
Du projet politique au projet syndical Le Syndicat des avocats de France (1973-1981)

In: Politix: revue des sciences sociales du politique, Heft 4, S. 97-114

Verfügbarkeit an Ihrem Standort wird überprüft


The judicial left, initiated in the early 1970s, is often a priori seen, because not analysed, as the work of young activists of the extreme left who, while beginning the mourning of their youth ideals, penetrate into the professional world. The creation of the SAF, in 1973, forces to break with this uniform point of view. This article is interested in the first two generations of the SAF: the communist founders and the lawyers of extreme left subscribing in the second half of the 1970s. Having brought to light the tensions between these generations of cause lawyers in the memberships and/or the diverse partisan orientations, the article shows how the daily coexistence in the profession and in the union in phase of establishment contributes to limit the intergenerational tensions. It puts making it relief the weight of the sociability and the professional constraints daily as the institutional politics in the dynamics of the intergenerational relations within a union. Adapted from the source document.




De Boeck Services, Louvain-La-Neuve Belgium

ISSN: 0295-2319

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