

In: Race: the journal of the Institute of Race Relations, Heft 2, S. 3-14

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The nature & direction of bias in stereotyping can be accounted for & predicted by considering the relationship between 3 variables: (1) the matrix of classes that an individual uses in his categorization of people; (2) the emotional significance to him of the classification that he uses; & (3) the nature of r between the judgment continuum & the class membership of the various individuals that are being judged. References to exp'al work on the subject are included. Distinctions are made between cultural stereotypes elicited in studies which did not use judgments applying to individual members of stereotyped groups & studies which do use such judgments. These distinctions are esp important in the case of stereotypes which are associated with high emotional involvement. It is suggested that educ'al techniques aimed at changing the latter category of stereotypes should be devised on the basis of concrete & specific dimensions of the stereotype rather than consist of global statements presenting the stereotyped groups in a generally favorable light. Modified AA.

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