Entwicklung durch Fussball. Die erste Fussball-WM in Afrika als Chance zur Uberwindung neokolonialer Strukturen
In: Neue soziale Bewegungen: Forschungsjournal, Band 23, Heft 2, S. 23-35
Kurt Wachter describes the beginnings of soccer culture in Africa & its connections to colonial traditions. Even today (neo-colonial) dependencies can be found in soccer. The development of the African soccer clubs is obstructed by a 'leg-drain' of young African players who often end up in Europe without perspective & on the verge of illegality. On the other side, soccer has become an important means in development strategy. In spite of many objections, the upcoming soccer world championship in South Africa can be, in Wachter's eyes, a chance to overcome the neo-colonial structures of soccer. Adapted from the source document.
Lucius & Lucius, Kornwestheim Germany
ISSN: 0933-9361
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