
Would we really miss the nuclear nonproliferation treaty?

In: International journal / Canadian International Council: Canada's journal of global policy analysis, Band 63, Heft 2, S. 327-340

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In recent debate on the nuclear nonproliferation treaty (NPT), William Walker (2007) views the NPT as a "child of a grand enlightenment project," which created an international order of cooperation & commitment among states. He contends that the Bush administration has devised a counter-enlightenment strategy that has led to the normative decline of the nuclear order, leading to accusations & recriminations. This paper attempts to cool the debate. It considers the question of whether the number of nuclear states would instantly & dramatically increase if the NPT collapsed. It then discusses the relationship between nuclear disarmament & the NPT. The conclusion highlights some rarely considered aspects favoring the NPT & notes that the world might not miss the treaty until it is gone. Adapted from the source document.




Canadian Institute of International Affairs, Toronto Canada

ISSN: 0020-7020

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