Spenden fur Kinder
In: Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen: Analysen zu Demokratie und Zivilgesellschaft, Band 28, Heft 1
In Donate Shop initiative terre des hommes gifts can be purchased in distress for children. You can choose between 26 gifts from the fields of education, health, environment and nutrition. Already for four euros may be about a chicken, for eight euros a school lunches for a month to be financed, the universal primary education a child is estimated at 240 euros. Those who want to dig deeper into their pocket, can donate a tree nursery for 2,000. Anyone donating will receive a certificate; This can also be issued as a gift for others. Adapted from the source document
Lucius & Lucius
ISSN: 2192-4848, 2192-4848
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