
Policy Considerations for Construction of Wind Farms and Biofuel Plant Facilities: A Guide for Local Agencies

In: State and local government review: a journal of research and viewpoints on state and local government issues, Band 44, Heft 2

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The construction of energy facilities, particularly wind farms and biofuel plants, can be of great benefit to local communities. They can generate jobs and provide considerable revenue to local land owners, while at the same time they can contribute to the sustainability of the community's (and the nation's) energy resources. In the US, local communities are beginning to develop both types of sustainable energy sources in an attempt to realize these benefits. However, wind farms and biofuel plants may also have adverse impacts on the existing infrastructure, the environment, the aesthetics, and the safety of neighboring residents in the communities. While a few communities have completed the process of constructing wind farms and biofuel plants, many more are expected to follow. However, there is currently limited comprehensive information on the appropriate policy considerations for local agencies. To that end, the objective of this paper is to provide local agencies with specific financial, community, site, environmental, safety, and infrastructure considerations and concerns, in order to make informed community decisions about the construction and location of these types of sustainable energy facilities. Adapted from the source document.




Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks CA

ISSN: 0160-323X

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