
Public Attitudes about Democracy


A review of prominent Russian polling institutes' research, 1990-2001, on popular attitudes toward democracy reveals a paradox. When asked what they believe, most Russians were strongly positive about fundamental democratic values; but they were strangely ambivalent about undemocratic phenomena, even actual lawlessness, at all levels of government. This chapter seeks reasons for Russians' acceptance of violations of human rights, restriction of access to information, etc. One is that they have been offered only a bipolar choice of dictatorship or democracy. Research exploring a larger range of political options revealed less commitment to democratic values. It is concluded that the Russian people's opinions count for very little. They might express sentiments of support or disappointment for a government policy, but they are easily manipulated politically, as in the case of the Chechen war. Some hope is seen in the fact that Russians seem to want the regime to strive for democracy. Tables. J. Stanton

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