
Architecture without Blueprints: Opportunities and Challenges for the New Prime Minister in International Development Policy

In: International journal / Canadian Institute of International Affairs, Band 58, Heft 4, S. 667-698

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Examines Canada's international development policy in the post-Cold War, post-September 11 (2001) global context, & the obstacles & possibilities that confront new Prime Minister Paul Martin. The first part discusses pivotal aspects of the present global context in which development must occur in the coming years. The second part explicates the major roadblocks & potentialities that leaders, including Martin, must address as they consider the reformulation of development policy. The last section outlines an agenda for Prime Minister Martin in the current global context that utilizes Canada's primary strengths & draws on precedents set in the UK & Sweden, where successes & failures in development policy should be instructive for Canadian policymakers. 2 Tables.

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