
Recent Theory on Mass Media Potential in Political Campaigns

In: The annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Band 427, S. 125-133

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Before 1960, communication researchers studying the effects of the mass media in their laboratories, were disappointed by the contradictory findings & their inability to replicate them in natural, uncontrolled surroundings. A reversal of their model, so that it is not the communicator but the audience that decides on the messages that are received, resulted in greater consistency in research findings. The new "uses & gratifications" or "information-seeking" theory requires distinguishing between the informational & persuasive role of communication. The mass media are generally unsuccessful in persuading; however, they not only are eminently successful in informing, but on many topics & for most people they are also the sole source of information. This is the underlying principle of the agenda-setting model that is being used in much current research on the effects of mass communication. The mass media not only tell people what to think about, but they are a powerful determinant of the relative importance of the issues they choose to discuss. In this regard, newspapers appear to have an edge over TV. Modified HA.

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