Aufsatz(gedruckt) World Affairs Online1997

From hierarchy to networks?: Sub-central government and EU urban environment policy

In: Journal of common market studies: JCMS, Band 35, Heft 3, S. 439-464

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This article examines the role of networking as a mode of interaction between sub-central government and the EU, and as a medium for policy development. Evidence from research into EU urban environmental policy-making is analysed to argue that a shift in the policy-making style is being adopted by DG XI, moving away from top-down legislating, to a more responsive and participatory style, and that networking provides the non-tangible infrastructure for this process. Conclusions are drawn about the evolving nature of European policy and lobby networks, their contribution to EU policy-making, and the European role of sub-central government. (Journal of Common Market Studies / FUB)

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