
Policy coherency and regime complexes: the case of genetic resources

In: Review of international studies: RIS, Band 40, Heft 2

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This study argues that 'regime complexes' and 'policy coherence' are two faces of the same integrative process. The development of regime complexes co-evolves with the pressures on decision makers to coordinate their policies in various issue-areas. Conceptually, we introduce a typology of policy coherency (erratic, strategic, functionalistic, and systemic) according to its procedural and substantive components. Empirically, by triangulating quantitative and qualitative data, we use this typology for the case of the genetic resources' regime complex to illustrate the links between regime complexes and policy coherency. Our results suggest that a coherent policymaking process favours integrated regime complexes, while greater exposure to a regime complex increases the pressure to have a coherent policymaking. This study fills a gap in the literature on regime complexes by providing a micro-macro model linking structure to agency. Adapted from the source document.




Cambridge University Press, Cambridge UK

ISSN: 1469-9044



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