province as research area The main criteria for the selection of Semnan Province as the research area were: • Access and sufficient data information on ecological conditions of the rangelands including ecological quality • An accessibility to a rich source of collected data since many research studies on Iranian rangelands have been conducted in this area To get access and sufficient data information on ecological conditions of the rangelands in Iran is not trivial due to the difficulty of the large size of the rangelands. Therefore, accessibility to rich information on the ecological quality of investigated rangelands formed the main criteria for the site selection. For almost all of rangelands in the study area, information on the forage productivity in terms of grazing (carrying capacity) was accessible through either Range Management Plans or Grazing Licenses. In addition, many research studies in Iranian rangelands, on the field of rangeland ecology were conducted in this area. The selection criteria were based on the Forest, Range and Watershed Management Organization . The specified objectives of the case study are: • To analyse the diffusion process and the diffusion speed of the RMP in Semnan Province • To describe the land parcels in Semnan Province and to identify the perception of the rangeland conditions and the purpose of land use from the perspective of the users • To analyse the reaction of the nomads on Governmental campaigns • To identify the type of the informal institutions currently applied in the study area • To classify the applied property regimes based on the informal property institutions • To identify factors that influence the applied regime • To estimate the possibility of implementing the defined property regimes by the users 'groups Methods According to the research questions, different methods were used for collecting data and data analysis: literature review (scientific papers from different disciplines on the use and management of rangeland of Semnan Province but also other regions in Iran for the comparison of results), document analysis (mainly official statistics such as excel data files and documents), methods of quantitative social research such as interviews and descriptive statistics as well as methods of qualitative social research. Results from the first part of the case study: diffusion process of the governmental policy instruments - the rangeland management plan (RMP) and Grazing Licences (GL) (Chapter C IV) This chapter starts with a description of the diffusion process of the RMP in the study area. Having the analysis of regional differences, the Bass model, derived from the theory of diffusion, is applied (see also chapter B II 4.1). The Bass model is used to estimate the coefficients related to the rates of adoption of the two study areas Semnan and Damghan to the RMP. The model describes the diffusion speed, at which the potential adopters implement the innovation. The speed is estimated via two coefficients • coefficient p measuring the individual tendency to apply the innovation • coefficient q measuring the influence of the former adopters on the potential adopters' to apply the innovation Results from the second part of the case study: attitude and perception of local users of the rangelands towards the governmental policy instruments RMP and GL (Chapter C V) This chapter starts with a description of the land parcels in Semnan Province which are used for the analysis of the users' perspective towards the RMP. The study sample is described in terms of socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents (n = 70).The users perspective of rangeland is presented in terms of landholders perception of the rangeland conditions and the purpose of land use. Several attributes are identified from the perspective of the users: • advantages such as determination of land boundary • disadvantages such as lack of accessibility, high adjustment costs and reduced income • compatibility such as match of the plan with the local knowledge • observability such as visible effects of the plan • other factors such as drought and trust about the state system • common ownership such as privatization The chapter ends with a discussion on the main findings. Results from the third part of the case study: The currently applied informal institutions (Chapter C VI) Chapter six starts with an overview of the history of rangeland management in the study area. Governmental campaigns and the reaction of the nomads on these campaigns are described. The analysis of current informal institutions results in the identification of reasons for rule establishment and the existence of sanctions. The institutions for the study region are identified as strategies. The chapter ends with a conclusion of the main findings. Results from part four of the case study: Current Property in-use regimes in Semnan Province (Chapter C VII) This chapter begins with the classification of the identified informal strategies. The classification results in property in-use strategies, production in-use strategies and exclusion in-use strategies. Each strategy is described in detail in relation to the aim of the establishment. Paying attention to the group-established property strategies, the whole implemented system is called property in-use regime (PUR) because the groups are governors on the study parcels of rangeland. The four identified regimes are • the unregulated common property regime (UCPR) • the common property regime with rotational access (CR) • the common property regime with a unique decision maker (CU) • Mini CPR within CPR (Mini) In the following section, influential factors on the applied property in-use regimes are being identified. The influential factors are resource characteristics, village characteristics and group characteristics. In order to develop an indicator for the resource characteristics a factor analysis is being conducted on variables related to ecological conditions of the rangeland. For the group characteristics, in addition to the relevant theoretical variables, the "sources of income" and "living location" are found through the exploratory survey. The cluster analysis was used to distinguish various patterns in the "group characteristics" and "village characteristics". An ANOVA analysis was conducted to examine the differences among the PURs in terms of "resource characteristics" (winter, summer and spring rangeland), "group characteristics" (demographic variables of age, education, income, flock size, heterogeneity in age and heterogeneity in flock), and "village characteristics" (type of the village, city and population density). The last part of chapter seven presents the model of property in use regimes in Semnan Province. The model includes the three scopes of characteristics identified in the previous section. The resource characteristics include factors for winter, summer and spring rangelands. The group characteristics include the variables such as age, occupation, flock size and the living location. The village characteristics include the variables such as population density, the type of village, and city. A multinomial logit regression is used to estimate the probability of selecting a property in use regime by the rangeland holders. The key variables are found "population density", "heterogeneity in flock size" and "spring rangelands". Conclusion The empirical results of Semnan rangelands reveal that RMP holders developed their own regulations. A major part of local institutions associated with rangeland management are still in the form of strategies and have not been internalized as norms. It can be concluded that the local institutions are still in transition. This can be seen as a great chance due to they have the opportunity to improve the existing institutions associated with rangeland management, or even to establish new institutional rules. The study reveals several reasons for not implementing the RMP regulations • non visibility of potential outcomes and benefits • lack of knowledge about the plan • lack of trust in the government and type of ownership • the problem of drought in some areas of the study region Proposed solutions to the non visibility of potential outcomes and benefits as well as the lack of knowledge about the plan are to provide information. These should be distributed among the local population e.g. through information campaigns. Public ceremonies should be established to make sure that the local population has access to this information. Training sessions, TV and radio programs, symbolic ceremonies and organization of cooperative groups are proposed as well (Hejazi 2007). According to the literature, a solution to the problem of rangeland degradation might be privatization. However, the rangeland holders did not present a dramatic interest in privatizing rangelands. But it was found that the interest of rangeland holders for privatizing summer lands was greater than for the winter lands or spring lands. However, reasons for this preference could not be identified in this study. Due to the frequent event of drought in some areas of the study region, it is recommend to conduct an in-deep monitoring of specific drought cycles as well as the long-term impact of droughts on dynamic of property regimes. With consideration to the fact that locating in the non-equilibrium environment is a major concern for all rangelands in arid and semi-arid regions, it is strongly recommended to investigate whether the Iranian rangelands meet the non-equilibrium conditions. If the conditions of the non-equilibrium do not meet, the drought management should be still the basic purpose of any improvement program. An alternative to the policies of the government might be a self-regulated system. Even if the common nature of rangeland resources, the diversity of interests of the local users, and the transaction costs of negotiation might be a challenge in a self-regulated system (Houtte A.V. 2001; Macadam R. and Drinan J. 2004; McAdams and Rasmusen 2007), applying this policy is still an effective option. Implementation of this system requires the government to support the rangeland holders in establishing their own system, and provide them with some facilities in which they have difficulty, such as establishing enforcement system, sanctions and provision of necessary information. By applying this policy, the needs of the rangeland holders, such as changes in the income situation e.g. getting cheaper loans for equipment or finding additional occupation opportunities to should be considered. The lack of trust towards the government supports the suggestion for the implementation of this policy.
In: Tromp , G H M 2001 , ' Politiek door de staten : doel- of waarderationeel handelen in het besloten overleg over de Wadden en het openbaar beraad over de ecologische hoofdstructuur ' , Doctor of Philosophy .
POLITICS BY PROVINCE: Goal-oriented rational action or value-oriented rational action in closed debate on the Wadden region and public consultation on the ecological infrastructure General This thesis is a study of political conduct, and of provincial politics in particular. It is based on three research projects. The first two research projects are empirical studies that examine, respectively, the functioning of the discussion platform for government bodies relating to the Wadden Islands area and the relationship between the regional press and provincial political organs. Each of these two projects is based on a defined problem, a theoretical framework, methodology and conclusions. Although both case studies deal with provincial politics, they are completely separate from each other. The third case study is theoretical. It seeks to clarify the rationalization theories of Max Weber and Karl Mannheim, and place the concepts of goaloriented rational action and value-oriented rational action in their theoretical context. This theoretical chapter produces a number of research questions that can be used as a 'rationality grid' to be applied to the two empirical case studies in order to determine what form of action, goal-rational or value-rational, characterizes provincial politics. Chapter One describes the background to the studies and gives a short introduction to the research themes. This chapter also presents a view of contemporary provincial politics and discusses the scientific position from which this thesis has been written, emphasizing the unique role of the sociological vision. How does the government manage the Wadden Sea? The first section examines the way in which the government manages the Wadden Sea. The study is based on an evaluation study of the functioning of the Coördinatiecollege Waddengebied (CCW) in the period 1987 to 1994. The CCW (a platform for administrative consultation between the government, the Wadden provinces and the Wadden municipalities) was set up in 1980 for the purpose of "ensuring coherent administration and an coordinated policy by the government, provinces and municipalities with regard to the Wadden region." The study is based on a bottleneck analysis; in other words, by identifying problems, concrete solutions can be proposed. The evaluation study employed a combination of two popular lines of research in organizational sociology literature – the 'whole-system approach' and the 'parties approach'. In the whole-system approach, shared values or a feeling of solidarity are what unites the organization. In the parties approach, the organization is seen as a coalition of parties with different interests and aims. The parties work together for their own benefit, or because negative sanctions force them to do so. Both approaches are integrated in the 'parties-withina-system' perspective, which focuses on the relationships between the parties and the organization as a whole. This integral approach was used to evaluate the functioning of the CCW because the CCW places great emphasis on shared values and responsibilities, which are the core elements of the whole-system approach. At the same time, however, the CCW is composed of different parties which all have their own tasks, powers and interests – the core elements of the parties approach. This perspective has been tailored to the evaluation of the CCW using the following criteria: shared values, support base, differing interests, power structure, sense of purpose, and success/failure factors. The study is based on qualitative interviews with participants in the CCW platforms, telephone interviews with councillors and members of the States General, dossier analyses and reconstructions from minutes from the CCW consultations on the following cases: enlarging the scope of the Nature Conservation Act; delegation of powers with regard to inspection and control; co-ordination of international activities, problems relating to 'traditional brown shipping'; the review of the Waddenzee II Key Planning Decision, and gas extraction in the Wadden Sea. This treatment of the original research report emphasizes a systematic description of conduct within the context of the administrative co-ordination of the Wadden region, which is usually of a closed nature. The main problem areas are the following: a lack of shared values due to the fact that the purpose of the Wadden consultation platform is given a different interpretation depending on the interests in question; by way of preparation for the Wadden consultations, a process of harmonization takes place within the various authorities, thereby creating an administrative support base. However, this process of preliminary consultation and feedback reveals the other side of the bureaucratic coin – this circuit is, administratively and politically speaking, strongly inward-looking; there are no substantial conflicts of interest between the layers of government. However, mutual suspicion exists with regard to the extent to which other parties are committed to the Wadden policy. Each party suspects that the other parties will ultimately allow economic interests to prevail; with regard to the delegation of authority, the balance of power between the government and the provinces is seen as unacceptable. The continuous lack of consensus, whether manifest or otherwise, is a barrier to discussion on a equal footing; there are various problems relating to the sense of purpose, including the role of the Chairman and the lack of a clear definition/delegation of tasks. This analysis shows that the problems are not related to the structure of the Wadden consultative platform but rather to its culture, and more specifically to the participants' perceptions of the role and responsibilities of the platform. In addition, there appears to be a distinct lack of leadership. The main conclusions are as follows: harmonization within the various Wadden authorities (government, provinces and municipalities) hampers harmonization between the Wadden authorities; the representatives from the three layers of government do not present the role and purpose of the consultative platform in a consistent and uniform way; the CCW is hampered in its work by an ongoing debate about how powers are delegated between the layers of government. Because the analysis of success and failure factors revealed that clearly defined relationships between the government authorities are essential for successful consultation, possible solutions aim to create that clarity. Recommendations have been laid down, for example, relating to the role of the Chairman, drawing up the agenda, and clearly defining the tasks of the various bodies. Although, as far back as 1995, the CCW largely acknowledged the problem areas and supported the proposals for improvement, none of the recommendations will actually be implemented before 2001. Politics and the press on the ecological infrastructure in Friesland and Drenthe Section 2 describes a study of the relationship between the regional press and northern provincial politics. The basis for the study is the political decision-making regarding the establishment of the ecological infrastructure in the provinces of Friesland and Drenthe in the period 1989 to 1996. The conclusion of a survey of the relationship between the printed press and parliamentary democracy is that the main function of the press is to provide information, criticism and comment. The role of information-provider is examined on the basis of the following: actual report of a meeting of the Provincial Councils; a news report giving information about matters relating to the ecological infrastructure in both provinces; a background article describing the context, history and/or different interpretations of matters relating to the ecological infrastructure. The role of critic is examined on the basis of the following: editorial comment; a column in which one of the editors gives his opinion under his own name; opinions of third parties, in which a third party, who is not an editor, is given the opportunity to express an opinion. Using four recent examples, it is then argued that the central question relating to the relationship between politics and the press is one of management – who controls political communication or, put another way, is the relationship determined by 'party logic' or by 'media logic'? The study will compare decision-making on the ecological infrastructure (as this was perceived in decision-making meetings of the provincial councils) with reporting by the regional press in both provinces. The decision-making process of the provincial councils was reconstructed for this purpose. The result is not only an analytical reconstruction of the decision-making surrounding the ecological infrastructure in Friesland and Drenthe, but also a chronicle of provincial political customs and morals. A quantitative and qualitative analysis subsequently shows how the regional press fulfils its role as information provider and critic. The quantitative analysis addresses the question of how often the press fulfils its role as information provider and critic with regard to decision-making on the ecological infrastructure. The qualitative analysis addresses the question of how the press fulfils those roles. It is argued that the quality of the information provided is determined by the degree of objectivity, but that the best measure of quality is a clear standpoint. These conclusions were used to formulate an 'ideal' against which the quality of informative and critical articles can be measured. A factual report is as objective as possible when: it deals not only with the decision itself, but also with the opinion-forming process; it gives the opinion not only of the representatives of official bodies, but also of opponents or those outside such bodies; the reporter does not give his own opinion. A news report or background article is as objective as possible when: it presents more than one perspective and/or quotes more than one authority on the subject. An editorial or column makes a constructive critical contribution when: the author adopts a clear standpoint; the context (history, background or current event) of that standpoint is given; the author describes how the standpoint was reached, and on which information or authorities it is based. Conclusions about the information function: in almost half of the cases, the regional newspapers do not report on provincial council meetings relating to the ecological infrastructure. The people who live in the province, but fall outside a given environmental or agricultural target group, will not become informed about the ecological infrastructure by reading their local newspaper. Neither will they become informed about the role of the provincial government in this; in the reports which do deal with meetings of the provincial councils, there is a lack of balance. Generally speaking, no effort is made in such reports to show the full palette of political colours represented in the provincial council; there is only relatively wide newspaper coverage on occasions when political emotions are running high. Examples are: Friesland in 1993, when an agreement was reached with the agricultural sector, and Drenthe in 1993, when an amended programme of intent for the soil-protection areas was introduced (the agricultural lobby also played an important role in this). This attention from the press can be explained by incident politics. Political groups hold widely different opinions; they make no effort to hide their differences and journalists are keen to pick up on this. Another possible explanation is that, in these cases, ecological policy is heavily influenced by the farming lobby, which itself is strongly supported by influential political groups; the news reports are usually brief and present an event from only one perspective, without a journalistic contribution from the author. This leads to the inevitable conclusion that press releases sent to the newspapers have been published without any further interpretation; the most common simple perspective is that which opposes the ecological infrastructure; there are very few background articles. Background articles that clarify the situation, and outline the problems confronting provincial politicians, are indispensable with regard to a far-reaching and complex plan such as the development of the ecological infrastructure of the two provinces; it is notable that most of the background articles are only written from one perspective, with very little informative context. On the basis of these findings, it appears that the way in which the regional press fulfils its role as information provider leaves room for improvement. Scant attention is paid to council decision-making and the quality of reporting also leaves something to be desired. Little can be said about how the press fulfils the role as critic because so few articles appear in this context. The question Who controls political communication? cannot therefore be answered because the press pays too little attention to provincial politics. Goal-oriented or value-oriented rationality: which form of rationality determines political action? Section 3 examines which form of rationality (i.e. goal-oriented or value-oriented rationality) occurs most in the closed discussions between government bodies in the Wadden study, or in public discussions on the ecological infrastructure from the study of the relationship between politics and the press. For this purpose the rationalization theories from the work of Weber and Mannheim were used. Both Weber and Mannheim recognise increasing instrumental and formal rationality (Weber) and functional rationality (Mannheim) in all areas of life, and a decrease in material rationality (Weber) and substantial rationality (Mannheim). Weber and Mannheim identify the rise and influence of a specific form of instrumental rationality, particularly within economic, legal and bureaucratic institutions. Within such institutions, actions are characterized by goal-oriented rationality. This means that the prevalent institutional pattern of norms and values that more or less prescribes how people should act within the institutions (role-related behaviour) places great emphasis on goal-rational behaviour. In order to establish whether this also applies in provincial politics and administration, a study was made of the conception of rationality in the work of Weber and Mannheim. The question of whether goal-oriented or value-oriented rationality is dominant is addressed by a secondary analysis of the material. The secondary analysis takes the form of a 'rationality grid' that is applied to the material from the two empirical studies. The grid has a coarsely meshed structure that can separate out goal-oriented and value-oriented rationality. Following the study of Weber and Mannheim's concepts of rationality, goal-oriemted rational action is defined in this study as action that is geared towards finding the most appropriate means to achieve a goal that is considered as given. When action is successful in terms of the defined goal, we speak of goal-oriented rational action and formal rationality. Success or effectiveness is therefore the measure for goal-rational behaviour. The essence of this concept is expressed in the following questions: is conduct geared towards resources and procedures within the given of administrative co-ordination or within the structured political (provincial) discussions? are the goals open to discussion? If action is a logical extension of or derives from a higher value or ideal, we speak of 'valueoriented rational action' and 'material rationality'. The extent to which an action is valueoriented is therefore the measure for value-rationality. In this study, value-oriented rational action is defined as action that is based on the assessment of the desirability of a given goal by means of a party-political value system. The essence of the concept, as used in the present context, is expressed in the following question: is the action geared towards assessing the desirability of a particular goal, based on a political value system? Conclusions: 1. With regard to discussion between government bodies on the subject of the Wadden region, the hypothesis was that, within the sphere of formalised and regulated administrative co-ordination in the Wadden region, actions are largely determined by goal-oriented rationality. The purpose of the discussion platform is, after all, to co-ordinate and realise goals defined elsewhere. The hypothesis is confirmed – the Wadden discussion platform is characterized by goal-oriented rational action. But this type of action is not related to the ultimate goal of the discussion platform but rather to another goal: the increasing of the influence and governance of the government layer in question. 2. With regard to the decision-making on the ecological infrastructure in Friesland and Drenthe, the hypothesis was that political decision-making debates are characterized by the discussion of values to be lived up to and aims to be realised. It is therefore to be expected that such debates are mainly characterized by value-oriented rationality. However, the findings do not confirm this hypothesis. The discussions of the provincial councils of Drenthe and Friesland are certainly not goal-rational in nature, yet neither can they be described as valuerational. Actions are indeed geared towards assessing the desirability of a particular goal, but that assessment is not based on a political value system. It is not party-political principles that determine political conduct; it would be more true to say that conduct is based on notions of consistency in terms of policy and support.
Background. According to domestic scientists, 75% of combat veterans diagnosed with symptoms that can diagnose mental and behavioral disorders because of alcohol consumption. Almost 100 thousand patients with alcohol dependence registered at the narcological dispensaries annually in Ukraine. The aim of the study was to study the pharmaceutical provision of addiction syndrome because of alcohol use (F10.2) with the definition of the parameters of the control regime among participants in combat operations. Materials and methods. In order to achieve this goal, existing international and domestic legislative, normative and legal, methodological documents; scientific sources; instructions for medical use of medicines; Internet-resources that processed using normative legal, documentary, forensic, pharmaceutical, comparative and graphical methods of analysis were used. Results. The consistency of the pharmacotherapy principles of alcohol addiction syndrome (F10.2) at the international and national levels was clarified by comparative analysis of the clinical and pharmacological groups of medicines in the following regulatory documents: Drugs used in alcohol dependence EBM Guidelines 8.9.2017 (Latest changes 8.9. 2017 Kaarlo Simojoki); the Order of the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine No. 681 dated September 21, 2009 "On Approval of Clinical Protocols for the Provision of Medical Aid in the Specialty "Narcology"; the Order of the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine No. 868 dated May 10, 2018 "On approval of the tenth issue of the State Form of Medicines and ensuring their availability"; the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 333 dated September 25, 2009 "Some issues of state regulation of prices for medicines and medical products", which approved the National List of Basic Medicines. Conclusions. The pharmaceutical provision for addiction syndrome because of alcohol consumption (F10.2) studied with determination of the parameters of the control regime among the participants of the military operations. Analyzed the rubricification of code F10.2 "Addiction syndrome due to alcohol use" for ICD-10 numbering 11 items. Systematized the clinical and pharmacological groups of medicinal products used for the pharmaceutical provision of addiction syndrome due to the use of alcohol among participants of military operations. Based on the analysis of the regulatory framework, determined that in the clinical protocols of the provision of medical care in the specialty "Narcology" all studied clinical and pharmacological groups of medicines for the pharmacotherapy of addiction syndrome due to alcohol use were included; in the State Form of Medicine there are no sensitizing drugs; in the National List of Essential Medicines there are no 4 clinical and pharmacological groups: psychoanalyptics (antidepressants), sensitizing drugs, peripheral vasodilators, derivatives of g-aminobutyric acid (sodium oxybutyrate), parameters of the control regimen of drugs for pharmacotherapy of addiction syndrome due to alcohol use Participants in military operations. Noted that the special regime of control has according to the classification and legal group 3 psychotropic drugs (diazepam, sodium oxibiturate and phenobarbital), which should be located in healthcare institutions on the subject and quantitative accounting. Proved in the comparative aspect, the features of licensing of studied medicinal products in medical and pharmacy establishments of healthcare. Regarding the legal status of the investigational medicinal products, taking into account the parameters of their control regime, they will increase the level of their legal, informational and physical accessibility for doctors, pharmacists and patients, and also proper organization of circulation procedure of such drugs on the stages of the appointment, discharge, storage, accounting, quality control and delivery in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine. ; Актуальность. По данным отечественных ученых, у 75% ветеранов боевых действий отмечаются симптомы, которые позволяют диагностировать психические и поведенческие расстройства вследствие употребления алкоголя. В Украине ежегодно почти 100 тысяч пациентов с алкогольной зависимостью становятся на учет в наркологические диспансеры. Цель исследования: Изучить фармацевтическое обеспечение синдрома зависимости вследствие употребления алкоголя (F 10.2) с определением параметров режима контроля среди участников боевых действий. Материалы и методы. Для достижения поставленной цели были использованы действующие международные и отечественные законодательные, нормативно-правовые и инструктивно-методические документы; научные источники; инструкции по применению лекарственных средств; Internet-ресурсы, которые были обработаны с применением нормативно-правового, документального, судебно-фармацевтического, сравнительного и графического методов анализа. Результаты. Согласованность принципов фармакотерапии синдрома зависимости от алкоголя (F 10.2) на международном и национальном уровнях определялась путем сравнительного анализа клинико-фармакологических групп лекарственных средств в таких нормативно-правовых документах: Drugs used in alcohol dependence EBM Guidelines 8.9.2017 (Latest change 8.9. 2017 Kaarlo Simojoki); приказ МЗ Украины № 681 от 21.09.2009 г. «Об утверждении клинических протоколов оказания медицинской помощи по специальности "Наркология"»; приказ МЗ Украины № 868 от 10.05.2018 г. «Об утверждении десятого выпуска Государственного формуляра лекарственных средств и обеспечения его доступности»; Постановление КМ Украины № 333 от 25.09.2009 г. «Некоторые вопросы государственного регулирования цен на лекарственные средства и изделия медицинского назначения», которым утвержден Национальный перечень основных лекарственных средств. Выводы. Изучено фармацевтическое обеспечение синдрома зависимости вследствие употребления алкоголя (F 10.2) с определением параметров режима контроля среди участников боевых действий. Проанализирована рубрификация кода F10.2 «Синдром зависимости вследствие употребления алкоголя» согласно МКБ-10, которая насчитывает 11 позиций. Систематизированы клинико-фармакологические группы лекарственных средств, которые используются для фармацевтического обеспечения синдрома зависимости вследствие употребления алкоголя среди участников боевых действий. На основании анализа нормативной базы определено, что в клиническом протоколе оказания медицинской помощи по специальности «Наркология» включены все исследуемые клинико-фармакологические группы лекарственных средств для фармакотерапии синдрома зависимости вследствие употребления алкоголя; в Государственном формуляре лекарственных средств отсутствуют сенсибилизирующие лекарственные средства; в Национальном перечне основных лекарственных средств отсутствуют 4 клинико-фармакологические группы: психоаналептики (антидепрессанты); сенсибилизирующие лекарственные средства; периферические вазодилататоры, производные g-аминомасляной кислоты (натрия оксибутират). Установлены параметры режима контроля лекарственных средств для фармакотерапии синдрома зависимости вследствие употребления алкоголя среди участников боевых действий. Указано, что специальный режим контроля имеют по классификационно-правовой группе 3 психотропные лекарственные средства (диазепам, натрия оксибутират и фенобарбитал), которые должны находиться в учреждениях здравоохранения на предметно-количественном учете. В сравнительном аспекте обоснованы особенности лицензирования оборота лекарственных средств в медицинских и аптечных учреждениях. Внедрение в деятельность учреждений здравоохранения данных относительно правового статуса лекарственных средств с учетом параметров их режима контроля обеспечит повышение уровня их правовой, информационной и физической доступности для врачей, провизоров и пациентов, а также надлежащую организацию порядка обращения таких лекарственных средств на этапах назначения, выписки, хранения, учета, контроля качества и отпуска в соответствии с требованиями действующего законодательства Украины. ; Актуальність. За даними вітчизняних вчених, у 75% ветеранів бойових дій відзначаються симптоми, які дозволяють діагностувати психічні і поведінкові розлади внаслідок вживання алкоголю. В Україні щороку майже 100 тисяч пацієнтів з алкогольною залежністю поступають на облік у наркологічні диспансери. Мета дослідження: вивчити фармацевтичне забезпечення синдрому залежності внаслідок вживання алкоголю (F 10.2) з визначенням параметрів режиму контролю серед учасників бойових дій. Матеріали та методи. Для досягнення поставленої мети було використано чинні міжнародні та вітчизняні законодавчі, нормативно-правові та інструктивно-методичні документи; наукові джерела; інструкції для медичного застосування лікарських засобів; Internet-ресурси, які було оброблено із застосуванням нормативно-правового, документального, судово-фармацевтичного, порівняльного та графічного методів аналізу. Результати. Узгодженість принципів фармакотерапії синдрому залежності від алкоголю (F 10.2) на міжнародному і національному рівнях з'ясовувалася шляхом порівняльного аналізу клініко-фармакологічних груп лікарських засобів у таких нормативно-правових документах: Drugs used in alcohol dependence EBM Guidelines 8.9.2017 (Latest change 8.9.2017 Kaarlo Simojoki); наказ МОЗ України № 681 від 21.09.2009 р. «Про затвердження клінічних протоколів надання медичної допомоги зі спеціальності "Наркологія"»; наказ МОЗ України № 868 від 10.05.2018 р. «Про затвердження десятого випуску Державного формуляра лікарських засобів та забезпечення його доступності»; Постанова КМ України № 333 від 25.09.2009 р. «Деякі питання державного регулювання цін на лікарські засоби і вироби медичного призначення», якою затверджено Національний перелік основних лікарських засобів. Висновки. Вивчено фармацевтичне забезпечення синдрому залежності внаслідок вживання алкоголю (F 10.2) з визначенням параметрів режиму контролю серед учасників бойових дій. Проаналізовано рубрифікацію коду F10.2 «Синдром залежності внаслідок вживання алкоголю» за МКХ-10, що налічує 11 позицій. Систематизовано клініко-фармакологічні групи лікарських засобів, що використовуються для фармацевтичного забезпечення синдрому залежності внаслідок вживання алкоголю серед учасників бойових дій. На підставі аналізу нормативної бази визначено, що в клінічному протоколі надання медичної допомоги зі спеціальності «Наркологія» включено всі досліджувані клініко-фармакологічні групи лікарських засобів для фармакотерапії синдрому залежності внаслідок вживання алкоголю; у Державному формулярі лікарських засобів відсутні сенсибілізуючі лікарські засоби; у Національному переліку основних лікарських засобів відсутні 4 клініко-фармакологічні групи: психоаналептики (антидепресанти); сенсибілізуючі лікарські засоби; периферичні вазоділататори; похідні g-аміномасляної кислоти (натрію оксибутирату). Встановлено параметри режиму контролю лікарських засобів для фармакотерапії синдрому залежності внаслідок вживання алкоголю серед учасників бойових дій. Зазначено, що спеціальний режим контролю мають за класифікаційно-правовою групою 3 психотропні лікарські засоби (діазепам, натрію оксибутират і фенобарбітал), які повинні бути в закладах охорони здоров'я на предметно-кількісному обліку. У порівняльному аспекті доведено особливості ліцензування обігу досліджуваних лікарських засобів у медичних та аптечних закладах охорони здоров'я. Висновки. Впровадження в діяльність закладів охорони здоров'я даних щодо правового статусу досліджуваних лікарських засобів з урахуванням параметрів їх режиму контролю забезпечить підвищення рівня їх правової, інформаційної та фізичної доступності для лікарів, провізорів і пацієнтів, а також належну організацію порядку обігу таких лікарських засобів на етапах призначення, виписування, зберігання, обліку, контролю якості та відпуску відповідно до вимог чинного законодавства України.
Global Governance has been increasingly used in the study of International Relations which, thanks to its versatility and utility, has generated an expansion of its conceptual, methodological, and practical scope. Regional governance is a useful derivation because it makes it easier to understand, from a more precise perspective, how global issues with local repercussions are solved. In this sense, the article shows that security governance in Latin America is characterized by enduring balance of power practices, geopolitics, and mistrust between different parties. At the same time there is coexistence between the historical intention to establish security communities, to find resolutions to controversies, and to solve disputes through institutional instruments, principles, and values that favor peaceful means. In other words, in the region we are in the presence of a hybrid security governance, with practices that evolve over time in accordance with three key factors: the behavior of States and other agents, the capacity of institutions to overcome structural and conjunctural challenges, and finally, the effects of changes in perceptions of organized crime and other ideological and political challenges. Therefore, this article consists of three parts. In the first, the definitions and scope of global governance will be reviewed. Subsequently, its utility will be validated for the comprehension of regional orders and the characteristics that are forged there. Finally, it will be used to expose the hybrid characteristics in Latin America throughout the 21st century. Traditionally, since its inception as a scientific discipline, the explanations provided by International Relations,have been the subject of multifaceted debates. In fact, it was through these great debates, sometimes theoretical and in other cases methodological, that the discipline grew in terms of academic and research production, as well as in the political scope for decision-making. This led to the creation of a true field of study, which took as its initial object of study the area of war and peace between nations, before later moving on to cooperation, the environment, and other issues of the contemporary international agenda. Likewise, governance has been an ideal vehicle to give greater scope and heterogeneity to explanations of processes and empirical events, ones which go beyond traditional theoretical approaches such as realism, institutional liberalism or constructivism. Along the same lines, this progressive academic production has stimulated the specialization and concentration of governance in regional orders, since it allows a clearer reflection on the historical patterns of behavior among the members. This offers a more nuanced explanation of the challenges present,the responses required for structural or conjunctural issues, and the eventual emergence of distinctive elements between different groups. Security governance has mainly focused on four challenges to solve. First, the expansion of the research agenda to specific contexts; second, the greater attention that academic production should give to the relationship between intergovernmental organizations and other non-state actors in defined spaces; third, the predominance of explanations on security in the Euro-Atlantic region and, finally, the need to further link the security governance agenda to debates on region and regionalism. In the same way, the construction and specific behaviors developed in the regions cannot be detached from global dynamics. In this sense, regardless of the geographical character of a region such as Europe or South America, these are mainly political factors, as Hurrell well recognizes, that regional dynamics are a historical social construction, which has been politically contested and criticized. with the intention of recognizing patterns of continuity and transformation, which facilitate the identification of dynamics that particularize and distinguish between them. In this sense, Latin America has not neglected the use of governance, as a concept and as a valid analysis methodology to understand the distinctive characteristics that have made up a particular set of elements that, on the one hand, endure over time and, on the other hand, have recently changed. When referring to security, the opposing points of view show the emergence and incipient development of a heterogeneous, incomplete, and controversial governance. The main objective of this article, based on a hybrid and eclectic approach, will be to understand the evolution of the concept of governance and establish the characteristics of security for Latin America. Thus, in matters of security governance, this article highlights the hybrid character from two lines of argument; on the one hand, there are defenders of a vision based on geopolitics, the balance of power and the latent tension between states; and on the other, there is one more oriented to analyze security characteristics from a constructivist, associative and cooperative perspective. Indeed, Adler and Greve presented an interesting initial reflection on the subject, in the sense that both are necessary for the holistic understanding of the movements, not always ascending, that states carry to equip themselves with instruments and mechanisms that enable them. They allow you to live together in a more harmonious and peaceful way. First, some authors situate regional governance in mainly realistic terms, in which the dynamics of balance of power between states continue to prevail two hundred years after independence. They underline, for example, realities of ungovernability, while a series of specific variables, among which at least five stand out: first, the old geopolitical tensions between states continue to determine situations of conflict and mistrust; secondly, the competencies of individual and personal leaders in provision of common goods and dispute resolution stand out. Third, regional disputes have continued to be fueled both by internal competition - that is, between the states of the region - and, at the same time, by permissiveness in the face of the influence of external powers; Fourth, the importance of the quality of democracy for the countries of the region, which facilitates internal governance processes and strengthening the rule of law and, finally, the link between security and the economy in terms of economic development, that is, the effect of economic independence and economic autonomy in strengthening state security. Second, there is the most interpretive line of reflection on reality, highlighting that beyond the instruments of power and geopolitical, political processes and new ideological realignments must be understood, in which the following variables can be highlighted: first, the internal factors that condition or reinforce the international action of the States; second, the regional redefinition based on the creation of alternative multilateral forums, beyond the OAS, such as CELAC, UNASUR or ALBA, in which there are also components not only of trade and integration, but also of security and, finally, the little regional cooperation in security with low institutional, political and budgetary density. ; La gobernanza global es un enfoque que se incorpora con mayor interés en el estudio de las Relaciones internacionales. Su versatilidad y utilidad amplían el alcance conceptual, metodológico y práctico de la disciplina, lo cual permite investigar y explicar las interacciones y procesos en ocasiones poco claros que se producen entre actores de distinta naturaleza. Desde esta aproximación, la Gobernanza se ha erigido como una herramienta que amplía las explicaciones de los enfoques conceptuales y metodológicos tradicionalmente utilizados, en otras palabras, la gobernanza es un enfoque multidisciplinario y reflexivo que logra desvanecer fronteras interpuestas por los lentes teóricos convencionales y adicionalmente genera nuevas comprensiones entre lo global y lo local. Con base en lo anterior, se ha abierto y estimulado la utilización de la gobernanza al estudio de los órdenes regionales, pues aquellos se encargan de gestionar la agenda internacional, variada y compleja, ubicándose en un punto medio entre dinámicas globales y afectaciones locales. En ese sentido, ha contribuido a fortalecer una comprensión holística de los patrones históricos de comportamiento entre los miembros que los conforman, otorgándole mayor profundidad, ampliación y reflexividad a los procesos y desafíos allí presentes, así como a las respuestas requeridas a disyuntivas estructurales y coyunturales que evolucionan o emergen. En ese sentido, América Latina ha vivido en los últimos veinte años importantes transformaciones en la forma en la que se relacionan los estados y otros actores. La agenda de seguridad no ha sido ajena al fenómeno, por el contrario, el estudio de la gobernanza de seguridad se ha insertado como una categoría adicional de estudio. Así las cosas, la seguridad contemporánea emerge de una combinación entre estructuras políticas, sociales y culturales, que reflejan tendencias históricas, así como nuevos marcos de comprensión analítica, generando un espacio gris, híbrido y heterogéneo. El objetivo central de este artículo es establecer aquellas variables teóricas y prácticas necesarias para el estudio de la gobernanza híbrida de seguridad en América Latina a lo largo del siglo XXI a partir de un enfoque metodológico analítico, ecléctico y situado que señale los elementos distintivos y al mismo tiempo disputados o enfrentados que le han dado forma a la región. Se señala entonces que, la gobernanza híbrida seguirá alterando las definiciones tanto de seguridad como de región, conforme se alteren las dinámicas de poder, los principios y valores que guían el comportamiento de los agentes involucrados y la eficacia que tengan las organizaciones regionales para la gestión de los desafíos presentes y futuros. Para lo anterior, este escrito consta de tres partes. En la primera, se hará una revisión exhaustiva de las definiciones y alcance de la gobernanza global para así facilitar la comprensión sobre su utilidad teórica, revisando algunas críticas. Posteriormente se validará su beneficio para formular nuevos marcos de comprensión acerca de los órdenes regionales y las características que allí se forjan y, finalmente, se empleará para mostrar cómo ha consolidado una estructura heterogénea, disputada y conflictiva que no se ha terminado de completar o de desarrollar en América Latina.
This article considers the implementation of the right to higher education for learners with special needs in Lithuania. Although this right is guaranteed by various international documents and national legal acts, the main responsibility to ensure equality in higher education for all learners is embedded in the discretion of higher education institutions. The aim of this article is to analyse Lithuanian legal regulation regarding inclusion of students with special needs into higher education institutions and to evaluate Lithuanian university policies, as institutional documents, concerning students with special educational needs. A brief overview and comparison of all Lithuanian HEI policies illustrates the institutional approach towards educating students with SEN and the level of attentiveness to realization of their right to education. The research also considers pivotal challenges of ensuring inclusive education for those students as well as presents recommendations to address these challenges. ; Aušrinė Pasvenskienė: ausrine.pasvenskiene@vdu.lt ; Milda Žaliauskaitė: milda.zaliauskaite@vdu.lt ; Aušrinė Pasvenskienė – doktor, prodziekan i wykładowca na Uniwersytecie Witolda Wielkiego w Kownie (Litwa). Jej zainteresowania naukowe obejmują prawo edukacyjne, prawo i technologie, technologie cyfrowe i edukację, prawa człowieka w edukacji, edukację prawniczą. ; Aušrinė Pasvenskienė – Dr, lecturer at the Vytautas Magnus University, Vice-Dean, lecturer and researcher at Vytautas Magnus University, Faculty of Law (Kaunas, Lithuania). Her esearch interests include: education law, law and technologies, digital technologies and education, human rights in education, legal education. ; Milda Žaliauskaitė – doktorantka na Uniwersytecie Witolda Wielkiego w Kownie (Litwa). 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Metaphors are used in political discourse in order to advance one particular view of the world whilst delegitimising other ideologies and belittling political opponents. The author verifies this claim by analysing the wrestling with a pig in the mud metaphor in light of the Critical Metaphor Analysis model and by providing broad reference to the socio-political context of the 2019 European Parliament election in Poland. Consistent with the premises of the selected paradigm, the investigation is performed at three intermingling levels. Basic categories of source domains present in the complex metaphorical structure are identified at the descriptive level. At the interpretative level, attention is directed towards mapping out correspondences between source and target domains. 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Актуальность. По данным отечественных ученых, у 75% ветеранов боевых действий отмечаются симптомы, которые позволяют диагностировать психические и поведенческие расстройства вследствие употребления алкоголя. В Украине ежегодно почти 100 тысяч пациентов с алкогольной зависимостью становятся на учет в наркологические диспансеры. Цель исследования: Изучить фармацевтическое обеспечение синдрома зависимости вследствие употребления алкоголя (F 10.2) с определением параметров режима контроля среди участников боевых действий. Материалы и методы. Для достижения поставленной цели были использованы действующие международные и отечественные законодательные, нормативно-правовые и инструктивно-методические документы; научные источники; инструкции по применению лекарственных средств; Internet-ресурсы, которые были обработаны с применением нормативно-правового, документального, судебно-фармацевтического, сравнительного и графического методов анализа. Результаты. Согласованность принципов фармакотерапии синдрома зависимости от алкоголя (F 10.2) на международном и национальном уровнях определялась путем сравнительного анализа клинико-фармакологических групп лекарственных средств в таких нормативно-правовых документах: Drugs used in alcohol dependence EBM Guidelines 8.9.2017 (Latest change 8.9. 2017 Kaarlo Simojoki); приказ МЗ Украины № 681 от 21.09.2009 г. «Об утверждении клинических протоколов оказания медицинской помощи по специальности "Наркология"»; приказ МЗ Украины № 868 от 10.05.2018 г. «Об утверждении десятого выпуска Государственного формуляра лекарственных средств и обеспечения его доступности»; Постановление КМ Украины № 333 от 25.09.2009 г. «Некоторые вопросы государственного регулирования цен на лекарственные средства и изделия медицинского назначения», которым утвержден Национальный перечень основных лекарственных средств. Выводы. Изучено фармацевтическое обеспечение синдрома зависимости вследствие употребления алкоголя (F 10.2) с определением параметров режима контроля среди участников боевых действий. Проанализирована рубрификация кода F10.2 «Синдром зависимости вследствие употребления алкоголя» согласно МКБ-10, которая насчитывает 11 позиций. Систематизированы клинико-фармакологические группы лекарственных средств, которые используются для фармацевтического обеспечения синдрома зависимости вследствие употребления алкоголя среди участников боевых действий. На основании анализа нормативной базы определено, что в клиническом протоколе оказания медицинской помощи по специальности «Наркология» включены все исследуемые клинико-фармакологические группы лекарственных средств для фармакотерапии синдрома зависимости вследствие употребления алкоголя; в Государственном формуляре лекарственных средств отсутствуют сенсибилизирующие лекарственные средства; в Национальном перечне основных лекарственных средств отсутствуют 4 клинико-фармакологические группы: психоаналептики (антидепрессанты); сенсибилизирующие лекарственные средства; периферические вазодилататоры, производные g-аминомасляной кислоты (натрия оксибутират). Установлены параметры режима контроля лекарственных средств для фармакотерапии синдрома зависимости вследствие употребления алкоголя среди участников боевых действий. Указано, что специальный режим контроля имеют по классификационно-правовой группе 3 психотропные лекарственные средства (диазепам, натрия оксибутират и фенобарбитал), которые должны находиться в учреждениях здравоохранения на предметно-количественном учете. В сравнительном аспекте обоснованы особенности лицензирования оборота лекарственных средств в медицинских и аптечных учреждениях. Внедрение в деятельность учреждений здравоохранения данных относительно правового статуса лекарственных средств с учетом параметров их режима контроля обеспечит повышение уровня их правовой, информационной и физической доступности для врачей, провизоров и пациентов, а также надлежащую организацию порядка обращения таких лекарственных средств на этапах назначения, выписки, хранения, учета, контроля качества и отпуска в соответствии с требованиями действующего законодательства Украины. ; Актуальність. За даними вітчизняних вчених, у 75% ветеранів бойових дій відзначаються симптоми, які дозволяють діагностувати психічні і поведінкові розлади внаслідок вживання алкоголю. В Україні щороку майже 100 тисяч пацієнтів з алкогольною залежністю поступають на облік у наркологічні диспансери. Мета дослідження: вивчити фармацевтичне забезпечення синдрому залежності внаслідок вживання алкоголю (F 10.2) з визначенням параметрів режиму контролю серед учасників бойових дій. Матеріали та методи. Для досягнення поставленої мети було використано чинні міжнародні та вітчизняні законодавчі, нормативно-правові та інструктивно-методичні документи; наукові джерела; інструкції для медичного застосування лікарських засобів; Internet-ресурси, які було оброблено із застосуванням нормативно-правового, документального, судово-фармацевтичного, порівняльного та графічного методів аналізу. Результати. Узгодженість принципів фармакотерапії синдрому залежності від алкоголю (F 10.2) на міжнародному і національному рівнях з'ясовувалася шляхом порівняльного аналізу клініко-фармакологічних груп лікарських засобів у таких нормативно-правових документах: Drugs used in alcohol dependence EBM Guidelines 8.9.2017 (Latest change 8.9.2017 Kaarlo Simojoki); наказ МОЗ України № 681 від 21.09.2009 р. «Про затвердження клінічних протоколів надання медичної допомоги зі спеціальності "Наркологія"»; наказ МОЗ України № 868 від 10.05.2018 р. «Про затвердження десятого випуску Державного формуляра лікарських засобів та забезпечення його доступності»; Постанова КМ України № 333 від 25.09.2009 р. «Деякі питання державного регулювання цін на лікарські засоби і вироби медичного призначення», якою затверджено Національний перелік основних лікарських засобів. Висновки. Вивчено фармацевтичне забезпечення синдрому залежності внаслідок вживання алкоголю (F 10.2) з визначенням параметрів режиму контролю серед учасників бойових дій. Проаналізовано рубрифікацію коду F10.2 «Синдром залежності внаслідок вживання алкоголю» за МКХ-10, що налічує 11 позицій. Систематизовано клініко-фармакологічні групи лікарських засобів, що використовуються для фармацевтичного забезпечення синдрому залежності внаслідок вживання алкоголю серед учасників бойових дій. На підставі аналізу нормативної бази визначено, що в клінічному протоколі надання медичної допомоги зі спеціальності «Наркологія» включено всі досліджувані клініко-фармакологічні групи лікарських засобів для фармакотерапії синдрому залежності внаслідок вживання алкоголю; у Державному формулярі лікарських засобів відсутні сенсибілізуючі лікарські засоби; у Національному переліку основних лікарських засобів відсутні 4 клініко-фармакологічні групи: психоаналептики (антидепресанти); сенсибілізуючі лікарські засоби; периферичні вазоділататори; похідні g-аміномасляної кислоти (натрію оксибутирату). Встановлено параметри режиму контролю лікарських засобів для фармакотерапії синдрому залежності внаслідок вживання алкоголю серед учасників бойових дій. Зазначено, що спеціальний режим контролю мають за класифікаційно-правовою групою 3 психотропні лікарські засоби (діазепам, натрію оксибутират і фенобарбітал), які повинні бути в закладах охорони здоров'я на предметно-кількісному обліку. У порівняльному аспекті доведено особливості ліцензування обігу досліджуваних лікарських засобів у медичних та аптечних закладах охорони здоров'я. Висновки. Впровадження в діяльність закладів охорони здоров'я даних щодо правового статусу досліджуваних лікарських засобів з урахуванням параметрів їх режиму контролю забезпечить підвищення рівня їх правової, інформаційної та фізичної доступності для лікарів, провізорів і пацієнтів, а також належну організацію порядку обігу таких лікарських засобів на етапах призначення, виписування, зберігання, обліку, контролю якості та відпуску відповідно до вимог чинного законодавства України. ; Background. According to domestic scientists, 75% of combat veterans diagnosed with symptoms that can diagnose mental and behavioral disorders because of alcohol consumption. Almost 100 thousand patients with alcohol dependence registered at the narcological dispensaries annually in Ukraine. The aim of the study was to study the pharmaceutical provision of addiction syndrome because of alcohol use (F10.2) with the definition of the parameters of the control regime among participants in combat operations. Materials and methods. In order to achieve this goal, existing international and domestic legislative, normative and legal, methodological documents; scientific sources; instructions for medical use of medicines; Internet-resources that processed using normative legal, documentary, forensic, pharmaceutical, comparative and graphical methods of analysis were used. Results. The consistency of the pharmacotherapy principles of alcohol addiction syndrome (F10.2) at the international and national levels was clarified by comparative analysis of the clinical and pharmacological groups of medicines in the following regulatory documents: Drugs used in alcohol dependence EBM Guidelines 8.9.2017 (Latest changes 8.9. 2017 Kaarlo Simojoki); the Order of the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine No. 681 dated September 21, 2009 "On Approval of Clinical Protocols for the Provision of Medical Aid in the Specialty "Narcology"; the Order of the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine No. 868 dated May 10, 2018 "On approval of the tenth issue of the State Form of Medicines and ensuring their availability"; the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 333 dated September 25, 2009 "Some issues of state regulation of prices for medicines and medical products", which approved the National List of Basic Medicines. Conclusions. The pharmaceutical provision for addiction syndrome because of alcohol consumption (F10.2) studied with determination of the parameters of the control regime among the participants of the military operations. Analyzed the rubricification of code F10.2 "Addiction syndrome due to alcohol use" for ICD-10 numbering 11 items. Systematized the clinical and pharmacological groups of medicinal products used for the pharmaceutical provision of addiction syndrome due to the use of alcohol among participants of military operations. Based on the analysis of the regulatory framework, determined that in the clinical protocols of the provision of medical care in the specialty "Narcology" all studied clinical and pharmacological groups of medicines for the pharmacotherapy of addiction syndrome due to alcohol use were included; in the State Form of Medicine there are no sensitizing drugs; in the National List of Essential Medicines there are no 4 clinical and pharmacological groups: psychoanalyptics (antidepressants), sensitizing drugs, peripheral vasodilators, derivatives of g-aminobutyric acid (sodium oxybutyrate), parameters of the control regimen of drugs for pharmacotherapy of addiction syndrome due to alcohol use Participants in military operations. Noted that the special regime of control has according to the classification and legal group 3 psychotropic drugs (diazepam, sodium oxibiturate and phenobarbital), which should be located in healthcare institutions on the subject and quantitative accounting. Proved in the comparative aspect, the features of licensing of studied medicinal products in medical and pharmacy establishments of healthcare. Regarding the legal status of the investigational medicinal products, taking into account the parameters of their control regime, they will increase the level of their legal, informational and physical accessibility for doctors, pharmacists and patients, and also proper organization of circulation procedure of such drugs on the stages of the appointment, discharge, storage, accounting, quality control and delivery in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.
Territorial dynamics are the result of a games of actors within a given geographical area. Understanding them involves identifying the actors' strategies and their relationship to the territory. The gradual investment of at the frontier of civilization to the tourism economy induces significant socio-spatial changes. What are the socio-geographical logics that characterize the tourism transformation of the nature borderlands? The dynamics of tourism destinations are extensively studied but those of nature's borderlands are not. Marginal, peripheral or frontier places are strong in the traveler's imaginaries, they are exotic and constitute geographical objects of their own [part I]. In an ever more urbanized world, the lesser-known areas of nature, defined as Wilderness in the Anglo-Saxon culture, are attracting evermore tourists of all origins.The analysis of the physical particularities, statistical and cartographic data of Touristic Nature Borderland shows the spatial relevancy of the notion. A critical analysis of nature tourism actors' speeches shows their the social-cultural attributes and the imaginaries associated to them. Nature territories are social constructs, they result of a unique cultural organization. Different social representations, individual or collective, generate actor's speeches and actions. They build different Tourism Development Forms that have different logics; state, industrial, traditionalist, entrepreneurial, ecological, alternative or recreational [Part II].The appearance of a form depends on historical and cultural conditions of a territory. It is possible to identify them on a nature area by analyzing tourism actor's speeches and the spatial materiality which result from their actions. The dynamics at work in a recreational area are the result of the existing relationships between group of actors with different conceptions of development. Confrontations and agreements between Tourism Development Forms arise in time and space [part III]. Despite distinct representations of nature and economical justifications, they can unite against a threat to their interests. This is the case, for example, during environmental conflicts, around the industrial use of water resources. On the other hand, public policies wanting to promote the economic development of the territory tend to support only one form of development and thus favor ideological confrontations. The analysis of public and private projects in the region of Aysén in Chilean Patagonia, shows that these favor in partial manner certain actors of the territory. Only some projects, such as scientific tourism, manage to unite actors. This is made possible by empowering them trough a territorial project, cultural rather than commercial, based on the sharing of knowledges and the specification of the tourism resources. The work of a facilitator and mediator, in charge of territorial engineering, insures the collective initiative.An analysis through the lens of Tourism Development Forms proves particularly relevant for emerging systems. The study of the existing conflicts in nature based borderlands reveals processes that are characteristic of modern societies, tourism being at the heart of the contradictions of our civilization anchored in the metropolis. ; Las dinámicas territoriales son el resultado de una interacción entre actores en un área geográfica determinada. Comprenderlos implica identificar las estrategias de estos actores y su relación con el territorio. El arraigo gradual de un espacio en la frontera del ecúmene a la economía del turismo, induce cambios socio-espaciales significativos. ¿Qué lógicas socio-geográficas caracterizan por ende la puesta en turismo de los confines de naturaleza? Las dinámicas de los destinos turísticos han sido ampliamente estudiadas, pero los confines de naturaleza no lo son. Lugares marginales, periféricos o fronterizos, están omnipresentes en el imaginario del viaje, cargados de alteridad y constituyen objetos geográficos pertinentes en sí [parte I]. En un mundo cada vez más urbanizado, las áreas naturales menos conocidas, llamadas Wilderness por los anglosajones, atraen cada vez a más a los turistas de todos los orígenes.El análisis de las características físicas, de los datos estadísticos y cartográficos de los Confines Turísticos de Naturaleza muestra la relevancia espacial de la noción. La interpretación de los discursos de los actores del turismo de naturaleza permite especificar los atributos socioculturales y los imaginarios asociados a ellos. Los territorios de la naturaleza son constructos sociales, producto de una organización cultural singular. Diferentes representaciones sociales, individuales o colectivas producen discursos y lógicas de actores. Nace de estas diferentes Formas de Desarrollo Turístico que son estatales, industriales, tradicionalistas, empresariales, ecológicas, alternativas o recreativas [Parte II].La aparición de una forma depende de las condiciones históricas y culturales en un territorio. Es posible identificarlos en un espacio de la naturaleza gracias al análisis los discursos de los actores del turismo y las materialidades espaciales que resultan de sus acciones. Las dinámicas existentes en un territorio de prácticas recreativas dependen de las relaciones que establecen los colectivos de actores con concepciones distintas del desarrollo. Confrontaciones y compromisos entre las Formas de Desarrollo Turístico se establecen en el tiempo y el espacio [parte III]. A pesar de tener representaciones de la naturaleza y justificaciones económicas disimiles estas pueden unirse frente a una amenaza a sus intereses. Este es el caso, por ejemplo, durante los conflictos ambientales vinculados a usos industriales de los recursos hídricos. Por otro lado, las políticas públicas, que quieren promover el desarrollo económico del territorio, suelen apoyar solo una forma de desarrollo y por ende incrementar los enfrentamientos ideológicos. El análisis de proyectos públicos y privados en la región de Aysén, en la Patagonia Chilena, muestra que los proyectos de estado favorecen de manera parcial a ciertos actores del territorio. Solo ciertos proyectos, como el de turismo científico, logran unir a los actores. Esto ha sido posible gracias a un proceso de participación real en un proyecto territorializado, más bien cultural que comercial, mediante el intercambio de conocimiento y la especificación del recurso turístico. La acción de un facilitador, o mediador, a cargo de la ingeniería. territorial, asegura la puesta en marcha de la iniciativa colectiva.Una lectura mediante las Formas de Desarrollo Turístico parece particularmente relevante para caracterizar las dinámicas de los sistemas emergentes. El estudio de las tensiones existentes en los confines de la Naturaleza revela procesos característicos de las sociedades contemporáneas por ser el turismo central en las contradicciones de nuestra civilización anclada a las metrópolis. ; Les dynamiques territoriales sont le résultat des jeux d'acteurs au sein d'un espace géographique déterminé. Les comprendre suppose de cerner les stratégies d'acteurs et leurs rapports au territoire. L'ancrage progressif d'un espace à la frontière de l'écoumène dans l'économie du tourisme induit des changements socio-spatiaux importants. Quelles logiques sociogéographiques caractérisent alors la mise en tourisme des confins de nature ? Les dynamiques des destinations touristiques sont abondamment étudiées, mais celles des confins de nature ne le sont pas. Lieux marginaux, périphériques ou frontaliers, ils sont omniprésents dans les imaginaires du voyage, car chargés d'altérité, et constituent des objets géographiques à part entière [partie I]. Dans un monde toujours plus urbanisé, les confins de nature les moins connus, qualifiés de Wilderness par les Anglo-saxons, attirent de plus en plus les touristes de toutes origines.L'analyse des spécificités physiques, des données statistiques et cartographiques des confins touristiques de nature montre la pertinence spatiale de la notion. L'interprétation des discours d'acteurs du tourisme de nature permet d'en préciser les attributs sociaux culturels et les imaginaires qui s'y rattachent. Les territoires de nature sont des construits sociaux, le produit d'une organisation culturelle singulière. Différentes représentations sociales, individuelles ou collectives, produisent des discours et des logiques d'acteurs. Il en résulte différentes formes de développements des espaces touristiques, qui sont étatiques, industrielles, traditionalistes, entrepreneuriales, écologiques, alternatives ou récréatives [partie II]. L'apparition d'une forme dépend de conditions historiques et culturelles sur un territoire. Il est possible de les identifier sur un espace de nature grâce à l'analyse du discours des acteurs du tourisme et aux matérialités spatiales qui résultent de leurs actions. Les dynamiques à l'œuvre sur un territoire de pratiques récréatives sont tributaires des rapports qu'entretiennent des collectifs d'acteurs ayant des conceptions différenciées du développement. Des confrontations et des compromis entre des formes de développement touristique s'établissent dans le temps et dans l'espace [partie III]. Malgré des représentations de la nature et des justifications économiques distinctes, celles-ci peuvent s'unir face à une menace affectant leurs intérêts. C'est le cas, par exemple, lors des conflits environnementaux, autour de l'usage industriel des ressources hydriques. En revanche des politiques publiques voulant favoriser le développement économique du territoire tendent à n'appuyer qu'une forme de développement et attiser alors les affrontements idéologiques. L'analyse des projets publics et privés dans la région d'Aysén en Patagonie chilienne montre que les projets d'États favorisent de manière partiale certains acteurs du territoire. Seuls certains projets, tels que celui du tourisme scientifique, parviennent à fédérer les acteurs. Ceci est rendu possible par un processus de participation active à un projet territorialisé, culturel plus que commercial, basé sur le partage de connaissances et une spécification de la ressource touristique. L'action d'un animateur et médiateur, responsable de l'ingénierie territoriale, assure la mise en œuvre de l'initiative collective.Une lecture par les formes de développement touristique apparait comme particulièrement pertinente pour caractériser les systèmes émergents. L'étude des tensions à l'œuvre dans les confins de nature révèle des processus caractéristiques des sociétés contemporaines, le tourisme étant au cœur des contradictions de nos civilisations ancrées dans les métropoles.
Acknowledgements A full list of acknowledgments appears in the Supplementary Note 4. Co-author A.J.M.d.C. recently passed away while this work was in process. This work was performed under the auspices of the Genetic Investigation of ANthropometric Traits (GIANT) consortium. We acknowledge the Cohorts for Heart and Aging Research in Genomic Epidemiology (CHARGE) Consortium for encouraging CHARGE studies to participate in this effort and for the contributions of CHARGE members to the analyses conducted for this research. Funding for this study was provided by the Aase and Ejner Danielsens Foundation; Academy of Finland (41071, 77299, 102318, 110413, 117787, 121584, 123885, 124243, 124282, 126925, 129378, 134309, 286284); Accare Center for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry; Action on Hearing Loss (G51); Agence Nationale de la 359 Recherche; Agency for Health Care Policy Research (HS06516); ALF/LUA research grant in Gothenburg; ALFEDIAM; ALK-Abelló A/S; Althingi; American Heart Association (13POST16500011); Amgen; Andrea and Charles Bronfman Philanthropies; Ardix Medical; Arthritis Research UK; Association Diabète Risque Vasculaire; Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (241944, 339462, 389875, 389891, 389892, 389927, 389938, 442915, 442981, 496739, 552485, 552498); Avera Institute; Bayer Diagnostics; Becton Dickinson; BHF (RG/14/5/30893); Boston Obesity Nutrition Research Center (DK46200), Bristol-Myers Squibb; British Heart Foundation (RG/10/12/28456, RG2008/08, RG2008/014, SP/04/002); Medical Research Council of Canada; Canadian Institutes for Health Research (FRCN-CCT-83028); Cancer Research UK; Cardionics; Cavadis B.V., Center for Medical Systems Biology; Center of Excellence in Genomics; CFI; CIHR; City of Kuopio; CNAMTS; Cohortes Santé TGIR; Contrat de Projets État-Région; Croatian Science Foundation (8875); Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation; Danish Council for Independent Research (DFF-1333-00124, DFF-1331-00730B); County Council of Dalarna; Dalarna University; Danish Council for Strategic Research; Danish Diabetes Academy; Danish Medical Research Council; Department of Health, UK; Development Fund from the University of Tartu (SP1GVARENG); Diabetes Hilfs- und Forschungsfonds Deutschland; Diabetes UK; Diabetes Research and Wellness Foundation Fellowship; Donald W. Reynolds Foundation; Dr Robert Pfleger-Stiftung; Dutch Brain Foundation; Dutch Diabetes Research Foundation; Dutch Inter University Cardiology Institute; Dutch Kidney Foundation (E033); Dutch Ministry of Justice; the DynaHEALTH action No. 633595, Economic Structure Enhancing Fund of the Dutch Government; Else Kröner-Fresenius-Stiftung (2012_A147, P48/08//A11/08); Emil Aaltonen Foundation; Erasmus University Medical Center Rotterdam; Erasmus MC and Erasmus University Rotterdam; the Municipality of Rotterdam; Estonian Government (IUT20-60, IUT24-6); Estonian Research Roadmap through the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research (3.2.0304.11-0312); European Research Council (ERC Starting Grant and 323195:SZ-245 50371-GLUCOSEGENES-FP7-IDEAS-ERC); European Regional Development Fund; European Science Foundation (EU/QLRT-2001-01254); European Commission (018947, 018996, 201668, 223004, 230374, 279143, 284167, 305739, BBMRI-LPC-313010, HEALTH-2011.2.4.2-2-EU-MASCARA, HEALTH-2011-278913, HEALTH-2011-294713-EPLORE, HEALTH-F2-2008-201865-GEFOS, HEALTH-F2-2013-601456, HEALTH-F4-2007-201413, HEALTH-F4-2007-201550-HYPERGENES, HEALTH-F7-305507 HOMAGE, IMI/115006, LSHG-CT-2006-018947, LSHG-CT-2006-01947, LSHM-CT-2004-005272, LSHM-CT-2006-037697, LSHM-CT-2007-037273, QLG1-CT-2002-00896, QLG2-CT-2002-01254); Faculty of Biology and Medicine of Lausanne; Federal Ministry of Education and Research (01ZZ0103, 01ZZ0403, 01ZZ9603, 03IS2061A, 03ZIK012); Federal State of Mecklenburg-West Pomerania; Fédération Française de Cardiologie; Finnish Cultural Foundation; Finnish Diabetes Association; Finnish Foundation of Cardiovascular Research; Finnish Heart Association; Fondation Leducq; Food Standards Agency; Foundation for Strategic Research; French Ministry of Research; FRSQ; Genetic Association Information Network (GAIN) of the Foundation for the NIH; German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF, 01ER1206, 01ER1507); GlaxoSmithKline; Greek General Secretary of Research and Technology; Göteborg Medical Society; Health and Safety Executive; Healthcare NHS Trust; Healthway; Western Australia; Heart Foundation of Northern Sweden; Helmholtz Zentrum München—German Research Center for Environmental Health; Hjartavernd; Ingrid Thurings Foundation; INSERM; InterOmics (PB05 MIUR-CNR); INTERREG IV Oberrhein Program (A28); Interuniversity Cardiology Institute of the Netherlands (ICIN, 09.001); Italian Ministry of Health (ICS110.1/RF97.71); Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance (FaReBio di Qualità); Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg Foundation; the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports, the Netherlands; J.D.E. and Catherine T, MacArthur Foundation Research Networks on Successful Midlife Development and Socioeconomic Status and Health; Juho Vainio Foundation; Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International; KfH Stiftung Präventivmedizin e.V.; King's College London; Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation; Kuopio University Hospital; Kuopio, Tampere and Turku University Hospital Medical Funds (X51001); La Fondation de France; Leenaards Foundation; Lilly; LMUinnovativ; Lundberg Foundation; Magnus Bergvall Foundation; MDEIE; Medical Research Council UK (G0000934, G0601966, G0700931, MC_U106179471, MC_UU_12019/1); MEKOS Laboratories; Merck Santé; Ministry for Health, Welfare and Sports, The Netherlands; Ministry of Cultural Affairs of Mecklenburg-West Pomerania; Ministry of Economic Affairs, The Netherlands; Ministry of Education and Culture of Finland (627;2004-2011); Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, The Netherlands; Ministry of Science, Education and Sport in the Republic of Croatia (108-1080315-0302); MRC centre for Causal Analyses in Translational Epidemiology; MRC Human Genetics Unit; MRC-GlaxoSmithKline pilot programme (G0701863); MSD Stipend Diabetes; National Institute for Health Research; Netherlands Brain Foundation (F2013(1)-28); Netherlands CardioVascular Research Initiative (CVON2011-19); Netherlands Genomics Initiative (050-060-810); Netherlands Heart Foundation (2001 D 032, NHS2010B280); Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) and Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMW) (56-464-14192, 60-60600-97-118, 100-001-004, 261-98-710, 400-05-717, 480-04-004, 480-05-003, 481-08-013, 904-61-090, 904-61-193, 911-11-025, 985-10-002, Addiction-31160008, BBMRI–NL 184.021.007, GB-MaGW 452-04-314, GB-MaGW 452-06-004, GB-MaGW 480-01-006, GB-MaGW 480-07-001, GB-MW 940-38-011, Middelgroot-911-09-032, NBIC/BioAssist/RK 2008.024, Spinozapremie 175.010.2003.005, 175.010.2007.006); Neuroscience Campus Amsterdam; NHS Foundation Trust; National Institutes of Health (1RC2MH089951, 1Z01HG000024, 24152, 263MD9164, 263MD821336, 2R01LM010098, 32100-2, 32122, 32108, 5K99HL130580-02, AA07535, AA10248, AA11998, AA13320, AA13321, AA13326, AA14041, AA17688, AG13196, CA047988, DA12854, DK56350, DK063491, DK078150, DK091718, DK100383, DK078616, ES10126, HG004790, HHSN268200625226C, HHSN268200800007C, HHSN268201200036C, HHSN268201500001I, HHSN268201100046C, HHSN268201100001C, HHSN268201100002C, HHSN268201100003C, HHSN268201100004C, HHSN271201100004C, HL043851, HL45670, HL080467, HL085144, HL087660, HL054457, HL119443, HL118305, HL071981, HL034594, HL126024, HL130114, KL2TR001109, MH66206, MH081802, N01AG12100, N01HC55015, N01HC55016, N01C55018, N01HC55019, N01HC55020, N01HC55021, N01HC55022, N01HC85079, N01HC85080, N01HC85081, N01HC85082, N01HC85083, N01HC85086, N01HC95159, N01HC95160, N01HC95161, N01HC95162, N01HC95163, N01HC95164, N01HC95165, N01HC95166, N01HC95167, N01HC95168, N01HC95169, N01HG65403, N01WH22110, N02HL6‐4278, N01-HC-25195, P01CA33619, R01HD057194, R01HD057194, R01AG023629, R01CA63, R01D004215701A, R01DK075787, R01DK062370, R01DK072193, R01DK075787, R01DK089256, R01HL53353, R01HL59367, R01HL086694, R01HL087641, R01HL087652, R01HL103612, R01HL105756, R01HL117078, R01HL120393, R03 AG046389, R37CA54281, RC2AG036495, RC4AG039029, RPPG040710371, RR20649, TW008288, TW05596, U01AG009740, U01CA98758, U01CA136792, U01DK062418, U01HG004402, U01HG004802, U01HG007376, U01HL080295, UL1RR025005, UL1TR000040, UL1TR000124, UL1TR001079, 2T32HL007055-36, T32GM074905, HG002651, HL084729, N01-HC-25195, UM1CA182913); NIH, National Institute on Aging (Intramural funding, NO1-AG-1-2109); Northern Netherlands Collaboration of Provinces; Novartis Pharma; Novo Nordisk; Novo Nordisk Foundation; Nutricia Research Foundation (2016-T1); ONIVINS; Parnassia Bavo group; Pierre Fabre; Province of Groningen; Päivikki and Sakari Sohlberg Foundation; Påhlssons Foundation; Paavo Nurmi Foundation; Radboud Medical Center Nijmegen; Research Centre for Prevention and Health, the Capital Region of Denmark; the Research Institute for Diseases in the Elderly; Research into Ageing; Robert Dawson Evans Endowment of the Department of Medicine at Boston University School of Medicine and Boston Medical Center; Roche; Royal Society; Russian Foundation for Basic Research (NWO-RFBR 047.017.043); Rutgers University Cell and DNA Repository (NIMH U24 MH068457-06); Sanofi-Aventis; Scottish Government Health Directorates, Chief Scientist Office (CZD/16/6); Siemens Healthcare; Social Insurance Institution of Finland (4/26/2010); Social Ministry of the Federal State of Mecklenburg-West Pomerania; Société Francophone du 358 Diabète; State of Bavaria; Stiftelsen för Gamla Tjänarinnor; Stockholm County Council (560183, 592229); Strategic Cardiovascular and Diabetes Programmes of Karolinska Institutet and Stockholm County Council; Stroke Association; Swedish Diabetes Association; Swedish Diabetes Foundation (2013-024); Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research; Swedish Heart-Lung Foundation (20120197, 20150711); Swedish Research Council (0593, 8691, 2012-1397, 2012-1727, and 2012-2215); Swedish Society for Medical Research; Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics; Swiss National Science Foundation (3100AO-116323/1, 31003A-143914, 33CSCO-122661, 33CS30-139468, 33CS30-148401, 51RTP0_151019); Tampere Tuberculosis Foundation; Technology Foundation STW (11679); The Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Vlaanderen, Ministry of the Flemish Community (G.0880.13, G.0881.13); The Great Wine Estates of the Margaret River Region of Western Australia; Timber Merchant Vilhelm Bangs Foundation; Topcon; Tore Nilsson Foundation; Torsten and Ragnar Söderberg's Foundation; United States – Israel Binational Science Foundation (Grant 2011036), Umeå University; University Hospital of Regensburg; University of Groningen; University Medical Center Groningen; University of Michigan; University of Utrecht; Uppsala Multidisciplinary Center for Advanced Computational Science (UPPMAX) (b2011036); Velux Foundation; VU University's Institute for Health and Care Research; Västra Götaland Foundation; Wellcome Trust (068545, 076113, 079895, 084723, 088869, WT064890, WT086596, WT098017, WT090532, WT098051, 098381); Wissenschaftsoffensive TMO; Yrjö Jahnsson Foundation; and Åke Wiberg Foundation. The views expressed in this manuscript are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI); the National Institutes of Health (NIH); or the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. ; Peer reviewed ; Publisher PDF
Abstract Smallholders in the Amazon are one of the most important actor groups for achieving long-term maintenance of the remaining forests. They manage vast areas of forestlands based on customary rights, and possess significant local knowledge about their resources. Smallholders have been exploited and marginalized throughout centuries within paternalistic societies ruled by economic and political elites. More recently, in response to pressure from emerging societal movements, many national governments, supported by the international community, have recognized the rights and roles of smallholders living in rural, often still forested landscapes. During the 1990s, Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) proliferated throughout the Amazon region as a promising approach to halter deforestation and biodiversity loss, as well as to mitigate climate change. While SFM initially focused on the capacities of professionally working timber companies managing public forests in concessions, soon the need became obvious to consider the smallholders living in and from these forests. This gave rise to the concept of community-based forest management that primarily relates to the management of timber by small local forest owners based on legally authorized management plans grounded in the principles of Reduced Impact Logging (RIL). Accordingly, many different governmental and non-governmental organizations, supported by the international donor community, started initiatives to support this new approach. However, after many years of promotion of community-based forest management, experiences have been rather ambivalent. Despite some impressive success stories of some forest development projects, only very few smallholders adopted the proposed management schemes. This lack of broader success indicated a lack of compatibility between the regulatory and market frameworks for community-based forest management and the capacities and interests of smallholders. This raised the more general question if and to what degree the management of forests for timber under the specific conditions of the Amazon region is a feasible option for smallholders to generate the urgently required income in a sustainable way. Against this backdrop, this study aimed at analysing the effective potential of timber management for smallholders in the Amazon to provide orientation for the formulation of policies to promote community-based forest management for the benefits of smallholders. The study considered two critical impediments to community-based forest management: the locally absent technical skills and financial means needed to act successfully in timber markets; and a low abundance, unsatisfactory regeneration and productivity of marketable species in natural forests. Related to this, it is often argued that smallholders tend to seriously overexploit and damage their forests if not controlled. Accordingly, the study followed four research questions: i) What possibilities do smallholders have to engage in timber markets?; ii) What is the commercial potential of their primary and secondary forest areas?; iii) What are the effects of smallholders' timber logging on forests?; and, iv) What are the possibilities for long-term management of timber resources?. As part of the EU-financed international research project "Forest management by small farmers in the Amazon - An opportunity to enhance forest ecosystem stability and rural livelihood", this study addresses these three questions by empirically analysing 21 communities in four forest regions in Bolivia (Riberalta), Ecuador (Macas) and Peru (Pucallpa and Puerto Maldonado) selected for their relevance and representativeness regarding regional contexts in terms of markets characteristics, smallholder's management strategies, and forest characteristics. The analysis included three studies: i) A market and value-chain analysis to understand the role of smallholders in contemporary timber markets and to identify the barriers and potentials to make forest management an attractive source of income. ii) An analysis of the monetary value of timber in smallholders' primary and logged areas. iii) An assessment of the effects of smallholder's logging activities in primary and secondary forests on forest structure and composition through comparisons between primary and logged farm forests. In these studies, farm inventories were carried out in primary, secondary, and logged forests. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with smallholders about timber management practices, generated incomes, production costs, and timber marketing. Secondary information and expert interviews complemented information particularly related to the scientific names and ecological characteristics of the inventoried trees, production chains, and relevant legal aspects. Multivariate and univariate approaches were used to analyse farm forests, and to classify smallholders according to their forest management strategies. In a final step, the findings were used to calculate the financial and ecological potential of community-based timber management under consideration of different area size, logging intensity, and productivity scenarios. The market analysis revealed that the number of species with commercial potential for regional or international markets differed largely between the study areas. Whereas in Riberalta, Bolivia, 15 tree species were regarded as commercial, 22 commercial species were regarded as such in the Pucallpa and Puerto Maldonado regions in Peru, and up to 80 species in the Macas region in Ecuador. Accordingly, the stocking commercial volumes in the analysed forests varied from around 20 m-3 in Riberalta, Pucallpa and Puerto Maldonado, to up to 80 m-3 ha-1 in Macas. The specific numbers strongly varied between the different smallholder forest stands due to previous logging practices and local forest composition. Also, the prices paid by local traders for timber varied strongly. For Cedrelinga cateniformis, a timber tree species found in all the study regions, the price varied from only USD$ 3.7 in Riberalta, to USD$ 6.7 in Pucallpa and Puerto Maldonado, up to USD$ 16 m-3 of round wood in Macas. Accordingly, the monetary value of stocking timber volume for one hectare varied from USD$ 0 in a logged farm forest located near Riberalta, to USD$ 1,324 in a smallholder forest located in the Macas region. The analysed households used this potential to different degrees. It is possible to distinguish five general categories of smallholders: (1) Those not dependent on income from timber; (2) those requiring occasional income from timber; (3) smallholders requiring complementary income; (4) those obtaining their principal income from timber; and (5) smallholders specialized in timber harvesting and trade. Depending on market opportunities, forest conditions and the strategy of the smallholder, incomes from timber varied from USD$ 194 yr-1 in Pucallpa and Puerto Maldonado, to USD$ 216 in Riberalta, up to USD$ 2,589 in Macas. Forests previously logged by smallholders showed significant differences to pristine forests regarding basal area, number of trees and DBH distribution of the principal commercial species. Particularly, a large shift towards smaller size classes was observed. In secondary forests, the commercial timber potential depended in particular on the regeneration and dominance of commercial tree species. In some young secondary forests, dense regeneration of pioneer species with a commercial value in local markets dominated the forest composition. In other cases, only few commercially interesting trees were found. Projections of timber production for the next thirty years resulted in the volumes: between 7.4 m3 ha-1, 12.2 m3 ha-1, and 20.9 m3 ha-1 for Bolivia, Peru, and Ecuador respectively, with large variations depending on previous logging practices. These values translate into Annual Allowable Cuts between 0.05 m3 ha-1 yr-1 in a stand located in Puerto Maldonado, up to 1 m3 ha-1 yr-1 in a still pristine forest in Ecuador. Considering the average forest areas of smallholder farms of 53 ha in Bolivia, 46 ha in Peru, and 31 ha in Ecuador, the yearly harvestable volume per smallholder is around 11.5 m3 yr-1, 12.5 m3 yr-1, and 7.2 m3 yr-1 in Bolivia, Peru, and Ecuador, respectively. These translate into potential annual incomes of around USD$ 45 (Bolivia), USD$ 84 (Peru), and USD$ 115 (Ecuador) for the three countries. The potential annual net income also strongly varied depending on transport distance to the nearest road and the availability of horses and chainsaws. Thus, income prospects of forest that were three hours distant from a road were around USD$ 200 yr-1 compared to USD$ 1,000 yr-1 --- for a forest located near a road. These findings suggest that timber management can be financially attractive for smallholders particularly if value is added through the cutting of planks. However, in practice, this potential depends largely on local marketing possibilities and timber prices, the possibility of integrating into value-added chains, as well as the size, composition and state of the forest. In case of vibrant timber markets that absorb large volumes of a wide range of tree species, the financial attractiveness of timber logging is high. Even under less favourable conditions, smallholders tend to develop strategies to take advantage of an eventually existing potential for generating income from the logging of timber in their forests. The identified timber use strategies employed by smallholders in the study regions, although not under control of the forest authorities, so far have only moderately changed the structure and composition of forests at a level comparable with the one documented for sustainable timber management schemes. Timber growth projections for forests that have been logged by smallholders are comparable to those of logged areas under management plans. It can be concluded that the management of forests to produce timber can be attractive for smallholders as a complementary source of urgently required income while contributing in parallel to the long-term conservation of significant forest areas in the Amazon. Against this backdrop, it is highly recommended to more intensively support smallholder forestry in the region, above all by the formal recognition of local management schemes and a substantial improvement of local conditions for the commercialization of timber.
El Instituto Pedagógico Nacional Monterrico (IPNM) cumple en el 2015, 139 años de servicios ininterrumpidos, al país, en la línea de la Formación Docente. Son innumerables los egresado/as que tienen un papel muy importante en el ámbito de la educación nacional; sin embargo, la historia del IPNM y su rol en la sociedad solo se ha sistematizado solo en sus primeros cincuenta años. El estudio de la memoria histórica de una institución, especialmente de carácter educativo, implica reforzar su identidad, profundizar el sentido de pertenencia y sus valores propios. Asimismo, definir sus aportes, a fin de brindar a las generaciones presentes y futuras, una formación sólida, acorde a los retos del mundo globalizado. Este estudio tiene como finalidad analizar la memoria histórica, a partir de los acontecimientos del país y su repercusión en ella; consignar, también, las características de su vida institucional y también la Memoria Académica, en referencia a las corrientes pedagógicas que influyeron en su misión, los diversos enfoques pedagógicos y los proyectos educativos llevados adelante, a partir de 1960 hasta la actualidad. Por lo tanto, el propósito de la presente investigación es analizar una serie de categorías, referidas a los aportes de las directoras, acontecimientos del país que incidieron en la vida institucional, líneas educativas, valores, experiencias significativas que han ayudado a un buen desempeño docente de los egresados y el sello que caracteriza a los mismos. Todo lo que ha influido en la historia del IPNM a fin de hacer una evaluación de carácter retrospectiva con claras intenciones de utilizarla en el presente y a la vez proyectarse al futuro. El conocer esta historia permitirá asumir acciones que permitan afrontar de manera excelente los desafíos contemporáneos de la sociedad, especialmente, la que ahora se denomina la sociedad del conocimiento. La muestra está conformada por 160 egresados y estudiantes de las décadas 1960 a 2013. El instrumento que se utiliza para desarrollar la presente investigación es un Cuestionario elaborado por la investigadora y para el análisis de los datos se utilizaron tablas simples que recogen los datos por décadas y Líneas de Tiempo, a modo de síntesis de las respuestas. Se formularon siete preguntas referentes a los ocho temas a investigar. Las principales Conclusiones se refieren a: La mayoría de los hechos históricos reconocidos por los egresados por su influencia en la vida institucional de Monterrico, son eventos políticos relacionados con la vida en democracia, también se señalan la Reforma Educativa en la década del 70 y el Terrorismo de SL. Cada una de las seis Directoras del IPNM, dejó un sello propio, acorde con su personalidad, todas buscaron que el proceso de formación se centrara en las estudiantes y pusieron como fundamento, la Pedagogía del Sagrado Corazón y trabajaron para que la formación docente respondiera a los retos de la realidad peruana. Las Líneas Educativas que sustentan el Proyecto educativo del IPNM emanan de la Pedagogía de Sofía Barat, los egresados reconocen tres vivenciadas durante el proceso de su formación inicial docente: Centralidad de la Persona- Comunidad que crea comunión y Opción preferencial por los Jóvenes y los Pobres. Valores en los que se cimenta la formación de Monterrico, los egresados destacan tres: Responsabilidad en el cumplimiento con eficiencia de su labor cotidiana- Servicio con disponibilidad- y Solidaridad con los que tienen menos posibilidades educativas. Entre las experiencias significativas vividas en los años de formación docente, los egresa escogen: la centralidad en la persona del niño en el proceso de la educación y en todas las decisiones de la escuela-. Seria Formación Académica y personal- la práctica temprana y gradual - el Clima fraterno y de amistad que se vive en el IPNM y el Acompañamiento cercano por parte de las RSCJ y de los profesores. Y afirman que les han ayudado en su desempeño docente. Los egresados reconocen que su sello tiene las siguientes cualidades: alto sentido de responsabilidad en el desempeño de su misión educadora, disciplina personal y compromiso con los niños, sus padres y la comunidad. A través de los años el IPNM ha vivido distintos enfoques pedagógicos, acordes con los cambios de las ciencias de la educación, los desafíos del contexto y las necesidades de las distintas décadas. Algunos de estos enfoques utilizados son: Enfoque Tradicional, Escuela Activa, Enfoque Constructivista, por Competencias, Enfoque de la Neurodiversidad, entre otros. La totalidad de los egresados afirma que la mejor contribución del IPNM al país, son los centenares de educadora/es con vocación de servicio, capacidad de compromiso, formados personal y académicamente con la vivencia de valores humano-cristianos. ; The National Teaching Institute Monterrico: Instituto Pedagógico Nacional Monterrico, or IPNM, by its Spanish acronym, is 139 years old in 2015, years in which it has continuously provided services in the line of Teacher Education. There are numerous alumni who play an important role in the scope of work from the Peruvian national education; nevertheless, the history of IPNM and its role in society have only been organized considering its first fifty years. The study of the historical memory of an institution, especially one dedicated to education, implies the reinforcement of its identity, as well as the deep research of its sense of belonging and of its own values. It also means to define its contribution in order to provide the present and future generations with a solid formation in accordance with the challenges of the globalized world. This research work has as its objective to analyze the historical memory based on the country's occurrences and their impact in the memory; another one is to record the institutional life's features as well as the academic memory, as they refer to the pedagogical schools of thought that had an influence in the institute's mission, the various pedagogical approaches and the educational projects conducted starting 1960 to the present day. Therefore, the aim of this study is to analyze a series of categories referred to the influences in the institute as referred to contributions of the headmistresses, the events of the country that have had an impact in the life of the institution, the educational lines of thinking, the values, the significant experiences that have contributed to the optimal teaching proceedings of alumni, and the signature that characterizes them. In sum, all which has influenced the story of IPNM in order to conduct an evaluation with a hindsight feature with the aim of using it in the present as well as in the future. To know this history will allow future researchers and the public to take over actions which will let us face modern challenges in the society in an outstanding way, especially in the one we know now as the society of knowledge. The problem of this research is framed as follows: What is the historic-academic memory of the National Teaching Institute Monterrico? The sample consists of 160 alumni and students from the decades 1960 to 2013. The scientific instrument to be used for this research is a Questionnaire designed by the researcher and, to analyze the data, simple Tables were used, which gather the data by decades, as well as Timelines to synthesize the answers. Eight questions are asked which refer to the eight topics to research. The main conclusions refer to: The majority of historical happenings acknowledged by alumni for their influence in the institutional life of IPNM is the political events related to the life in democracy in Peru; also considered were the Educational Reform in the seventies, and terrorism by the Peruvian organization Sendero Luminoso, which means "Illuminated Path". Each of the six Headmistresses of IPNM left their own signature in accordance with their personality; they all sought that the education process be centered in the students and they laid on as a basis the Pedagogy of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and worked towards making the teacher education answer the challenges of Peruvian reality. The educational lines of reasoning which support the Educational Project of IPNM originate from the Pedagogy of Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat. The alumni acknowledge three of them having been experienced during their undergraduate teacher education: Centrality of the person, Community that creates communion, and Preferred choice for the Young and Poor. Among the values in which the education of IPNM is based, the alumni emphasize three: Responsibility in the efficient observance of their everyday work, Service with availability, and Solidarity towards those who have less educational possibilities. Among the significant experiences lived in the years of their undergraduate teacher education, the alumni choose: Centrality in the person of the child in the process of education and in all the decisions of the school, Serious academic and personal training, the Early and gradual practice, the Fraternal and friendly atmosphere which is lived in IPNM, and the Close accompaniment from the Community of Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the teachers. They assert that all of these have helped them in their performance as teachers. The alumni recognize that the signature from the education at IPNM has these qualities: High sense of responsibility in the performance of their educating mission, Personal discipline, and Commitment to the children, their parents and the community. Throughout the years, IPNM has lived through different Pedagogical Approaches, in accordance with the changes in the Educational Sciences, context challenges and the needs of the various decades. Some of the approaches used are: Traditional Approach, Active Pedagogy, Constructivist Approach, Competence-Based Approach, Neurodiversity, among others. All of the alumni assert that the best contribution from IPNM to the country are the hundreds of educators who have a calling for service, a capacity to compromise, and are formed personally and academically with an experience of human and Christian values.
VANDA ARAMAVIČIŪTĖ – Habilitated Doctor of Social Sciences (Education), Professor at the Department of Education, Vilnius University; Research interests: general educology, education and spiritual development of personality, methodology of educational research; Address: 9/1 Universiteto Str., LT-O1513 Vilnius, Lithuania; E-mail address: aramaviciute@gmail.comTATJANA BULAJEVA – Doctor of Social Sciences (Education), Associate Professor at the Department of Education, Vilnius University; Research interests: education policy and management with the current focus on teacher education policy, language education policy; Address: 9/1 Universiteto Str., LT-O1513 Vilnius, Lithuania; E-mail address: ttjnbulajeva@gmail.comDAIVA BUBELIENĖ – Doctor of Social Sciences; Šiauliai University, Faculty of Education, Department of Education Research interests: human resource management, quality of life, social research methodology Address: 25 P. Višinskio Str., Šiauliai, Lithuania; E-mail address: daivabubeliene@gmail.comDAIVA JUOZAPAVIČIENĖ – Psychologist of the Valakupiai Rehabilitation Center Address: 69 Vaidilutės Str., LT-10100 Vilnius; Lithuania; E-mail address: daiva.juozapaviciene@reabilitacija.ltANTANAS KAIRYS – Doctor of Social Sciences (Psychology), Lecturer at the Department of General Psychology, Vilnius University; Research interests: time psychology, career psychology, personality traits; Address: 9/1 Universiteto Str.,LT-01513 Vilnius, Lithuania; E-mail address: antanas.kairys@fsf.vu.ltDAIVA GRAKAUSKAITĖ KARKOCKIE- NĖ – Doctor of Social Science (Psychology); Associate Professor at the Department of Psychology of Didactics, Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences; Research interests: psychology of creativity, gifted children, family psychology. Address: 39-328 Studentų Str., LT-08106 Vilnius, Lithuania; E-mail address: daiva.karkockiene@leu.ltMARGARITA KOZHEVNIKOVA – PhD, Senior Researcher at Institute of Teacher and Adult Education, Russian Academy of Education, St. Petersburg, Russia; Research interests: philosophy of education in the Buddhist tradition; teacher's self-awareness as a philosophical problem; a model of education as bringing to the personal maturity; language of pedagogy; phenomenological aspects of researching the methodology of pedagogic educational research methodology; ethnic and religious problems in education; E-mail address: margaritakozh@ya.ruAUDRONĖ LINIAUSKAITĖ – Doctor of Social Sciences (Psychology), Professor at the Department of Psychology, Klaipėda University; Research interests: psychological time, career psychology, psychological well-being; Address: 5 S. Nėries Str.,LT-92227 Klaipėda, Lithuania; E-mail address: audrone.liniauskaite@gmail.comGEDIMINAS MERKYS – Habilitated Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor, Head of the Social Research Laboratory, Kaunas University of Technology; Research interests: social research methodology (quantitative and qualitative), diagnostics in psychology, management diagnostics, social indicators, sociology of organizations; Address: 20 K. Donelaičio Str., Kaunas, Lithuania;E-mail address: gediminas.merkys@ktu.ltBIRUTĖ POCIŪTĖ – Doctor of Social Sciences (Psychology), Associate Professor at the Department of General Psychology, Vilnius University; Research interests: educational psychology, psychology of career choice, learning; Address: 9/1 Universiteto Str.,LT-O1513 Vilnius, Lithuania; E-mail address: birute.pociute@fsf.vu.ltRASA RUDŽINSKIENĖ – PhD student of Faculty of Education, Šiauliai University; Director of employment agency "Jurgvita"; Research interests: planning of career, professional counselling, coaching; Address: 25 P.Višinskio Str., LT-76351 Šiauliai, Lithuania; E-mail address: karjerosprojektavimas@gmail.comVADIM ROUK – PhD candidate, Tallinn University; Researcher at the Institute of Educational Sciences, Tallinn University;Research interests: curriculum history and theory; curriculum development; political history of Estonia; history of France, Great Britain and South Arfica; holistlic philosophy; Address: Tallinn University, Rüütli 6, 10130, Tallinn, Estonia; E-mail address: vadim.rouk@tlu.eeAUŠRA RUTKIENĖ – PhD, Associate Professor at the Department of Education, Vytautas Magnus University; Research interests: methodology of social research, qanititative research, statistical data analysis, adult learning; Address: 52-301K. Donelaičio Str., LT-44244 Kaunas, Lithuania; E-mail address: a.rutkiene@smf.vdu.ltRŪTA SARGAUTYTĖ – Doctor of Social Sciences (Psychology), Associate Professor at the Department of Clinical and Organizational Psychology; Research interests: vocational rehabilitation, cross-cultural psychology, medical psychology, patient education; Address: 9/1 Universiteto Str., LT-O1513 Vilnius, Lithuania; E-mail address: ruta.sargautyte@fsf.vu.ltEDITA ŠATIENĖ – Directress of the Valakupiai Rehabilitation Center; Address: Vaidilutės Str., 69, LT-10100 Vilnius; Lithuania; E-mail address: edita.satiene@reabilitacija.lt. El. paštas: i.tandzegolskienė@smf.vdu.ltILONA TANDZEGOLSKIENĖ – PhD, Lecturer at the Department of Education, Vytautas Magnus University; Research interests: expression of Students' independent activities, preparation of career specialists, career and labour marker, career in different stages of human development, possibilities for employability, levels in the qualification frameworks, preparation of description of qualifications, objectives of scientific activity; Address: 52-301 K. Donelaičio Str.,LT-44244 Kaunas, Lithuania; E-mail address: i.tandzegolskienė@smf.vdu.ltVILIJA TARGAMADZĖ – Habilitated Doctor of Social Sciences (education), Professor at the Department of Education, Vilnius University; Research interests: social education; education management; problem-based learning; Address: 9/1 Universiteto Str., LT-O1513 Vilnius, Lithuania; E-mail address: vilija.targamadze@gmail.comONA TIJŪNELIENĖ – Habilitated Doctor of Social Sciences (education), Professor at the Department of Education, Klaipeda University; Research interests: philosophy of education, methodology of educational research, history of educology; Address: 5 S. Nėries Str., LT-92227 Klaipėda, Lithuania; E-mail address: onatij@one.ltIEVA URBANAVIČIŪTĖ – PhD, Lecturer at the Department of Psychology Didactics, Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences; Research interests: career psychology, work psychology, learning and work motivation; Address: 39 Studentų Str., LT-08106 Vilnius, Lithuania; E-mail address: ieva.urbanaviciute@gmail.com ; VANDA ARAMAVIČIŪTĖ – socialinių mokslų (edukologijos) habilituota daktarė, Vilniaus universiteto Edukologijos katedros profesorė. Mokslinių interesų sritys: bendroji edukologija, ugdymas ir asmenybės dvasinis brendimas, ugdymo tyrimų metodologija. Adresas: Universiteto g. 9/1, LT-01513 Vilnius; El. paštas: aramaviciute@gmail.comDAIVA BUBELIENĖ – socialinių mokslų (edukologijos) daktarė, Šiaulių universiteto Edukologijos fakulteto Edukologijos katedra. Mokslinių interesų sritys: žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymas, gyvenimo kokybė, socialinių tyrimų metodologija. Adresas:P. Višinskio g. 25, Šiauliai; Tel. 8 41 595 718; El. paštas: daivabubeliene@gmail.comTATJANA BULAJEVA – socialinių mokslų (edukologijos) daktarė, Vilniaus universiteto Edukologijos katedros docentė. Mokslinių interesų sritys: švietimo politika ir vadyba, mokytojų rengimo politika, kalbų mokymo politika. Adresas: Universiteto g. 9/1, LT-01513 Vilnius; El. paštas: ttjnbulajeva@gmail.comDAIVA JUOZAPAVIČIENĖ – Valakupių reabilitacijos centro vyr. psichologė. Adresas: Vaidilutės g. 69, LT-10100 Vilnius;Tel. (8-5) 247 7545; El. paštas: daiva.juozapaviciene@reabilitacija.ltANTANAS KAIRYS – socialinių mokslų (psichologija) daktaras, Vilniaus universiteto Bendrosios psichologijos katedros lektorius. Mokslinių interesų sritys: laiko psichologija, karjeros psichologija, asmenybės bruožai. Adresas: Universiteto g. 9/1, LT-01513 Vilnius; El. paštas: antanas.kairys@fsf.vu.ltDAIVA GRAKAUSKAITĖ-KARKOCKIENĖ – socialinių mokslų (psichologijos) daktarė, Lietuvos edukologijos universiteto Psichologijos didaktikos katedros docentė. Mokslinių interesų sritys: kūrybos psichologija, gabių vaikų psichologija, šeimos psichologija. Adresas: Studentų g. 39-328,LT-08106 Vilnius; Tel. 8 683 11803;El. paštas: daiva.karkockiene@leu.ltMARGARITA KOZHEVNIKOVA – dr., Rusijos švietimo akademijos, Mokytojų ir suaugusiųjų švietimo instituto vyriausioji mokslo darbuotoja. Sankt Peterburgas, Rusija. Mokslinių interesų sritys: ugdymo filosofija budizmo tradicijoje, mokytojų savimonė kaip filosofinė problema, asmenybės brandą skatinančio ugdymo modeliai, pedagogikos kalba, edukologinių tyrimų metodologijos fenomenologiniai aspektai, etnines ir religines ugdymo problemos.El. paštas: margaritakozh@ya.ruAUDRONĖ LINIAUSKAITĖ – socialinių mokslų (psichologija) daktarė, Klaipėdos universiteto Psichologijos katedros profesorė. Mokslinių interesų sritys: laiko psichologija, karjeros psichologija, psichologinė gerovė. Adresas: S. Nėries g. 5, LT-92227 Klaipėda; El. paštas: audrone.liniauskaite@gmail.comGEDIMINAS MERKYS – socialinių mokslų habilituotas daktaras profesorius, Kauno technologijos universiteto Socialinių tyrimų laboratorijos vedėjas. Mokslinių interesų sritys: socialinių tyrimų metodologija (kiekybinė ir kokybinė), psichologinė diagnostika, vadybos diagnostika, socialiniai indikatoriai, organizacijų sociologija. Adresas: K. Donelaičio g. 20, Kaunas.Tel. 8 37 300 144; El. paštas: gediminas.merkys@ktu.ltBIRUTĖ POCIŪTĖ – socialinių mokslų (psichologijos) daktarė, Vilniaus universiteto Bendrosios psichologijos katedros docentė. Mokslinių interesų sritys: pedagoginė psichologija, karjeros psichologija, mokymasis. Adresas: Universiteto g. 9/1, LT-01513 Vilnius; El. paštas: birute.pociute@fsf.vu.ltRASA RUDŽINSKIENĖ – Šiaulių universiteto edukologijos doktorantė, Įdarbinimo agentūros "Jurgvita" vadovė. Mokslinių interesų sritys: karjeros projektavimas, profesinis konsultavimas, koučingas. Adresas: P. Višinskio g. 25, LT-76351 Šiauliai.Tel. +370 611 66794; El. paštas: karjerosprojektavimas@gmail.comVADIMAS ROUKAS – Talino universiteto (Estija) doktorantas, Talino universiteto Ugdymo mokslo instituto tyrėjas. Mokslinių interesų sritys: ugdymo turinio istorija ir teorija, ugdymo turinio tobulinimas, Estijos politinė istorija, Prancūzijos, Didžiosios Britanijos ir Pietų Afrikos istorija, holistinė filosofija. Adresas: Rüütli 6, 10130, Tallinn, Estonia. El. paštas: vadim.rouk@tlu.eeAUŠRA RUTKIENĖ – socialinių mokslų (edukologija) daktarė, Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto Edukologijos katedros docentė. Mokslinių interesų sritys: socialinių tyrimų metodologija, kiekybiniai tyrimai, statistinė duomenų analizė, suaugusiųjų mokymas. Adresas: K. Donelaičio g. 52-301,LT-44244 Kaunas; El. paštas: a.rutkiene@smf.vdu.ltRŪTA SARGAUTYTĖ – socialinių mokslų (psichologija) daktarė, Vilniaus universiteto Klinikinės ir organizacinės psichologijos katedros docentė. Mokslinių interesų sritys: profesinė reabilitacija, tarpkultūrinė psichologija, medicinos psichologija, pacientų mokymas. Adresas: Universiteto g. 9/1, LT-01513 Vilnius. Tel. 85 2667605;El. paštas: ruta.sargautyte@fsf.vu.ltEDITA ŠATIENĖ – Valakupių reabilitacijos centro direktorė. Adresas: Vaidilutės g. 69, LT-10100 Vilnius. Tel. (8-5) 247 7544;El. paštas: edita.satiene@reabilitacija.ltILONA TANDZEGOLSKIENĖ – socialinių mokslų (edukologija) daktarė, Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto, Edukologijos katedros lektorė. Mokslinių interesų sritys: studentų savarankiškos veiklos raiška, karjeros specialistų rengimas, karjera ir darbo rinka, karjera amžiaus tarpsniuose, įsidarbinimo galimybės, kvalifikacijos sąrangos lygmenys, kvalifikacijos aprašo rengimas, mokslinės veiklos uždaviniai. Adresas:K. Donelaičio g. 52-301, LT-44244 Kaunas.El. paštas: i.tandzegolskienė@smf.vdu.ltVILIJA TARGAMADZĖ – socialinių mokslų (edukologijos) habilituota daktarė, Vilniaus universiteto Edukologijos katedros profesorė. Mokslinių interesų sritys: socialinis ugdymas, švietimo vadyba, probleminis mokymas. Adresas: Universiteto g. 9/1, LT-01513 Vilnius. Tel. (8 5) 266 76 25;El. paštas: vilija.targamadze@gmail.comONA TIJŪNELIENĖ – socialinių mokslų (edukologijos) habilituota daktarė, Klaipėdos universiteto Edukologijos katedros profesorė. Mokslinių interesų sritys: ugdymo filosofija, ugdymo tyrimų metodologija, pedagogikos istorija. Adresas: S. Nėries g. 5, LT-92227 Klaipėda. El. paštas: onatij@one.ltIEVA URBANAVIČIŪTĖ – socialinių mokslų (psichologijos) daktarė, Lietuvos edukologijos universiteto Psichologijos didaktikos katedra lektorė. Mokslinių interesų sritys: karjeros psichologija, darbo psichologija, mokymosi ir darbo motyvacija. Adresas: Studentų g. 39, LT-08106 Vilnius. El. paštas: ieva.urbanaviciute@gmail.com