Temporary Migration in Shanghai and Beijing
In: Studies in comparative international development, Band 27, Heft 2, S. 39-56
Temporary migration can play a major role in the labor markets of developing countries. In the People's Republic of China, eg, where permanent migration is carefully controlled, unofficial temporary migration is relatively unrestricted, & has increased dramatically since the economic reforms introduced in 1979. Data from 1984/85 surveys in Shanghai & Beijing (N = 8,716 & 3,418 temporary residents, respectively) are used to explore sociodemographic characteristics of temporary migrants in relation to their reasons for moving & the duration of their stay at destination. Many migrate in search of work, & others for noneconomic reasons associated with family reunion & retirement. The distinctive socioeconomic features of Shanghai & Beijing also influence the characteristics & motivations of temporary migrants. 3 Tables, 25 References. Adapted from the source document.
ISSN: 0039-3606
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