
"Demoikratie"? Konsistenzangste im deutschen Staatsrecht

In: Leviathan: Berliner Zeitschrift für Sozialwissenschaft, Band 31, Heft 3, S. 345-361

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


As the center of democratic political power, the "State" has so far played a central role in legitimating this power. The current changes of the (nation-)state demand that such legitimation should be newly constructed. Many diverging propositions have been made to this end. The article sets out to find an explanation for such divergence. It begins with a juxtaposition of the "typical" reactions to the problem of legitimation on the part of political science & that of the German Staatsrechtslehre (science of the law of the state). And it subsequently addresses the question of what makes the reactions of "political science" unacceptable to the Staatsrechtslehre.. Adapted from the source document.

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