
Technological Capacity as Fitness: An Evolutionary Model of Change in the International Political Economy


Fordism & Toyotism dictated the economic scenario in the 20th century. A new industrial paradigm is emerging in the 21st century -- "Wintelism" -- a scenario that highlights the triumphs of Microsoft & Intel. This new paradigm raises new questions such as which countries are best equipped to adapt to new technologies & new working environments. Governmental structures & the effects of competition are likely to influence the process. Differing patterns of government-corporate relations will be favored by different industrial eras. For example, the "Wintelism" era favors a decentralized government & coordinated regulation. Meanwhile, economic changes will force political actors to make adjustments, but these adjustments (successful or unsuccessful) will vary from actor to actor. 1 Table, 3 Figures, 64 References. K. Larsen

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