
Balance de la politica exterior de Mexico en el sexenio de Felipe Calderon bajo los tres niveles de analisis: limites y alcances

In: Foro internacional: revista trimestral, Band 53, Heft 3-4

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


At the outset of his term of office, Calderon's foreign policy maintained a low profile due to the domestic political and social situation, the international crisis and the president's personal concerns. Once interior and exterior conditions improved, the administration was able to drive forward a more dynamic foreign policy. This paper analyzes the foreign policy project set out by Felipe Calderon, reviews Mexico's international relations during the first part of the administration using systemic, state and individual levels of analysis, and examines the state of affairs at the close of the term in office. Adapted from the source document.


Spanisch, Kastilisch


El Colegio de Mexico, Mexico, D.F.

ISSN: 0185-013X

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