Aufsatz(elektronisch)September 2013

The "Orange revolution" and the "sacred" birth of a civic-republican Ukrainian nation

In: Nationalities papers: the journal of nationalism and ethnicity, Band 41, Heft 5, S. 730-743

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


The article analyzes the "sacred" dimension of the Ukrainian "Orange revolution", its festive or carnivalesque quality, and properties of a communal ritual. The author argues that Ukrainian citizens who protested against the stolen elections in Kyiv found themselves in the liminoid situation of temporary egalitarian utopianism. This situation resulted in the emergence ofcommunitas, and engendered a powerful feeling of the birth of a civic-republican Ukrainian nation. The festive nature of the "Orange revolution", sanctioned by the overwhelming confidence in fighting for the rightful democratic cause, reinforced the impression of renewing the society along Western liberal democratic patterns.




Cambridge University Press (CUP)

ISSN: 1465-3923



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