
The Trans-Cyberian Mail Way


Disembodiment, community development, & spatial reorganization in cyberspace are discussed with a focus on activism in the particular minority group of transsexuals & cross-dressing people. Cyberspace is a familiar place for this group, long used to living out "virtual identities" & escaping from their bodies. The particular needs & issues confronting transgendered women & men that the Internet has been able to address, eg, "passing" for the other sex, & personal judgments & social hierarchies with the transgendered community. Through the facilities & attributes of cyberspace, this group has promoted the new self-classification "transgendered" that in turn has increased the base & activism of community members. As a result of the Internet, not only has the transgendered community expanded in the US, but internationally, to reshape its sphere of political & legal activism; examples of international activism are given. 19 References. M. Pflum

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