O processo de relacionamento com o cliente é vital para a sustentabilidade de uma organização e para a manutenção da vantagem competitiva. Este trabalho objetivou analisar a rentabilidade dos compradores de uma empresa produtora de artigos de couro localizada na Região do Vale do São Francisco a partir da Análise de Decisão Multicritério. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva, com enfoque quali-quantitativo. Os resultados obtidos a partir da aplicação do Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluation (PROMETHEE II) proporcionaram à instituição o estudo da carteira de clientes, onde se identificou quais os consumidores são os mais rentáveis (A5, A9 e A8), com base nos critérios custo de oportunidade, participação sobre a receita, respeito ao ponto de equilíbrio, quantidade consumida de artigos de baixa vazão e variedade de artigos consumida, quando comparados com os trinta (30) demais. Então, em posse desses resultados, a organização poderá criar estratégias de relacionamento com os clientes para torná-los ainda mais rentáveis, atribuindo maior assertividade na busca pelo alcance dos objetivos organizacionais.
Summarization: Competitiveness constitutes a primary goal of each country for the accomplishment of its economic and technological targets. The evaluation of competitiveness is considered as a major problem that has risen during the last years due to the globalization and the rapid changes in the socio-economic and technological environment. Therefore, it is interesting to investigate the economic and technological aspects of the competitiveness of the European countries. The present study uses a sample of 14 countries-members of the European Union, as well as United States and Japan for comparison reasons. Taking into consideration several technological and economic indicators and using data from a recent study of the European Committee, this paper presents the evaluation of the competitiveness of the countries using a multicriteria ranking methodology (the PROMETHEE II method). The results of this paper contribute to the determination of the most and least competitive as well as technologically developed countries. ; Παρουσιάστηκε στο: Journal of Economic Integration
Waste from electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) constitutes one of the most complicated solid waste streams in terms of its composition, and, as a result, it is difficult to be effectively managed. In view of the environmental problems derived from WEEE management, many countries have established national legislation to improve the reuse, recycling and other forms of recovery of this waste stream so as to apply suitable management schemes. In this work, alternative systems are examined for the WEEE management in Cyprus. These systems are evaluated by developing and applying the Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) method PROMETHEE. In particular, through this MCDM method, 12 alternative management systems were compared and ranked according to their performance and efficiency. The obtained results show that the management schemes/systems based on partial disassembly are the most suitable for implementation in Cyprus. More specifically, the optimum scenario/system that can be implemented in Cyprus is that of partial disassembly and forwarding of recyclable materials to the native existing market and disposal of the residues at landfill sites. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The survey of the river basins in 2004 in the context of the European Water Framework Directive (WFD) identified intense morphological deficits of the German watercourses. The WFD asks for a good ecological status of all surface waters. Fair morphological structures are a precondition for the good ecological status. Research studies show a more or less significant correlation between the morphological quality and the diversity of species of the riparian vegetation, the species population of the macrozoobenthos and the fish fauna. The task of this work is the development of a decision support system (DSS-WRRL) for the determination of programmes of measures. The system shall help the responsible persons to preselect measures improving the morphological deficits in watercourses. Based on the theory of decision making and water resources planning the developed DSSWRRL offers a tool for determing and assessing rehabilitation measures for entire rivers or river sections. It is a DSS that includes a newly developed rule-based model for the selection of feasible combinations of measures. It also provides a prognosis of the effects of the measures on the morphological quality. The knowledge-based model is based on two consecutive rule bases. These bases contain the knowledge of an interdisciplinary expert group about measures improving the morphological quality of rivers. The use of the pareto efficiency concept reduces the amount of solutions that are further evaluated. Afterwards the programmes of measures are assessed and ranked using the PROMETHEE method. The criteria for the assessment are the costs and the morphological quality. The validation of the DSS-WRRL demonstrates the comparability of the prognosis of the measure effects and the developments observed in real river rehabilitions measures. Especially the meagre data base and the fact that special local features are not considered in the DSS-WRRL allow only a validation for some parts. The effects of the different DSS parameters on the identified programmes ...
La tasa de conversión de las tierras rurales a urbanas será mayor que la tasa de crecimiento de la población urbana si se mantiene el patrón de urbanización actual. El objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar un modelo multicriterio para evaluar propuestas de expansión urbana (PEU) mediante una aplicación, en la ciudad de Río Cuarto, Córdoba Argentina. Cinco PEU fueron desarrolladas para el año 2030: PEU1-Tendencial, prognosis del patrón de urbanización; PEU2-Ecociudad, y tres PEU compactas localizadas al norte, oeste y sur de la ciudad. Los criterios de decisión son: la población, la pérdida de la renta agraria, la pérdida de servicios ecosistémicos, el costo de la infraestructura vial, el transporte de residuos sólidos domiciliarios, la extensión de redes de servicios públicos, y el esfuerzo político institucional (la distancia entre la situación actual y la visión futura). Un SIG e información inmediata disponible son usados para cuantificar los criterios y el método PROMETHEE es usado para evaluar las PEU. Se concluye que las PEU compactas (incluye ecociudad) tienen mejor performance económica, social, y ambiental que la PEU1 mientras que ésta es elegida solo en los casos que se reduzcan significativamente la cobertura de servicios públicos o el esfuerzo político institucional. ; The conversion rate of rural to urban land will be greater than the rate of growth of the urban population if the current pattern of urbanization is chosen. The aim of this paper is to show a multicriteria model to evaluate urban expansion proposals (PEU), developed in RÃo Cuarto city, Córdoba Argentina. For year 2030, five PEUs were designed: PEU1-Tendential, projection of the current urbanization pattern; PEU2-Ecocity, and three compact PEUs located to the north, west and south of the city. The decision criteria are: the population, the loss of rent of rural land, the loss of ecosystem services, the investment in street network, the transport of municipal solid waste, the extension of public service networks, and the institutional political effort, which qualities the distance between current and future vision PEUs-2030. A GIS and available information are integrated in a decision matrix and the PROMETHEE method is used to evaluate the PEU. It is concluded that compact PEUs (including ecocity) have a better economic, social and environmental performance than PEU1, whereas PEU1 is chosen either when the coverage of networks of public services is significantly reduced or the institutional political effort is very low.
Objective: this study suggests a multicriteria model for decision-making assistance that, by using spatial representation, can provide decision aid for the traffic management process in a county, hence facilitating improved decision-making. The decision-making process can be supported by multicriteria decision aid technologies and geographic information systems (GIS). Methodology/Approach: A multicriteria decision-making model is developed to categorize the city's roads according to their importance to the population's safety. For classification, the PROMSORT method (PROMETHEE Sorting) is proposed, and the results are reflected in the GIS. Results: It presents a numerical application for the city of Mossoró/RN, rating the roads and providing information for public managers' decision-making. Limitations: the model application is contingent upon the efforts of managers who can begin working in the traffic and urban mobility management sector after each public election to comprehend its significance. Originality/Value of the article: The GIS application generates a viable study method by facilitating the decision-making process and allowing the geographic visualization of data pertaining to the region under study.
Innovation is one of the main factors associated with industrial growth, as it contributes to increased productivity, sustainability, and international competitiveness. There is a certain degree of complexity in measuring innovation, since there are various metrics for this purpose, and each sector of the economy handles it differently. In Brazil, the Industrial Survey of Technological Innovation (PINTEC) was developed to construct sectorial indicators on innovation activities. Based on these data, this paper investigates how ten sectors of the economy performed during two historical series (2011 to 2014 and 2014 to 2017) considering five criteria linked to the innovation process and the impact of qualified human capital. The problem is analyzed in light of multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA), using preference ranking organization methods for enrichment evaluation (PROMETHEE II) to provide a ranking of Brazilian industrial sectors. The results show how the sectors have changed over the years, highlighting that innovation expenditure proved crucial in measuring companies' commitment to innovation, but also show that a highly qualified workforce emerged as a leading factor. Furthermore, the research presents which criteria have contributed positively and negatively to each sector, which can serve as drivers for policy formulation to strengthen the Brazilian industry.
One of the long-term challenges for policy makers in host countries of migrants is the optimal geographical allocation of the migrant population so as to strengthen integration outcomes and serve the crucial goal of social inclusion. The political debate on the appropriate placement policy of newcomers has continued for years after the large-scale inflows of asylum seekers in Greece. This paper focuses on the evaluation of the dispersal policy of asylum seekers in Greece as implemented under the reception and accommodation scheme. Furthermore, it provides decision makers with an alternative dispersal policy framework driven by the integration outcomes of the already established migrant population in the country. The research encompasses Eurostat NUTS 2 annual data for a choice upon availability of the Zaragoza Integration Indicators and the immigrant population indicator for the thirteen Greek regions. The data cover a ten-year period from 2010 to 2019, and they are analysed with the multiple criteria decision-making method PROMETHEE. In addition to desk research, fieldwork has been conducted to illuminate the results of the model. The paper extends the literature on the governance of migration and contributes to the planning of migrant integration policies in their host countries.
A escolha do sistema construtivo utilizado influencia no conforto do usuário, na quantidade de energia consumida e na viabilidade econômica do empreendimento. A construção civil carece de ferramentas modernas em seus processos de gestão, sendo necessário o desenvolvimento de metodologias que cooperem com o melhor planejamento do projeto. Devido a isto, este estudo tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de um modelo de tomada de decisão para a seleção de um sistema construtivo destinado à habitação de interesse social. Foram realizadas entrevistas com especialistas em construção para a consolidação dos critérios de avaliação mais importantes, obtenção das preferências e performances das alternativas. Como resultados, foram definidos como critérios importantes: custo, produtividade, satisfação com fornecedor, resíduos gerados, isolamento térmico e acústico. A validação da metodologia proposta foi realizada com a aplicação do método multicritério PROMETHEE II em um projeto-padrão multifamiliar de habitação de interesse social. Os resultados numéricos mostram que a ordem dos sistemas construtivos foi: paredes de concreto, steel frame, alvenaria estrutural e alvenaria tradicional. Por fim, obteve-se um modelo, que pode ser utilizado para diferentes projetos de habitação de interesse social como uma ferramenta útil e simplificada na melhoria do processo de decisão.
The aim of this work is to develop a &ldquo ; learning model&rdquo ; which outranks countries according to their confrontation of historical macroeconomic indicators for a given period of time with the spreads at the end of that time and to formulate a forward-looking investment strategy regarding government bonds for the following time period. The mechanism of identifying investment opportunities among government bonds is based on the multiple criteria decision making technique, and we look to the Promethee II method as a symmetry approach to country ordering. The spread is defined as the difference between the yield to maturity of the 10-year government bond of a country and the Germany government bond with the same maturity. In this paper, an optimization approach based on three models is developed to find the weights of importance for macroeconomic characteristics, together with a sensitivity analysis on changes in these characteristics. The method was applied to 17 European countries characterized by 16 macroeconomic characteristics. The originality of this paper lies in the two-stage approach to the investment strategy construction based on criteria weights optimization with stability intervals for their values.
Abstract Community resilience to disaster is a concept that deals with different meanings depending on diverse disciplines and so far more attention has been given to its structural aspects. Only recently the social dimensions have sparked interests and its assessment is still a challenge dealing with the integration of quantitative variables and qualitative judgments. Multicriteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) can provide a consistent methodology to deal with this aspect, creating indeed, the background for ranking and evaluating the effect of potential decision and policy strategies aiming to enhance the social resilience. In this work, we proposed a study for defining social resilience through the application of the Promethee method. Five social macro-indicators, characterized by specific sub-indicators, were analyzed in ten Italian case study areas involved in the EU LIFE PRIMES Project. The information for the definition of the sub-indicators were carried out through the delivering of anonymous questionnaires to a sample of citizens in each interested area. The approach provided both a classification of communities in term of social resilience and the individuation of the most important indicators influencing the final ranking. This method can be suggested as an effective tool for studying the various dimensions characterizing social resilience.
The article identifies measurable attributes to find the consistency in pitch ratings which are otherwise subjective decisions made by referees for international test match cricket. To do so, the article uses statistics related to test matches, one-days and T20s played among all test playing nations between March 2017 and March 2019 (53 tests, 142 T20s and 172 one-day matches: the next two seasons ending May 2020/2021 were hit by COVID-19 and hence excluded). To measure the consistency of pitch ratings (very good, good, above average, average, below average and poor), measurable attributes like runs/day, wickets/day, runs/over, runs/wicket and overs/wicket were identified. To rank pitch ratings using these attributes, the multi-criteria decision-making technique—PROMETHEE II was used. We found that the referee pitch ratings are largely consistent and the attributes developed can be utilized to further analyse future judgements regarding pitch ratings. Further, six-pitch ratings can be clustered into two distinct groups that are significantly different from each other. The article is among the first to analyse sports pitch ratings by using team performance-based statistics. This study paves the way for similar studies and development of newer statistical flow-based attributes.
<p>Em vista da crescente preocupação com os aspectos que permeiam as questões ambientais relacionadas à sustentabilidade, a análise multicritério como suporte a decisão se constitui como uma importante ferramenta capaz de subsidiar a análise das condições econômicas, sociais, culturais e ambientais da população. Nesse sentido, concentra-se em medir o desempenho ambiental de municípios paraibanos, permitindo identificar e comparar quais cidades podem ser consideradas sustentáveis ou insustentáveis dentro de um contexto geográfico, através do Método <em>Preference Ranking Method for Enrichment Evaluation</em> (PROMETHEE II). Para tanto se fez o uso da pesquisa documental, exploratória e da análise multicriterial. A ordenação obtida através da proposta enfatiza a distinção entre as cidades mais e menos sustentáveis dentro do contexto geográfico. Observou-se que os municípios de Sousa, Cajazeiras, Cachoeira dos Índios e Uiraúna foram considerados como mais sustentável, enquanto que, os municípios de Poço Dantas, Vieirópolis, Bernardino Batista e Lastro como menos sustentáveis. A contribuição do estudo se configura como uma ferramenta importante que pode está sendo utilizada pela gestão pública em busca de direcionar melhor suas ações de investimento em contextos que necessitam de maior atenção e discussão por parte de todos os atores sociais e institucionais.</p>
El objetivo del artículo es analizar la percepción del gobierno local sobre la importancia de un método multicriterio discreto para evaluar propuestas de expansión urbana (PEU). El estudio de caso se realizó con el método PROMETHEE, en la ciudad de Río Cuarto, Córdoba, Argentina. La matriz de decisión consta de cinco PEU: una de poblamiento disperso, PEU1-tendencial, y cuatro de poblamiento compacto, PEU2, PEU3, PEU4 y PEU5, con siete criterios: "Pérdida de renta agraria" (PRA), "Población", "Pérdida de servicios ecosistémicos" (PSE), "Costos de inversión en infraestructura vial" (CI-Vial), "Recolección de residuos sólidos urbanos" (RRSU), "Extensión de redes de servicios públicos" y "Esfuerzo político-institucional" (EPI). Las preferencias del gobierno local se relevaron mediante un taller, donde se analizó la matriz de decisión y se preguntó la importancia relativa que los miembros del gobierno le asignan a cada criterio. Los resultados muestran que la PEU4 y la PEU2 estuvieron entre las propuestas más elegidas. En contraste con la PEU1, la PEU4 ahorra $162 millones (por una menor PRA y CI-Vial); requiere un 35% menos de Extensión de redes y un 11% menos de RRSU, aunque es la PEU que requiere de un EPI significativamente mayor. En tanto, la PEU2 es la opción que ahorra $196 millones; requiere un 51% menos de Extensión de redes y un 37% de RRSU. Sin embargo, posee el mayor EPI en relación con PEU1 y alberga a menos habitantes comparada con la PEU4. Los miembros del gobierno consideran muy importante la modalidad de trabajo basada en el método multicriterio para elegir una visión futura del territorio. --- The goal of this paper is to analyze the local government's perception about the significance of a discrete multi-criteria method for assessing proposals for urban expansion (PUE). The study case was performed, by using PROMETHEE method, in Río Cuarto, Córdoba, Argentina. The decision matrix consists of five PUEs: one corresponding to a sparse settlement, trend PUE1, and four for compact settlements, PUE2, PUE3, PUE4 and PUE5, where seven criteria are considered: "Loss of Agricultural Income" (LAI), "Population", "Loss of Ecosystem Services" (LES), "Investment Costs in Road Infrastructure" (Road-IC), "Urban Solid Waste Collection" (USWC), "Range of Public Service Networks" and "Political-Institutional Effort" (PIE). Local government's preferences were disclosed by means of a workshop where: the decision matrix was analyzed; and the relative significance that government members assign to each criterium was asked. Results show that PUE4 and PUE2 were considered in the most selected proposals. In comparison with PUE1, PUE4 saves $162 millions (due to a lower LAI and Road-IC); it requires 35% less in Range of Networks and 11% less in USWC, although this is the PUE that requires a significantly greater {\it PIE}. When considering {\it PUE2}, this option saves $196 millions and requires 51% less in Range of Networks and 37% in USWC. However, PUE2 imposes the greatest PIE in relation with PUE1 and houses less inhabitants than PUE4. Government members attach much importance to an approach based on the multi-criteria method to decide a vision of the territory for the future.