
NGOs, Donors, and the State in Bangladesh

In: The annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Band 554, S. 33-45

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Examines nongovernmental organization (NGO) partnership issues in the light of a 1996 World Bank report that seeks to promote a greater partnership between government & NGOs. Bangladesh's NGO sector is briefly reviewed, noting that the continuing status of independent Bangladesh as a major recipient of international aid has created an environment in which the growth of most private voluntary development agencies is directly linked with the provision of external resources. While the World Bank report urges closer cooperation between NGOs & government, it ignores the fact that many existing partnerships are often of a dependent character. A recent case study of NGO-government linkages in aquaculture is presented to examine the realities of the current rhetoric of NGO-government partnership, driven primarily by resource priorities. 1 Table. Adapted from the source document.

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