
The Influence of Legislatures and Appellate Courts over the Policy Implementation Process

In: Policy studies journal: an international journal of public policy, Band 8, Heft 4, S. 560-574

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Although legislatures enact policies, their implementation is generally in the hands of administrative agencies. Thus, it is important to identify the mechanisms of control that exist & to understand their significance in enhancing the effectiveness of the implementation process. The positions of legislatures & appellate courts are examined in general terms & their relative capacities to make use of particular mechanisms of influence over the behavior of policy implementors are compared. Mechanisms examined include the capacities to base a policy on valid theory, issue clear directives to implementors, choose implementors, specify the form of the implementation process, allocate resources, & inflict sanctions. Both courts & legislatures have limited capacities to influence implementation, but legislatures are favored, even though they make limited use of their powers of control. Modified HA.

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