
Die Anfange des Nahostkonflikts, 1897-1920

In: Die Friedens-Warte: Journal of International Peace and Organization, Band 76, Heft 2-3, S. 147-178

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The Middle East conflict has been a goal conflict of international politics from its beginning. Especially during WWI, GB's conflicting double strategy was apparent. Promising the Zionists a National Home in Palestine & at the same time Arab independence was only meant to achieve various objectives: a quick-kill of the Ottoman Empire, stabilization of Russia by means of its Jewish population, & American participation in the war in Europe. But GB & France in no way were to permit the establishment of a federal Arab empire, as was envisioned by the General Syrian Congress in Damascus in 1919. The US, inspired by President Wilson's call for the right of self-determination, sent the so-called King-Crane Commission to inquire into Arab views & aspirations. GB & France, however, feared that this would give rise to an American-Syrian-Armenian Alliance, thus diminishing their strategic position & endangering GB's oil interests in the Middle East. The General Syrian National Congress was violently dispersed by the French. In addition, the right of Arab self-determination had to give way to American interests in the Middle East, partly shaped by the converging Christian & Jewish Zionist lobbying in the US. Adapted from the source document.

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