
On School and School Choice

In: Social science quarterly, Band 79, Heft 3, S. 533-540

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Suggestions for improving the school choice model proposed by Kenneth Godwin et al (1998) include increasing the time frame of the 5-year experiment, & extending the autonomy proposed for private providers to the public sector. It is maintained that the charter school experience indicates parents want publicly sponsored schools that offer varied choices; however, the proposed 33% minority enrollment is seen as unrealistic in certain geographic areas. A suggested alternative is for schools to fill up to 15% of new places with low-income students if that many apply. The benefits of replacing the no-tuition proposal with a capped means-tested tuition are discussed, along with the possibility of reducing the 50% voucher for the very rich. The mean of equality of opportunity & the importance of test scores are examined, along with the assumption that class or racial segregation hurts achievement, the issue of the common good, & the relation between choice & fostering of community. J. Lindroth

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