Relating Systems Concepts and Public Planning
In: Policy sciences: integrating knowledge and practice to advance human dignity ; the journal of the Society of Policy Scientists, Band 12, Heft 3, S. 283-299
Scientism's methodological arm, the research approach, has created many techniques, eg, operations research/management science/systems analysis, ostensibly for finding solutions to pressing organizational & societal problems. Their analysis, modeling of what exists, quantification, & reductionism are assumed to be the beauty of their logic & their only rationality. Public planning also assumes that these are the fundamental parts of problem solving & policy setting. This research approach & the unstated assumption that it must be used when establishing policies or solving problems may now be the biggest stumbling blocks to finding the solutions society needs. 2 Appendixes, 27 References. Modified HA.
ISSN: 0032-2687
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