
Social Revolution and Sexual Revolution

In: Monthly review: an independent socialist magazine, Band 25, Heft 4, S. 37-52

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K. Marx claimed that from the quality of the sexual relationship one can judge man's whole level of development, the extent to which natural behavior has become human. The task of investigating sexual alienation under capitalism was undertaken by Wilheim Reich in Austria & Germany while he was a Marxist during the 1920's & early 1930's. Reich became convinced that the problems treated by psychoanalysis are, at their roots, social problems demanding a social cure. He sought to integrate basic psychoanalytic findings with Marxist theory in order to further the progress of the social revolution that is a necessary but not sufficient condition for the sexual revolution. Although Reich apparently did not have the opportunity to read much of Marx's theory of alienation, his discussions of the split between physical & spiritual love, the repression & manipulation of sexuality, & its objectification, fetishization, & commercialization fit neatly into that framework. Reich was thereby able to emphasize the toll of sexual repression on the Wc's ability to recongnize its interests & become class-conscious. He described the neuroses associated with orgasmic impotence & the submissiveness & irrationality later termed the authoritarian personality. For Reich, the most serious consequence of sexual repression is its paralysis of rebellious tendencies & its inhibition of curiosity & critical thinking; hence its main social function is to help secure the existing social order. Under the control of the ruling class & its agents in the family, church, & school, a sexually repressed character structure that provides internal psychological support for external oppressive practices & institutions is developed & manipulated. Reich's political strategy aimed at weakening its grip on adults & obstructing its formation in the young by encouraging self-assertiveness & sexual gratification rather than restraint & repression. The revolutionary potential of Reich's teachings is greater than ever now that sexual liberty is widespread concern. A. Karmen.

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