
Nahrungsmittelhilfe und Arbeitsbeschaffungsprogramme in Peru. Instrumente politischer Kontrolle und Mobilisierung von Frauengruppen

In: Peripherie: Politik, Ökonomie, Kultur, Band 8, Heft 30 -- 31, S. 32-48

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Food for work programs created during the 1970s in Ur Peru were originally addressed primarily to women & were intended to strengthen the economic infrastructure of slum areas, & to bind women ideologically to a paternalistic state. However, women participants were primarily concerned with food procurement for their needy families. Deteriorating economic conditions led to a women's movement in which reduced rations were shared in private kitchens, a practice that gained increasing popularity in the 1980s. In an attempt to establish its control over these women's groups & to integrate the slum population into the national economy, the social-democratic government in 1985 launched a new large-scale food for work program that relied on ideological appeals, as well as establishing a housewives' credit system in 1986. While such programs were hoped to provide an alternative that would eventually replace the women's groups, they have not succeeded in doing so. 19 References. Modified HA

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